“Eisvogel” of the German blog “Acht der Schwerter” just published this translation of her German article of November 2006 titled “Der Dialog“, which has been quoted on several pages in the German-speaking internet in the meantime. A translation into Turkish might follow soon. Here is the English version of her message to Islam:
Taken from the transatlanticconservative blog
Dear Muslims,
We think it is time to state openly that we are enemies. Many honest people on your side have already done that, it is about time that we follow suit.
We have followed your advice to concern ourselves with Islam by now. We have seen Obsession [and meanwhile “Fitna” as well], we have read Bat Ye´Or and Robert Spencer, we have seen the video messages by Osama Bin Laden and heard the statements by Islamic scholars from all over the world - especially from Kairo´s Al Azar University - and also by Mr. Ahmadinejad. Particularly during the so-called Cartoon Affair, we have also listened to the very impressive voice of the ordinary Islamic Joe. We have busied ourselves with studying our common history and we have used our god-given reason to draw comparisons to the present.
We have come to think that we have to apologize for our comportment which we have shown while we did not know all of the above. It was our fault, not yours, that we remained without interest in and knowledge about you. We also apologize for bothering you for ages with a “dialogue”, in which you were rightfully annoyed about our cluelessness, and in which we insisted on turning you into something Christian-like. We especially apologize for those amongst us who have promoted the term “Islamism” to denigrate the most righteous and Qu´ran-abiding Muslims. The attempt to explain to you your own religion (”Islam means peace”) was a serious faux-pas, and hence we understand that you were often angry about our arrogance. It is arrogant indeed to bend other peoples´ religion into a shape which pleases one better. We cannot blame you for adopting the term “Islam means peace”, since we know that your prophet Muhammad himself has advised you to take to lying when the infidels are too strong to be subdued by military means. Who are we to counsel you to challenge your prophet!
We outrightly acknowledge that you have studied us and our culture more extensively and understood it better than we yours. We also acknowledge (in hindsight, now that we know your goals and the methods advocated by Muhammad to achieve them) that your course of action was mostly straightforward, while our actions often consisted of haphazard stopgap measures.
Alas, by now we know what you want. You want to expand the Dar al-Islam at the expense of the Dar al-Harb and, in the long-run, install the rule of the Islam over the world. We also know that your method is called Jihad, and we are not that oafish to believe that Jihad only means violence. No, you are certainly not that primitive. Jihad also encompasses demographic efforts, migration, Da´Wa (proselytization), Taqiyya (deft lies), propaganda and the use of economic power (petrodollars). Furthermore, we also believe you that an inner Jihad exists, the individual effort to lead a life agreeable to Allah. That is your private affair and does not belong in our dialogue. We are not bothering you with the contents of our prayers, either. But of course we do not believe that the inner struggle is the only meaning of Jihad. We are not blind and your holy scriptures are fortunately available for us to study.
We also recognize that your community is divided in the question whether terrorism is currently an adequate or contraproductive means to achieve your goals. We do not want to get involved in that, strategic and tactical issues you have to solve yourself. Maybe it comforts you that we are also beginning to discuss the Jihad-defense under purely strategic and tactical aspects, and that we no longer consider which method may be more agreeable to you, but which is more agreeable and promising to us.
We truly hope that you realize with your god-given intellect that we cannot approve of your goal, which is the global islamization or at least the islamization of Europe and Israel. We regret to inform you that we want to frustrate and will frustrate your every attempt with every means at our disposal. Mind you: We do not want to argue you out of this goal - it is not ours to alter your religion and we also know that we could not do that even if we tried. We know that your faith is strong and that you are humble servants of Allah. We will no further interfere in the setting of your agenda, we will only prevent you from achieving your goal.
You know that infidels defend themselves against you. Islamic warlords of days past knew well that the infidels showed no inclination to live under Islamic rule. If they had not known that, they would not have sent armed soldiers, but friendly missionaries. You still know that today. If you were expecting that Israel´s Jews were wishing for the islamization of their country in the form of a Islamic-governed Palestine with the possible toleration of a reduced jewish Dhimmi-population, then you would not have to blow them to pieces or undermine their morale with rocket attacks and nuclear threats by Teheran. Then you would just have to make them the offer and wait for their enthusiastic approval.
Due to our inexcusable ignorance of your religious duties, we in Europa have not realized in the past that you also want to islamize our countries. That is why your progress towards this goal - in comparison to your efforts towards Israel - was possible almost without terrorist violence. He who lays down on the mattress does not get ravished. He who lets himself get conquered deliberately does not force the conquerors to use armed force. We are sorry to tell you that we are no longer willing to let us get conquered willingly.
Unfortunately, a huge number of your colonists have already settled in our countries. We know that many of them are unaware that they serve as colonists and that - certainly to the chagrin of the righteous amongst you - they just want to live a comfortable life without any interest in Jihad. But that is your problem. We cannot see any reason why we should lead a dialogue with nescient individuals who do not notice that they are pawns for our conquest. Unfortunately, it is not possible for us - due to your obligation to Taqiyya - to discern the truly peaceful from the pious liars, as we do not possess the necessary mind-reading ability. Furthermore you certainly understand that it is impossible to lead a dialogue between two vast groups like the Umma and the West by having millions of private discussions with scattered individuals. We have to lead this dialogue on the grounds of our and your ideological alignments - with those who take them seriously, and not with unorganized, lax individuals.
So what is it we are supposed to do?We infer from the statements of islamic organizations and islamic individuals (and their hostile behaviour) in our countries that muslims do not like us and do not feel comfortable in the West. That is OK with us. We do not like them either. We shall continue to do what these people critisize as “discrimination, racism and islamophobia”, for instance we will keep the antic of assigning jobs by qualification and not by a religious quota, and we will continue to insist that our laws must be adhered to. We know that our laws are wrong in your opinion, as they contradict the Sharia - but we want to keep them nevertheless.
We would like to serve the issues at hand peacefully, but if pressed we can also get nasty. We are not as nice as our political correct compatriots have regrettably claimed us to be. We are of the same species as you and we also can bring very ugly aspects to bear. We hope that you can appreciate our squareness to which you were sadly not used to so far.
We also do not really appreciate that our economies pay dearly for oil from Islamic countries, while at the same time they support Islamic migrants, who we do not need for anything, through social welfare with an ever-rising tax burden.
Our offer: We carry on paying for oil, but expel Islamic welfare receivers and criminal Muslims and cease our support payments completely. We realize that the widespread presence of Muslims in Europe furthers your goal (the spread of Islam) - but you certainly acknowledge that it does not serve our goal (deny the spread of Islam), but that it is proving to be more and more counterproductive.
We suggest that you accept the expulsions and that we in turn refrain from exporting our vexatious lower classes - especially the neo-nazis - to the rich OPEC countries. We also commit ourselves not to preach Christianity “with the sword”, that is, with modern Hi-Tech warfare, in your countries. We could do that basically - we have done it in South America, and a bloody mess it was - but we do not want to do that anymore nowadays. Still, we reserve our right to intervene militarily if your military development threatens us, and “us” includes Israel.
And this is not a challenge to a verbal p*****g contest of our and your military capacities. We think it uncomely to say the like or even boast with our superiority, that is an important part of our culture. Yet you will understand that we, of course discreetly, take inventory in this matter and humbly ask you to do the same.
We would be glad to solve all our problems without war and violence, and hence we suppose that you diligently calculate your chances of achieving your goal, which is diametrical opposed to ours and which we will not discuss further, through military/terrorist means or through migration.
We are looking forward to an honest answer.
Should you, contrary to expectations, prefer to solve matters with violence against people - that includes Israel, which is a part of the West - we are forced to react violently. Your laments in this regard we will register, but we will neither believe them nor take them into account. We are also prepared to unflinchingly take violence against certain things (national flags, puppets of our leading politicians and religious authorities), as we are glad to leave you an outlet for your therapeutic vent of anger. We are not inhuman. But burning embassies and every kind of violence against people we will henceforth consider as a declaration of war.
Best regards,
Your enemy, the West
i just wish this truly honest message would one day come from london and washington as the final warning before The West decides to drop a very powerful nuclear Bomb on Saudi .
Just can't wait.
This has moved me.
That is what i have wanted to say but couldnt find the words.
America will never drop a bomb on the saudis. Oil. I just wonder if towards the end of his "career" george bush will do something dangerous.
As it states in the article, although I do not want it to happen. I do at times wish that muslims would try to take over the country by force, that they think themselves strong enough to over throw the country, even though they are only between 3 to 5% of the population. They are so arrogant they would think they are strong enough to do this. Or even that they with there countries try to over throw the west to start a war with the west. That would end this once & for all. That religion is the worst thing that ever has happened on this planet, it is such a evil ideology it should make people sick to come across it. I hope & pray for the day that this evil in our lands is destroyed for good.
They are taking the Country over Truthseeker, just not by military means yet, although 7/7 was a military act, it helps with the islamisation process because our government gives in and surrenders to more of their demands.
They are in politics, breaking down our political system so that it falls in line with Islam, they are in our education system forcing it to fall in line with islam, they are in our prison system forcing it to fall in line with islam, they are in our NHS system forcing it to fall in line with islam, they have infiltrated the structure in place to protect our society, forcing it to fall in line with islam.
Every are of British life has been infiltrated by Moslems who are forcing it to fall in line with islam.
Guerilla War!
If the cancer is here now doing its damage, then what will it be like in 20 or 50 years?
Yes lionheart I am aware of all you say, I have been studying this evil for well over a decade now. I have so much information on this cancer as you put it, to sink a battle ship. I was wondering have you seen this article on Britney's site, here is the link http://www.thetrumpet.com/index.php?q=5003.3285.0.0 . I must admit if true things may start to turn although it will take a good 10 years or so for it to happen. But as I said in my last post, I just wish that those putrid Genes of the human race, did try something like trying to force a take over. They are that stupid as to think they are now strong enough to win. They are that arrogant to believe they will be superior. But I also pray that in the mean time that this dimmi government of ours have been kicked out into oblivion, never to raise there incompetent heads above water ever again. As for the rest of our once great country, I pray that they are forced to watch films like Obsession & Fitna, to show them all the reality of islam, what muslims really think, what the truly want & what there end goal is. Freedom gone for ever, justice ( or what little we do have ) gone for good. The placing into slavery of there children esp there daughters into prostitution. I only hope that the majority of this countries population would wake up to the truth that is islam.
Oh & by the way this logging on to this comment thing is getting worse now. the last two days after I have logged on to leave any comments, when I have gone back to look at any reply's with about 3 hours I have had to log on again, twice in the same day. Maybe you could have a word with your providers about this.
There are some errors in the translation and in some places there is unclarity. This is especially so in the penultimate paragraph.
My translation of the next-last paragraph:
"Should you, contrary to expectations, prefer to solve matters with violence against people - that includes Israel, which is a part of the West - we should feel ourselves obliged to react violently. Your laments as regards this we shall register, but we shall neither believe them nor take them into account. We are prepared to act tolerantly over certain matters (national flags, street puppets made of leading politicians and religious authorities), as we really should like to allow you to vent your anger therapeutically: we are not inhuman, but burning embassies and any kind of violence against people we shall henceforth consider as a declaration of war."
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