Why would the BBC show such a lie to the British people?
The BBC have created this to indoctrinate all those gullible British sheep people who believe the lie's they are told into thinking that Christians who are willing to defend themselves are no different to Moslems who want to kill us and transform OUR Country into an Islamic State.
Do you think Christians would fight an offensive War and carry out such savagery in the 21st Century, or do you think Christians would fight a defensive Holy War against those who seek to destroy us all?
Do we not have a right to defend our human rights as citizens of planet Earth or do we roll over like the Liberal Establishment and give in to Islamic dominance and supremacy, thus removing Christianity the light unto the World from within our midst.
The Crusades throughout the ages were a response to Moslem aggression and an offensive War towards those outside of their religion, the Kuffar, as outlined by the words and example set by their false prophet.
What would happen if the BBC showed a programme depicting a Moslem beheading someone?
All hell would be unleashed upon them from the Islamic Kingdom of Great Britain and their State facilitators.
So once again Christians bear the brunt of the lies and propaganda aimed at indoctrinating the masses within Great Britain.
We dont have to watch the BBC to know who is beheading who!
A BBC drama has triggered a barrage of complaints after it showed gruesome images of a Muslim being beheaded.
Bonekickers, about a group of archeological sleuths, depicted an extremist Christian decapitating a man with a sword.
The bloody scene has prompted 100 complaints since it was broadcast on BBC1 on Tuesday evening.
Continue reading: BBC propaganda
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Dear Sir Michael Lyons
Re: The Royal Charter of the BBC, & the Treason & Felony Act, 1848
Notice Before Action.
It has been brought to my attention that the Corporation has received and is now receiving substantial amounts of funding from the European Union, in breach of Charter Provisions, and that in consequence of this very suspect arrangement the BBC is now reduced to the function of providing both broadcasting & propaganda facilities to a form of alien authority that fails to acknowledge the Supreme Authority of the British Crown.
I must advise you that all such conduct serves to breach the provisions of the Treason Act, 1351 with the further provisions of the Treason & Felony Act, 1848.
In addition, I must advise that the Treason & Felony Act of 1848 provides that it is a Criminal Offence for Subjects of the Crown to give aid or comfort to Traitors, and that this offence is punishable by imprisonment for life.
I am concerned for my own position and I must ask you to cease and desist from all treacherous conduct & financial arrangements, without delay.
Unless I receive your written assurance that the Corporation will issue an immediate public apology for all Treason committed thus far, with your further guarantee that the Corporation will cease and desist from all and any conduct that fails to maintain the Supremacy of the British Crown, then I must give fair warning of my intention to discontinue the payment of all such moneys as are now being applied to the financial support of the BBC.
I look forward to receipt of your immediate response to this present letter and I give notice that payments in support of the BBC will be suspended, unless I receive a satisfactory response within 14 days of this present date.
Yours faithfully,
John Freeman of England,Lionheart you should become a Freeman For your own protection...Details how etc on this site.
LH, I posted of few of the american founding fathers quotes on the below thread dated July 11, titled: Karachi Kids. Responding in regard to your request. Thanks for you understand and open mind towards this subject matter. Be well....Hellzbellz
I believe this is the programme in question. Unfortunately the BBC iplayer is not available to internet users outside the UK:
Unfortunately I can't seem to get the video to play, not sure if it is the connection I am using or because I'm using firefox on Linux. I'll try it again later by booting into Windows.
I had watched a bit of this last night while channel flicking (too much run of the mill to hold my attention) and while from the bit I saw it was trying to be well meaning by trying to convey the message to not let history turn you to extremism the problem is that the BBC is so infected by liberal do-gooders that they are incapable of producing anything unbiased and impartial.
They are that blinded by the ideology of cultural Marxist social engineering that they can't see what they are doing.
They did the same thing with a season dedicated to the 'White Working Class' which instead of celebrating traditional working class culture (I don't mention white as while the working class is traditionally white to me, coming from a working class background, being working class was about a way you spoke that had nothing to do with accent colour of skin or way you dressed but with the attitude that portrayed your outlook in life. if you came across a certain way, you were accepted as 'one of us'), they concentrated on the tensions of race, religion and nationality viewed from their own 'multiculturalist' viewpoint.
IMHO, BBC has been a part of British life for that long that it become part of the British psyche of what is good about being British and a source of national pride. We fondly remember this national institution for the good programmes it has made in the past and give it a trust like a good friend whom we value.
The problem is that out of misplaced loyalty and nostalgia we expect institutions like the BBC to 'do the right thing'. We watch this and accept what it is saying. We need to stop this and ask questions about what it is showing.
For reference the links:
Just did a google on this and found this from the left wing Guardian newspaper blog who should be lapping this up:
I guess the good British people are starting to wise up to their antics even those on the left!!!
join the fight back!
Dear Sir Michael Lyons
Re: The Royal Charter of the BBC, & the Treason & Felony Act, 1848
Notice Before Action.
It has been brought to my attention that the Corporation has received and is now receiving substantial amounts of funding from the European Union, in breach of Charter Provisions, and that in consequence of this very suspect arrangement the BBC is now reduced to the function of providing both broadcasting & propaganda facilities to a form of alien authority that fails to acknowledge the Supreme Authority of the British Crown.
I must advise you that all such conduct serves to breach the provisions of the Treason Act, 1351 with the further provisions of the Treason & Felony Act, 1848.
In addition, I must advise that the Treason & Felony Act of 1848 provides that it is a Criminal Offence for Subjects of the Crown to give aid or comfort to Traitors, and that this offence is punishable by imprisonment for life.
I am concerned for my own position and I must ask you to cease and desist from all treacherous conduct & financial arrangements, without delay.
Unless I receive your written assurance that the Corporation will issue an immediate public apology for all Treason committed thus far, with your further guarantee that the Corporation will cease and desist from all and any conduct that fails to maintain the Supremacy of the British Crown, then I must give fair warning of my intention to discontinue the payment of all such moneys as are now being applied to the financial support of the BBC.
I look forward to receipt of your immediate response to this present letter and I give notice that payments in support of the BBC will be suspended, unless I receive a satisfactory response within 14 days of this present date.
Yours faithfully,
John Freeman of England,Lionheart you should become a Freeman For your own protection...Details how etc on this site.
This was reported in the Lone Voice Blog in May
Let's first find out if this video is authentic.
If it is, the killers are not "extremist Christians". An extremist Christian behaves like Christ did in the gospels.
I watched enough of this fictional new soap opera, based on "archaeological" investigations.
It was a stinking pile of excrement.
I think it was concocted to deliberately associate "Templars" and and anything connected with the Crusades as the spark for radical "Christians" who may take to attacking "poor defenceless Muslims."
The storyline was pathetic.
The acting was laughable.
The purpose behind it all was PROPAGANDA.
I personally think that the authors of this Left wing crap have studied your blog Lionheart, in an effort to produce propaganda to place doubt in the minds of the general viewing public.
Luckily, it was so dreadful that it would have caused most people to turn it off within 10 minutes.
I seriously believe that you and your blog were the inspiration, Lionheart, as they featured the two "radical Christians" wearing Templar tunics, straight out of your picture library.
What a bunch of transparent wankers.
By all natural justice, allah has selected them to be among the first Liberals to be beheaded in Trafalgar Square, when it has been re-named "Bin Ladin Square," in honour of he that first inspired the jihad against the West.
Liberal tossers will be the first to find out what Islamic Sharia Law has in store for them.
Atleast we know who our enemies are anonymous 12-Jul-2008 22:53:00
The Islamic Kingdom of Great Britain and their facilitators.
They are fighting the British people together, but forget that there is more of us than there is of them and we WILL hold each of them to account, just like our ancestors did to the traitors in their generations.
'Defend the Realm' at all cost.
If the creation in their liberal minds was based on my blog then atleast it is having an effect ad scaring them into action against us.
Sad because they should be standing with us, but atleast we know who is who and what is what.
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