Is it any wonder that Luton is Al Qaeda's ground Zero within Great Britain when it has these people in positions of power sitting over it and the people?!

And he is standing outside what looks like a Mosque!
I wonder what future for Luton he is fighting for?
Article: Luton MEP
He then goes on to say: “We must make sure that these extremists don’t get to be the public face of Luton, not just for the Asian shopkeeper on Stuart Street who had his windows smashed in, but for Luton as a community to send a clear message to the hate mongers on June 4 that they are not wanted here.
After speaking to Luton citizens who were present on the Anti-extremist protest on Sunday May 24th, about the events on the day, it was pointed out to me that this chicken and chip shop that was targetted, was attacked specifically because it was a local heroin front for the organised Pakistani Moslem drug gangs of Bury Park, Luton.
The police are powerless to shut these drug front and money laundering businesses down, so members of the Luton community took matters into their own hands on Sunday, and right or wrong, they smashed the windows of this shop out of desperation at the local authorities inaction about the problem of Moslem extremism of all forms in their community.
How would you feel if one of your friends or family was hooked on Al Qaedas heroin in Luton, or dead from it?
This MEP is completely out of touch with the reality of real life on the streets, and seeks to use these situations to maximise his publicity.
He is nothing but a TRAITOR to the English/British community, as this point proves.
He would rather stand up and protect Moslems who are aligned to militants, than the wider community, and then condemns normal citizens who have taken matters into their own hands because his own government is doing nothing about the problem.
He and all those like him expect everyone to put up and shut up, with the problems they themselves have caused.
No one can justify the assault on the innocent man outside of this shop, but the smashing up of the shop is peoples way of saying 'enough is enough'.
This MEP has drawn the line here himself, and has clearly shown which side of the divide he stands on, especially being pictured outside of a Mosque.
It is easy to shout and scream 'far-right' etc for political publicity, without looking deeper at the situation at hand.
Some people like this MEP have a very, very short memory, because if you look at all of the facts you will see that the events on Sunday were a result of continued Islamic violence and hatred aimed at the wider Luton community, which then spreads out and affects the country as a whole, like on the morning of 7/7.
Have you heard him mention one word about murderous Islamic extremism in Luton?
The people of Luton need people in local government who are going to listen to their concerns, and act on those concerns, not shout and scream 'far-right', and then sweep everything under the carpet as if it is the 'far-right' causing problems for no reason.
I was there Sunday and I know for a fact that 99% of the people present were just normal young men and women from Luton, Dunstable, surrounding areas, and from around the country, and it was a mixture of white, black and mixed race, all protesting in unity and solidarity about something that affects all of us within Great Britain now. This proves that Islamic extremism crosses all racial divides, so it is not just a 'far-right' political issue as this MEP thinks.
It seems that out of touch MPs like this one do not understand this fact yet though.
Sweeping the problem under the carpet does not work, and will never work, because it is just a matter of time until the issues on the ground in Luton, Dunstable, and surrounding areas concerning Islamic extremism raise their ugly heads once again due to the fact that there is now a hornets nest in the middle of us and our families.
The problems are here, and out of touch MEPs like this one, do not have a clue as to the seriousness of the situation on the ground. He just cannot see the elephant sitting in the room with him, or he can and has chosen where he stands.
The Anti-extremist protest was just a taste of things to come. That is not a threat, but a statement of fact based upon the evidence.
I wonder what he has to say to his 'Defence Secretary' who has stated that Luton is an Al Qaeda stronghold?
Beat the English/British community back because they have made their voices heard, and stay silent on the real threat that is facing the community, which is that fact of having an Al Qaeda stronghold on the ground.
Who do you stand with? Those who protect Islamic militancy in the community like this MEP and his partner Margaret Moran, or those who seek to rid Islamic militancy from the streets, like the people of UPL?
Very simple really, and will determine the condition of the community that our children and grandchildren who are being born now, will grow up into.
The future!
Take a look at this video and you will see Mr Q who is an Al Qaeda Godfather from Luton, sitting in a chicken and chip shop in Luton town centre: Codename 'Bashful dwarf'
And here is the archetypal Pakistani Moslem drug dealer from Bury Park setting up shop 100 yards away from a school: Dunstable & the Al Qaeda connection
Decide what future you want for your community and country, and then stand up and fight for it because there are people out there already fighting for the future they want, and its is an Islamic one, you just cannot see it yet.
The pakistanis bring in £12.7 billion of heroin into the UK each year,they will not sell it to their fellow Muslims.
The goverment do nothing about this as you say in your article,if they wont,we should.I know that i would not stand for anyone selling that poison to my family.
The British people need to stand together on this,we can't deal with the problems separately.
If the shop was a herion dealership,it,and its owner got off far too lightly in my opinion.
the reason is of course, that only a twit would vote Labour now, unless you belong to a group who can wring special concessions and grant aid, plus loads of cushty jobs at the Town Hall!
Shows exactly what part Labour Party are playing in the Islamification of Europe.
Perhaps Mr. Howitt is upset about the 'attack' on this place because he himself is hooked on what is being 'sold' there under the counter?
I hope I'm wrong, but if even Bill Clinton admitted to smoking (but not inhaling...Ha! Ha!) grass, and Obama admitted that he had made the acquaintance of cocaine (and there is a video clip of him under its influence on the internet to prove it), then why is it beyond belief that even British politicians may be dabbling in one of the UK Pakistani 'business' trade's main imports?
Whatever...this MEP should remember that he represents the majority (still and hopefully for ever...) native British people, and that he must, first and foremost, protect THEIR rights over those of miscreants, racists, religious fanatics, homicide bombers, decapitators of infidels, potential fifth columnists, and bloodthirsty,slavering invaders/
Calling protestors names and intimating that they were all just
a criminally-inclined mob, only exacerbates the problem..and inflames emotions. Try listening empathatically to the protestors and dealing with the problem like their elected representative and...a MAN!
Or is that too much to ask of you, Mr. Howitt? If it is, perhaps you should look for a new, easier,less responsible, career.
Anonymous Lady
If you understand how the leftards operate, you will realize that their most productive form of destroying a group of people is use this rule from Alinsky's rules for radicals as follows:
"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."
The leftards can't show the people how great they are, because they aren't, so they destroy their opposition - exactly Obama's mode of operation.
The British people have the power in their vote - VOTE THE LABOUR PARTY OUT!!!
Unfortunately parts of the video are very wrong indeed.
Janet Hoza, tells us that this is a Campaign of Love and yet she completely misunderstands that love will not stop the Muslims from Islamising the world. If she truly understands Islam and the Qur'an(which I bet she's never even read) then she'd realise that 'radical Islam' as our MSM and politicians continually like to remind us of(including not such a thing as an Islamic Terrorist) does not exist. Radical Islam IS Islam. Al Qaeda, Al-Muhajiroun, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, Tablighi Jamaat, all these organisations would have fitted into the jigsaw puzzle of Muhammad's reign and conquests in the 7th Century. These organisations would have been heroes as they waged war on the Infidels throughout Muhammad's reign and his followers thereafter. Anjem Choudary, Abu Izzadeen, Abu Al Hamza, Omar Bakri Muhammad, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Abu Qatada.....all of them have not hijacked the religion that is Islam. If anything Islam has been hijacked by 'moderates'. The aforementioned are preaching the Qur'an as Muhammad taught and lived throughout his life.
Janet Hoza talks of getting out the pub and voting for your local councillor...who? The only party in the whole of the UK that sees the terrible danger of Islam, not 'Radical Islam' but Islam as a whole, is the BNP. Will she mention this? Or does she really think that by some miraculous happening Labour, Liberal and Conservative politicians are all going to have an epiphany one day and realise that Islam is not in the west for integration but domination?
I really don't have time to Evangelists. I think they're as bad as those Muslims they warn us about.
"This is not a hate campaign it's a love campaign and they're welcome in our country".....what on earth is she on about? She goes on to say "they[Muslims] are welcome in our country, but it's our country, we speak English and we love one God and it's the God and that's how it needs to stay." Does she not realise that the 'love' campaign was the same love campaign that no doubt the Christians, the Jews, the Zoroastrians, the Hindus, Sikhs behaved when the Muslims came? Does she not realise that all those lands outside of Saudi Arabia, now Muslim, were occupied by the aforementioned people? They showed love to the Muslims and of course the Muslims went into 'Mecca' mode, behaving like the humble Muhammad and showed peace. Then they grew and demanded and grew and demanded more and then they grew to such a size that the 'Mecca' mode changed to the 'Medina' mode and it was time for Islam to step out of the sheep's clothing to show the wolf from within and conquer the lands they now occupy in mass numbers, seizing it from their non Muslim masters.
(continued below)
Sad but true story, my parents live in Scotland and both of them are Labour supporters. I've tried to talk them into BNP, but they apparently have been programmed into believing "once Labour, always Labour."
What really bothers me is the fact that my parents are liberals. For me, this is a big conflict in my family.
If I were a UK citizen I would vote BNP. They wouldn't stand for any of this nonsense, and that MEP would be ousted.
How do we write letters to this individual? The more the better. Britons need to show this idiot who is in charge - certainly not him.
I urge all of you to vote BNP when the time comes!
They are taking over the crack and cocaine pushing, as well.
Hence the turf war between blacks and Pakistani, that seems imminent.
Re-posted for Winston the Smithy due to technical difficulties.
Part 1
"Unfortunately parts of the video are very wrong indeed.
Janet Hoza, tells us that this is a Campaign of Love and yet she completely misunderstands that love will not stop the Muslims from Islamising the world. If she truly understands Islam and the Qur'an(which I bet she's never even read) then she'd realise that 'radical Islam' as our MSM and politicians continually like to remind us of(including not such a thing as an Islamic Terrorist) does not exist. Radical Islam IS Islam. Al Qaeda, Al-Muhajiroun, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, Tablighi Jamaat, all these organisations would have fitted into the jigsaw puzzle of Muhammad's reign and conquests in the 7th Century. These organisations would have been heroes as they waged war on the Infidels throughout Muhammad's reign and his followers thereafter. Anjem Choudary, Abu Izzadeen, Abu Al Hamza, Omar Bakri Muhammad, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Abu Qatada.....all of them have not hijacked the religion that is Islam. If anything Islam has been hijacked by 'moderates'. The aforementioned are preaching the Qur'an as Muhammad taught and lived throughout his life.
Janet Hoza talks of getting out the pub and voting for your local councillor...who? The only party in the whole of the UK that sees the terrible danger of Islam, not 'Radical Islam' but Islam as a whole, is the BNP. Will she mention this? Or does she really think that by some miraculous happening Labour, Liberal and Conservative politicians are all going to have an epiphany one day and realise that Islam is not in the west for integration but domination?
I really don't have time to Evangelists. I think they're as bad as those Muslims they warn us about.
"This is not a hate campaign it's a love campaign and they're welcome in our country".....what on earth is she on about? She goes on to say "they[Muslims] are welcome in our country, but it's our country, we speak English and we love one God and it's the God and that's how it needs to stay." Does she not realise that the 'love' campaign was the same love campaign that no doubt the Christians, the Jews, the Zoroastrians, the Hindus, Sikhs behaved when the Muslims came? Does she not realise that all those lands outside of Saudi Arabia, now Muslim, were occupied by the aforementioned people? They showed love to the Muslims and of course the Muslims went into 'Mecca' mode, behaving like the humble Muhammad and showed peace. Then they grew and demanded and grew and demanded more and then they grew to such a size that the 'Mecca' mode changed to the 'Medina' mode and it was time for Islam to step out of the sheep's clothing to show the wolf from within and conquer the lands they now occupy in mass numbers, seizing it from their non Muslim masters.
(continued below)
Re-posted for Winston the Smithy due to technical difficulties.
Part 2
There are many questions needing to be asked and addressed and love is certainly not one of them. We are looking collectively at the utter obliteration of the Western Civilisation, which would mean the end of Humanity, Liberty, Democracy and above all Freedom. We would be plunged into a new Dark Age, one that we may never escape and the worse thing about it is that Evangelists believe that we can make peace with Islam.
The only time that there will be peace with Islam is when Islam has conquered the world and all non Muslims are living as dhimmis - 2nd Class citizens under Sharia Law. This is not fantasy but fact. She sounds like a well educated and good mannered individual but really she is utterly oblivious to what Islam is all about. Do you really think that moderates are going to say "We agree with the Islamists?" Do you really think that most of the Muslims in the UK are going to say "we want Sharia Law and the Caliphate?" Think about it, that would be end game, something at their current size they can't state.
And as we speak here about the danger of Islam the OIC controls the UNHRC implementing Defamation of Islam, making it guilty to criticise Islam. Our own government instituted Hate Speech and Incitement to Religious Hatred Laws in order to utterly oppress and dissent or criticism of Islam in order to make the changeover to and Islamic state that much easier.
There are no 'ifs' and 'buts' regarding Islam. by 2050 by mere demographics Islam will have Islamised the UK and all of Europe.
You have two choices and they are:
1. Do something to stop it, speak to your friends, organise rallies, vote for well, forget the main 3 it has to be the BNP. Read the Qur'an and hadith understand what you're up against. Use that knowledge to destroy your opposition verbally. Use Islamic history and world events to back up your argument.
2. Convert your children while they're young to Islam. There's nothing worse that being free, to live in a democracy and then be forced into a world of servitude and having to believe in a god and a faith you do not believe in or like. That's Hell on earth, losing your freedom.
Winston the Smithy"
Winston the Smithy
The young protesters of Luton need to learn how we organise a street restistance !
The night with Molotow and sling-frond
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