It is terrifying incidents like this happening to elderly people that sends them to an early grave, lets hope and pray that this is not the case here.
Scruffy man stole 90-year-old's handbag
A 'scruffy' burglar who claimed he was hungry forced his way into the home of a 90-year-old Luton woman and stole her handbag.
The man initially claimed he was a policeman when he turned up at the woman's home in Whitehill Avenue on Tuesday at about 7pm. But when she asked to see his ID he pushed past her, saying he was hungry and needed money.
She offered him £5 and asked him to leave but as she went to get her purse he followed her, grabbed her handbag and ran out of the house.
The woman was not hurt but was left badly shaken by her ordeal.
The burglar is described as being of Asian appearance, aged about 20, 5ft 10in tall and of medium build. He had dark hair, bushy eyebrows, a thin beard and wore a black zip-up jacket and jeans.
Det Sgt Daren Guess, from the Luton Burglary Unit, said: "This man was scruffy and he said he was hungry. It may be that he is sleeping rough in the area or has tried to get money out of other people, and if so we would like to hear from them."
Anyone with any information about the incident should contact Det Con Guess on 01582 394302 , or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 .
so "asian appearance" equals muslim in your mind? after all this time, brazilians are still not safe on the street of britain then....
incidentally, i find it ironic that you are trying to help the police catch a criminal whilst you yourself spent all that time hiding from them abroad.
I see youve finally plucked up the courage to come onto my blog from Britney British, I sold Allison from the Estate agents where your posting from a Laptop several years back, so i know where your commenting from quite well.
Im not like you you see boredluton, when i hear of a 90 year old women being robbed in her own home by a Moslem i dont care about what department within the police want to arrest me.
Asian + Luton = Moslem
i support lionheart...
Numerous recent studies have identified a growing malaise among children, particularly in primary schools. In February 2007, the United Nations Children's Fund reported that British pupils were the unhappiest in the western world because of the lack of social cohesion in the UK.
Even our kids are feeling it...
lol, estate agents? i see your sleuthing skills are super sharp... er, yeah.
for some reason britney has decided against posting my ridiculing comments and made up an excuse about me threatening all sorts - he/she also has similar 'detective' skills to you and has made empty threats about post aerial photographs of the supposed flats i live in... lol
on a few of your nonsense posts i've bothered to read, if there is no hard evidence of muslim involvement then you just assume it - have you ever considered a career as a tabloid journalist? i think there's more money in that than a career as a paranoid fantasist.
I think that if you read through my blog you will see that everything i write about is based upon "FACTS", so who is the paranoid fantasist?
Me a British citizen writing about the facts or you a Moslem guest upon the British isles who is in denial about what his religion is doing to British society?
The people of this once Great Nation of Britain have had about enough of Islam that they can stomach - Remember this!
Your community helped Al Qaeda declare war against the people of Britain on 7/7, or did i imagine that like everything else you state i imagine.
Your time is coming to an end...
"The Inspiring History Britain Should Never Forget
From the March 2008 Trumpet Print Edition »
Britain’s history of miracles made it great. The Lisbon Treaty represents a shift in faith away from God and toward Europe. By Robert Morley"
Speaking of the children in Britain being unhappy, a relative of mine in Canada who has the opportunity to speak to many British people who are over in Canada working, states that the British people he talks to speak of how the youth in Britain feel there is no future for them and that they are very unhappy. It is terribly sad to hear the youth of a nation believe they have nothing to look forward to in life.
In the link you will see that God has been with Britain and has performed many miracles for her because God loves her and shows her his mercy. It is unfortunate so many British people do not know who they are and why God has mercy on her time and time again.
If anyone has the opportunity, read the book 'BRITAIN AWAKE! A Challenge and a Warning to the Nation' by David Hilliard. It is a short read, very easy to follow, and is a God send.
Frightening an elderly woman of 90 years old is inexcusable. How dare that young man have the nerve to treat the elderly in Britain in that matter. What goes around, always comes back for a bite, so no doubt this man will receive what he deserves one way or another.
I'll tell you one thing, that young man would not want to meet up with my relatives if he did that sort of thing to my grandmother and/or mother - caution would be thrown to the wind, and only God could help him then.
Dear members, I do need to speak to you'll pertaining to an important issue that concern us all and can you'll email me on Reverend Edward from UK
Lionheart,please honor your promise because the EPP parliament ministers and Prime Ministers and British MP's are fullfilling their obligations to my request and i accept for you to the same.Reverend Edward
Dear members,The subject is pertaining to Jihardist,pro-communist ,terrorism and persecuted Christian plight person name Arthur in a Muslim country.This request is not soliciting money but instaed to sign a petition and place the petition and article on your related website an spreading the word on Reverend Edward. Below i enclose a few of the support letters.Cllr Alan Craig
St Luke's Centre
85 Tarling Road
Canning Town
E16 1HN
020 7511 9663
25th February 2008
High Commission of Malaysia
45-46 Belgrave Square
Dear Sir,
It has come to my attention that a Arthur Samuel a resident of Selangor and a Christian has been victimised and pressured by the local police and government for standing up for justice and against terrorism.
I was very concerned to hear that a citizen of your country was being persecuted for standing up about these things. While I'm aware that you promote all religions equally it appears that this isn't always the case.
I would be most grateful if you could investigate this matter and assess why Mr Samuel is being targeted. I hope you will impress upon your government that as a citizen of Malaysia, Samuel should be given the same support and protection under the law as anybody else.
Yours faithfully,
Alan Craig (Cllr)
1632 West Regal, Stockton CA 95205
February 5, 2008
Ambassador, the Honorable Dr. Rajmah Hussain
Embassy of Malaysia
3516 International Court
Northwest Washington, DC 2008
Dear Ambassador Hussain,
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. My name is Andrew Whitehead; I am the founder and director of Anti-Council on American-Islamic Relations (Anti-CAIR); a small group of concerned Americans dedicated to exposing the activities of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and CAIR's support of Islamic terrorists and Islamic terrorist groups.
I am writing you today to express my concerns for Mr. Arthur Samuel, Eurasian Christian citizen of your country, who has apparently been assaulted and injured either by Malaysian government agents or those acting under color of their authority. Mr. Samuel is living in fear of his life after having launched an investigation of your country's Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers and their possible connections to illegal organizations.
As you know, the personal freedoms of the peoples of all countries is the bedrock of civilization. Included in these freedoms is the right of any citizen to question their government; to petition for redress; to seek justice. The role of any civilized government is to ensure that the people's rights are paramount and that the powers of the government are not abused in a manner that is not only illegal, but unjust.
I invite you to read the article posted here:
I'm sure you will agree with me that this article paints a very unflattering picture of Malaysia. While I am personally concerned with the matter of Mr. Samuel, I am also concerned about your government's apparent ties to radical Islam.
I know that your country's laws enshrine respect for all religions; while this is the law, we both know that this is not a fact of daily life. Non-Muslims in your country are routinely abused and made to feel subjugated merely because they are not Muslim. As an official representative to the United States, I know you have had the opportunity to see for yourself how the concept of "equal justice under the law" works in my country.
Simply put, all people are equal under the law in the United States, regardless of their religion, ethnic background, or political belief. We Americans have learned, the hard way, that dividing people by religion is not only counter-productive, but is an invitation to disaster.
I hope you will impress upon your government that Mr. Samuel, as a citizen, is entitled to the same protections as are all Malaysian citizens; that he is entitled to the protections of the law, respect for his human rights, and the right to be free of persecution, whether it comes from the private sector or at the hands of government agents.
I appreciate your kind attention to this matter and I look forward to reading that Mr. Samuel, and all Malaysians, are having their civil rights respected by your government.
Very respectfully,
Andrew Whitehead
Last night on TV their was a report about the guilty conviction of five luton Muslims who attacked and murdered an African faithhealer who owed them 14,000 pounds.
They first rubbed salt into his wounds and tortured him.
He was a Muslim himself.
He did his healing by having camels sacrifised in the Gambia on clients behalf.
One of those to be sentenced was Imran Khan, brother of Nigel killer Khan who Lionheart has reported on before.
It is on page 3 of 9th march "Luton on Sunday." including photos.
This, dear "boredluton" is what has happened to that Town and the people there.
It has all occurred over the last 20 years as social division has been the order of the day.
Whitehill Rd was a quiet and well to do road, and this lady is probably one of the original residents.
I hope the police catch him, and there have been sightings apparently.
The importation of heroin into Britain has affected mainly white kids and younger adults, but even amongst Muslims there are many addicts who chase the dragon.
They fund their lifestyles through selling drugs on behalf of their dealers who are mainly well known to the police.
I call upon Chief Constable of Bedfordshire Gillian Parker, QPM, BSc.(Hons), MSt.(Cantab)to do her duty and instruct her police to act with the utmost powers at their disposal to rid the streets of this despicable scourge.
You have the intelligence on the crime families, do your duty to protect the civilians before vigilantism becomes the only option for their protection. Stand up and be counted Madam.
We salute your future efforts.
Edward: I never promised anything so please do not say that i did.
Yu have sent me a load of stuff shouting at me to post on it.
I am in my own personal predicament and when i can do something i will!!!
Thanks for the info Neverbored.
God bless you
Paul,i only asking you to cut and paste all the materials texts i sended earlier to be inserted into your blog and please don't make it difficult because Lee Kaplan has assist and there no excuse for yourself to fellow suit.
because one person does something does not mean another has to follow suit.
All you have sent me is aload of generic stuff with no explenation!
I am disappointed in you Paul and I had send you the article,the petition,support letter and the dead baby pictures with references letters.Honestly,the people who oppose Islam i find them ridiculous because with their rhetoric and drama character with no compassion to others.It defeat the pup pose and being lazy does not accomplish credibility and legitimacy to their own cause.As i say we can talk a issue till the next century without being proactive.Bravo to the false knight.Even Cllr Alan Craig can sent a support letter because he put were his mouth is unlike yourself. Reverend Edward
yo don't say that about muslims and luton yeh you hear me don't say that or i will hunt you down.
my connection is N.K.K / I.K
this goes 2 all u guys who say luton has asian or muslim thugs well u kno wat just stay where u r and i will hunt u down and blow yr head off wit my AK-47.
whoever this is "neverboredluton" why r u talking about my uncle like that imran and nigel khan will beat you up wen i tell them .
peace out racists
If the person above really has access to AK-47 then the Police must act to prevent a serious crime occuring.
Police read these pages to monitor Lionheart and others and if a crime occurs with this connection then these pages will become evidence.
Yes all the crime families are known to Bedfordshire Police.
Ms. Parker will be directly negligent if she fails to take action on direct threats of violence and worse.
Are we living in the Wild West, Chief Constable?
Luton has become a cess-pit of drugs.
Lives and families are being ruined every day.
The Police know what is going on.
They must act soon to clean up.
Some of these comments actually prove the point.
Anyone who wants a definition of "thug" just read above.
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