Foreword: 39 Kilo's of Heroin destined for the streets of Great Britain.
This case corroborates exactly everything I have been saying over the past 18 months on this blog about the Luton Pakistani Moslem Heroin trade (Allah's Luton militia), the local Taxi drivers involvement (The Taxi cartel), and how Luton is Centre stage for Al Qaeda's front line in their British Jihad.
Isnt it about time people took notice of everything else I have been saying?
This Heroin seizure is only the tip of the ice berg and is further proof that the Pakistani Moslem community of Bury Park Luton is Al Qaeda's Heroin base camp in our Country. This case involved the supply of 39 kilo's of Heroin to Manchester, Stoke on Trent, Birmingham and Bedford. The last large scale bust I reported on involved Pakistani Moslem Taxis with the shipment destined for Sheffield from Luton.
Seems like it hits Luton and is then dispersed around the Country. Its no surprise really when we have an airport in the Town that has almost 7,000 international workers who work air side who have not had background security checks, and Bedfordshire police are forced to police the airport with a budget deficit of £4 million.
Who are the ones being screwed here once again by this government?
If illegal immigrants and known terrorists have been able to work on the London underground, within Whitehall and at Heathrow airport for example, then its not going to be too difficult to infiltrate Luton airport and put your people on the inside so as to take control of the ground for your own criminal purposes is it?
Looks like the Luton community of the 'Islamic Kingdom of Great Britain' have taken over control of one of our ports for their drug importation and people smuggling business.
Luton airport is also the No1 transit point for people smugglers bringing girls and children into the Country to work as sex slaves and modern day Oliver Twists.
For Abdul Aziz the one involved in this 39 kilo seizure of Heroin; what is a measly 6 years for being involved in a £4 million drug's operation, how many lives has this man killed, how many families has he destroyed, how many orphans are there in the UK now because of him, how much destruction has he caused to our society, how many people are in our over flowing prison system and how much of this money went back into the hands of Al Qaeda and 'International Islamic Terrorism' for their Jihad (Holy War) to destroy our Way of life?
And he gets a measly 6 years.
What would be his sentence if he was in America? He will live a life of luxury in a British prison and then be back out on our streets in 4 years.
Also, how long and how many shipments of Heroin where made before this operation was broken up, who is above them in the chain of command importing the Heroin into the Country, and who has now taken their place within this business sector?
The Khan mafia of Luton control a large section of the black market Heroin business sector within Great Britain, and their underlings within the Gambino's street gang of Bury Park are their street soldiers who are distributing the drugs throughout the area locally and Nationally. It is these who threatened my life and forced me into the position I am now in, and Bedfordshire police have arrested me for this blog!!!
Isnt it about time this Pakistani Moslem Jihadi criminal gang from Luton that is linked to Abu Hamza and Omar Bakri was smashed up as a matter of National Security?
They have had an unhindered reign for the last 25 years with which to build their army on the streets, this blog lifts the lid on everything for those who care to read about what is actually happening on the ground in Luton with regards to the Islamic stronghold of Fortress Bury Park.
Not only did Luton play an integral role in the attacks on 7/7 it also took centre stage with operation crevice, the biggest anti-terror operation in British history, with the bomb maker of the terror cell being a taxi driver from the community who also wanted to buy a dirty bomb from the Russian mafia.
This is my home community where I live, this is what is happening around me with my friends dead or dying and everyone else petrified of the Pakistani Moslems gangs from luton because everyone knows who they are and what they are about. They are extremely wealthy from the drugs trade, they are well organised into an Islamic paramilitary force, and they are heavily armed. Is it any wonder there are so many armed police on the streets of Luton, and is it any wonder that Al Qaeda declared War on the people of the United Kingdom from here.
This is the street Jihad to destroy our society and way of life in the name of Islam.
Further reading: Luton & Dunstable - The Pakistani Moslem threat
A couple of posts for Allah's Luton militia and my Bury Park readers.
Further reading: A message to Fortress Bury Park
Further reading: From the 'Heart'
Drug gang member jailed for six years
A luton man who was part of a drugs syndicate worth £4 million has been sentenced to nearly six years in jail.
Abdul AzizAbdul Aziz, 27, from Stockingstone Road, Luton was part of a ten-man drugs syndicate foiled by Staffordshire Police.
Some 39 kilos of heroin, worth £4m, was seized before it could reach the streets of Stoke-on-Trent, Manchester, Birmingham and Bedford where the gang operated.
Amphetamine and cocaine were also seized during a tenmonth probe.
The men were arrested over a six-month period after initial enquires in June 2006 led police to Luton where a man was seen to hand over a bag to Aziz.
Following the transaction Bedfordshire Police stopped a taxi. They found five kilos of heroin and arrested Aziz.
Aziz's arrest was closely followed by those of the rest of the gang.
All ten men were charged with conspiracy to supply Class A drugs. All but two of the gang pleaded guilty.
The other two were found guilty following a trial at Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court.
Superintendent Bernie O'Reilly, from Stoke-on-Trent division, said: "Our comprehensive investigation and excellent work with other police forces exposed a drugs gang involved in large-scale supply, and we stopped large amounts of the drug reaching the streets of Stoke-on-Trent, Manchester, Birmingham and Bedford."
Comment from my comments section
I saw this article yesterday and it confirms what you have been saying and completely exonerates your position with regards to the charges of inciting race hate that Luton/Bedfordshire police have concocted against you.
It also proves wrong all of those commenters from the Islamic Kingdom that come to your site and call you a bigot.
They must be blind or just pretending they do not know what is happening in towns like Luton.
Those British that come here and say that you have got a distorted picture of what is happening, are totally blind to what is under the covers. Stupid fools.
If the Police Chiefs had a shred honesty, they would contact you to apologise for how they have helped ruin your normal life.
You are a brave British patriot.
This news comes on the day that the 100'th. British soldier was killed in Afghanistan, from where all the heroin flowing through Luton to the rest of the British isles and Ireland is coming from.
God bless those soldiers and their families.
They would not need to be there for so long, if the police smashed the Luton heroin connection and it's terrorist supporters.
The police know who is involved and yet do nothing.
It is symptomatic that this man was brought to justice by the STAFFORDSHIRE Police Force and NOT the BEDFORDSHIRE police.
This Luton Pakistani drug dealer and heroin poisoner, a killer by any standards, was detected in part of a deal supplying the North of England, the other heartland of the Al Quaeda British outpost.
WHY has Luton Police NOT busted ANY MAJOR heroin dealers and shippers, and it was the task of another Force to do so?
Any day, the police could stop taxis involved in Heroin transportation and arrest DOZENS of ruthless racist Al Quaeda supporting gangsters.
Because they are following the political control of their government masters and the Chiefs of Police who are fully politically corrected.
Luton is awash with drug related crime and dealers drive around in Ferrari's and Bentley's without getting stopped.
What the hell is going on Beds Police?
You are failing to in your duty to do justice against this evil on our streets.
you are living proof that care in the community just does not work.
Britian should aim for a healthy society in tune with it's native-culture and not uptight about creating a polliticaly correct universal culture of "clubbing" of which drugs are a central part.
Britain should give very stiff sentences for drug offensives, and then deportation. Also deportation of the whole family of these thugs.
I believe that you are right in what you have said findalis, about deporting the whole family as well as the offender. If the family believe that they to will be deported as well, then they may just keep a stricter watch on the youths in there respective families. Sort of like peer pressure policing as such or self policing.
If they think that they are all going to loose out on the lifestyle that they now have, the money, the housing, the cars, the clothes & best of all the freedom. Then maybe they will jump down heavy on any family member that they believe might be messing all this up for them all. Lets face it, I think that the majority of these families that move from places like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh & even the African countries. I think they do so out of economic reasons & freedom reasons. Those who may well be muslims are getting away from the oppression of sharia law & to get a better life. So all those who are then radicalized by the imams over here are the youth who do not have any real idea of why there families came here & so do not understand that they will be in a worse off situation if they get what these islamic idiots are trying to bring in.
They really believe that they will be the ones in charge, they will be the bosses. That they will have the riches, the wealth, the cars, the clothes, the women. That they will be able to party & do as they want. They have no idea that they will be as oppressed as the rest of us will be. But that as we all know is one of the follies of youth, they can not or do not seem to be able to work out these simple little facts. So once again I say yes to what findalis has said, when they come here they should have to sign a pledge, stating that if any of them break the laws of this country in any way. They will be all deported back to there country of origin within the week, no questions asked, no dialog entered into. They get kicked out with no chance of return, also there passports & details are given to all other western countries so they can not go to them as well.
God be with you Lionheart. I hope you are well.
The Scriptures can never be broken.
In the US if a family is in public housing and a member of the family living in the flat is in a gang, or convicted of a crime, the whole family is evicted. Communities that are doing this are finding the crime level in public housing dropping and the level of civic responsibility rising.
If it works in the States against gangs, it should work in the UK.
I saw this article yesterday and it confirms what you have been saying and completely exonerates your position with regards to the charges of inciting race hate that Luton/Bedfordshire police have concocted against you.
It also proves wrong all of those commenters from the Islamic Kingdom that come to your site and call you a bigot.
They must be blind or just pretending they do not know what is happening in towns like Luton.
Those British that come here and say that you have got a distorted picture of what is happening, are totally blind to what is under the covers. Stupid fools.
If the Police Chiefs had a shred honesty, they would contact you to apologise for how they have helped ruin your normal life.
You are a brave British patriot.
This news comes on the day that the 100'th. British soldier was killed in Afghanistan, from where all the heroin flowing through Luton to the rest of the British isles and Ireland is coming from.
God bless those soldiers and their families.
They would not need to be there for so long, if the police smashed the Luton heroin connection and it's terrorist supporters.
The police know who is involved and yet do nothing.
It is symptomatic that this man was brought to justice by the STAFFORDSHIRE Police Force and NOT the BEDFORDSHIRE police.
This Luton Pakistani drug dealer and heroin poisoner, a killer by any standards, was detected in part of a deal supplying the North of England, the other heartland of the Al Quaeda British outpost.
WHY has Luton Police NOT busted ANY MAJOR heroin dealers and shippers, and it was the task of another Force to do so?
Any day, the police could stop taxis involved in Heroin transportation and arrest DOZENS of ruthless racist Al Quaeda supporting gangsters.
Because they are following the political control of their government masters and the Chiefs of Police who are fully politically corrected.
Luton is awash with drug related crime and dealers drive around in Ferrari's and Bentley's without getting stopped.
What the hell is going on Beds Police?
You are failing to in your duty to do justice against this evil on our streets.
I fail to understand your point in all this 'Lionheart'. This guy is probably not even a practising muslim. Yes he is muslim by name only, in the same way other paedophiles, rapists, murderers are christian by name (and proclaim to do it in the name of Christianity). If i was to write a blog in the same manner as yourself and proclaim all these horrific crimes are done by Chrisitians i could make it sound as feasible as you do. But we know this is not the way of a practising Christian but someone who just bears a Christian name.
And what about the rest of the people arrested with him? where they all Muslims? If they are british, white, then by your way of thinking they must be Christians, and all Christians are like that and that is Christianitys teaching. Honestly Lionheart stop making people out to be undeducated morons!
"Honestly Lionheart stop making people out to be undeducated morons!" by anonymous @ 16:38:00
First the spelling is 'uneducated.' Second, people don't need Lionheart to make them look like morons; they do just fine on their own.
Don't be so naive, anonymous. You need to wake up and have a reality check.
yeah go Jo........
There is no such thing as a non practising Muslim.
There are some in Luton with investments in both mosques and "schools" who operate way outside the law. They are good Muslims because they do what is required by their religion and their crime only takes from the British State, and those they harm are not Muslims, generally.
No this analogy of yours does not work.
You say that "rapists, paedophiles and murderers do it in the name of Christianity."
What a racist bigot you are.
You are stirring up religious hatred by such deliberate lies.
Lionheart bases his blog on facts as reported by the media and Government agencies.
But then you probably think that George Bush was hiding in a cellar when he pushed the button to blow up the Trade Towers, and that the airplanes that crashed into them were holograms projected by the Israeli embassy.
Grow up.
Lionheart, I came to view your site from Roger at "Radarsite".
I have been meaning to come by and send you my "Full Support". I Support the U.S. Military and the Military of our Allies. Also a Proud Infidel.
I have the highest regard for Roger. I can see why he Supports your site. I wish to as well.
Your country fights along side our U.S. Military in Iraq and Afghanistan. We Support your Country tremendously and it breaks my soul to see what Radical Islam is doing to your country and it's blessed people.
I would be so honored if you would allow me to post your link to both my sites dedicated to Supporting the Military and this fight against Radical Islam.
Sincerely ~ a Sister in Arms from the U.S.A. God Bless You~
Ana Rebecca
ana and roger have great sites.
If a person was caught with that much illegal drugs...regardless of the substantance. They would get at least a 20 year to life sentence. Life represents 25 yrs in america. We have very stiff penalities for drug convictions. Get caught with just 2 ounces of weed and that's considered intent to sell and you get 7-10 years. Also, your prior arrest and conviction record comes into play when a person is sentenced too.
hellbellz, they haven't got what it takes to tackle this issue here in Britain.
It is all human rights for the accused.
The potential and actual harm he has done counts for little.
"You say that "rapists, paedophiles and murderers do it in the name of Christianity."
What a racist bigot you are.
You are stirring up religious hatred by such deliberate lies." - by anonymous @ 23:29:00
I did not say that, read through my post again.
OK, fair enough Joe thank you for correcting me on my 'typo'.
"But then you probably think that George Bush was hiding in a cellar when he pushed the button to blow up the Trade Towers, and that the airplanes that crashed into them were holograms projected by the Israeli embassy.
Grow up."
And im the one who makes up stories?
Nations Profit from WAR.
Through political supremacy and economic supremacy fact.
America has prospered through the War Times - WW2 - Cold War - Vietnam and countless regime changes and civil wars - FACT.
What Changed in 1990's?
In the 1990's America became redundant - no longer required.
The Cold War Had Finished.
Old Enemeies were now New Friends.
What has happening Geo Politically in the 1990's.
American influence was depleting in the world - Old Alliances were being forged.
China was considering opening it's door tot he world.
Russia engaged in the Global Free Market.
India was seen as a rising economy.
Oil Rich Countries were boming.
SE Asian countries were growing economies.
Historically they did business with Europe or amongst themselves.
IN economics you have 5 nodes; India, China, Russia, Europe and Americas.
The last 50 years was an abnormal
economic cycle forged between Britain and the USA while the rest of the world was in economic decline.
Things had changed and the balance was restored.
American Trade and Influence had been adversely affected.
America was going towards a economic bloody nose.
What was the change America Needed?
America had to re-assert itself in the world?
Late 1990's a policy think tank very much a Zionist supported and funded called the New American Century Think Tank had some key people writing policy statements.
Let me name you a few - see if you know who they are!
Paul Wolfowitz
Donald Rumsfeld
Dick Cheney
Condolezza Rice
among many others
They wanted America to Assert itself in the world by force and their very right wing politics was named Neo - COnservative.
Paul Wolfowitz wrote in this think Tank?
They needed a Persident who brings about change and made actions speak louder than words.
Paul Wolfowitz said USA needs a NEW Pearl Harbour - to unite the American People on a common Goal.
Paul Wolfowitz wished that Unity to focus on a "Global Threat".
This group put forward a candidate - drunkard - retard not worthy of running a grocery store to be President.
We all know how he won BIG QUESTION MARK.
G.W.Bush from the very go was a confrontational President.
Remember the spy plane fiasco with China.
Anyway not to get side tracked...
The Neo Cons got their President.
The Neo Cons got their Pearl Harbour - 9/11.
The Neo Cons got their Global Threat - War On Terror.
If you dig deeper and actually do yourself the justice to look deeper into this entire conflict you will relaise 9/11 was an Inside Job.
If you don't wish to be academic about this - visit Youtube ; 9/11 conspiracy theories -a great start Loose Change is my favourite.
The Neo Cons got their American Unity and then focussed it onto a "bogus" global threat. War Against Terror - which began as War on Al Qaeda giving the enemy some kind of a face later it was more attractive to market it as War On Terror often called Global War On Terror
Pre 9/11 there was NO absolutely NO such organisation called Al Qaeda - if anything it was a classification of Islamist Millitant Groups who had NO co-oridnation with each other, nor were they a network.
An Evil man like Bush once said,
" If you make a Lie Simple, Keep making it and make it big enough, sooner or later everyone will believe you"
Hitler on the Jews.
If you are US citizens - Vote Obama - The World needs a break.
Sorry but the muslim community is a scapegoat to American Political and Economic problems.
Don't take my word for it - I request you to find the truth for yourself.
You have been lied and now mini fascist organisation to what no doubt Lionheart belongs to. In the Uk known as BNP, Combat 18 and NF are using this Great Big Lie to create further segregation at a lower level.
It is a vicious circle - intelligent people need not get sucked in to it.
Luton doe snot have Racial No GO AREAS.
Luton Does NOT have ASian or Black on White Crime.
There is racial harmony.
Let us keep it the same way.
PEACE and Love to every and all.
white, black, brown, asian, latino, european, african - to "All".
Remember no war was ended through conflict.
No Conflict was ended through war.
It ends with understanding and dialogue - this is a lesson for using History.
Modern warfare uses civillian mass killings as a way to create a civillian uprising against the enemy. In Iraq and Afghanistan it is backfiring on the Americans just as it did in Vietnam.
Iraq has been raped...
1000 of history that was preserved - Islamic - pre Islamic - all the way back to Mesopotamia has been looted and sent to the West by mercenaries working for the American and European Elite.
This was not a war of liberation but one of annihilation of a people and their identity.
We do not want the same on our shores.
Say no to fascist like Lionheart.
They incite communities against community to make their LIE a TRUTH.
I live in Luton,
Why does Lionheart not report the murders and rapes and drug dealing and drug related crimes of non muslim population.
If you got the bloomin statistics you will realise which is the criminal community.
Last comment,
So why are the jails disproportionately full of Muslim criminals?
Must be the nasty racist British police then?
Could it be you have no respect for the kaffir Law?
Someone above is a simpleton.
They have Googled and come up with all the conspiracy fruit cake crap.
Yeh yeh yeh, it's the JOOZ that did it.
They are the big bad sheep who have been responsible for all the bad things that happen in the World!?
Sounds familiar?
You quote Hitler, but insinuate that their is a Jewish conspiracy out to control and destroy the world.
You have sucked up all the old "Protocols of Zion" lies that have been used against the Jews for a Century.
You have been licking Yasser Arafat's plate.
Hate like yours is so thinly disguised it is as see-through as a net curtain. You only have to scratch the surface.
You blame America (the Jooz) for all the worlds issues, and you say they have started the Middle East situation because they are left behind by the rising Nations, twit.
It was Nixon that first negotiated opening the barriers between West and China.
It is America that supports Indian growth.
It is America who tries to bring Israel and Fatah together, so the Hamas and Iranian Hezbollah terrorists are sidelined.
It was Clinton (the old Jew lover) that got Arafat to shake hands with Israel's leaders.
It was America that has freed Iraq from Saddam, and his brutal family.
The Iraqis are only prevented from attaining their new identity and wealth by Iranian and Syrian backed terror that has killed more millions than ever American military have.
You just love killing each-other.
Shia versus Sunni violence and hate never goes away.
America and Israel will be the countries that stop Iran getting the nuclear weapons which due to their instability they will use themselves or pass on to the likes of Sheik bin Ladin, to use against the West, to create the conditions when you can turn on the non-believer world and show your so thinly disguised hatred of everything Western.
Arab countries only have influence because the world has to buy their oil, for now that is, as the world moves away from oil-economy their influence will be diminished. You just hope for a revolution against the Suadi Royals, so Al Quaeda can grab their wealth and military and turn it to creating the fantasy New World Caliphate.
Bit like Hitler and his New Reich.
Keep handing out the taquiya pills, some idiots will always fall for that spin.
In your rantings you forget some important matters.
China will eliminate Islam if they give enough trouble. It will be America you turn to for help if that happens. Just like Bosnia.
I am sure the ObamaMeister will love that if the yanks are dumb enough to vote in a man who is an African Muslim more than he is American.
You wait, we will soon hear about his forged birth-certificate once the real election campaign starts.
Regular readers here know what is happening, and the only other commenters here that seem to agree, are the folks like you who deny the challenges that Islamicists are causing in the West, and their old friends the Nazis who all agree on one thing, it is all the Jooz fault. Everything, yeah.
The fact that there are only 250,000 Jews in Britain and dwindling, shows what a big threat they are.
Oh and I remember how the Jews are always pushing their religion on everyone.
Don't forget all the special favours and government posts they demand.
Don't forget all the Synagogues that are being built on every corner, or all the religious Hebrew indoctrination schools that they pop up with Zionist money, and all the illegal immigrants from Jewish countries that flood into Britain and fuel the crime wave staring with the forging of their documents and the underground economy they bleed the host country with.
Where have we heard that before?
Pull the other leg, it's got Morris Mens bells on.
oh I forget, it was Reagan that told Gorbachev to "Tear down this Wall."
It was America that brought down Soviet Communism, in case you weren't born back then.
By the way, you call George Bush "a drunken retard."
Well just look at the people he did business with.
The Bin Ladin family of Saudi Arabia.
Good Muslims all.
That drunken retard with a Harvard Business Degree did pretty well considering he stopped drinking, got to be President and kicked the Taliban's ass out of Kabul, not to mention disposed of that old fruit Saddam and his sons that used to love personally torturing their people when it suited them.
Before you say Saddam was an American puppet, read your history about the B'aath Party and Saddam's rise to power through typical brutal elimination of opponents.
America did not create Saddam, but sometimes you have to deal with the Devil, especially when the Revolutionary Guards were the other option.
America did quite well by keeping one nut-case occupied in a depleting ten-year war with his neighbour's nut-case.
Kept them all off our backs.
Yeah not bad for a family that likes to dress up and play at Secret Societies.
Let the Saudis get drunk and debauch with call-girls,it kept the oil flowing to the West, and just look how you have benefited from all those years of cheap oil.
Nice cars, businesses, property, a good education, yeh we all did quite well out of the Bush's deals with the Arab world.
So did the Arabs cause without the Bush-babies, they would still be in the Stone-Age, or servants of the British Empire.
You are such an ungrateful lot.
The Press report on the other rapes and murders in Luton.
If you look at the figures you will see that those crimes are mainly committed by the new-comers to Luton.
All those peeps that the Loony Labour Party let into this country under the guise of the EU and "human-rights."
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