7 January 2008

There is an army of people behind you Bishop

Thank you for posting this video anonymous.

Innocent children and their families across Great Britain are relying on each of us to stand our ground in the face of this Islamic savagery that is being inflicted upon us, our children and our society.

Let the men and women of this generation step forward and be counted for the sake of the future!

The rest of you are as much our enemy as the Islamists and the British people have long memories as our history books show!

Be Warned!!!

The Moslem leader condemned this type of behaviour being conducted by his followers, he was not going to say publicly on British TV that he agreed with it against the dirty Kuffar now was he?

Watch the Under Cover Mosque expose, here you will hear Imam's telling their British congregations that it is permissible to have sex with prepubescent girls because Mohamed did it - Mohamed is the man they must follow.

So this is the type of savage view Moslem men have towards our innocent children.

Enough is definately Enough!!!

Extended info courtesy of Britney British

'and do not compel your slave girls to prostitution, when they desire to keep chaste, in order to seek the frail good of this world's life; and whoever compels them, then surely after their compulsion Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.'

Koran 024.033

Put simply, it's not permitted to force slave girls (war booty, non-muslims, etc) to have sex for money in order to earn yourself money. Note the word 'force' and not entice, encourage, bribe, drug into addictive need for. If, however, you DO force a girl into prostitution, do not worry because you will be forgiven.

This just shows how easy it is to manipulate the Koran to get muslims to behave in a way which best propogates or protects Islam AND to make out Islam is not an evil religion. Highly contradictory and deceiving...but most of all effective.

Terrorism on the local level is what we should fear the most. Jihad is not just about major terrorist activity. It can be just terrorising one person into submission.


Anonymous said...

"Asian" my foot! These perverts are middle-east Muslims. Does this go against the teachings of Islam? Mohammad had a 9 year old bride. Draw your own conclusions...


'It is not Islamic...not at all...not at all'

Oh yeah?

What's this then?

'and do not compel
your slave girls to prostitution, when they desire to keep chaste, in
order to seek the frail good of this world's life; and whoever compels
them, then surely after their compulsion Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.'

Koran 024.033

Put simply, it's not permitted to force slave girls (war booty, non-muslims, etc) to have sex for money in order to earn yourself money. Note the word 'force' and not entice, encourage, bribe, drug into addictive need for. If, however, you DO force a girl into prostitution, do not worry because you will be forgiven.

This just shows how easy it is to manipulate the Koran to get muslims to behave in a way which best propogates or protects Islam AND to make out Islam is not an evil religion. Highly contradictory and deceiving...but most of all effective.

Terrorism on the local level is what we should fear the most. Jihad is not just about major terrorist activity. It can be just terrorising one person into submission.


A bit of factual background info on the relationship Pakistan has with drugs and guns...



I forgot to say...

Why are we supposed to believe that the general Pakistani character portrayed in the video above suddenly disappears at passport control?

Is Hoodini standing waiting at passport control or do only 'good' muslims move to Britain?

I think it's about time our government explained this connundrum.


Considering how cheap it is to buy heroin in Pakistan (20 rupees per gram), you would have thought airport security checked all suitcases brought into the country by 'holidaying' Pakistanis.

It looks to be a pretty country but the flights must be pricey and I thought it said in the last census data that something in the region of 45% of Pakistanis were registered unemployed.

It seems to me there's a big profit to be made and, humans being humans, a big temptation to avoid.

There's no doubt drug dealing in the muslim community is raising money for the global jihad, more specifically for fighting British soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I hope government has realised this possibility and that passport control are not PC assholes only checking every tenth suitcase.


How many times have you heard a cleric say that drug addiction, prostitution, homosexuality and aids are all Western curses?

How many opium poppy fields do you know of in the West?

Welcome to Larkana, the 'best town in Pakistan'...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Britney B., like the Jihadis *need* money to beat British soldiers (pillow-biters, all),when the job that can be performed with little more than a Kipling reader, rocks and free coffee stirrers from McDonalds.

-Signed, Brits are funny, but not ha-ha funny.

Anonymous said...

Abject dhimmitude and taqiyya from the website of Britain's embassy in Washington:

"This exhibition salutes the ordinary and the extraordinary contributions made by Muslims in everyday life of the United Kingdom. They too play an integral role in medicine, law, politics and every other profession and field. They have contributed hugely to creating the wealth and prosperity which Muslims and non-Muslims alike enjoy in the UK today."


Makes you want to throw up.

Dag said...

Maybe you and the bishop can share a cell at the county prison. I don't think it at all likely the government at this point in the development of Islam in Britain would imprison such a high-profile person as he, but you are different matter. I suspect that if you go you'll find yourself in hard times with cell-mates not to your liking, given that most prisoners you're likely to encounter will be Muslim. How far are you willing to go to make a point? At what point is faith left better to another, martyrdom for the rest and the best but not for the likes of us? I'm not yet in your position. What would I do? Time will tell. I'm interested now in what you will do.

If I may, I read from others that you are considering seeking political asylum in America, and I wonder if that's a good option for those of us in this struggle when things go sour. No, the thought of sharing a cell with Muslims in a prison for seven years is not my idea of a retirement plan. Still, I wonder if it isn't better to make such plans for the future and leave to trust the outcome, not knowing as we are what can come of our right paths, hard as they must be.

Who the Hell am I to suggest you take the hard road? I sat out the fight I wish I'd gone into. I sat out the meeting with the lawyer come to serve me with papers here in Vancouver, Canada when he wanted to have me held for bogus charges. I might have spent a day in the bucket with drug-addicts but little worse than that. And I begged off. I didn't meet the challenge. To this day I am disgusted and sickened that I didn't meet the fascists full on.

Yes, I had to consider that I would have dragged my fellows to jail with me, and I gave up the struggle then and there rather than have them go in with me, they not being ready at the time to lose their livelihoods and standing in the community, and whatever else they would have lost for a dubious gain. And still I am disgusted by my own behavior even though we continue to struggle in our minor ways.

Going to jail myself is not so bad as sitting here writing about you to take the challenge while I find I didn't do so myself.

I'm not a martyrdom-seeking fool, but I feel sick when I think back to refusing the challenge presented to me. I gave in to my colleagues here who would have risked losing too much had I pursued the case for the sake of our fight. I still do what I can but I feel I am harmed deeply by my refusal to fight.

Today, not to do with my backing down but due to the nature of our enemies, Mark Steyn and Macleans Magazine face a Leftist quasi-legal tribunal with the actual power to impose fines and prohibit publication; William Simpson is banished from pubic access to government agencies and services for having upset the povertarian community through (supposedly) blogging" about them, he in fact not being the blogger at all; and now you, another in the struggle to renew our freedom, a constant battle of Humanity. The Saudi justice we come to expect from the Left is worsening daily. When-- and if -- my time comes again I will be free to accept the challenge and see then what I'm made of. I won't fail the next test.

That of course, is easy for me to type here in the confines of the aether. I wait, and in the meantime I wonder about you.

My best regards, Dag Walker,
Vancouver, Canada.

Anonymous said...

staggering, the dhimmi labour MP portrayed the muslims as victims. How is it possible to be either such a liar, or that thick?

Anonymous said...

lionheart you are being persecuted for speaking the truth. im glad i live in America where we have free speach still.

Anonymous said...

You are good to be speaking the truth about the Mohammedans but you must also speak clearly and honestly about who stands behind the Moslem and uses him as a puppet to destroy the English nation;
the creators of 'multiculturalism' and all that rubbish,
the internationalist Jews (really Khazarians)
Please wake up to the real menace and stop defending the hebrew enemies of the Christian people!

Billy Joe said...

Strange... I haven't seen any Muslim pedophiles in my travels around Asia. I haven't really even seen them in places where there are a lot of SE Asian Muslims.

Yet I see western ones all the time. I'm even aware of Christian ones.

Why is that?


Billy Joe,

You might not have seen them but that does not mean they do not exist. Madrasses are claimed to be hotbeds of pedophilia.

Do some research into Islamic pedestry.

Also ask yourself why Allah promised an orgy with jewellery clad boys of eternal youth in paradise.

Anonymous said...

Wow! The British MSM really have woken up and are beginning to reflect the national mood

Here are five newspaper excerpts from today's Islamophobia Watch in addition to yesterday's Hard-hitting Daily Express article:

Daily Mail


Daily Telegraph 1

Daily Telegraph 2

Sunday Telegraph

The $64000 question is how do we turn this tide of revulsion against the Death-cult into poliitical action? Is it too late? These parasites have wormed their way into every aspect of national life and are producing poisons which are killing the Body Politic.

And they are still entering at the rate of several hundred every day and swarming and breeding like maggots when they get here. Meanwhile the political parties dare not admit that there is a problem - partly because they are chasing the 'Muslim Vote' - and partly because to stop the influx would be to acknoledge that Muslims are bad for the country (to put it mildly), and thus admit that they have allowed a major national disaster to occur on their watch.

The first rule of finding yourself in a hole is to stop digging. But the mainstream parties won't even do that.

Four actions are needed to save Britain.

(1) Immediate end to Muslim immigration
(2) Immediate deportation of all illegals.
(3) Removal of children from Muslim parents where abuse is possible (physical abuse such as FGM and mental abuse such as hate-cult indocrination)
(4) Internment of all illegals or potential terrorists who can't be deported.

To our American cousins I would say it isn't too late for you, but give it another five years and you'll be in the same state as Britain. You must stop importing terrorists now!

Anonymous said...

Is this another SJS attack?

"A man has appeared in court in connection with an incident in Peterborough city centre.

Mohammed Redha Zouaoui (34), of Cromwell Road, Millfield, appeared at Peterborough Magistrates’ Court yesterday, charged with three counts of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and one charge of dangerous driving.

The Algerian national, who spoke only to confirm his name and address, is accused of driving through a barrier on Saturday afternoon and crashing into a crowd of people in Long Causeway.

Two people were injured in the collision, while a third was allegedly stabbed by the driver of the car who got out to confront the crowd of shoppers."

Hat tip Green Arrow

Anonymous said...

naji, when it turns out that your life is a worthless piece of sh.. then you can redeem your self by murdering the feelthy English Kufar.

Anonymous said...

One day will come ...

This day they will say: PEALSE DON'T KILL ME AND MY FAMILY now will don't folow the NAZIlms ideology anymore.

One day will come ...

Many people, men, women and children will ask to leave the european countrys and ask to go to muslim country to save their muslim live.

One day will come ...

Our european country will be free from all green pest and from all NAZLIMS who hate our culturs and christian traditions.

EUROPEAN CITIZEN WAKE UP ! This day is coming, the NAZLIMS started there own explusion process.

Observe... Think ... and WAIT ...

The day is coming ...

Anonymous said...

"truenglish"??? You and your ilk are the 'true'Menace to England.
Lucky for the True English (e.g. Lionheart) your type of bigotted, small-minded, Blame-the-Jews-for-Everything retards are a small & increasingly despised minority.

So you want everyone to believe that "Jews" stand behind the Moslems & are using them to destroy the English nation???

So how come the Moslems are killing Jews whenever and wherever they can? The journalist Daniel Pearl beheaded in Pakistan, Nick Berg in Iraq, Jewish children, including a baby, shot through the head together with their pregnant mother in Israel? And hundreds of thousands of other such crimes against the Jewish people?

I guess that the entire loyal Jewish community in England are to blame for the Moslems hating & killing Christians, Jews, Hindus, etc. here and all over the planet. What a moron you are.

My father fought in the British Army throughout WW2, and along comes scum like you and befouls his sacrifice and decency.

Even the BBC had to admit that the Jewish refugees from Nazi Europe has been the very best of all immigrant groups EVER to come to England. They gave (& continue to give) their best for England in spite of types like you who shame their British heritage.

If there are some Leftwing dolts among the nearly 300,000 British Jews who mistakenly thought the Moslem immigrants should be treated well & equally when they started pouring into Britain, & innocently worked for that human ideal, most of them have been very much disabused by their activism.

But what about the many more non-Jewish Britons who did the same out of the same innocent, decent motives & now perhaps also feel regret? Are they also enemies of the British Christian people?

What about ex-Labor(now "Respect") MP George Gallowsaway and London Mayor Ken Livingston who grovel at the feet of the Moslems doing their will, spout hate & incitement against Israel AND British Jews AND probably against Christians too. Are they OK by you?

Please wake up to the real menace and then perhaps you'll stop attacking, demonizing and inciting against the Jews and start behaving decently and sensibly by recognizing that the enemy is the Islamist who needs no 'help' from anyone (& certainly not from the despised Jews) to try bringing about the destruction of the Western world's ideals, beliefs and civilization (based on Judeo-Christianity).

Oh, by the way, only the Khazar Royal Family and some aristocratic families converted to Judaism in the early middle ages. The ordinary people remained pagans, and after the dissolution of the Khazar kingdom, the entire Khazar nation converted to Islam and disappeared into that culture.

I bet you are descended from one of them....!

Anonymous Lady

Anonymous said...

P.S. trueenglish.

Forgot to ask you what about another English former-Christian, now anti-Jewish Moslem fanatic, the unholy journalist Yvonne Ridley (who became a Moslem after being kidnapped by the Taliban).

I guess she isn't supporting her Moslem friends' plans to destroy English Christians ---- and Jews, like Gallowsaway & Livingstone and perhaps Bonny (ugh) Prince Charlie Ibn-Windsore?

Anonymous Lady

Anonymous said...

I am an American and am delighted to see (some) of our English (UK) brethren stand up for the culture which mother Britain (in spite of our past differences) has helped to propagate. As a student of history, I (as many Americans) respect the Union Jack and her accomplishments in propagating and defending western culture. Unfortunately, your Kingdoms policies (as portrayed by the American media) and views toward its “radical” Islamic subjects come across as being spineless and cowardly. It is hard for many us to fathom that the once great British Empire would tolerate such blatantly tyrant subjects who openly subjugate and demean the very principles upon which Great Britain was founded upon (namely Juedeo/Christian morals and values). Please tell us (Americans) that our (once) strong and proud British Brothers and Sisters (who believe in and will defend the Crown) are appalled at the actions and motives of these tyrants. I hope that the good subjects of Great Britain are willing to do whatever is necessary to preserve what many of us believe to be one of humanity’s most eloquent and civilized cultures in the history of mankind. In light of the facts displayed at this website (as well as many others) it is my personal belief that Britain’s “finest hour” may yet be to come. May God save the Queen.