Another Holocaust - Not in my life time!
It sickens me though when Jewish people who lead me to believe they are on my side and want to help me, then defame me because of the ramblings of a madman, even though I shared some of my most closely gaurded secrets with them - It shows the very real and serious damage that twisted people are causing to the fight against Jihad.
(I was going to link to the article to show you but it seems that the article no longer exists on the persons weblog, I have asked for an apology and it has been refused)
It does not matter what people want to call me, or peoples opinions about my writings, all that matters is whether what I am saying is true because if it is then there is a very real, serious and dangerous problem in relation to the local Islamic community of Luton and the global Jihad around the World dont you think?
The 7/7 bombers spent time in Luton before departing that morning in 2005 from Luton train station, the biggest security operation in British history centred on Luton with the bomb maker of the plot and the Emir both being Pakistani Moslems from Luton. Heroin from the poppy fields of Afghanistan is being pumped into my community on a daily basis killing my friends and destroying others - These are just some of the facts in Luton
Osama Bin Ladens decleration of War is the fact to base the global Jihad on.
Now a bit more proof for those in American who chose to treat me like a bit of dirt for their own self preservation about what I am standing up against on my own on the street back home.
Info courtesy of Hats off:
The Headline of the Luton "Herald and Post" (not yet online)
31/01/08 are as follows, "HOLOCAUST HARANGUE"
after attending a Holocaust Remembrance service at the Luton Town Hall, the attendees, Jewish, Christian, Hindu and Sikhs, were subjected to a torrent of racial abuse by a gang of about 15 young men with megaphones who were of "Asian appearance."
Singled out were the Jews and one particular family described being scared and called "whores" and were harangued about Israel and Palestine.
The police did not arrest these men but merely "moved them on."
So you L.H. are to be arrested for telling the facts with regard to these attacks on the various faiths and British Citizens, but a racist mob of hate mongers walk free.
Mr. Kramer said his family came to Britain after fleeing Germany during the Second World War.
"Obviously they were just a small group of extremists. But they can't just call people names in the street."
Unfortunately this is not true as the police are both scared to and under political orders not to arrest these hate-mongers, from the new Reichmasters of the Facist Left.
So you comments are vindicated once more by the facts.
The Luton online story here: Jewish Family targetted
The politically correct local papers though, the ones that usually do a black out of the facts when it comes to the Moslem community through fear of the repercussions and intimidation have had to state that it was a 'small minority' for the sake of community cohesion, 12 - 15 is not a small minority intimidating, scaring and shouting abuse towards a 7 year old girl and her family with a mega-phone, causing a civil disturbance in the contre of town.
What did Luton police do about this breach of the peace, intimidation and racial hatred toward this innocent little child which will probably leave her scared for life and her family? NOTHING.
British justice for British people!
You tell me if those 12 - 15 Moslem men were a minority or a voice for the majority?
Please read my personal stance on this issue then seriously wonder about why people are calling me a neo-Nazi, facsist, do they and you not want me on your side? In honour of the past
People can call me what they like but that is not going to stop me from doing what is right with my life and preventing the Islamification of my community. Stopping the systematic murder and repression of my friends is what is right, its just good to have friends and allies to work with in that battle.
Who needs enemies when you have twisted friends like those in America, that is not all Americans might I add because I do have some good friends now and each of you know who you are, but that is those who are out there damaging and destroying some good people and the good work they are doing against the Jihad being enforced upon our civilization - When are people going to wake up and publicly stop this twisted maniac.
All I see is, individuals who once were good people being caught up in all of this twisted daily drama and endorsing it for thier public because of the false power being exerted over the internet, which is completely at the detriment to good, noble and honourable people.
You go and read some of the vile hatred, abuse and downright lies for yourself and then I put the question back to you; how can you endorse this? What does that say about you and your position in relation to others when you andores this vile putred downright gutter filth?
You want to swim in the gutter with these people then go right ahead.
No one condones neo-Nazism, fascism or white supremacy, and neither do people condone vile hatred, abuse, character assasinations and blatant lies.
I look forward to hearing what the real voices fromthe real leaders of this generation's anti-Jihad movement who are fighint to awaken the masses have to say about this twisted maniacs vile actions, or are they all - See no Evil - Hear no Evil - Speak no Evil?
I was not the first to be on the recieving end - Lets just hope that I am the last though for all of our sakes.
Some more proof about Luton for those doubters.
Community cohesion: Extremism free to reign in Luton
Luton: Heroin base camp
Jihad: On the dole in Luton
Abu Hamza: Preaching terror in Luton
This isnt a game and it isnt a joke - When are people going to wake up and realise that?
And I am being arrested as a concerned citizen for speaking out about this barbarity upon the streets where I live - Removing the one last real line of defence, but people that know me know that I will not go down without a fight and who is to say I am going to lose - "Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the World"
I could quite happily and easily dissappear into the shadows now never to been seen again!
Whose purpose does that serve?
Whose purpose does it serve me helping the police and me speaking out through my blog?
It doesnt serve my purpose because now all I have recieved for my efforts is a death threat by Pakistani Moslems, an arrest warrant from British detectives and some twisted American nutcases spreading lies and defaming me across the internet, with who I once believed were respectable people endorsing this twisted lunacy - Welcome to America aye!
p.s If there is anyone reading this from Luton could you send me over a scanned copy of the article - Thank you very much.
Support: Glen Jenvey - The man who helped ensnare some of the worst Islamic preachers of hate to have every walked the streets of Great Britain.
I want to be the first to come to your aid and make it clear to anyone who read's this post . I have known Lionheart for sometime and confirm that he is not a racist. Being a British Asian who brought down Abu Hamza and supplied the video tapes being used next week against Abu Izzadeen in my fight against real hate by Islamic radicals based here in the west I think i know what real racists look like and sound like.
I can confirm I support all my friends in times of need , when they are being attacked by dark forces who don't know you as the person you are. A person concerned with Radical Islam's hate directed at the west. If these attack's on Lionheart keep happening one can only wonder what the racist political views those who point fingers are keeping themselves.
As a Brown skinned British Asian I can confirm Lionheart respect's all faith's and political beliefs but like me has woke up to Radical Islam's hate towards non muslims. The sooner political leaders of both sides of the fence in America wake up with their hard line supporters and look at the truth instead of attacking someone who is reporting on the modern evils that face by Radical Islam the better.
It make's me wonder if called by the FBI in the Abu Hamza case in New York soon as a witness, if i want to take part in a trail as a witness for a nation who attack's free speech or British style of reporting. May-be American's attacking Lionheart should look at the warnings sent before Sept 11th to political leaders but ignored whch will be reported on in my new book war of the web by Jeremy Reynalds and keep having American publishers pulling out of deal's as the book show's twenty top American political leaders some trying for the Whitehouse in coming elections ignored warnings of al-qaeda attack's on America before sept 11th.
Support: Anon Lady
Who are these Americans (unfortunately, mostly Jewish it seems) who compare Lionheart to the KKK or neo-Nazis? How dare they!
I think I know what got their back up, but as the subject has been explained lucidly to them scores of times, both by Lionheart and by messages on this board, why do they insist on not grasping the matter?
In my, Jewish, opinion, they are behaving like donkeys,i.e. stubbornly,by not being able to learn something new - something about the situation in England where today it is those who follow the Far, Far Left(now almost the majority of the Labour Party)who are more akin to 'neo-nazism' than the ordinary British man in the street,including Jews, who are being betrayed at every turn by Labour and, indeed,by the 2 other establishment parties. And, more disturbingly, by many 'Christian' leaders.
Sometimes Brits (including Jews) just don't know who to turn to anymore like when they see the Mayor of London, a Radical Left- wing Labourite, allying himself with the most radical Islamic Jihadists (the real racists and 'neo-nazis today in Britarabia)against his own people?
Where can they turn when their police force no longer protects & defends them, indeed often quite the opposite, preferring to appease, coddle and even DEFEND and PROTECT, the worst types of Islamic "ordinary" criminals and violent religious fanatics like the ones described above.
These elements are so arrogantly sure of themselves (and it seems they know very well why!)that they
make no attempt to hide the fact that they wish to emulate the Nazis on how to deal with the despised
'infidels' (Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Agnostics....etc). Hitler is the the Arab/Moslem world's most admired leader & his satanic'Mein Kampf' has been a bestseller there for generations, almost as widely read as the Koran.
Tell me, you Hachamim US Jews who don't understand who Lionheart & those many other Brits like him are and what they are going through. Instead of helping him through this traumatic period, why are you picking on an issue you know next to nothing about and continuing to bash him with it.
I say to you now Chevrei, stop it, & wisen up.
You are not God Almighty. You also sometimes do or say things that we Brits and Israelis think are murky & strange.
But when you explain them to us and we see that there is a good reason behind what we hadn't had an inkling about before, we stop, take a deep breath, open out hearts, ask forgiveness for our ignorance, our outbursts & begin to learn, understand and take you to our hearts again.
If we can do it, so can you if you just use your braincells as they should be used - properly and intelligently.
Remember colleagues on the other side of the ocean, we are facing a common, very powerful, very ruthless, very unforgiving & very aggressive, arrogant foe. If we don't Stand Together, we will Fall Together, or as the common adage goes "United we Stand, Divided we Fall".[Abraham Lincoln OR Benjamin Franklin - there seems to be some disagreement on who..].
All that i keep reading from blogs when your name comes up is that you are a neo nazi, a "jew" hater and a racist.
I thought that this would come from the left but it's coming from conservatives and the anti-jihadists.
This is just so depressing.
Paul, be careful with all law enforcement in the US.
You need to get your self a 1st amendment attorney in the US and have them help you. The UK authorities could be working with US authorities to have you arrested on trumped up charges.
There's too much negative press out there and it's against your cause and case.
It seems that "they" are not reading your posts about being pro Jewish etc, somehow "they" believe you are a neo nazi extremist.
This is worrying. I have read crap lining you with KKK and I believe that this could be a reason to have you arrested in the USA.
Please, contact Michael Savage, your attorney in England and get yourself a 1st amendment attorney.
You've done nothing wrong but told the truth.
This is all because of the poisoned well that has been endorsed by some big players for people to continue drinking from.
What does this say to everyone?
It is time for them to stand up and help if they are true to the cause rather than their bank balance - Time will tell.
Dont worry about me Willow, God is on my side, the Lord God of Israel
Would a neo-Nazi say that? of course not which shows that the source of the well is poisoned.
Watch this space.
Romans 8:30 “Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.”
Count me in as standing with Israel and the Jewish people!
"I will bless those who bless thee and curse those who curse thee" Genesis 12.3
i am also standing with Lionheart.
If you haven't already, please join
those of us who have donated financially to help him in his time of need. Put yourself in his shoes!
Even a number of small donations can add up quickly to help this Brother. God bless you as you give.
forrest shalom an American Christian
Thank you Shalom - God bless you brother.
Well as per normal if you want to defame someone, twist the truth about them. This is what has happened to lots of people down the years. So as Lionheart knows he is not the first & nor will he be the last one to suffer this kind of abuse. The shame of this is that rather than check things out for themselves to see if what is being said is the truth, people tend to take what others say ( it saves a lot of time I suppose ). The sad facts are lionheart has quite a lot of spin being spread around about him, truth, NO, lies absolutely. Being a Christian there is no way that he would have any animosity against the Jews, as forest Quoted "I will bless those who bless thee and curse those who curse thee" Genesis 12.3
Any Christan blesses the Jews, they stand in defense of the Jews & any Jew with any sense knows that fact, but again people tend to believe what others say rather than check the facts for themselves. I admire lionheart, for the stance he is taking, for his bravery, for standing for what is right & the truth. God Bless you for that sir, stand firm, stand strong. The Lord stands with you & will give you strength.
We in the UK need to start to voice what we believe, we need to tell those who stand for us in Government what we ant them to start doing where this situation is concerned. They need to hear the voice of the people, those who they are meant to be standing for. The evil that is islam needs to be stopped & stopped quickly. I believe that if things are not done to stop this evil, then at some time there will be riots in our streets. I do not want to think that this will happen, but I am sorry to say that I believe it will. Those in power need to get real now, get there heads out of the pig troff's they have been in for so long & start to do the job they where meant to do in the first place. For that to happen as many people as possible need to contact there MP's & tell them enough is enough, stop this evil that is islam NOW.
Lionheart stay strong & trust in the Lord, he is with you & always will be.
Thank you truth seeker, God bless you.
I want to be the first to come to your aid and make it clear to anyone who read's this post .I have known Lionheart for sometime and confirm that he is not a racist. Being a British Asian who brought down Abu Hamza and supplied the video tapes being used next week against Abu Izzadeen in my fight against real hate by Islamic radicals based here in the west.
I think i know what real racists look like and sound like. i can confirm i support all my friends in times of need ,when they are being attacked by dark forces who don't know you as the person you are. A person concerned with Radical Islam's hate directed at the west.If these attack's on Lionheart keep happening one can only wonder what the racist political views those who point fingers are keeping them self's.
As a Brown skinned British Asian i can confirm Lionheart respect's all faith's and political believes but like me has woke up to Radical Islam's hate towards non muslims.the sooner political leaders of both sides of the fence in America wake up with their hard line supporters and look at the truth instead of attacking someone who is reporting on the modern evils that face by Radical Islam the better.
It make's me wonder if called by the FBI in the Abu Hamza case in New York Soon as a witness, if i want to take part in a trail as a witness for a nation who attack's free speech or British style of reporting.May-be American's attacking Lionheart should look at the warnings sent before Sept 11th to political leaders but ignored.whch will be reported on in my new book war of the web by jeremy reynalds and keep having American publishers pulling out of deal's as the book show's twenty top American political leaders some trying for the Whitehouse in coming elections ignored warnings of al-qaeda attack's on America before sept 11th.
Glen Jenvey
Who are these Americans (unfortunately, mostly Jewish it seems) who compare Lionheart to the KKK or neo-Nazis? How dare they!
I think I know what got their back up, but as the subject has been explained lucidly to them scores of times, both by Lionheart and by
messages on this board, why do they insist on not grasping the matter?
In my, Jewish, opinion, they are
behaving like donkeys,i.e.
stubbornly,by not being able to learn something new - something about the situation in England where today it is those who follow the Far, Far Left(now almost the majority of the Labour Party)who
are more akin to 'neo-nazism' than the ordinary British man in the street,including Jews, who are being betrayed at every turn by Labour and, indeed,by the 2 other establishment parties. And, more
disturbingly, by many 'Christian' leaders.
Sometimes Brits (including Jews)
just don't know who to turn to anymore like when they see the Mayor of London, a Radical Left-
wing Labourite, allying himself with the most radical Islamic Jihadists (the real racists and
'neo-nazis today in Britarabia)against his own people?
Where can they turn when their police force no longer protects & defends them, indeed often quite the opposite, preferring to appease, coddle and even DEFEND and PROTECT, the worst types of Islamic "ordinary" criminals and
violent religious fanatics like the ones described above.
These elements are so arrogantly sure of themselves (and it seems they know very well why!)that they
make no attempt to hide the fact that they wish to emulate the Nazis
on how to deal with the despised
'infidels' (Jews, Christians,
Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists, Agnostics....etc). Hitler is the the Arab/Moslem world's most
admired leader & his satanic'Mein
Kampf' has been a bestseller there
for generations, almost as widely read as the Koran.
Tell me, you Hachamim US Jews who don't understand who Lionheart &
those many other Brits like him are and what they are going through. Instead of helping him through this traumatic period, why are you picking on an issue you know next to nothing about and continuing to bash him with it.
I say to you now Chevrei, stop it, & wisen up.
You are not God Almighty. You also sometimes do or say things that we Brits and Israelis think are murky & strange.
But when you explain them to us and we see that there is a good reason behind what we hadn't had an inkling about before, we stop, take a deep breath, open out
hearts, ask forgiveness for our
ignorance, our outbursts & begin
to learn, understand and take you to our hearts again.
If we can do it, so can you if you just use your braincells as they should be used - properly and intelligently.
Remember colleagues on the other side of the ocean, we are facing a common, very powerful, very ruthless, very unforgiving & very aggressive, arrogant foe. If we don't Stand Together, we will Fall Together, or as the common adage goes "United we Stand, Divided we Fall".[Abraham Lincoln OR Benjamin Franklin - there seems to be some disagreement on who..].
Menachem Begin had a word for it:
"When your neighbour says he will kill you, you'd better believe him."
Winston Churchill (on how Hitler came to power): "The malice of the wicked was REINFORCED by the WEAKNESS of the virtuous."
Winston Churchill: "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."
Albert Einstein: "The world is a dangerous place to live in - not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
Mahatma Gandhi: "First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win."
Horace (and this is mainly for you, Lionheart): "In times of stress, be BOLD and VALIANT."
Samuel Johnson: "Integrity WITHOUT knowledge is WEAK and USELESS. Knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful."
Bertrand de Jouvenal (1903-87):
"A society of sheep must, in time, beget a government of WOLVES."
And for those British leaders, especially those in politics, the police force, media, academia who
are doing the bidding of their Islamic overlords, heed these words by Abraham Lincoln:
"Congressmen who wilfully take actions during wartime that DAMAGE MORAL and undermine the military,
are SABOTEURS & should be
arrested, exiled or hanged."
Nostradamus: "Hatred can kill the hated one - and the hater as well."
George Orwell: "In a time of UNIVERSAL DECEIT, telling the TRUTH is a REVOLUTIONARY ACT."
Provergs 29:18: "Where there is
no VISION, the people perish."
Psalms 17:15: "He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the rightious, both are an abomination to the Lord."
Rabbi Moshe Cordevero(15th century)
on 'Peace Talks':"All the nations will one day come together & start
talking PEACE amongst themselves
[the UNO???]. This peace talk will have ONE underlying goal: TO DESTROY ISRAEL.And their rationale will be: because they [the Jews] established for themselves their OWN government [state!]. Although the Jews will be in TREMENDOUS DANGER at that time, they will, nevertheless, NOT be destroyed.
In fact, from that very situation, they will be SAVED...."
Anonymous Lady
yes amen lady: excellent post!
it is indeed perplexing to see th e attitude of may american jews: apparently at ease in babylon.
well, the times they are a changin' and unfortunately moslems are here in the west to persecute the jews and their christian supporters. avi lipkin of says moslems are in every canadian and american town with populations of jews ready to destroy them once war breaks out in the middle east.
but alas many jews in america are asleep and in deep denial of the danger they face!
in my home town, the holocaust museum was 'accidentally' burned down less 5 weeks after 9-11. coincidence, i don't think so. so now 6.5 years later its been rebuilt (at a different location), and i am just waiting for the day the moslems burn it down again!
american jews believe in america and are like the german jews before ww2 who could not believe what was happening.
forrest shalom
Luke 2:34 And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against.
Glen Jenvey
Thank you.
I never know if people are talking about the people of the tribe of Judah, referred to later as 'Jews' or the Jewish religion - they are different to some extent. The people of the tribe of Judah are a race, and the Jewish religion is not of a race, although some descendants of Judah may also be of the Jewish religion.
A great number of British people do not realize that they are descendants of some of the tribes of Israel; they are not the gentiles - gentiles meaning nations. The tribes of Israel are God's servant people who are to preach the gospel to the gentiles (nations).
If by stating one supports Israel and the Jewish people, you are probably talking about the people who are of the Jewish religion and who live in an area in the Middle East now referred to as the country, Israel. If stating one supports Israel and the Jewish people, one for accuracy’s sake would be stating that they support the people of the ten tribes of Israel and the tribe of Judah.
I do not support Jews (religion), but I support their right to religious freedom, as I would hope they would support my right to religious freedom. I think supporting people's right to choose is different than supporting their choices.
The people of the Jewish religion today reject Christ, and they will be punished no less by God than anyone else for their transgressions.
... and they will be punished no less by God than anyone else for their transgressions - GONADS!!!
Joanne, are you a Muzzie troll trying to divide the Judeo-Christian counter-jihadist alliance?
If there's one fact about Islam that every non-Muslim should know, it is that the Islamic system of ethics and morality is totally different from all other religions.
Despite all the talk of 'Abrahamic faiths', Islam is utterly alien to the Judeo-Christian heritage.
The moral systems of all major religions, apart from Islam, are centred on the ethic of reciprocity - the Golden Rule 'Do not do to another what would be hurtful to you'.
But there is no Golden Rule in Islam. Reciprocity only applies between 'brothers' (fellow Muslim males) and does not extend to women and non-Muslims.
Instead, the Muslim ethical system is centred on the personality of the Cult leader himself - the sadistic, psychopathic pervert and charlatan Mohammed.
Muslims revere Mohammed as uswa hasana , a model for all time.
Whatever Muhammad did is what Muslims must do. There is no better pattern for life than the example of Muhammad, al-insan al-kamil, the Best of Men, to be emulated by all Muslims.
Mohammed was a murderer, torturer, robber, warlord, mutilator, rapist, liar and pedophile.
So does this help to explain what's happening in the 'enriched' areas of Western Europe such as Luton?
that is not quite correct.
jews are the physical descendants of jacob. gentiles are everyone else. (this is by biblical definition, and the frame of reference to which i write)
a christian is anyone who has accepted Christ Jesus the Messiah regardless of ethnicity. it is a personal decision: not confered upon an infant at baptism nor by church membership.
the 'lost tribes' were never really lost: british israelism is not a fact of history neither is the mormon concept of an american israelism.
forrest shalom
please re read joanne's post again: she is definitely not trolling for islam.
definately not.
Yes forrest, the punishment of the Jews by God is justified by 'Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus'
i don't speak latin: but the bible is clear: anyone who rejects God's plan of salvation goes to hell.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
If we don't hang together in the face of the Islamic threat, then we shall most assuredly hang separately. Condemning one another to hell doesn't do much for morale.
And anyway, with faith alone as your guide, how do you know that G_d's plan of salvation doesn't require you to behead or bomb a few infidels before he will allow you into his exclusive pedo-brothel in the sky?
Fides et ratio
perhaps you are confusing condemnation with conviction?
the gospel i proclaim is from what is written in the bible and is the complete opposite of moslem or koranic theology coming from allah: alias satan the enemy of God and the bible.
anyway, lets not squabble! :)
Shalom! I agree with you that Allah is Satan, whose agent is Moloch in the OT - the demon who demands human (especially child) blood sacrifice.
the bible actually teaches that a number of arab countries will accept the Messiah and the God of israel in the future!
so grace is extended to all without exception:
oh the love that drew salvation's plan. oh the love that brought it down to man. oh the mighty gulf that God did span at Calvary!...
...there my guilty soul found liberty at Calvary!
"Joanne, are you a Muzzie troll trying to divide the Judeo-Christian counter-jihadist alliance?" by najistani
Quite amusing....really, and quite a mouthful too.
I just think it should be noted that Christians support people to have the right to believe as they may, but that they do not condone sin, but promote salvation for all....along the lines that we love the sinner, but not the sin. I am a great believer in God using our enemies against us to cause us to seek out his salvation and considering how far we have strayed from the truth, I am glad in the endtime, he will cut the time short.
"a christian is anyone who has accepted Christ Jesus the Messiah regardless of ethnicity. it is a personal decision: not confered upon an infant at baptism nor by church membership." by forrest shalom
Yes, I do agree with this, but not with your other statements to me, but so be it - neither here nor there for me.
"I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Luke 5:32
I have no desire to lead anyone down the path of damnation, but salvation.
I hope this clears things up a little.;jsessionid=R2IWWPNLLB0PFQFIQMGSFGGAVCBQWIV0?xml=/news/2008/02/02/nbishop102.xml
Death threats to the 'no-go' bishop
Big surprise......
People around the world are generally too caught up with worldly trappings to even know that they are on the list..first the saturday people then sunday people sent a chill down my spine!
Hi joanne, Shalom Aleich
The Jewish religion, which was the religion of ALL 12 Israelite tribes before the 10 disapearred and became 'non'-Jews', does not, like both the Christian and Moslem religions, deny anyone the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Jewish religion, though it may consider itself the 'Right' religion because it is the first and oldest of the 3 monotheist religions (and the one on which the 2 younger ones are based!) does not discriminate between the good people of other relgions who are deserving of heaven, and the good Jews who are deserving of heaven. Both will find themselves sitting at the feet of God and the Messiah in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Those who are wicked, who have performed evil, cruel, inhuman acts, even if they are believers, whether Jews, Christians, Moslems, Buddhists, etc. WILL not find themselves in the Kingdom of Heaven. Their 'belief' will not exonerate them however strong it is, if they have behaved evilly in the eyes of the Lord.
Just believing in Christ whilst you are burning Jewish babies alive, and then going to church on Sundays, will not be the path to Eternity & Heaven.
Same for those who though they wholeheartedly believe in Allah and Mohammed, keep all the customs faithfully, pray 5 times a day towards Mecca and visit Mecca at least once in their lifetime, etc. neverthless have hate in their hearts for others, subjugate them and worse, massacre them.
They will not get even to that strange brothel-like Islamic heaven with its daily 72 re-cycled
dark-eyed virgins, no matter what their crazed, false preachers promise them.
In fact if, for example,those 6 million Jews murdered in the Holocaust do not go to heaven because they are not Christians, but the Christians who committed those atrocities (& all the previous pogroms, massacres and inquisitions)do go to heaven because they believed in Christ, went to church etc., then I don't want to go to such a 'heaven.'
I prefer the more tolerant (and more realistic) Jewish attitude - that good people whatever religion or no religion they are, are saved, and the wicked, no matter what religion or no religion they are, are not saved.
May God Bless the Good and Punish the Wicked....Amen
Anonymous Lady
Anonymous Lady
"The Jewish religion, which was the religion of ALL 12 Israelite tribes before the 10 disapearred and became 'non'-Jews', does not, like both the Christian and Moslem religions, deny anyone the Kingdom of Heaven." by Anonymous Lady
The only people referred to in the Bible as Jews were the people from the tribe of Judah; all 12 tribes were Israelites though.
I take it you are a Jew, so I do not know what teachings you follow, per se, but I follow the teachings of the Old and New Testament of the Bible.
It is very important to acknowledge that although a person may profess to be a Christian, if their works are evil, they are not a Christian.
James 2:17,18,20 "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, thou has faith, and I have works; show me thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works. But wilt thou knew, O vain man, that faith without works is dead."
Jesus Christ is my judge.
"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." (John 14:6)
My friends enemies are my enemies.
"It make's me wonder if called by the FBI in the Abu Hamza case in New York soon as a witness, if i want to take part in a trail as a witness for a nation who attack's free speech or British style of reporting."
One of Lionheart's critics is Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs. Of late, CJ has been on some sort of Nazi witch hunt. One of the people "advising" him in this respect is Oivind Strommen, who is a firm believer in the unqualified benefits of "multiculturalism" and views anyone with misgivings as a fascist/nazi/whatever.
Believe me when I say that their position is not representative of the US counter-Jihad movement in general. There is a fair bit of misunderstanding about European realities on our side of the pond, but websites like Center for Vigilant freedom and Gates of Vienna have plenty of European contacts and are doing a fantastic job interpreting events for their US readers.
Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater...
Hello everyone this is my first blog here and I was just like to congratulate Lionheart on some truly awesome work. May God bless you mightily, strengthen you, guide you and infill you with great wisdom.
I would like to bring to your attention a channel/webpage on Youtube titled
youtube dot com /user/concernedBrit
that I set up recently, The purpose of this site is to generate support to put a stop
to the Islamification of the UK.
Please contact me if you would like to get involved. I would especially like to hear from Lionheart.
email me at
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