10 March 2008

Luton - More news from the frontline

There are people out there who read my blog and are in denial about how bad things really are upon the streets of Luton in relation to our Moslem neighbours within the Islamic Kingdom.

If you admit to yourself that I am right then you have to accept there is a problem, then once you accept there is a problem you have to deal with the problem.

It is easier to bury your head in the sand and pretend it will go away because your not able to stand up to the problem because of the consequences to yourself, what type of person does that make you?

Believe me it wont go away, it is just going to get worse!

If the bombers traveling to this exact community to meet with their Al Qaeda brothers on the morning Osama Bin Laden declared War upon the people of Britain on 7/7, or Operation Crevice and the Fertiliser plot that centred on this community was not enough, here is another piece of news from the front line that points out how uncivilised the local Luton adherents to the Islamic religion really are, and how un-conducive to a civilised 21st Century Western democratic society this behaviour is - Yet we are forced to tolerate it

Innocent people should be protected within British society, yet this is one more example of Islam and its Moslem followers targeting minority communities, the same as it is targeting the Jewish community, and also the English community.

None of us are safe from the Jihad emanating from Luton, unless you hide behind your door of a night, even then though if you live near this community your likely to get a brick through your window.

Or you are like everyone else who sees no evil, hears no evil and speaks no evil about the Pakistani Moslem community of Luton - Dhimmi, forced to live under Islamic dominance through fear and intimidation!!!

If a community is at War with the outsiders, with the intention of taking over society and no one does anything to stop it then what will be the outcome?

It doesnt take a Rocket scientist to work it out...

The Islamic community living within the confines of Fortress Bury Park and surrounding areas, live like a State within a State, and this is another form of the Jihad to expand Islam within the United Kingdom, and it is happening in what can only be described as the front line in the British war front of the global Jihad - Luton & Dunstable

The Religious leaders will all say that this behaviour is not a part of Islam and those promoting it do not belong to their way of thinking, the same as they always do about everything that eminates from within their midst, and if you believe these lies they promote so as to keep the heat from their local society then you deserve whatever comes your way.

Islam has been at War with the non-Moslem world since the 7th Century - Whats different now?

Short Video: Divine providence - The War front joke


truthseaker said...

This news report does not surprise me in the slightest. Muslims have been doing this for years & years in Pakistan, in India & lots of other Asian countries. They even go as far as to kidnap the girls. There families tell the authorities but they do nothing about it. It its again one of the many things these so called religion of peace people do.

So the fact that they are now talking about it in this country should not surprise anyone at all. It baffles me as to just how far these people can go before the government starts to wake up & does something about these outrages. They make all the noises about it but as to doing something, that is pie in the sky. You would have more chance of ordering a set of sky hooks & getting them. Than this government doing something about this kind of thing. It reminds me of a story I read in todays paper, about the driver who killed all those people in Glostershire. He had that may complaints about him it was unreal. If it was against the law you could guarantee that this man would do it. Yet the police said that they would not do anything about any complaints against this man as they thought he was just the victim of a vendetta, yet all that was stated about what he was doing was true & he was in fact a criminal.

That is what is going on with muslims today in this country. They are shown as being victimized,, they are being used as scapegoats. They are real innocent of all that we racist B*******S say against them. It is so much a joke, it should be at the very top of that chart. All that is said about these people is true, all that is claimed about them is true. We even see on T.V. daily these people all round the world cheering about non muslims being killed, handing out sweets, cakes. Firing fireworks, guns in the air. This doe snot happen in just one Mulsim country it happens in them all. Does that not tell these stupid liberals something.

These people, muslims are a cancer in this world. They are like aids to earth, like the bubonic plague, Ebola. You name the worst of all illnesses that is islam to this planet. For god sake these people even kill children, behead them. Is that a civillised way of acting. To beat women for things like burning some food, not having sex, even just to disagree with there lord & master husband. To have sex with children ( thying ) & this is shown to be ok to do in the quran, is that civillised.

To chop off someones hand, foot, take out someones eye, fingers & most other body parts because they did something wrong, is that civillised & right. As we all know its crap, rubbish, it is simply barbaric & if that is what they try to pass off as being civillised. I'm off to live with animals, as they have more values than these people could ever have. Things are getting so bad in this country & still those in power have not got the faintest idea, they float along without the slightest idea of what reality truly is. If these people do not do something & do it very soon. They are going to have riots in this country, they are going to have deaths in the streets. Why because the people of this country have had enough. I do not want this to happen & I believe neither do most people, but if they carry on doing nothing about this evil in our midst. It will happen & happen so fast they will not be able to control it.

For Gods sake you in power, open your eyes to the truth & the facts & to the evidence & do so now before tis to late for you to do anything about it. These things are a reality, they are a fact. Those in the intelligence services know that to be true. So listen to them & deal with it. If you don't you will be regretting it & regretting it big time. So get up off your asses & do what you where voted in to do in the first place, protect & serve the people of this country.

Anonymous said...

a bit off-topic, anyone familiar with Luton knows the old links with ira around the town, now though the Irish population is smaller, a lot of things still go on beneath the radar.
Here is an interesting item

"March 5, 2008: Britain's MI-5 (domestic intelligence service) has expanded its operations in the neighboring Irish Republic, after increased al Qaeda, and Islamic radical, activity was detected. Three Afghan men were recently arrested, in a room full of bomb making materials. There are dozens of similar suspects under surveillance. For the last three decades, Ireland and Britain have cooperated on domestic security issues, initially because of a mutual need to keep an eye on the IRA (Irish Republican Army) terrorists. The IRA has devolved into a criminal gang, but al Qaeda, and other Islamic radical groups have found Ireland a convenient place to hide out and plan their next atrocity. The Irish economy has been booming for the last decade, and suffering an ongoing labor shortage. If Islamic radicals can slip into the country, they can find work, and cover in the many immigrant neighborhoods. MI-5 has used its more extensive databases and capabilities to help the Irish counter-terrorism police identify potential terrorist cells."

There have been no Islamic terrorist attacks in Ireland yet, but the latest arrests indicate that it's only a matter of time"

Though based on ancient anti-colonial anti British history, this group adopted radical Marxist politics and was known to provide weapons training to PLO and in South America.

Anonymous said...

This has been happening all over the UK for years yet the authorities refuse to do anything about it.

Anonymous said...

Reports yesterday showed how a lorry with 8 Afghan illegals arrived in a lorry depot and the police were alerted who told the yard boss to contact Immigration Authority.
They were told nobody was available at Immigration to deal with it.
So these illegal Afghans, Muslims of course, and quite possibly Al Quaeda/Taliban operatives, were told to get on a train and go to Crawley Reception Center.
Of course, they never arrived.
More work for overstretched MI 5 again, when these guys set up their terror cell.
I don't think so bro.
It is too big a chance to let go.
Stupid fool government of Leftard wingnuts.