The former head of MI6 is backing controversial Government plans to hold terror suspects for 42 days without charge, saying it might prevent a dirty-bomb attack on Britain.
MI6 prides itself on avoiding political debates but former chief Sir Richard Dearlove warns that the UK would "regret" not bringing in longer detention for terror suspects.
Sir Richard, 63, who retired from MI6 in 2004, says that in some serious cases the current 28-day limit is not enough to build a case or to gather intelligence on the scale of the threat faced by Britain.
He says of Al Qaeda: "Should it ever obtain the means to blow away a complete city, I fear, with good intelligence that supports my fears, that it would not hesitate to try."
His intervention comes after Director of Public Prosecution Sir Ken Macdonald warned MPs on the Home Affairs Committee on Wednesday that any move to extend the period suspects can be held is unnecessary.
Continue reading: 42 day detention
You're lucky not to have our Constitution at times. Ours says we can hold a suspect for only 72 hours before we have to either charge or release them. That doesn't count Gitmo, but that's another story.
I agree hold them for the maximum time. And bring back the death penalty. Why did you get rid of it in the first place?
are they so desperate that they have wheel out a non-serving mi6 employee to parrot scare-mongering comments to derail common sense judgements?
The people who are against this point to the policy of internment in Northern Ireland during the seventies and eighties. They claim internment did not stop terrorism.
Whether it ultimately single handedly stopped terrorism in Northern Ireland or not is beside the point. We are playing for higher stakes against a fanatical band of terrorists who are willing to use biological and even nuclear agents against us.
boredluton shows how Mulsims are both in denial of the problems spawned and birth-righted in their religion's mindset, and giving assistance and support to the Jihad war-front against the Western Countries.
At the same time as partaking in the benefits of Western economy and technology, they either stand by and watch approaching destructive actions, or actively encourage them, either wit monetary support or tacit and often subversive use of the infrastructures that they have infiltrated.
You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people, all of the time.
Maybe these people who call themselves "British" should start to think of Britain first, but of course that is not part of their battle-plan.
It serves them to tug the Liberal Socialist heart-strings, and mock cries for Liberty or Freedom from a religion of precise and convoluted control of every aspect of human life, do not add up to much.
You must get used to the fact that this self emasculating Socialist-elite hegemony will suffer the same fate as did the Soviet Socialist Republic.
What precisely do you think will happen when your brothers achieve their aims, (as they eventually will) and Britain is plunged into to chaos by the ferocity of an attack so beyond their current successes in killing and maiming?
Will you feel safe that Britain will not react as we have before when faced with destruction?
Some suffer the illusion that the fighting spirit of Britain is finished.
Events will occur beyond our ability to foresee them.
Such as those who help and encourage civil strife, should not be surprised when they reap the results of their efforts.
I would have a little respect for you coming onto my blog and defending your side of the fence if there was any truth in what you say.
Your last comment just highlights you as a person and your intentions.
You are nothing more than a Moslem apologist, and in extreme denial.
Your comments expose you for everyone to see for themselves.
MI6 is one of the Worlds top international security services, do you not think that Sir Richard Dearlove has a better insight into the Islamic terror world than the every day man on the street like me or you?
So when he steps forward and comments we should listen.
Or is he a liar and 9/11 didnt happen, or was a Jewish conspiracy, 7/7 was just a dream and all other planned acts of terror are a figment of my imagination for other people to read through my blog that i take from the National news.
Please section me if this is all a figment of my imagination.
The truth is the truth and you are blatantly in denial or a threat to the National Security of Great Britain because you are a Moslem apologist.
Your a Bury Park boy so it says it all really.
The american constitutions also stipulates that if a peson or group or people are combatants of the state...then they can be held "indefinitely." There's a huge difference between that a person who is of interest in a criminal matter/crime.
Certain people in every nation has inside knowledge of what will happen or possibly happen over the common person who relies on news sources and researching other means. So LH is correct when a person of this caliber speaks out. He should been taken very seriously and people on all levels need to listen too.
The muslims have made it no secret with their intent to do harm on the kafirs and their lands. We should take a blind eye towards their objectives. The UK is already seeing some dhimmi occurring there. What preplexes me is if these muslims hate living in the kafir lands, then why are they there in the first place. As their logic makes no sense. They will not change a nations way of doing things. No where in the history has a nation submitted to another group peacefully when their sovereignty is or was at stake. They always eventually went to war over these tpyes of actions.
i expect richad dearlove is just another in a long line of ex-serving intelligence puppets who tag the political line when it suits them.
the same kind of misguided do-gooders who let people believe in the dodgey dossier that lead to the invasion of iraq - and in doing so, making britain a more dangerous place to live.
bury park has some super deals on chicken n chips - come down and have some if you're not too busy posing for photographs in front of the union jack or next to some fake crusader armour every five seconds.
I used to enjoy a curry at the Shalimar.
Now Bury Park has been given over to a tidle wave of "American Chicken" joints. That's a joke ain't it?
What a joke, selling tortured inferior chicken meat to the Kaffir is one thing, but eating it yourselves is another!
That frozen Halal chicken has likely been raised in a darkened metal factory shed in Thailand for about six weeks, then it's scrawny body is bled dry as automatic halal butcher machines decapitate them. Then frozen and shipped along with all the crap from despot China that we buy with such glee.
You would do yourselves a favour to look into where that stuff comes from.
There used to be a great kebab "dog-roll" wrapped in a naan bread, the cabbies' favourite.
Now it is just more of the same.
At least eat chicken that has been allowed to grow to a good size.
Your God must look in amazement at how you interpret His Holy commands to treat animals with dignity.
You are guilty of misinterpretation of the Messenger's message.
His great words hare been corrupted and garbled by self appointed preachers for generations.
The eternal core of Islam has been usurped by blasphemers who only worship what is of this world.
Likewise, the Christian priests profane their Sacred Word and twist it's mighty power into tortuous labyrinthine alleys of self defeat.
I see no great leaders among any race or religion, only slaves and lackeys to do the Devils work.
All are subjects of Satan's will. The more pious and humble they profane to be, the more certain you are of their deceit.
I must get back to conjuring djinns for now.
conjuring yourself a brain might a better idea.
Oh did that touch a sore spot?
Where do you think all those tiny pieces of chicken come from?
Do you think they are grown in UK?
Do you really think every tiny six week old chicken can individually have it's throat cut halal style?
You are eating poison.
It is your brains that are rotting, as you know, you are what you eat.
You will be first in line when avian flu gets out of the Far East into the food chain.
Don't you believe in Djinns, I do.
So should you.
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