In a statement by Anjem Choudary's group Izharudeen made on the 22nd of May 2012 after a police raid on Anjem Choudary’s home and a brief arrest of the UK Al-qaeda leader, the group warned the following.
If Anjem Choudary is held, his absence will have a strong impact on the Muslim youth, as he is one of the few speakers who are well known for emphasising that Muslims living in the UK are under a covenant of security, such that in exchange for their lives and wealth being secure, it is prohibited for Muslims to violate the lives and wealth of non-muslims in the UK as long as Muslim are able to propagate and call for Islam. This raid is a risky decision and a dangerous mistake by the British government that could be interpreted by many Muslims as a violation of this covenant.
Indeed, the British police are playing with fire and the ramifications of these types of raids may be more than it can handle. !
Has the covenant of security been broken now with the leaders arrest and two other sets of arrests in the last two months? If so we could soon see exploding suicide bombers once again on British streets. the full statement or rant is below.
At 6.30am this morning, 22nd May 2012, British police raided the family home of Anjem Choudary, terrifying his wife and children and intensifying their war against Islam and Muslims in the UK. Police also raided a property in Whitechapel, mimicking previous raids on the same two properties following the banning of the Muslims Against Crusades organisation. There is no doubt that these raids are a malicious tactic by the British government intended to silence the outspoken voice against British foreign policy and hinder the call of Islam as a way of life in Britain.
Anjem Choudary has not broken any British laws is only known for his strong support for Muslim causes, calling for the establishment of an Islamic state, supporting oppressed Muslims around the world like those in Syria andPalestine and opposing the tyrannical British foreign policy. Previous raids on these same properties led to no arrests, the police then arrested 22 men in a protest against US drone attacks on suspicion of membership of Muslims Against Crusades - these arrests also led to no charges and all cases were dropped, so it is becoming obvious that the British government is engaged in a policy of intimidation and are on a witch hunt against Muslims, using any opportunity to punish and frighten them into silence about its policies. Allah (swt) says,
"Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith if they can. And if any of you Turn back from their faith and die in unbelief, their works will bear no fruit in this life and in the Hereafter; they will be companions of the Fire and will abide therein. "
[Explanation of the meaning of the Qur'an, 2:217]
The Muslim community in the UK are under siege, continuously being intimidated and attacked by a police state and the few remaining voices that have the tenacity to speak against oppression are being targetted by the police under any guise.
If Anjem Choudary is held, his absence will have a strong impact on the Muslim youth, as he is one of the few speakers who are well known for emphasising that Muslims living in the UK are under a covenant of security, such that in exchange for their lives and wealth being secure, it is prohibited for Muslims to violate the lives and wealth of non-muslims in the UK as long as Muslim are able to propagate and call for Islam. This raid is a risky decision and a dangerous mistake by the British government that could be interpreted by many Muslims as a violation of this covenant.
Indeed, the British police are playing with fire and the ramifications of these types of raids may be more than it can handle.
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