It sounds eerily like the Cold War - and that is no mistake.
The "Long War" is the name Washington is using to rebrand the new world conflict, this time against terrorism.
Now the US military is revealing details of how it is planning to fight this very different type of war.
It is also preparing the public for a global conflict which it believes will dominate the next 20 years.
The nerve centre of this war against terror is the huge MacDill airbase in Tampa, Florida.
Surrounded by white sand beaches, palm trees and two golf courses it looks more like a holiday camp than a military camp.
But inside US Central Command (Centcom) generals are planning what they call "fourth-generational warfare".
Centcom is already responsible for operations in the Middle East, South Asia and Africa - as well as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan - and now it is planning a campaign that will eventually span the globe.
Aiming at al-Qaeda
The man behind what the US military calls its "principles of the Long War" is Brig Gen Mark Kimmitt.
Gen Kimmitt, Centcom's deputy director of plans and strategy, told BBC News: "Even if Iraq stabilised tomorrow the Long War would continue."
So as Centcom tries to control events in Iraq, he is also planning a strategy for "nothing less than the defeat of al-Qaeda across the world and its associated movements strung together by extremist ideology".
To achieve victory the US military will have to change dramatically, he says.
Like the terrorists it will have to build international networks, Gen Kimmitt says, making better use of "soft power" - diplomacy, finance, trade and technology.
"I'm an artillery officer, and I can't fire cannons at the internet," he says, referring to what he sees as one of the key weapons of the modern age.
Instead, he argues that the US military must try to break down "old mind-sets and bureaucracies" and build new relationships with other agencies - like the FBI, the police and the state department - through what in military jargon are called "joint inter-agency task forces".
Continue reading: The Long War
Recognizing an independent Kosovo, then selling them arms for peace is a good start NOT!
someone has to say it so i will:
the usa is doomed.
american government agents are now being "trained" by moslems on how to deal with islam and moslems by the council on american islamic relations(cair).
cair is accepted as a "moderate" moslemic organization that is influencing the fbi, and local law enforcement to have a warped toleration policy towards islam.
this is happening even though courageous moslem terrorism expert steve emerson and others has documented that CAIR supports hammas and other terrorist groups.
(hat tip: from
in my opinion, the day will come when these two entities: islam and the usa government will unite and at that time revelation 17:6 will be fulfilled:
And I saw the woman(mystery:BABYLON THE GREAT) drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered greatly.
all the more reason to prepare oneself for the shock of this inevitability.
we are witnessing historic and prophetic developments that are horrific in scope and magnitude.
the only solution is to accept Messiah, for days of great suffering and bloodshed our in our future!
Jesus wants to save us, this is why he came the first time: his crucifixion to atone for man's sins, but it is up to the individual whether or not to accept him.
He will come the second time to judge the "whore" america for prostituting itself to the moslem devils and waging war on God's people: the Jews and Christians.
forrest shalom
Hi Forrest Shalom,
Depressing indeed but, as you point out, the Holy Bible prophecies it all.
The only new thing for me is your characterizing the USA as the
'whore of babylon'. This is indeed devastating to contemplate. To me, almost unthinkable. I have read of many other possibilities, but never that the USA would take on that demonic role.
But if you are right, woe upon us all especially for the greatest SINGLE country the world has ever known.
Could such an unthinkable thought, though, be more likely if Barack Obama takes the helm of that amazing entity? Or will it happen anyway, whether he, Hilary or McCain become President?
shalom anon:
it doesn't matter if its the right or the left in america they are both sold out to islam. this is an indictment against our vaunted man centered "democracy".
its seems that the islamification process would accelerate under a hussein obama presidency, but all three candidates are bad and will each contribute to the downfall of america in their own way. its a lose lose situation.
how long it will take to get to revelation 17, and 18 i don't know.
the Lord is merciful!
i will be talking about america: babylon the great tonite at 9 pm eastern time at
of course i hope that i am wrong about my prophetic analysis, but modern day america appears to be the leading candidate for the ignoble title: MYSTERY BABYLOLN THE GREAT: a whore in the site of Almighty God.
wake up everyone!
forrest shalom
(a thought: literal or ancient babylon is modern day iraq: mystery babylon: america is currently the conqueror of ancient babylon!)
a coincidence perhaps?
in reading the article i was looking for general kimmel to say: 'i emphatically state that the war on terrorism is not against islam, REPEAT NOT AGAINST ISLAM: pass out more korans to our soldiers"
nevertheless kimell states:
Like the terrorists it will have to build international networks, Gen Kimmitt says, making better use of "soft power" - diplomacy, finance, trade and technology.
"I'm an artillery officer, and I can't fire cannons at the internet," he says, referring to what he sees as one of the key weapons of the modern age.
Instead, he argues that the US military must try to break down "old mind-sets and bureaucracies" and build new relationships with other agencies - like the FBI, the police and the state department - through what in military jargon are called "joint inter-agency task forces".
the islamic leaning state dept?
don't forget general to consult with CAIR so they can feed you a great line of bull---
what leaders we have
f s
The Terrorist Islamic Regime FALLS tomorrow and there is no ISLAMIFICATION of the West anymore but would the Evil Europe listen? Would they hell as they still keep denying the Captive Nation of IRAN and continue Supporting those Ayatollahs and this is why The West is DOOMED forever.
Like Europe and Britain, the People are one thing and the State is another.
Democracy has the inbuilt flaw of allowing those with the inclination and backing to rise to positions of power.
The People may only vote Left or Right or some hopeless fuzzy in-between.
As Demographic change will change the voting pool, so too the elected will change as time moves on.
America the People are not Babylon, but who are it's leaders?
With no clear difference between the outcomes of the single action allowed to the population, ie; the vote, what hope is there?
How can we dare to put our faith in such flawed outcome? It is a lottery.
Example, Gordon Brown, non-elected inheritor of UK governing Labour Party leadership.
Until a short time ago, praised for his abilities as Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Now we find that not only did he sell the best part of Britain's Gold bullion stock, at knock down prices, but he failed to see the outcome of his monetary leadership by allowing credit and borrowing to go so far out of balance.
Now we are looming toward recession or worse and the Sterling pound plummets against the Euro. Does he get the blame? Of course not.
Ten years at the helm of British finance and he walks off Scot-free. (Pun intended, Jock.)
Could he be part of the great plan to destroy the little independence Britain has left, and squeeze us into the Euro currency at rock bottom exchange rate?
Or is he just another incompetent fool who we took our eyes off his balls as he played under-the- table-tennis in his pin-stripes to while away the boring ours at 10 Downing Street.
No wonder the Islamics see us as chickens ripe for plucking.
Sad to say, but a period under open Dictatorship is on the cards when we belly flop into the next decade.
"Donald Rumsfeld has long pushed for transformation of the military
He believes that will help win hearts and minds, by ending the impression that the US is occupying the Middle East.
"Our future posture is still being worked out," he says.
"But I would like to see to the number of troops in the Middle East cut to a fraction of the current 300,000, by at least a half."
So not only did he cause so many problems by not having enough forces on the ground to sort out Iraq after the invasion."
So not only did he get it wrong about the numbers of troops needed to sort out Iraq after the invasion, he's going to take another gamble with the US Forces?
"One regular cause of tension among the allies is the sharing of sensitive intelligence.
"There are some things you wouldn't share with a neighbour and even an ally," one senior US officer said."
No I don't suppose the Brits want to let America know the full extent of penetration of Britains vital services by A Q operatives.
i just listened to lee kaplan at jerusalem pulse radio report that HILTON hotels, for the second year in a row is hosting a virolently antisemitic moslem terror organization that will conduct training in economic jihad against jewish owned businesses.
it is more than just the american government that is 'whorish babylonian' in nature: in the Hilton case it is business.
examples could be found in probably every sector of american life: certainly in the religious: the anti semitic pro islamic "church" that HUSSEIN obama has attended for 20 years.
and the numerous colleges who accept moslem money to
start islamic study departments.
americans have sold out their souls to mammon: look at the oil interests.
f s,report-muslim-journalist-to-be-baptized-by-pope-benedict-xvi.html
Breaking News.
Muslim converts to another religion.
Shame he needs armed security due to threats from islamic "fundamentalists"
Hi All.
Forest I was reading an article the other day & you talking about your reports that you will be doing on the USA reminded me of this that I had read. It is about the ending of the USA as we know it & the on going financial problem they are going through, how it was done & who did it. I will cut & paste it to this post. I hope you all find it of as much interest as I did.
A leading economic journalist has described the current financial crisis as a "gigantic fraud", the fallout of a deliberate and preconceived profit agenda to enslave the middle classes in a debt bubble.
The economics editor of the London Guardian, Larry Elliott, has hit out at the global financial elite in a refreshing piece that marks a rare shift away from the establishment hackery we are used to from the corporate media.
In an article titled America was conned - who will pay? Elliot writes:
Indeed, it is somewhat surprising that there is not already rioting in the streets, given the gigantic fraud perpetrated by the financial elite at the expense of ordinary Americans.
Business, of course, needs consumers to carry on spending in order to make money, so a way had to be found to persuade households to do their patriotic duty. The method chosen was simple. Whip up a colossal housing bubble, convince consumers that it makes sense to borrow money against the rising value of their homes to supplement their meagre real wage growth and watch the profits roll in.
As they did - for a while. Now it s payback time and the mood could get very ugly. Americans, to put it bluntly, have been conned. They have been duped by a bunch of serpent-tongued hucksters who packed up the wagon and made it across the county line before a lynch mob could be formed.
Elliot also states that the debate is now not about whether the US faces a recession, but is about how deep it will be and how long it will last, comparing the downturn to the South Sea Bubble crisis in 1720, and declaring that the "Ponzi securitisation scam has been exposed."
A Ponzi scheme, named after Charles Ponzi, is one that offers abnormally high short-term returns in order to entice new investors. The high returns that a Ponzi scheme advertises and pays require an ever-increasing flow of money from investors in order to keep the scheme going, meaning it is inevitable that it will eventually collapse.
Elliot, like former chief economist of the World Bank turned whistleblower, Joseph Stiglitz, points a finger of blame squarely at former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan, stating:
"In the longer term, lessons must be learnt from the turmoil. One is that you don t solve the problems of a collapsing bubble by blowing up another, which is what Alan Greenspan did after the dotcom fiasco in 2001 - the most irresponsible behaviour of any central banker in living memory."
Last week we highlighted the fact that Greenspan, instead of trying to act to reverse the damage he has done to the US economy, is actively encouraging its further demise by urging foreign states to abandon their dollar peg.
Another cogent point Larry Elliot makes is the following:
"If this is, heaven help us, The Big One, one of the only consolations will be that the repugnance at the orgy of speculation that has sapped the strength of the US economy will put a new New Deal on the political agenda."
Last week we highlighted the fact that Greenspan, instead of trying to act to reverse the damage he has done to the US economy, is actively encouraging its further demise by urging foreign states to abandon their dollar peg.
It should be added that, given that this crisis has been engineered by a financial elite Ponzi scheme, we should be extremely wary of any "new deal" that is brokered by the financial and political elite posing as our saviors.
There are already talks of a "new world order" emerging from the fallout of the current economic meltdown. A consolidation among the big financial institutions does not spell good news for ordinary Americans and people across the world who have been effectively herded into this current crisis by the financial elite.
We, along with others such as Stiglitz, have repeatedly warned of the quickening of an agenda of economic catastrophe allied to the "solution" of predatory globalism.
Nevertheless, while CNN and other mainstream outlets continue to parade economic "experts" who ludicrously suggest that the destruction of the dollar and the economic downturn is "not necessarily a bad thing" for America, it is a refreshing change to read a mainstream report that actually hints at the reality of the situation the US and the rest of the world now faces at the hands of the elite.
Who was responsible and masterminded the Evil Scenario of 1979 in IRAN?LONDON-
Which RADIO STATIONS did the Marvelous Propaganda job for Terrorist British
a day of reckoning has to come: america can't continue to consume and not produce.
revelation chapter 18 describes babylon the great's consumer orgy that ceases when the moslems destroy the lead city (new york) and by extension the whole country.
f s
forrest - "And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth." Rev. 17:9
This is Rome....a city.
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." Rev. 13:18
This is the Pope.....a man.
"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Rev. 13:17
Notice the first two verses speak of "wisdom".
"And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration." Rev. 17:6
A little history here should send you in the right direction.
"And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth." Rev. 17:18
"And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city!" Rev. 18:18
Rome and Rome.
Perhaps you could use this in your understanding of Revelation Chapter 17 and Chapter 13.
America is Manasseth, one of Joseph's two sons who received one of the Birthright blessings from Jacob/Israel, "and he also shall be GREAT." Gen. 48:19
Britain is Ephraim, the youngest of Joseph's two sons who received the other Birthright blessing from Jacob/Israel, "but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations." Gen. 48:19
show me one place in the bible that a gentile(individual or nation) is called israel or a jew please.
what you say about manasseh, ephraim is simply a form of replacement theology and it is erroneous.
"show me one place in the bible that a gentile(individual or nation) is called israel or a jew please."
I never said this. Those of the Tribes of Israel are not gentiles, but are amongst gentiles....they have been scattered amongst them.
You use replacement theology with your thoughts on America and Islam, not I, I take my truth from the Word of God.
I can show you a place in the Evil Quran where the Mighty Killer machine (ALLAH TAZI) asks Messiah to take his followers to ORSHALIM or Jerusalem which means that land long belonged to the JEWS before the Terrorist Mohammad and his brainwashed followers claimed that it belong to them.
sister joanne,
'scattered amongst' is different
from saying "is".
thanks for your new statement, which i will take replaces your prior viewpoint.
"replacement theology" refers to the church or gentiles somehow replacing israel or jews.
this is heretical and has been taught and practiced by roman catholicism, and much of protestantism not to mention the cults such as british israelism .
incedentally, i hope that my view that america is mystery babylon is wrong. there is no replacement here:
literal babylon is modern day iraq and mystery babylon is something else, again hopefully not america.
forrest shalom
forrest, forgive me asking, as B.I. appeals to many that find it.
I assumed it was about the tribes of Northern Israel who left and through several thousand years, populated much of Northern Europe, their hereditary DNA still being visible as are other indicators.
What do you think, I ask because you seem willing to share your thoughts on such obtuse concepts.
ps, I love both yours and joannes comments. Both very interesting.
shalom anon:
jews have always been a nation 'set apart':
Numbers 23:9 For from the top of the rocks I see him, and from the hills I behold him: lo, the people(JEWS) shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations.
i reckon in history a jew now and then assimilated into the masses of gentiles that engulfed their exile from the land of israel.
but by and large they have kept to themselves and therefore have kept their ethnicity intact: a people historically and nationally able to
demonstrate successive descent from
abraham, isaac, and jacob. hence the modern jews.
i believe that the occasional jew who intermarried with a gentile would have soon found his blood 'diluted' to the point that his descendants (who continued to marry gentiles) would not have much jewish blood left to make a difference biologically and certainly not ethnically or nationally.
the main thing to always be careful about is to not replace the
nation or people of israel with the gentile church.
Paul says in Romans 11:1,2
I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.
God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew.
salvation for both jew and gentile is of course the same way: by personal faith in Yeshua (Jesus).
but not all differences are erased when a Jew becomes a Christian.
actually the jewish christian is both a part of israel and the church! wheras a gentile christian is not.
this is a fascinating subject and i would recommend any interested readers to check out dr. arnold fruchtenbaum's bible teaching ministry from a jewish perspective at :
cheers and Happy Resurrection Day!
We have a living hope!
f s
Dear Anonymous :
Please read the Evil Quran and you will find you will see for yourself because these days people need to read this killing machine although our Corrupted Politicians still dont want us to.
forrest - I do not know where to start, so to you and anonymous, I will recommend two easy to read books that will reveal the truth to a open heart and mind.
BRITAIN AWAKE! A Challenge and a Warning to the Nation, by David Hilliard
I would recommend reading BRITAIN AWAKE first because it is a shorter and more simplistic read. THE ABRAHAMIC COVENANT is an absolute joy, but longer and BRITAIN AWAKE will give you an easier foundation to begin your understanding.
You can order them through the website -
Both would run you about $23.00 and shipping.
Genesis 49:8-12 - Judah's
"The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gather of the people be."
forrest - tell me who holds the sceptre today because the sceptre shall not depart from Judah until Jesus returns? Queen Elizabeth II is a direct descendant of the House and Dynasty of David and easily traces her lineage through the English Kings to 1603, then through the Scottish and Irish Kings back to the "Tender Twig" - Tamar Tephi - of the Royal House of David. Tamar Tea Tephi is the tender twig - daughter of Zedekiah whose sons were slaughtered before him, and who Jeremiah took to Ireland.
The "Stone of Destiny" - Jacob's pillow Genesis 28: 18-22 is beneath the Coronation Chair resting in Westminister Abbey. Monarchs were crowned either standing or sitting upon the stone, and now the Coronation Chair houses the stone, so Monarchs are crowned while sitting on this chair.
"When thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels [Solomon], and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build an house for my name, AND I WILL ESTABLISH THE THRONE OF HIS KINGDOM FOR EVER. I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men: But my mercy shall not depart away from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away before thee. AND THINE HOUSE AND THY KINGDOM SHALL BE ESTABLISHED FOR EVER before thee: THY THRONE SHALL BE ESTABLISHED FOR EVER" (II Sam. 7:4-5, 12-16).
Read II Sam. 7:5-17 to see that God told Nathan to speak these words to David.
So where is this throne today that shall be established for ever? There were no conditions on this promise for it is clear the people of Israel would be chastised for this iniquites, but God's mercy would not depart from them and "thy throne shall be established for ever."
Such absolute joy!
your british israelism is not only a joke but is serious biblical heresy.
you need to leave off teaching the bible to men and to anyone else for that matter:
1Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
joanne: i am not going to get in a long drawn out tit for tat with you over theology. you do not have a biblical understanding of two key things; the definitions of the terms "jew" and "israel".
good day
"This editorial should be read in the light of the Israel Truth, that is, that the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Scandinavian and kindred peoples are the Israelites of the Bible, the inheritors of both the blessings and the responsibilities that God bestowed upon Abraham, Isaac and Jacob through the Israel line."
this statement is a total falshood.
please lionheart don't let joanne promote this garbage. it is actually anti-semitic through and through.
f s
"1Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." from forrest's comment
This speaks far more to who you are than it does to me, doesn't it?
The books I speak of were written by men who know the truth and understand the teachings of the Bible.
I know who a Jew is, which is short for Judah by the way, and a Jew is of the tribe of Judah, and even in the Bible, the people of the tribes of Benjamin and Levi were also referred to as Jews in the Kingdom of Judah. The Jews of today, do not have to be of the tribe of Judah, even though they can be, to be of the religion today that believes Jesus Christ is not the Son of God. Judah is one of the 12 Tribes of Israel, but in latter days had formed the Kingdom or House of Judah, including Benjamin and the other ten tribes formed the Kingdom of Israel or House of Israel.
The covenant seed passed through to Noah's son Shem, of which Adamite seed now called Shemite, or Semitic, after Shem. Abraham was a Adamite/Semitic Hebrew of which the covenant seed through Issac, and then Jacob renamed Israel continued through to Israel's 12 sons - the 12 Tribes of Israel, of which became the Kingdom of Judah and the Kingdom of Israel. I know plenty, and I am faithful and true to the Word of God, and I have not been blinded, but have been given sight.
Have you ever wondered forrest why the holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God has twelve gates with the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel? God keeps his promises and his covenants, and God certainly kept his promises and covenants to Abraham, which came with no conditions, and God showed his servant people mercy.
Open your eyes forrest.
Of what I speak is certainly not anti-Semitic because that would be as if I was 'against the lineage of Shem' of which I am descended.
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