The shooting and bombing in Norway can only be described as an act of pure evil ! not many would say any thing in defence of the terror brought to streets of the capital Oslo killing eight people and injuring 209 and the killing 69 people and wounding 33 others at an island youth camp run by the ruling Labour Party
The leftwing political press as normal are looking to blame someone? Their target in the British press has been Paul Ray, who has been blamed for his blog as the person who inspired Anders Behring Breivik this is untrue , Paul who I know personally has no links other than the use of some British historical words like lionheart http://lionheartuk.blogspot.
Paul’s words about Crusaders was in fact part of British and European history taught in most English schools, so it shows how small minded the media are to follow a blog of a owner whose main mission from the start before he was attacked by the international media was in fact Islamic terrorism based in his home town Luton UK.
But the Government of Norway has double standards, not known to many readers in the UK and the west After the failed South African peace talks were set up between the Sri Lankan government and the LTTE a banned terrorist group in most western countries ,like Al-qaida is today still operates in the UK and other European countries , The peace talks went from South Africa before they started to Norway at the request of the LTTE.
Norway’s role in the talks was disgusting they took the side of the terrorists the LTTE with gifts being given by the Tamil Tigers to the Norwegian government team, By Velupillai Pirapaharan (the Bin Laden of Sri Lanka) giving gold medals and other bribes to the Norway government team while the Tamil people were starving.
While on video just down the road Velupillai Pirapaharan was executing Tamils with their hands tied behind their backs with a massive hand made pistol while his victims were tied to wooden stakes, all filmed on video tapes released to the tamil community in Europe to raise funds.(copies of the videos were given to the Sri Lankan high commission in London by me.)
During the whole peace talks Norway accused Sri Lanka of war crimes using their links to human rights organisations in the west and the media.If you have ever been to the beautiful island of Sri Lanka you will see it needed good military intelligence and the right leader to stop the killing of not a 100 or so people which the western media called Norway’s 9/11 ,but in fact thousands (100000 at least) Norway messed Sri Lanka about so much that when the new government came into power it had no choice but to bring an end to the war no right minded person wanted, and the present government leader defended its people (which includes Tamils) and smashed the Tigers to bits.
Norway and other western governments complained as normal with the British media going one step above all international media with channel 4’s documentary claiming war crimes on Velupillai Pirapaharan’s son being shot at close range. If the programme knew anything about the terrorist organisation and other members of the one day research a story press teams in the UK , they would know that the Tamil Tigers are infamous for a suicide capsual hung around their necks incase they are caught they can commit suicide. Velupillai Pirapaharan’s son like the one who went to university in northern ireland under the protect of the IRA, had body guards who would kill the child to stop him falling into the hands of the Sri Lankan troops. It just shows how low the advisers of channel 4’s documentary are to use a few photo’s without knowing even how Velupillai Pirapaharan’s security teams worked.
It is called brain washing the western public to keep a few leftie experts at human rights organisations in a job and the funds flowing in. What Sri Lanka needs is for people to help rebuild the country after years of civil war, not western media and political leaders who are a wash of terrorist organisations in their own country undermining a true great president Mahinda Rajapakse . Don’t be brainwashed by Norway and other western governments who have never met the Tamil Tigers and heard and watched how they tricked the poor Tamil people into giving money for protection like Al-qaida do today ,stealing Red Cross emergency food aid,demanding money for even postal letters from europe and America and Canada. Killing Tamil political party members who did not agree with them .
But most of all Norway like the NIBS (national intelligence bureau of Sri Lanka) knew the LTTE had no wish for peace, but Norway like the UK and many other western countries thinks in their wisdom that having all the worlds banned terrorist organisations based in their countries as refugees status and its leadership and political wings meeting with western political leaders that it will be an unofficial peace treaty between the western government and terrorists ,in hope they will not turn on them? Look what happen in New York 9/11 the lead hijacker was at one time based in Germany, with a email account with a British web site based in America called http://azzam.com/
Norway I feel sorry for you ,but don’t insult people who are poor trying to rebuild their country they are a proud nation with many people in their security services, that go into terrorist organisations in person risking their lives not sat at a computer looking for terrorists links , a very British taught service looking at how proud they are in the senior officers mess in Buller Road ,which has photos of every head of the police and Army dating back to the days British ruled Sri Lanka. Sat in there you have to hold a high rank yourself or be part of a secret war the public media and political leaders never see until you retire, but even the last head of state who lost her eye in a suicide attack knows of me as most of her army intelligence from London came from me.
And when I started working for India a few years back they said the same over Kashmir the funds were coming from America’s new partner Pakistan and the west where the Military attache’ told me inside the Indian high commission London with the retired Deputy head of the Indian army that ‘’Bin Laden was in Pakistan’’, it was no point in telling the British police or FBI as they just don’t listen like they never over Abu Hamza . So Bin Laden lived for a few years more! Free next to the Pakistani army, I thought the British might wonder why I opened a website called Pakistan-army-isi-.com ? But they still did not click. Maybe the Brigadier and the General passed on the info to America in the end I will never know and don’t care as the reward for justice never paid a penny to me or neil doyle Terror-Base-UK over Abu Hamza, so why give free info to the Fed’s who government and media insult Sri Lanka a poor country who has won peace for all its people. As a British Tamil I would love to help rebuild this commonwealth country, and say what ever I did for the Sri Lankan military and Diplomats I can live with and would shake the hands of any ex- LTTE wanting peace for the Tamil people and the whole of the nation.
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