Further reading: St George's day
Daily Mail
A Muslim "dedicated to violent holy war" held information about members of the royal family alongside instructions on how to kill "non-believers", a court heard today.
Aabid Khan, 23, was found with details about several royals' lives, including where they lived, it was claimed.
Simon Denison, prosecuting, told London's Blackfriars Crown Court the material was among a "mass" of files, videos and other documents found on the 23-year-old when he was detained at Manchester airport on the way back from a trip to Pakistan two years ago.
Khan is in the dock accused of terrorism alongside Sultan Muhammad, 23, both from Bradford; Ahmed Sulieman, 30, from Woolwich, south-east London, and Hammaad Munshi, 18, from Dewsbury, West Yorkshire.
"Is he [Khan] a royalist, is he fascinated by the royal family?" the barrister went on. "Or is there some other reason why he has collated that information?"
He said the details were contained on two computer hard drives in his suitcase which were analysed by police experts.
During the second day of his opening address at the beginning of a two-month trial of the former fast food worker and three co-defendants, who were detained later, he explained how Khan's "terrorist encyclopaedia" contained instructions on how to carry out surveillance, prepare explosives, use poisons and advised on preparing for "martyrdom".
He said one document spoke of "assassinating named personnel as well as foreign tourists and freeing captured brothers from the enemy".
It also backed the "spreading of rumours" and "blasting and destroying places of amusement, immorality and sin", as well as embassies, "vital economic centres" and bridges.
Mr Denison told jurors there was information about London's Tower Bridge, similar structures in America, and maps of New York's and Washington's subway systems. Among the videos recovered were some that featured the Washington Memorial in Virginia and the World Bank in the US capital.
The barrister said another file spoke of the maturity, obedience and "willingness" a jihadist required to martyr himself for his goal of establishing the global rule of Islam.
Continue reading: Holy War & God's Royal Knight
Ah well...he could look forward to a nice soft dollop of therapy rather than a spell in prison thanks to nice, generous English Govt.
Well, well, well!
Of course he is completely innocent.
He only had an obsession with the Royals because he loved them so much.
He should be praised for his dutiful attitude.
He should come to live in your Luton, where the Police will protect him and he will get a welcome from so many other loyal and honorable peeps.
What is clear, is that whatever information he had when he got to the Al Quaeda training camps, is now on hundreds of Jihadi computers the world over.
Why do we waste so much money on the human rights of those that blatantly hate everything we are?
Have you seen David Milliband running around the Gaza strip today, meeting his Fatah and Hamas friends?
Hard to believe his grandfather was Jewish!
It just shows how the Liberal and Socialist diseases can affect anyone.
He came here to escape persecution but still took advantage of the benefits of the West.
Still he was an out and out Communist that sought to overthrow Capitalism in Britain and the West.
Looks like his grandson wants to succeed where he couldn't.
Milliband hopes to take over the Prime Minister's job if Gordon Brown has to bite the suicide pill as the economy implodes.
He will just be another nail in NuLabour's coffin.
Goodbye Socialist dreamers your time is nearly up.
Do you really think that if he had attacked the Royals the Labour government would have done anything?
No. They would have praised the attacker.
I'm not sure what the Labour government would do, but I'm pretty sure the British people would not tolerate Prince William or Harry being a target of a jihad....or at least, let's hope so. Personally, I think there would be hell to pay.
"A Muslim "dedicated to violent holy war" held information about members of the royal family alongside instructions on how to kill "non-believers", a court heard today.
Aabid Khan, 23, was found with details about several royals' lives, including where they lived, it was claimed."
The same charge could be levelled at a Christian I know who was 'dedicated to holy war'. A certain Mr. Blair.
Why isn't Tony in the dock for his crimes against humanity? Along with all those who supported his right-wing crusade?
The Creator also states in the Qur'an (translated):
[2:136] Say (O Muslims): We believe in Allah and that which is revealed to us and that which was revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have surrendered.
[42:36-38] So whatever thing you are given, that is only a provision of this world's life, and what is with Allah is better and more lasting for those who believe and rely on their Lord, and those who shun the great sins and indecencies, and whenever they are angry they forgive, and those who respond to their Lord and keep up prayer, and their rule is to take counsel among themselves, and who spend out of what We have given them.
Allah orders us in this verse to conduct our matters by taking counsel among ourselves, or by consulting each other. This is the methodology of the Islamic state, to consult one another, but to always keep the Qur'an and Sunnah paramount. Any law which contradicts the Qur'an or Sunnah is unlawful. This broad principle of consultation is certainly wide enough to encompass a form of government where all are heard - in fact, encouraged to be heard. The early Islamic states were of this form. The petty governments of many `Muslim countries' today do not apply this principle and in fact commit many crimes against the people.
[4:124] If any do deeds of righteousness - be they male or female - and have faith, they will enter Paradise, and not the least injustice will be done to them.
[33:35] For Muslim men and women, for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for truthful men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in charity, for men and women who fast, for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Allah's praise, for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward.
The Qur'an and Sunnah repeat over and over again that Allah only favors one person over another based on that person's awareness, consciousness, fear, love, and hope of Allah). All other criteria are excluded: gender, ethnic group, country, ancestry, etc.
Given that Allah does not favor one gender over the other in His attention to us (and it helps to remember that Allah is neither male nor female),
On misconception, there is a great deal more to write, most of it showing how current practices in many Muslim lands go against what the Qur'an and Sunnah have ordained, lands in which women are treated as property (unIslamic), are not educated (unIslamic), are forbidden their economic rights (unIslamic), and more. On this point in particular, we encourage everyone to consult the Qur'an and Sunnah from people who practice before incriminating Islam. Always remember that Islam is a complete way of life from the Creator, and that Muslims are people who claim to follow that way of life. A Muslim may claim to follow Islam, but be wrong. In the end, God is the judge.
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