The armies of Islam are already here within the UK, they have their operational base in place in this part of the Western World in which to fight and conduct their 'Global Jihad' against us and our way of life, they have a fully functioning well oiled "guerrilla war machine" that is spread out throughout the Nation that can travel freely around the World because of the blessed Crown stamped on their passports.
The same Crown they are seeking to destroy.
4th Generation Warfare is here, this is "The War of Our times".
Read the article below and then ask yourself why this man Anjem Choudry has immunity from prosecution under British law when he is continuing to preach, recruit and raise funds for the Global Jihad ( Global Holy War) on behalf of Al Qaeda, and who is actively raising an army of Moslem youth within the UK to overpower the British State mechanism that is in place to protect the public, and in the process cause a Civil War.
A British born Moslem terrorist who has immunity!!!
The State fear this man and Omar Bakri's influence and power within Great Britain that's why Bakri was expelled to Lebanon rather than caged in Belmarsh, and Choudry now has immunity from prosecution, even though the facts are staring everyone in the face.
Who is in charge of issuing his arrest warrant?
Whose door does the final buck stop at?
Do the British people not have a right to be protected from this "Enemy of the State"? Or is he allowed to freely ferment Civil strife against British society? Because that is exactly what he is doing based on the factual evidence.
I have seen some of the factual evidence against this man, and I have transcribed audio messages on him and his hatred against the British people, yet he still roams the streets leading and recruiting for the coming War within mainland Britain and in America.
If anyone wants to build a case against him then email he will give you all of the evidence that you need. The British government ignored all of the evidence that he gathered on Abu Hamza and Omar Bakri for many years, until they were forced to act by Foreign Powers.
These people are at War with us, they openly preach there is no longer a "covenant of security", so remove them from the streets for the safety and security of the British people and our futures - That is what the law of the land is for isn't it?
You arrest me on suspicion of stirring up racial hatred because of a few words on this blog that might hurt someones feelings, yet allow someone who is actively engaged in a guerrilla war against British society and directing terrorism to walk the streets a free man.
Anjem Choudry is the one who organised the infamous demonstration in London over the Danish cartoons, for which he received a nominal fine, that the tax payer will have paid because him and his whole family are on benefits milking the State.
The picture below is from that exact demonstration and says it all really.
(New Statesman article below)

The New Statesman - 2004
Is this country really threatened by violent attack?
After talking to potential British martyrs, Jamie Campbell wonders if our rulers have hit on a clever way to keep us safe
It is a wonderful, typically British scene. I am sitting in a Manchester curry house, wondering whether to choose the Madras or the korma. The place is humming with Arabic, and a number of extended families have gathered to eat at adjacent tables. A few children skip past. My lunchtime companion is, at 24, three years younger than me. His name is Hassan Butt, and he'd like to martyr himself in Britain for the sake of Islam. I order the korma.
In the past year, Hassan and I have become steadfast dining partners, if not exactly firm friends. Over curries, pizzas and saccharine soft drinks, in London and Manchester, I have discovered what makes him tick. "Pray to Allah that he accepts me as a martyr," he muses. "If that's tomorrow, then tomorrow. If not, then whenever Allah wills." Why don't you get on with it, I ask. "Everything needs to be done in an organised manner, with the current organisations that are working around the world."
Hassan earned himself a reputation for hyperbole when he rang the Today programme from Lahore in 2002. He asserted that, as a representative of the Islamist organisation al-Muhajiroun, he had recruited up to 1,000 British men to Islamic causes in the Middle East. He then returned quite freely to the UK, where his appetite for controversy remained undiminished.
He claims he has met a further thousand Brits who, like him, would subscribe to a martyrdom operation within Britain if given the chance. He knows of five Brits and one American, all university educated, who have left the UK in the past two months heading for a desolate jihadi training camp in Pakistan. Two weeks ago, he met with an autonomous Islamist cell in the UK which possessed large quantities of Semtex, and which was capable of launching an immediate and major attack. So presumably, I say, MI5 are tracking you pretty constantly. "Without a doubt," says Hassan.
Continue reading: Why they love Britain
Its amazing, day in & day out we read countless news paper colums telling us about this muslim & that muslim who have recruited so many others into the war against this country. They have all been to Pakistan for training in terror, they have Semtex, they have poisons, they have thousands of marters ready to strike. They know they are being tracked by MI5 & the like. Yet still with all this evidence, all these facts, all the intelligence from groups like MI5, MI6 the police. Still our leaders shout the same old mantra, islam is a religion of peace, these terrorists are not true muslims, true muslims want peace. I must admit the last one is true though, they do want peace. A peace of you, a peace of me, a peace of whoever is in blowing up range.
With all the proof all the evidence all the facts all the intelligence. When are the powers that be going to get on with dealing with this evil in our midsts. They must think that the general population of this country are so thick, so daft, we can not read, we can not discern for ourselves what is going on & we are so brainwashed that we take in so easily what they tell us & believe them every time. These actions from them show that they have lost all concept of reality. These people who commit these crimes against this country should be locked up & or thrown out of this country never to return again ever. As for choudry he should be thrown into the deepest darkest prison & the key thrown away to the bottom of the Atlantic. What are the general population of this country going to wake up to the reality of what is going on & then to put a stop to this stupidity once & for all. We have all said before & it is true, if this is not dealt with & done so soon. There will be riots in the streets & there will be muslims hanging from lamp posts dead. Why will this happen, because the government has done nothing to put a stop to this evil spreading through our once great country.
Lionheart nothing works because we have been infiltrated at the highest levels by "Common Purpose" click on this link for a video which will explain all you need to know.
Common Purpose by Brian Gerrish
It's a real eye opener and I only recently heard about it myself.
Good luck mate
"Common Purpose"
Nice to see that Brits are finally waking up to this Marxist charade.
Take out a £20 pound note, and study it carefully.
Does the pattern on the front of the bill mean anything to you?
Now study the two images in this link carefully - one is a £20 note, the other is the "Common Purpose" logo - and the game is - spot the difference!
The "common purpose" logo is the second of the images. This was brought to light by someone in the banking fraternity.
And heres one or two other links that I'd like to draw to your attention about "Comrade Middletons" sinister group:
And finally, a video of the "comandante" herself:
Is it just me, or does she come across a little "odd" to you?
Whats stranger still is that, since New Labours accession to power in 1997, they have created over 8000, unelected quangos, most of which Middleton has overseen personally, chosen the members - had them on her "Common Purpose" courses, - and today, most of these "quangos" are still answerable to her in some way, shape or form.
Tons of fertilser and kilos of semptex did not enable the IRA to "win."
Paradoxically, an Irish referendum may yet unravel the latest plot of the Euro Common Purpose conspiracy, if they dump the Euro "Treaty."
Thats why their Taeoschoch Mr Aherne , an old buddy of Mr Blair, has had to resign.
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