The Article below has been taken directly from Drakes drum's Blog and unaltered.
No words can convey the feelings of seeing this picture and it is no wonder there were 'race riots' in Bradford, it is utter contempt for the non-Muslim and most vulnerable. LH
No go areas for whites, and all non-muslims, as implied before the nation by Abu Izzadeen when he burst in on a speech by John Reid the Home Secretary, are nothing new. Before the Oldham inter-religious riots a 76 year old man was attacked by muslims."A 76-year-old man has become the latest victim of a racist attack in a town which was at the centre of controversy last week over alleged no-go areas.
Walter Chamberlain was attacked in Oldham, Greater Manchester, on Saturday by three Asian youths, who told him: "Get out of our area."
He was dragged to the ground, kicked in the face and battered with a coffee flask he had been carrying, breaking his cheekbones.Chief Superintendent Eric Hewitt, of Greater Manchester police, said: "Some arrests have already been made and our inquiries are continuing. There is no question of any parts of town becoming no-go areas." Police are treating the incident as racially motivated.
An off-duty policeman was also attacked in the town by a group of youths as he walked through a park at the weekend."
The Chief Superintendant is an idiot, I wonder if he changed his mind after talking to the police officer that was attacked or after the riots or 7/7?The national trend is towards groups of Asians attacking whites, not vice versa. The assaults usually happen at night on individual targets. The perpetrators tend to be gangs of youths, usually teenage boys, and the results can be vicious and potentially lethal. "From November 2005:-Gang guilty of 'white man' murderAsian gang members who boasted they had killed a white man have been found guilty of murder.
Christopher Yates, 30, was knocked to the ground and his head kicked like a football last November, the Old Bailey was told. He was set upon by the group who had been drinking in the car park of the University of East London in Barking.
Sajid Zulfiqar, 25, Zahid Bashir, 23, and Imran Maqsood, 21, of Ilford, east London, will be sentenced on Thursday.
The court heard that after the attack Zulfiqar shouted, in Urdu: "We have killed the white man. That will teach an Englishman to interfere in Paki business."
They were arrested after hiding in Pontefract, West Yorkshire, a week later, as they made plans to flee the country. After the verdicts, Mr Yates' family released a statement which said: "Our much-loved son, Christopher, was brutally and viciously killed with merciless ferocity. "These men have robbed us of a precious son, whose whole life lay ahead of him. Although the verdict has brought some comfort to us, it can never replace the loss of our beloved son, Christopher."Useful link:- Anti White Racism Bradford Race Riots
Take Care!Drake's Drum.
UPDATE: Dunstable - Gang of young Pakistani Moslem's attack old man
Freedom of information is our strength, feel free to use anything, we are fighting evil.wfw
I remember the Walter Chamberlain case from a few years ago. It was horrific. The mainstream media went into a frenzy to convince the public that it was 'an isolated incident' and also that it was nothing to do with race or religion. It was a whitewash of Stalinist proportions.
They tried to force/convince Walter to say on TV that it was not about race and to get him to retract his statement that the asians told him to get out of thier area. Walter refused. So, what they did was to get one of his adult children and his or her spouse (I forget if if was his daughter and husband or son and wife), anyway they got this couple WHO WERE NOT PRESENT AT THE INCIDENT AND HAD NO FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE OF IT WHAT SO EVER (bearing in mind that Walter refused to lie) - this brainwashed couple got interviewed byan asian reporter/journo and they said that it was not to do with area or race or religion. This lie was broabcast on the TV. It was so obvious that they were not even convinced of the lie whne you watched it, it was Stalinist/Orwellian.
In fact, I am going to search the internet for the footage so readers can judge for themselves. And when youj watch, think - THIS SAD POOR COUPLE WERE NOT EVEN PRESENT AT THE ASSAULT.
Isolated incident in Oldahm: google 'Gavin Hopley'.
Gavin Hopley
Kriss Donald
Ross Parker
'Racist GP drove 4x4 at pregnant woman'
Friday, October 27, 2006
A racist GP rammed her 4x4 car into a mother-to-be and wedged her against a post, a court was told yesterday.
Dr May Arnaot, 50, left six months pregnant Sarah Chambers in 'unbearable pain' on a petrol station forecourt, jurors heard.
She allegedly yelled at the terrified nursery nurse: 'You're Tony Blair's bitch, all you white people are the same – you all vote for Tony Blair.'
Ms Chambers was a passenger in her fiancé's Ford Fiesta when Arnaot, from the Middle East, drove at them in her Nissan X-Trail, causing them to swerve.
The two cars pulled over at a nearby petrol station where the nurse went over to Arnaot to ask for her insurance details.
But the 25-year-old was instead met with the racially-fuelled tirade, jurors were told.
15 year old school boy Kriss Donald was abducted from the street for being white, tortured by a gang of adult male asians and then set alight to burn to death.
The police had allowed these asiand to operate without interference, it is possible that the police could have prevented this horrific child abuse/murder.
'Powderkeg' report was ignored by the police
by Jonathan Brocklebank
Scottish Daily Mail
March 22, 2004, p. 5.
AN internal police report which warned of a rising tide of crime in Pollokshields' Asian community was shelved, by senior officers, it emerged yesterday.
The detailed report named 220 people in the area who could pose a threat to the community.
One of the names on the list was Imran Shahid.
But the 1998 dossier was sidelined by senior officers who feared being accused of racism.
The report, from an intelligence gathering exercise codenamed Operation Barber, highlighted a hard core of Asians who had become 'almost lawless' and warned the area was a powderkeg of tension.
It said: 'Unfortunately, the younger Asians have a high regard for this group and appear to be trying to emulate them.'
And it concluded: 'The crime problem within the Asian community will therefore spiral unless a pro-active criminal intelligence-based stance aimed at curbing criminal activity is adopted.'
But last night a source close to the report said such a stance was never adopted.
He added: 'It was made clear to us there was a danger of the force being accused of racism if it acted on the information contained in the investigation. Some felt that was the wrong attitude.'
Last night John Stalker, a former Deputy Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police with wide experience of race-related issues, warned that police forces ignored evidence of a growing culture of gang warfare at their peril. He said: 'Strathclyde Police, being accustomed to sectarian tensions, should be very well placed to deal with this.
'I don't know about them treading on eggshells so as not to offend people, but the point is you don't have to offend anyone. There are ways of doing it without kicking doors in.
'In the big cities south of the Border there have been occasions where police forces, to their long-term detriment, have let incipient gang warfare spiral out of control. Had action been taken, mini-wars could have been stopped much earlier on.
'Any police force that ignores evidence of incipient gang warfare is doomed to take panic measures further down the line.
'If left alone, gangs will keep pushing the system until they are stopped. You soon get the situation which exists in London, Birmingham and Manchester where firearms are used to settle relatively minor matters.
'Where once they would have resulted in a punch-up, they are now being dealt with by a sub-machinegun.'
'Politically incorrect' crackdown on gangs dropped by murder hunt police (excerpt)
by Dan McDougall
The Scotsman
19 March 2004
STRATHCLYDE Police abandoned a high-level investigation to clamp down on the emergence of an Asian gang culture in Glasgow after the operation was deemed to be politically incorrect.
The revelation came as Nick Griffin, the leader of the British National Party, prompted outrage by announcing a visit to Glasgow this weekend, days after a teenager was abducted and murdered, allegedly by a gang of Asian youths.
Police and community leaders in the Pollokshields area of Glasgow called for calm, following rising public concern over the kidnap and murder of Kriss Donald, 15.
As detectives continued the hunt for his killers, The Scotsman learned that Operation Gadher, a police investigation designed to tackle the growth of Asian gang culture in the city's southside, was stopped six months ago over fears that it wasn't politically correct.
Speaking yesterday, a police source said the operation, launched by Strathclyde's G Division, which covers Pollokshields, had been halted by senior officers. He said: "Gang culture among Asians has been causing the police concern for some time, and we did have a dedicated team looking at it, but six months ago a number of senior officers got cold feet, claiming it didn't look good to be solely investigating Asian gangs.
"The decision wasn't welcomed in the station."
This is a bit old, but it shows you how seriously (NOT) the police take these attacks against white people in Oldham:
Published: 1st August 2002
Lost film wrecks race beating case
THREE Oldham teenagers have been cleared of attempted murder because police lost video footage which might have been vital in their defence.
Judge Simon Fawcus stayed the indictment against them on the grounds of abuse of process, saying: “I reach this conclusion with some regret. It is plain on what I have heard this was one of several serious racially motivated attacks carried out at Oldham this period where white youths were deliberately targeted.”
The judge discharged the youths – two 16 and the other 17 – who were all legally aided and cannot be named because of their age. They denied attempting to murder Mark Clayton, who was stabbed on 27 January last year in a sub-way in Manchester Street in Oldham town centre.
Mr Clayton was on his way to work as a pub disc jockey when he was savagely attacked by a large group of young Asians. The attack was racially motivated “with robbery as an ancillary motive”. The victim thought he might be able to recognise some of them again.
The three defendants were arrested after they were identified by another young man. They denied involvement. Less than a fortnight after the attack, the victim was taken to the Spindles Shopping Centre where many Asian youths often gathered.
In the control room, he watched monitors linked to security cameras and identified a man as an assailant. That man was arrested but had an alibi which if correct, meant Mr Clayton was mistaken.
Without the video footage, no one could say how clear faces were on the “important” one at the shopping centre. In addition the paper management system might have provided leads the defence lawyers could have followed up had also been lost.
“I have come to the conclusion the combination of problems – identification and the loss of the videos, particularly that of the shopping centre – make it a real possibility these defendants cannot have fair trial,” said the judge.
Later a senior crown lawyer said police were “very embarrassed” by the loss of the videos and paperwork. There was an office re-structuring in the middle of last year. An exhibits officer put the videos and paperwork in a box when she was on maternity leave. On her return the box and the contents had disappeared. All efforts to trace them had failed.
If anyone has a link (I can't find it!) of the footage that was lsot before the Gavin Hopley murder please post it, I hav eread it before but I can't find it anywhere now!
Charlene Downes
It is suspected that after she was forced to work as a child prostitute she was raped and murdered, and her body fed to white idiots who bought burgers from the takeaway that was searched by the police.
Please do not but food from these people. I am being very serious. Do not buy food from them.,,2-2004502058,00.html
A CHILD sex ring offering girls as young as 12 to paedophiles has been uncovered by police hunting a missing schoolgirl.
Now detectives fear Charlene Downes, 14, who vanished a year ago in Blackpool, may have been forced into prostitution.
They have evidence other kids in the town may have been sold for sex.
A spokesman said: “We’ve found appalling situations.”,7340,L-3374358,00.html
Australian Muslims ban 5 clerics from media - report
Country’s Muslims say they feel under pressure after a number of radical clerics inflamed tensions by airing extremist views about women, jihad and Jews
Published: 03.09.07, 09:04 / Israel News
Five of Australia’s most powerful Islamic clerics have reportedly been banned from speaking to the media in an attempt to stop local imams inflaming anti-Muslim sentiments with controversial comments.
The nation’s Muslims say they feel under pressure after a number of radical clerics inflamed tensions earlier this year by airing extremist views about women, jihad and Jews.
Thye are picking on old people in Stockholm too, this is this week's news:
Girl gang terrorised old women
Published: 7th March 2007 10:48 CET
A group of five teenage girls have been accused of a wave of vicious attacks against old women in Stockholm. Fifteen women have been mugged by the gang, according to police.
The girls, aged 17 and 18, have been remanded in custody for attacking the women in Tensta and Rinkeby, suburbs of the capital. Their victims, mostly in their seventies and eighties, were usually mugged outside their homes, reports Aftonbladet.
In one of the muggings, the girls stole a 71-year-old's handbag and pushed her down a flight of steps. In another case, a 78-year old woman was pushed to the ground and kicked where she lay.
The girls worked in groups of two or three and wore veils during the attacks, making it harder for the police to identify them. Police were aided in identifying the girls after they took photos of each other at a wedding using a stolen mobile phone.
Two of the girls have denied all charges against them, while the other three have made partial admissions.
This is an asian doctor, he calls himself ‘michael’ but his name is Davinder, check the picture in the story:
Fake doctor guilty of cancer scam
By David Doyle
Guilty: Davinder Kelly
A PERVERTED prankster who called himself Doctor Michael told women and children they had cancer so he could listen to them perform intimate tests on themselves.
Depraved Davinder Kelly, of Pinewood Avenue, Hillingdon, telephoned the women, who all had cancer or had been tested for the disease, and told them they had a short time to live.
The 45-year-old then made the women touch themselves in the medical tests' while he listened to them breathing down the phone.
Isleworth Crown Court heard Kelly got details about the women by visiting his wife at work at Central Middlesex Hospital and helping' her with her filing.
The number of infidels / whites they kill and maim on the roads is ridiculous:
06 March 2007
HIT-and-run driver Mohammed Rahman has been warned he faces jail after admitting leaving 21-year-old Amy Verlander fighting for her life in the middle of the road.
Stratford magistrate Peter Cunningham told 28-year-old Rahman he was a liar and would be pushing to lock him up.
Rahman admitted charges earlier of careless driving, failing to stop and failing to report the accident.
Amy was left with spinal injuries, a broken neck, ribs and pelvis, and shattered arm after the accident on a pedestrian crossing in Burdett Road, Limehouse, on September 2, 2007.
Rahman, a restaurant waiter, admitted his car hit Amy, but said he did not stop because he was "sleepy" and claimed he did not realise he had hit someone, despite a smashed driver's window and blood pouring from his ear.
The magistrate did not believe his story and told him: "You left a young woman lying in the road with awful injuries, then left the scene and failed to report the accident."
Rahman did not report the accident for 11 days-after having his car repaired.
He was bailed to return to Thames Magistrates' court on March 21 for sentencing-and was warned he could face up to six months' jail.
The MPs really believe, along with many of the chattering classes, that this shit (like women and old people getting assaulted on the streets etc.)will never happen to them. They believe that they will be safe from what they have created. It will be only the poor who suffer. And they have been largely correct in that. However, chickens are coming home to roost:
(the most telling line is this one:
'I used to think smugly: "Well, this doesn't touch me." ')
So is there anybody out there who is accountable? The terrible fact is that, in these well-tended million-pound-plus houses with their state-of-the art security systems, people have long known what's going on in the street outside.
But they have closed the blinds and simply turned away. And so have I.
To the dispossessed, the politicians have become irrelevant. To the young man who attacked my daughter, the wrangling between David Cameron and Education Secretary Alan Johnson over the significance of family breakdown in social disintegration would be a matter of supreme indifference.
That sort of talk - because talk is all it is - might as well be taking place on another planet for all the effect it will have on the streets round here. More police and stronger punishments may have an effect - but I fear the rot has gone too deep.
We have put our heads in the sand for too long about this problem and have done nothing about the indifference of the authorities to much that is wrong in our society. We certainly backed the wrong policies on education - no one who could possibly avoid it would send a child to a comprehensive school around here.
Worse, we have done this at the expense of our own children, who now have to forge their lives in the bleak urban environment we have allowed to develop.
Friends who have moved out to the commuter belt frequently ask: "How can you live with the drugs, the crime, the dirt, the anti-social behaviour?"
"Ah," I used to be fond of replying, "there's a parallel universe out there and, thank God, the two worlds never meet."
As I, and all the others with Paul Smith suits and briefcases, strode past the addicts shooting up outside the Tube and the Special Brew drinkers on the kerb, I used to think smugly: "Well, this doesn't touch me."
"Islam is the only major world religion that sanctions polygamy. Mohammad allowed his followers to have four wives (the same number he had). About 12 percent of marriages in Moslem countries are polygamous. This is not as bad as East and West Africa, where successful men often take more than a hundred wives and where almost 30 percent of marriages can be polygamous. But the solid core of polygamy at the heart of Islamic culture is enough to produce its menacing social effects.
What are those effects? Do the math. Into every society is born approximately the same number of boys and girls. If they pair off in monogamous fashion, then each one will have a mate -- "a girl for every boy and a boy for every girl."
In polygamous societies this does not occur. When successful men can accumulate more than one wife, that means some other man gets none. As a result, the unavoidable outcome is a hard-core residue of unattached men who have little or no prospect of achieving a family life.
The inevitable outcome is that competition among males becomes much more fierce and intense. Mating is an all-or-nothing proposition. Women become a scarce resource that must be hoarded and veiled and banned from public places so they cannot drift away through spontaneous romances.
Men who are denied access to these hoarded women have only one option -- they can band together and try to fight their way into the seats of power.
If all those Muslim polygamous marriages involved only two wives that would be enough to deny 12% of the men the chance to have a wife. If the average number of wives per polygamous marriage is even higher then an even larger portion of the men have no prospects for marriage. Offered the chance of dying in a cause in order to get 70 virgins in the afterlife some of them opt for that choice.
Walter Chamberlain was attacked in Oldham, Greater Manchester, on Saturday by three Asian youths
A particular variety of "Asian."
The media and obfuscation, huh?
Just my opinion here....I am not the conspiracy-theorist type. But I feel that many such incidents are happening throughout the West and going unreported or misreported.
But we have the blogosphere--so far.
the media censor the news. Asian crimes are underreported. They don't want us to know the truth. This has been going on for years. It is censorship and brainwshing.
Thye let us have the net cause they know that most people will be seduced by porn or other such pleasures and not investigate the truth. Those of us who do investigate and who do know are deprived of a public voice by the brainwahing and intimidation (e.g. threats to jobs, 'you're a racist', etc.)
Many liberals loathe her for disrupting an imagined "diversity" consensus: It is absurd, she argues, to pretend that cultures are all equal, or all equally desirable. But conservatives, and others, might be reasonably unnerved by her dim view of religion. She does not believe that Islam has been "hijacked" by fanatics, but that fanaticism is intrinsic in Islam itself: "Islam, even Islam in its nonviolent form, is dangerous."
The Muslim faith has many variations, but Ms. Hirsi Ali contends that the unities are of greater significance. "Islam has a very consistent doctrine," she says, "and I define Islam as I was taught to define it: submission to the will of Allah. His will is written in the Quran, and in the hadith and Sunna. What we are all taught is that when you want to make a distinction between right and wrong, you follow the prophet. Muhammad is the model guide for every Muslim through time, throughout history."
This supposition justifies, in her view, a withering critique of Islam's most holy human messenger. "You start by scrutinizing the morality of the prophet," and then ask: "Are you prepared to follow the morality of the prophet in a society such as this one?" She draws a connection between Mohammed's taking of child brides and modern sexual oppressions--what she calls "this imprisonment of women." She decries the murder of adulteresses and rape victims, the wearing of the veil, arranged marriages, domestic violence, genital mutilation and other contraventions of "the most basic freedoms."
These sufferings, she maintains, are traceable to theological imperatives. "People say it is a bad strategy," Ms. Hirsi Ali says forcefully. "I think it is the best strategy. . . . Muslims must choose to follow their rational capacities as humans and to follow reason instead of Quranic commands. At that point Islam will be reformed."
The most grievous failing of the West is self-congratulatory passivity: We face "an external enemy that to a degree has become an internal enemy, that has infiltrated the system and wants to destroy it." She believes a more drastic reaction is required: "It's easy," she says, "to weigh liberties against the damage that can be done to society and decide to deny liberties. As it should be. A free society should be prepared to recognize the patterns in front of it, and do something about them."
She says the West must begin to think long term about its relationship with Islam--because the Islamists are. Ms. Hirsi Ali notes Muslim birth rates are vastly outstripping those elsewhere (particularly in Western Europe) and believes this is a conscious attempt to extend the faith. Muslims, she says, treat women as "these baby-machines, these son-factories. . . . We need to compete with this," she goes on. "It is a totalitarian method. The Nazis tried it using women as incubators, literally to give birth to soldiers. Islam is now doing it. . . . It is a very effective and very frightening way of dealing with human beings."
An item today on the censorship if the news:
MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2007
The MSM: Stuck on the Stupidly Obvious
by Dymphna
There are lots of examples of the color/race/ethnic identity problem in the press when it comes to stating facts about the criminal class. It’s expected by now: if they don’t name a color, the perp is probably a minority. Thus, you can read between the coy lines of the report to figure out the real story.
These p.c. rules about reporting crimes committed by persons of color can be violated in certain cases - e.g., if the criminal is white. Saying that out loud is merely a venial sin and will pass unnoticed by the race hawks. But if the serial rapist currently rampaging through various neighborhoods is black, you’ll have to look out for yourself, because the MSM won’t give you enough information to go on.
There are ways of getting around this. For example, if you have the name of the malefactor, and it’s something obvious, like Martinez, you can guess his ethnicity at least. Or, in the case of the latest baby-snatching in New Mexico, the first name of the woman being held is Rayshaun. Three guesses.
But what happens when there is no name and the police limit the suspect’s description to his size and clothing? Good luck identifying him. Of course, if his clothing list mentions “do rag” you have a good clue there, too.
John Leo fisked this problem recently in City Journal, in his essay, Sins of Omission:
A current example is the so-called “second rape case in Durham,” an eerie mirror image of the Duke lacrosse case: here the suspect is black and the alleged victim is white. North Carolina’s News & Observer described the suspect as “in his late teens or early 20s, about 6 feet 1 and wearing a do-rag, a gray sweatshirt and blue jeans.” That’s word-for-word from the police description, except that the police said that the suspect was black. The newspaper deleted the reference. It also couldn’t bring itself to mention that the attack allegedly took place at an African-American fraternity at Duke.
Notice he says the police did say the suspect as black, even though that bit disappeared from the media description.
But such bluntness by the police can raise the roof, too.
- - - - - - - - - -
A few years back, in Li’l Kumquat the university community and the professionally hypersensitive African American community got together to holler about their deep outrage at the police department’s handling of a serial rapist’s story. Those insensitive officers had dared to say that the man had been identified by his victims as being…well, dark-complected. By the time the Hypersensitive were finished with the police department, everyone there was eating humble pie, at least publicly. I think they also got in hot water for suggesting that given the rapidly increasing number of victims, perhaps known sexual offenders in Li’l Kumquat who were of the African American persuasion ought to have DNA screenings for possible matches.
Horrific attack on Curtis (13)
A BURNLEY teenager with learning disabilities was savagely beaten in a frenzied attack in a Thursby Road back street.
Curtis Hall (13), of Accrington Road, was rushed to Burnley General Hospital on Saturday night with head injuries and severe bruising after being set upon by four thugs.
A childish dare by the Ridgewood Community High School pupil is thought to have provoked the assault and the police have been informed.
Curtis's mum, Mrs Donna Hall, said: "I am absolutely disgusted and just can't believe what they have done to him. It's inhumane."
Curtis, who has epilepsy, was staying at a friend's home in Pheasantford Street, Duke Bar, before meeting up with two other friends in Briercliffe Road.
Around 9-30 p.m., the youngster was making his way back to Pheasantford Street when he was dared to kick a shop shutter.
He was then pursued by four youths, who caught him in a back street and repeatedly punched and kicked him before throwing him against a wall.
The youths ran off after being disturbed by a woman who called an ambulance and the police.
Mrs Hall continued: "I dread to think what would have happened if he had run down a derelict street, where nobody would have been able to see the incident or hear my son's cries. How far would they have gone if nobody had disturbed them?"
The attackers are said to be of Asian heritage, aged 15 to 17.
12 March 2007
Sex-slave appeal fails
Mar 13 2007
A HUSBAND and wife who kept a woman prisoner in their Sutton home, supporting themselves by forcing her into prostitution, have failed to get their convictions overturned.Mirela Zeneli, 35, arranged for the woman to be gang-raped, then she and husband Blendi Krasniqi, 34, kept her locked in their house, forcing her to sleep with up to 10 men a day.Zeneli, who was jailed for 14 years for the woman's ordeal, and Krasniqi, who was sentenced to six years, saw their case in London's Appeal Court fail last Friday.
Last Updated: Thursday, 18 November, 2004, 16:30 GMT
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Defenceless teen's extreme terror
Kriss Donald's body was found in the east end of Glasgow
Kriss Donald was described in court as a defenceless, young, slightly built schoolboy who experienced "extreme terror" before he died. The 15-year-old was walking with friend Jamie Wallace in the Pollokshields area of Glasgow when they were set upon by Daanish Zahid and three others. Mr Wallace, 20, told the court that Kriss was bundled into a car after they were attacked in March. The teenager was later beaten, stabbed 13 times and set on fire. Forensic expert Anne Ramage told the court that he may still have been alive when he was doused in petrol and set alight. Ms Ramage said her examination of the area suggested the 15-year-old tried to extinguish the flames by rolling in a muddy hollow. Forensic pathologist Dr Marjorie Black added that Kriss may have been held down over a log while he was knifed. Dr Black said the schoolboy suffered seven stab wounds on his front, five on his back and one on his left arm during the attack. She added that he was likely to have been restrained by "at least" one person.
Last Updated: Monday, 12 March 2007, 17:46 GMT E-mail this to a friend Printable version
Sex assault on teenager in city
A 17-year-old girl has been indecently assaulted in Leicester. She was walking along Scraptoft Lane at around 2300 GMT on Friday when a small silver hatchback drove alongside her. She heard a door open before one of the men in it grabbed her arm and a second man also from the car assaulted her. She struggled free and ran off. Four or five men were travelling in the car and are said to be in their late twenties and early thirties and are of Asian appearance. The man who was thought to have grabbed the victim's arm had short dark spiky hair and bulging eyes and was wearing a black short-sleeved t-shirt. The car's driver is described as similar-looking but wearing a light-coloured or white shirt.
anon, that attack was one of a series:
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BY TOM BENNETT10:30 - 13 March 2007
A 17-year-old woman was subjected to a terrifying sex attack in the street by two men who leapt out of a car.
While one man held the victim, another indecently assaulted her during the attack in Scraptoft Lane, Leicester.It is the third incident in six days in which women walking alone have been targeted by men in cars.It follows two attempted abductions in the city centre in which women were chased down the street or nearly forced into a car.In two of the three incidents, the victim has been able to describe a silver hatchback car, similar to a Vauxhall Corsa.Officers said they are aware of the "similarities between the attacks" but so far have not linked them.They have urged women to be on their guard and to not walk alone, especially at night.Pc Jason Edwards, of Hamilton police, said: "We don't want to scare women unnecessarily, but taking extra care could reduce your chances of being a victim of crime."We would urge women not to walk alone, particularly at night. If you have no other alternative, try to stick to busy, well-lit areas and carry a personal attack alarm."If possible, get someone to meet you or let a friend or family member know the route you are taking, and how long you expect to be out."In the latest attack, on Friday, the victim was walking towards Uppingham Road when she noticed a silver car driving slowly alongside her with four Asian men inside.As she began walking faster, she heard a car door open and close.She was then grabbed by a man, who held her while a second man indecently assaulted her. She managed to break free and ran off.The attack happened at 11pm between Peters Drive and Crofters Drive.The attackers were aged between 25 and 35. One had short, dark, spiky hair and wore a black T-shirt. The driver wore a light-coloured or white shirt.Four days earlier, a 19-year-old was walking along Millstone Lane at 12.30pm when she was approached by two men in a silver Vauxhall Corsa.The front seat passenger tried to persuade her to get into the car.When she refused, he chased her down Horsefair Street, but she managed to escape.The man who chased her was Asian, aged 23 to 25, about 5ft 7ins and of large build. The second man was of Eastern European appearance, slim and about 6ft.The previous day, another woman was attacked and almost bundled into a car by two men before escaping.The 18-year-old was approached by two men in a car as she walked along Short Street, near St Margaret's Bus Station, at about 6.45pm.The men tried to force her into the vehicle, but she broke free and ran to Mansfield Street, where a member of the public came to her rescue.The attacker was described as Asian, about 5ft 9in and of large build.
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