Forced Dhimmitude (subservience) is the position everyone within the local community now lives under because those who know the environment are all well aware of the consequences if ever faced with the gangs of Pakistani Moslems from Fortress Bury Park who have invaded the local community – You cannot escape the Pakistani Moslem wolves if they come for you.
There is an epidemic on the streets of Dunstable with Class A drugs now, with several generations of Heroin & Crack cocaine addicts within the local community, with the next generations of young people coming swiftly through and being confronted with this modern living destructive legacy.
The fabric of local life is being aggressively targeted and attacked from the Pakistani Moslem paramilitary army of street soldiers coming out from within Fortress Bury Park – Luton.
Every day upon the streets of Dunstable there are hundreds of Pakistani Moslems who are mobile, connected, well organised and in communication with each other who are conducting Jihad (low-level civil war) to some degree against the innocent local Christian society.
As you sit comfortably behind your Front doors switched off from the real world outside, sitting comfortably watching TV drinking tea and eating your dinner, the ‘underworld’ of street life has been taken over by this army of Al Qaeda inspired and trained Pakistani Moslem street soldiers from Luton. The underworld of the streets is where the violent Jihad is taking place because it is where the illegal black market economy resides which funds their ‘civil war’ against our British society, and is also the place where any resistance to the Islamic dominance would begin.
Take a read of this press release of a Heroin bust that has its roots within fortress Bury Park, Al Qaeda's UK Heroin base camp. It gives you a very small insight into the amounts of black market money the Al Qaeda trained and inspired Pakistani Moslems from Luton have at their disposal and the amounts of Heroin that is available to pump our local communities with - Lets remember here that 90% of the Heroin on the streets of Great Britain comes direct from the poppy fields of Afghanistan and is owned and controlled there by the Taliban and Al Qaeda. The proceeds in this deadly destructive trade is funding their war on the ground in Afghanistan against our Allied troops and their low-level civil war against us within Great Britain - CPS Press Release
Heroin: The Golden Sword of Jihad
“Aggressively flood the streets with Heroin & Crack cocaine and you subdue any resistance because those who would be the ones to resist you are now in your pockets as your ‘drug addicted slaves’ needing you and paying you money every day for their daily fix of Heroin or Crack cocaine because you own and control it. You kill your enemy, subdue them, destroy their society and make yourself vast sums of money in the process - Modern guerrilla war tactics being played out on your local streets, with not a murmur from those in power”.
Look around you in every day local life in which you now live, look at the facts in the public domain about all the links to Al Qaeda that have already come to light from within the Moslem community of Fortress Bury Park which is only a few miles from the centre of Dunstable, and do not say you were not warned.
This Chicken & Chip pictured below shop is the epitome of what is happening in your community, the owner is a Pakistani Moslem paedophile from Fortress Bury Park who is also a convicted Class A drug dealer. His Chicken & Chip shop is a money laundering front to wash the proceeds from his trade in Heroin & Crack cocaine through and is also a haven for children and drug addicts. This shop is located 100 yards away from a local high school and at one time they were actually doing food deliver runs to the children in the school at lunchtimes, with many local school children also visiting the premises in their lunch hour. The local school children throughout the community are potentially the next generation of local drug addicts and this convicted Pakistani Moslem Heroin & Crack dealer and his Moslem gang are making friends with them now. The police have known about this horror in your midst for over 10 months now and nothing has been done about it, with this drug dealing front still functioning.
What is the point in having a police force to protect the public when they do not protect the public? They will go out of their way to arrest local people for minor crimes committed by drug addicts and then allow this organised daily trade in 'murder' that is aimed at the youth within the local community by street gangs of Pakistani Moslems who are connected to Al Qaeda.
Who is going to protect your children and the innocent and vulnerable within the local community from the highly organised Heroin & Crack cocaine dealing Pakistani Moslem Jihadis from Fortress Bury Park if the police wont?
It is common knowledge on the streets and within the local police who the Pakistani Moslem Heroin & Crack cocaine dealers are yet some of them have had an unhindered reign in our local society for the last 15 - 20 years without ever being arrested for their trade in murder- This is a fact I can prove, like every other fact I state.

Those of you, who are sitting comfortably behind your front doors now reading this, take a step back in your mind for a few seconds and envision what future your children are going to face when growing up on your local streets within the community, in say 15 years from now when this is happening around you now, imagine what they are going to have to face?
Your children and their future is the ‘future life’ of the local community, so if the thought of their futures does not stir something deep within your soul to act now against this modern onslaught and horror that is unfolding upon your streets, and against your local community and society by the Islamists who are trained and inspired by Al Qaeda from within the confines of Fortress Bury Park then nothing will.
The future of your community and your children’s futures are already mapped out; it is in your hands now in this generation to make a difference to the destination on the map and what happens along the way.
I know exactly what I am talking about because I have lived it and experienced it and like I say; look around you and do not say that you were not warned.
In service of the King – Jesus – The Lion of the tribe of Judah
God bless you