18 August 2007

Dirty bomb in New York City

Check out these reports with video's over at Atlas Shrugs

NY Traffic and Weather: Dirty bomb

More on New York Dirty Bomb

Radioactive in New Jersey?

Is this activity the precursor to Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda networks next attack?

Watch the news, listen carefully and if you live anywhere near a potential target then prepare for the worst, hope for the best and make your peace with Almighty God just in case.

Video: Nuclear Smuggling - War On Terror
Video: Loose Nukes
Audio: Suitcase Nukes

God bless you


Osama Bin Laden – The Third Anti-Christ

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Learn what could happen when the United States is hit by another terrorist attack by Islamic extremists that creates an extreme response by Washington in The Final Presidential Executive Order at http://www.swissconfederationinstitute.org/swisspreserve14.htm

This is a fictional case study from a new free online book by Ron Holland, “The Swiss Preserve Solution” & read how the government reaction to another attack could dramatically curtail personal, financial, religious and civil liberties in the United States.

Ron Holland lives at Wolf Laurel in NC.