Take a look at the picture of the co-conspirators at the bottom of this post and then think to yourself; how many Moslems do you cross paths with every single day who look exactly like these Al Qaeda terrorists?
The armies of Islam are here, and they are camped deep within our land, and they are belnding in with their Moslem brothers and sisters in the Islamic Kingdom.
Its not if another murderous attack will happen, it is when.
Excerpt: The jury were then shown CCTV footage of the four bombers arriving at Luton station, each putting on a rucksack containing the bombs in the car park and then boarding the London-bound train.
An hour later all four arrived at Kings Cross Thameslink railway station where footage captured them moving into the underground network to their respective targets (picture below is of Luton train station).
Chilling video of the moments two of the July 7 suicide bombers brought death and carnage to London were shown for the first time today to a hushed courtroom.
Relatives of the 52 innocent people who died and the hundreds injured in England's worst terrorist atrocity were among those who watched the disturbing images shown by the prosecution at the opening of the first trial of anyone charged in connection with the Al Qaeda inspired attack.
Waheed Ali, 26, Sadeer Saleem, 27 and Mohammed Shakil, 31, are accused of conspiring with the four bombers, and others, to cause explosions and are alleged to have carried out reconnaissance for them.
Ali and Shakil are both alleged to have travelled to Pakistan with Mohammad Sidique Khan, the leader of the suicide cell, and Shakil is said to have attended a terror training camp with him there and fought together in Afghanistan.
In extraordinary images - the like of which have never previously seen in a British courtroom - Kingston Crown Court was shown CCTV footage of the bombers and the immediate aftermath of the devastating blasts.
One sequence showed the youngest bomber Hasib Hussain, 19, bending over his rucksack as he seems to suffer a technical hitch with his bomb's trigger device.
He then strolls into a branch of WH Smith, apparently to buy a new battery for the device, before mingling with passers-by outside Kings Cross Tube.
Hussain then explodes his bomb on the No 30 bus at Tavistock Square and pictures from another camera show two people blown from their seats in a nearby building.
Another sequence shows unsuspecting passengers at Aldgate station climbing from the platform into the train where student Shehzad Tanweer, 22, is waiting to explode his bomb.
Soon the busy platform is empty and the train pulls out of the station.
Thirty seconds later a bright flash of light is seen in the tunnel into which the train has just disappeared. This is fast followed by clouds of dust which partially obscure the camera view for a few moments.
People still on the platform immediately run away from the flash and the platform is soon deserted before police officers race to the scene.
Continue reading: Co-Conspirators on trial
There are no good Muslims, innocent Muslims, "peace loving Muslims". The acolytes of this Moon god death cult are all guilty of spreading their poison. I have heard of s few apostates and they have their websites here and there which does encourage me, but it will take ARMED RESISTANCE. Fortunately here in the a lot of us are armed to the teeth as we say. I own a Lee-Enfield rifle too. Anyway this is a great site. You fine British people have my sympathy; your goverment is more spineless than mine, sigh.
either Appeasing Evil Islam for the sake of OIL or saving our world of today and tomorrow by the corrupted Western politicians .
the entire world is on trial:
will it support israel or not?
that is the question.
The west can not afford to abandon Israel, and we must support it at all costs..
Its a democratic country in the middle east!
Its the last outpost.
In the meantime...
The islamification of europe will be turned around, proper sense will be restored to this world and Israel in turn will be a safer place.
It wont happen tomorrow but each step we take we move a little bit closer.
JB seems to be on the right track- do not look to others for your safety and security
do not look to the government, your police, your armed forces to protesct you or concern themselves with your welfare in this particular issue. they are unaware or actually complicit in its unfolding- most likely unwittingly, but nevertheless ineffectual as guarantors of your western values and christian morals.
YOU ARE your own government of your person, your household
YOU ARE your own police force of your protection and safety
YOU ARE the soldiers of the army that will defend, protect struggle against this tyranny.
YOU ARE the guardians and crusaders of your own soul and spirit against this evil cult and witness to the light of Christ.
Nobody is going to do it for you- you must prepare, discipline, condition, protect and ready yourselves.
"how many Moslems do you cross paths with every single day who look exactly like these Al Qaeda terrorists?"
you're letting you racism show again - try to remember that islam is not a race before you get yourself arrested for incitement again.
bl you are at your twisting words again. Racist you say the last or any of the posters here may be or are. Now please tell me how they are racist, they are all against islam. that religion, faith, ideology, belief, is not a race. To be French, German, Polish, Italian, American, British even Arab, Israeli, Egyptian, Jordanian. Do you get this drift yet, all these are races, indigenous peoples of particular lands, they are races. Your religion of death, oppression, subjugation, persecution, injustice, brutality & cruelty is as I have just said is a religion, a faith, a belief, a ideology it is not a race!!!!!. Therefor you are twisting the meanings of words just as you twist the true meanings of your book of absolute control.
Islam tries to muddy the line between race and religion so as to control the population. bl is just an antagonist .
Wake up England.
Ugly as sin, this lot, as we say.
Moslem women take a lot more pride in their appearance. Have a look at those little glimmers of self-expression.
Nice make-up, a little flash of humanity seen through the dull fog that has drifted across the townscape of this land.
Even these small and brave gestures by young human beings will soon be crushed if the evil wanted plotter Abu Khatada's and all the other pedlars of the real racism in Britain, ever get their way.
Not all British people are Racist by a long chalk, however, many British people are antagonistic towards a group of individuals, who while claiming Britishness, have set their minds against the settled communities and their individual multi-cultural ways and customs.
Who are this group,
is it the British National Party? Have you seen them creating havoc and fear lately, in a street near you? No, I haven't either.
Is it the Police Service?
Are they beating up and picking on any one group - except Lionheart!?
Is it this government, which spouts nonsense to all sides, it's doublespeak and schizophrenic posturing, one day berating terrorists, the next day telling us to forget about little nasties, like the London bus massacre bombs of 7th July? Ju7t a lit7le hicc-up in their fantasia of a Cult For All Seasons?
If we narrow it down to different groups based on belief or religion, which groups are getting noticed for their aggressive behaviour and insistence that they have the answer to all the problems, and by God, they are going to make sure Society will get their point?
I see some problems with some groups of youngsters shooting each other. Bad, but hardly a threat to national security.
Is the Church of England getting all uppity and threatening to force us back to Church?
Where in Society does this sense of unease, this foreboding of bad things to happen in our major City , seem to emanate from?
Whose voices are heard with the threats of that ultimate of self-destructive actions, self immolation for an idea? An ideal?
Not since the desperation of the Buddhist Monks who doused themselves with fuel and burned themselves alive during the Vietnam war.
That was seen then, as an unbelievanle act. Who could do such an anti-human, anti-Spiritual thing, even if only to themself.
Now we see the spectacle of young folks queuing up to do the same thing and worst of all, to destroy as many other human beings along with themselves.
What times have we descended into for this to be contemplated as some kind of service to an Almighty Creator, who supposedly is the same for two thirds of the world?
Are there readers who do not know the answer to these questions? And to each side a different answer appears.
So the men of hate and true racism, set themselves apart and condemn all others.
This was given a name once upon a time, "Barbarity."
I wonder does this word have any meaning now we have slipped as a human RACE, down the slippery slope to collective destruction.
If the Global Warming don't get you, those that are Racist against Humanity itself, may well do.
Gruesome thought.
What poor guy had to pick up these bombers bones and flesh and put then in bags?
Bet he wasn't from their own religion.
Where are they buried?
I need to pee.
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