1 Corinthians 3:7-9 So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor. For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building.
16 February 2008
Defence of the Realm - First duty of Government
The most important report of this generation: The RUSI report
Foreword: The Oldest and most Distinguished Military think tank in the World that was founded by the Duke of Wellington has told the British government that it must make the Defence of the Realm its No1 priority now.
That is how serious the threat is that is facing the British homeland in relation to the Islamic Kingdom that has now been established upon this Island and the home grown Moslem army that we have spawned from it that now lives the length and breadth of the country, and the threat that we face from Islam's international commanders and trained fighters who are either already here or heading this way to join the ranks of the Jihad within Britain.
Why fight in the harsh killing fields of Afghanistan and Iraq when you can travel to Britain, get a free house, free medical treatment, free money, and immerse yourself in a lush wealthy society to plunder from, and then fight the modern global Jihad against an unarmed civilian population here until Islam reigns supreme on the ground.
Islam's War against Great Britain - It is unfolding as you are reading this.
Drug dealing, raping, murdering and pillaging from within the Infidels society is all a part of the Jihad to convert the landscape from Dar al-Harb (House of War) to Dar al-Islam (House of Islam).
The Global Jihad is upon us - 4th Generation Warfare
Strategically, Great Britain is a stepping stone into America the greatest battlefield of the 21st Century, so if the armies of Islam can conquer Britain then they have a launch pad into the America homeland, the field where the Great Satan resides - Only nuclear weapons could subdue such a large and mighty people in the eyes of Islam.
Do they have the capability and would they use it? Yes and Yes
Considering we are fighting a different style war within our lands compared to Wars of the past, you could safely say that the armies of Islam have pretty much conquered Great Britain with no resistance from the British people, we have groveled before their dirty smelly feet because this government has told us too. Now it is just a matter of time until they turn our country inside out by destroying our society from within, with the help of this extreme left wing liberal Labour government that gives into every one of their demands to secure the Moslem block vote to stay in power.
The British born armies of Islam have had up until recently, unrestricted access to the American homeland from launch pad UK, they travel freely between the UK and Pakistan where they receive their training and then they can travel freely to America without even a question because of the glorious 'Crown' stamped on their passport. All the international Islamic terrorists who aren’t so lucky to have been born here in the UK have to do is find one of their Moslem brothers here who works in the legal profession to obtain a British passport for them so as to be able to travel freely around the World when conducting spying or recruiting missions for his leaders - That is how easy it is for our modern enemies
I have resisted the armies of Islam in Luton which is an integral part of Al Qaeda's war in mainland Britain by warning others through this blog and now I am being arrested for it, is it any wonder Great Britain has been subdued by Islam, they use our own laws against us in their Jihad to conquer us under the banner 'community cohesion' and we foolishly let them do it because of the likes of Jack Straw, it is only a matter of time now until the process of change to Islamic rule within our society is complete - Unless there is a response!
Thank God for the RUSI who have now publicly stated the fact that Britain is now *screwed* and the Defence of the Realm is the most important issue now facing this government - Take a moment to let that fact sink in.
If that is the most important issue now facing this government what does that mean to us the people, our country and our future?
The Arch Bishop of Canterbury who is supposed to be the head of the Church of England has given the Islamic Kingdom of Great Britain more moral boost for their endeavors of Jihad within our society by stating that Sharia law is inevitable in Britain, surrender in other words. luckily though the British people's anger erupted at this mans treasonous words towards them and their country, and is the reason why he must now be sacrificed for the sake of the Church of England, its place within society, and so that the British people will know where they stand in relation to the powers that be who rule this Nation, because the one who rules this Nation is the custodian of the Church of England.
Bishop Nazir Ali knows the Churches place within British society and the reflection of Islam upon it, so there could be no better man to stand in the gap for Christ, for the Queen, for the government and for the people than this man of strength and conviction.
This report from the RUSI also states that we are in a time of remission after 9/11 before another large scale attack happens that will change the psychology of the World again. If you are interested about the most serious threat facing the British homeland based on the facts, then take a watch of this video: London's dirty bomb
This report from the RUSI think tank is the most important report issued in this generation because of what it contains and where the report comes from. Please take a thorough read of this Daily Mail article of the report and then thank God that there are people out there within British society who know the severity of what the British homeland is facing and are willing to speak up for the good of the people - May Almighty God continue to use them and bless them in their work for Queen and country.
p.s I am sure that those people involved in writing this report know better than anyone what is happening in Luton & Dunstable where I am from, considering its known links to Al Qaeda terrorism within the British homeland.
If you have any doubts in your mind as to the severity of the internal threat to the future existance of the British way of life and our society, then please watch and listen to what is being preached within Saudi Arabian funded Mosque's within our Nation.
At this testing time for you, your voice gains an ever more urgent incisiveness and clarity. I am confident that the British People shall not be cowed by the craven behavior of it's government. The time of reckoning approaches daily as these reports make clear. Little we can do about it, right now, but wait until the mask of the Beast is ripped from it's Demonic face and the nature of what we are faced with becomes clear to all.
Thet can't say they don't know, look at this article, and consider that Luton is 30 minutes from London.
"Outside view: Why Islamists love London LONDON, (UPI) July 8, 2005 By STEPHEN ULPH Any visitor to London is immediately made aware of the bewildering diversity of its inhabitants. In addition to its rich and diverse communities of immigrants (with at least 300 languages spoken on its streets, it leaves New York trailing far behind as a 'world city') and the range of cultural and academic institutions long planted in the city from its days as an imperial capital, London plays host to a unique concentration of Middle Eastern intellectual and political institutions.
Within a small area, the world's oldest and most influential Middle East research institutions, political foundations (not least the various Middle Eastern parliamentary lobby groups) and doctrinal communities (Sunni, Shia, Isma'ili and Ahmedi) jostle with each other. It is also a world center for the Arab press. The reliable protection afforded to journalists and writers has seen the build-up over the last few decades of a thriving and highly influential Arab media industry. This takes the form of the pan-Arab press, such as al-Hayat and al-Quds al-Arabi, MBC (the Middle East Broadcasting Company) and a long list of specialist publications.
Londion is also a center for Islamist politics. You could say that London has become, for the exponents of radical Islam, the most important city in the Middle East. A framework of lenient asylum laws has allowed the development of the largest and most overt concentration of Islamist political activists since Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. Just ask the French, whose exasperation with the indulgent toleration afforded to Algerian Islamic activists led them to dub the city dismissively as "l'antechambre de l'Afghanistan."
They certainly have a point. Many of Osama bin Laden's fatwas were actually first publicized in London. In fact, Britain in general seems to differ from other European states in the degree to which it became a spiritual and communications hub for the jihad movement. As such, it can furnish the indefatigable researcher a wealth of primary source material on Islamic terrorism.
The refuge Britaibn offers Islamist opposition is little short of bizarre. What appears to have happened is that the country's asylum laws were designed to protect only dissidents and refugees from foreign governments. Victims of other persecutions, such as sectarian or ethnic struggles, fall through the net. The result of this is that, for the Middle Eastern refugee population, a proportion of them can claim asylum specifically on the basis of their Islamist political opinion and activity.
Despite recent pressures to tighten up the conditions, all the applicant effectively has to do is say: "I claim asylum," and he is left alone to choose where and with whom to live (there are no asylum camps as in France and the Netherlands) and receive social security funding from the state while he does so. As a result there is a concentration of Islamic dissidents in the nation's capital.
The level of safety and immunity the Islamist refugees find in London can be illustrated by the deliberate brazenness exhibited by the group al-Muhajiroun1 in its annual conferences held, provocatively, on the anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
One year after the attacks on New York and Washington, the flyer distributed by al-Muhajiroun around London read: "September 11th 2001, a Towering Day in World History" (with an illustration of the New York Towers to emphasize the pun). This was followed the next year with The Magnificent 19, referring to the number of suicide attackers involved in the deed -- their portraits helpfully displayed to make the point of a "gallery of heroes".
This open level of Islamist activity has not only caused tensions with Middle Eastern countries but has actually caused diplomatic tensions between Britain and France. If one were to ask the French intelligence services, they would likely rattle off a list of expletives on what they think of their British counterparts and their harboring of Algerian fugitives. It is commonly thought in Paris that a type of deal was struck to allow the Algerians to operate as long as nothing happened on British soil.
A long-standing quarrel over British tolerance for Islamic militants wanted by Paris flared up over the treatment of Abu Qatada, the British-based cleric known to have strong links to Algerian terrorist groups operating in France. The French were furious that Abu Qatada, who was at the top of a British list of terrorist suspects to be interned under new legislation in December, was at one time allowed to "disappear." Another example: Lamine Maroni, who plotted the failed Strasbourg bombing, was able to enter and leave Britain on several occasions, apparently leaving little trace. He was even living off state benefits and was housed by a Home Office-sponsored agency. He slipped under the noses of the police, Special Branch and MI5 and was only picked up when his colleague phoned from Frankfurt back to London requesting more funding.
Maroni's accomplice and fellow Algerian, Salim Boukhari, had been living in London for a decade. The two of them were part of an international North African terrorist network that stretched from its center in London to Germany, France, Belgium, Spain and Italy and across the Atlantic to Canada and America. When interviewed by BBC Television, Boukhari illustrated the classic curriculum vitae of the Islamist terrorist. How the difficult conditions of life under constant police harassment as a refugee in France motivated him to decamp to Britain and how, like many young Muslims seeking refuge among their own, he was vulnerable to the predatory activities of the terrorist recruiters waylaying young single men attending the mosque, and siphoning them off into special "study groups." Here they become radicalized by exposure to inflammatory religious rhetoric and emotive videos depicting the suffering of Muslims in areas of communal conflict.
The Algerian Islamist diaspora in London was not unknown to the French intelligence agencies, who passed on information to MI5 and the Special Branch. But since their activities were directed externally specifically in order not to provoke a crackdown, the British authorities largely left the suspects alone to build up an effective network. This network, alongside other Islamist terror groups, now makes the threat of an attack within the Britain a very real danger.
The latitude granted by British law to activities other countries would find impermissible has bred a stock of legally savvy Islamists who know how to express themselves as provocatively as possible, but just staying a whisker within the law. Anjam Choudry, the chairman of al-Muhajiroun is a lawyer himself, and another master of the art is the Syrian born radical Islamist and veteran of the 1982 Muslim Brotherhood uprising, Sheikh Omar bin Bakri Muhammad, a founder of Hizb al-Tahrir and co-founder of al-Muhajiroun.
By the time of the Sept. 11 attacks, Bakri had long presented himself as the spokesman of bin Laden's International Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders, and funder of Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. But he came to notoriety as far back as 1991 and the first Gulf War when he claimed that the then British Prime Minister, John Major, was "a legitimate target; if anyone gets the opportunity to assassinate him, I don't think they should save it. It is our Islamic duty and we will celebrate his death," a point which he later clarified as "a legitimate target if he were to set foot in a Muslim country."
The contradiction with reality is somewhat startling, as Sheikh Bakri acknowledged to the press that he had been living on social benefits from the British government of "nearly £300 a week in state handouts for himself, his wife, and their five (as of 1996) children." He explained it thus: "Islam allows me to take the benefit the system offers. I'm fully eligible. It is very difficult for me to get a job. Anyway, most of the leadership of the Islamic movement is on [state] benefit." (Stephen Ulph is the editor of the Jamestown Foundation's Terrorism Focus. One of the preeminent analysts of the Islamic world, Ulph specializes in the economic and political developments of the Middle East and North Africa. He is the founder and editor of Jamestown's Terrorism Security Monitor and editor and analyst of Islamic Affairs for Jane's Information Group. This article is reprinted by permission from Vol, 2, No. 4 of Jamestown Terrorism Monitor.)
We need to elect a strong military leader. We need someone who has the courage and strength to dictate what is right. Someone who will make Britain Great again. Someone who will finaly solve teh problem of the foreign influences weakening the British people.
Keep in mind everyone,this is being ALLOWED to happen across the Western world. The endgame is to impose marshall law, which we will thank them for, and then take away our sovereignty and create the world government. Only then will they deal with these social problems. There will be no demonstrations under marshall law against the loss of our sovereignty. Keep this in mind and everything that's happening in the world makes sense.
“We have a strategy drawn up for the destruction of Anglo-Saxon civilization . . . we must make use of everything we have at hand to strike at this front by means of our suicide operations or means of our missiles. There are 29 sensitive sites in the U.S. and the West. We have already spied on these sites and we know how we are going to attack them. . . . Once we have defeated the Anglo-Saxons the rest will run for cover.” - Iranian government official
From http://judiciary.senate.gov/testimony.cfm?id=1770&wit_id=5227
To destroy Anglo-Saxon civilization the Muslims will have to cause massive devastation in Britain, the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. So what are these 29 sensitive sites? To cause destruction on this scale they need to hit nuclear power stations, reprocessing plants and high level radioactive waste storage facilities.
It’s almost certain that Sellafield in Cumbria is one of these 29 sites, together with whatever nuclear power stations that are still working. Now I know that Sellafield security attempts to prevent radioactive materials being taken out, but do they try to stop them coming in?
A suitcase-nuke in the right place would cause a collossal release of radioactive material which would make Chernobyl seem like a damp squib.
How many Muslims work at Sellafield? Does the government know? How many Muslims live within 20 miles of Sellafield? Does the government know? Am I being Islamophobic for asking these questions? Oh I forgot! According to the government, such attacks would be ‘anti-Islamic’.
Nothing to worry about - everything’s under control.
Just think, if the Muslims weren't given a free ride in Britain, they would have to get a job. If they couldn't find a job, they wouldn't be able to feed their families and would have to leave. What you have is a whole lot of Muslims out of work, living off the system - hard-working Brits' tax dollars - with nothing to do on their hands, but plan attacks on the very soil where they are receiving the handouts. It is bloody ludicrous! Stop the social handouts.
hi there, i'm new in this forum and i speak french but i am a swiss citizen, so forgive me for my spelling mistakes. As we all know here, everywhere in Europe and in the world, the muslim try to kill us slowly, by changing our politics or by killing here and there some individuals in the streets, raping our womans and threatening those who speak agains them. Our cowards politicians dont do a thing to protect us. Worst, they try to silence us by putting us in jail or giving us fines for speaking about it. We cannot win this war against 1 billions muslims and probably 450 millions fanatics. We are just a few who understand the danger here. I dont have any answer on how to win this war, but one thing i know for shure is that i will not wait for them to come in my house and cut my throat, rape my wife and kill my little daugthers. Since last year, i join a shooting club and i get a gun licence because i have no criminal records, so the police gave me the 'go' for having this privilege. I am practicing twice a week, shooting many diferent kinds of guns and riffles, from Glock 17, Sig Sauer, beretta, to Kalashnikov and M16 without to forget 'pump guns' and FAS90 the swiss army riffle. i'm practicing how to load 17 bullets in a magasin in less then 15 sec, or to shoot on a 25 meter target a full magasin in less the 15 sec with all the bullets in the target, and if possible in the head. All my money, my salary, is going for that. I dont even try to save money, i just spend the few coins that i have left at the end of the month, to practice, practice to kill.
All that, to tell you, that we are on our own in this one. There is no 'knights army' who will rise and come to save Europe. Nobody will come. USA is glad to see Europe loosing the battle and loosing so much money on security and social service for our immigration. If Europe is going down, it's good for America and Asia, and even better for the muslims. Noone will come and save us. So we must prepar on our own for our safety and start to understand that the muslims will take control of our society sooner then we expect. With a good weapons knowledges, i can at list kill as many bastards as possible when the day of the uprising will come. No mercy ! I will go down the streets and shoot on every muslim that i see, children and women include ! If my way of life is destroyed, if my familly has to die, if i have to get killed, this is the will of God, but at list i die with the honnor of killing as many of those barbarians fashistes with me. And even on the other side, in Heaven, i will start a coalition that will throw them in Hell and to destroy them again if it is possible...
So Get Ready for this journey. It's going to be a long, hard and bloody journey, trying to kill as many as possible before leaving this planet.
The Founding English Defence League Interview - No.1
Psalm 23
A Psalm of David.
The LORD is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
2 He makes me to lie down in
green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
3 He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of
For His name’s sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through
the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff,
they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy
shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the
house of the LORD Forever.
Comments posted on this blog are the responsibility of the individuals who post them and not the blog author. They will, and have been, published in the interest of debate and opinion over the subject matter.
Isaiah 54:17 "No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their righteousness is from Me,”Says the LORD.
At this testing time for you, your voice gains an ever more urgent incisiveness and clarity.
I am confident that the British People shall not be cowed by the craven behavior of it's government. The time of reckoning approaches daily as these reports make clear.
Little we can do about it, right now, but wait until the mask of the Beast is ripped from it's Demonic face and the nature of what we are faced with becomes clear to all.
Thet can't say they don't know, look at this article, and consider that Luton is 30 minutes from London.
"Outside view: Why Islamists love London
LONDON, (UPI) July 8, 2005
Any visitor to London is immediately made aware of the bewildering diversity of its inhabitants. In addition to its rich and diverse communities of immigrants (with at least 300 languages spoken on its streets, it leaves New York trailing far behind as a 'world city') and the range of cultural and academic institutions long planted in the city from its days as an imperial capital, London plays host to a unique concentration of Middle Eastern intellectual and political institutions.
Within a small area, the world's oldest and most influential Middle East research institutions, political foundations (not least the various Middle Eastern parliamentary lobby groups) and doctrinal communities (Sunni, Shia, Isma'ili and Ahmedi) jostle with each other. It is also a world center for the Arab press. The reliable protection afforded to journalists and writers has seen the build-up over the last few decades of a thriving and highly influential Arab media industry. This takes the form of the pan-Arab press, such as al-Hayat and al-Quds al-Arabi, MBC (the Middle East Broadcasting Company) and a long list of specialist publications.
Londion is also a center for Islamist politics. You could say that London has become, for the exponents of radical Islam, the most important city in the Middle East. A framework of lenient asylum laws has allowed the development of the largest and most overt concentration of Islamist political activists since Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. Just ask the French, whose exasperation with the indulgent toleration afforded to Algerian Islamic activists led them to dub the city dismissively as "l'antechambre de l'Afghanistan."
They certainly have a point. Many of Osama bin Laden's fatwas were actually first publicized in London. In fact, Britain in general seems to differ from other European states in the degree to which it became a spiritual and communications hub for the jihad movement. As such, it can furnish the indefatigable researcher a wealth of primary source material on Islamic terrorism.
The refuge Britaibn offers Islamist opposition is little short of bizarre. What appears to have happened is that the country's asylum laws were designed to protect only dissidents and refugees from foreign governments. Victims of other persecutions, such as sectarian or ethnic struggles, fall through the net. The result of this is that, for the Middle Eastern refugee population, a proportion of them can claim asylum specifically on the basis of their Islamist political opinion and activity.
Despite recent pressures to tighten up the conditions, all the applicant effectively has to do is say: "I claim asylum," and he is left alone to choose where and with whom to live (there are no asylum camps as in France and the Netherlands) and receive social security funding from the state while he does so. As a result there is a concentration of Islamic dissidents in the nation's capital.
The level of safety and immunity the Islamist refugees find in London can be illustrated by the deliberate brazenness exhibited by the group al-Muhajiroun1 in its annual conferences held, provocatively, on the anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
One year after the attacks on New York and Washington, the flyer distributed by al-Muhajiroun around London read: "September 11th 2001, a Towering Day in World History" (with an illustration of the New York Towers to emphasize the pun). This was followed the next year with The Magnificent 19, referring to the number of suicide attackers involved in the deed -- their portraits helpfully displayed to make the point of a "gallery of heroes".
This open level of Islamist activity has not only caused tensions with Middle Eastern countries but has actually caused diplomatic tensions between Britain and France. If one were to ask the French intelligence services, they would likely rattle off a list of expletives on what they think of their British counterparts and their harboring of Algerian fugitives. It is commonly thought in Paris that a type of deal was struck to allow the Algerians to operate as long as nothing happened on British soil.
A long-standing quarrel over British tolerance for Islamic militants wanted by Paris flared up over the treatment of Abu Qatada, the British-based cleric known to have strong links to Algerian terrorist groups operating in France. The French were furious that Abu Qatada, who was at the top of a British list of terrorist suspects to be interned under new legislation in December, was at one time allowed to "disappear." Another example: Lamine Maroni, who plotted the failed Strasbourg bombing, was able to enter and leave Britain on several occasions, apparently leaving little trace. He was even living off state benefits and was housed by a Home Office-sponsored agency. He slipped under the noses of the police, Special Branch and MI5 and was only picked up when his colleague phoned from Frankfurt back to London requesting more funding.
Maroni's accomplice and fellow Algerian, Salim Boukhari, had been living in London for a decade. The two of them were part of an international North African terrorist network that stretched from its center in London to Germany, France, Belgium, Spain and Italy and across the Atlantic to Canada and America. When interviewed by BBC Television, Boukhari illustrated the classic curriculum vitae of the Islamist terrorist. How the difficult conditions of life under constant police harassment as a refugee in France motivated him to decamp to Britain and how, like many young Muslims seeking refuge among their own, he was vulnerable to the predatory activities of the terrorist recruiters waylaying young single men attending the mosque, and siphoning them off into special "study groups." Here they become radicalized by exposure to inflammatory religious rhetoric and emotive videos depicting the suffering of Muslims in areas of communal conflict.
The Algerian Islamist diaspora in London was not unknown to the French intelligence agencies, who passed on information to MI5 and the Special Branch. But since their activities were directed externally specifically in order not to provoke a crackdown, the British authorities largely left the suspects alone to build up an effective network. This network, alongside other Islamist terror groups, now makes the threat of an attack within the Britain a very real danger.
The latitude granted by British law to activities other countries would find impermissible has bred a stock of legally savvy Islamists who know how to express themselves as provocatively as possible, but just staying a whisker within the law. Anjam Choudry, the chairman of al-Muhajiroun is a lawyer himself, and another master of the art is the Syrian born radical Islamist and veteran of the 1982 Muslim Brotherhood uprising, Sheikh Omar bin Bakri Muhammad, a founder of Hizb al-Tahrir and co-founder of al-Muhajiroun.
By the time of the Sept. 11 attacks, Bakri had long presented himself as the spokesman of bin Laden's International Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders, and funder of Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. But he came to notoriety as far back as 1991 and the first Gulf War when he claimed that the then British Prime Minister, John Major, was "a legitimate target; if anyone gets the opportunity to assassinate him, I don't think they should save it. It is our Islamic duty and we will celebrate his death," a point which he later clarified as "a legitimate target if he were to set foot in a Muslim country."
The contradiction with reality is somewhat startling, as Sheikh Bakri acknowledged to the press that he had been living on social benefits from the British government of "nearly £300 a week in state handouts for himself, his wife, and their five (as of 1996) children." He explained it thus: "Islam allows me to take the benefit the system offers. I'm fully eligible. It is very difficult for me to get a job. Anyway, most of the leadership of the Islamic movement is on [state] benefit."
(Stephen Ulph is the editor of the Jamestown Foundation's Terrorism Focus. One of the preeminent analysts of the Islamic world, Ulph specializes in the economic and political developments of the Middle East and North Africa. He is the founder and editor of Jamestown's Terrorism Security Monitor and editor and analyst of Islamic Affairs for Jane's Information Group. This article is reprinted by permission from Vol, 2, No. 4 of Jamestown Terrorism Monitor.)
(United Press International)
We need to elect a strong military leader. We need someone who has the courage and strength to dictate what is right. Someone who will make Britain Great again. Someone who will finaly solve teh problem of the foreign influences weakening the British people.
Keep in mind everyone,this is being ALLOWED to happen across the Western world. The endgame is to impose marshall law, which we will thank them for, and then take away our sovereignty and create the world government. Only then will they deal with these social problems. There will be no demonstrations under marshall law against the loss of our sovereignty. Keep this in mind and everything that's happening in the world makes sense.
You won’t see this reported by the BBC:
“We have a strategy drawn up for the destruction of Anglo-Saxon civilization . . . we must make use of everything we have at hand to strike at this front by means of our suicide operations or means of our missiles. There are 29 sensitive sites in the U.S. and the West. We have already spied on these sites and we know how we are going to attack them. . . . Once we have defeated the Anglo-Saxons the rest will run for cover.” - Iranian government official
From http://judiciary.senate.gov/testimony.cfm?id=1770&wit_id=5227
To destroy Anglo-Saxon civilization the Muslims will have to cause massive devastation in Britain, the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. So what are these 29 sensitive sites? To cause destruction on this scale they need to hit nuclear power stations, reprocessing plants and high level radioactive waste storage facilities.
It’s almost certain that Sellafield in Cumbria is one of these 29 sites, together with whatever nuclear power stations that are still working. Now I know that Sellafield security attempts to prevent radioactive materials being taken out, but do they try to stop them coming in?
A suitcase-nuke in the right place would cause a collossal release of radioactive material which would make Chernobyl seem like a damp squib.
How many Muslims work at Sellafield? Does the government know? How many Muslims live within 20 miles of Sellafield? Does the government know? Am I being Islamophobic for asking these questions? Oh I forgot! According to the government, such attacks would be ‘anti-Islamic’.
Nothing to worry about - everything’s under control.
Just think, if the Muslims weren't given a free ride in Britain, they would have to get a job. If they couldn't find a job, they wouldn't be able to feed their families and would have to leave. What you have is a whole lot of Muslims out of work, living off the system - hard-working Brits' tax dollars - with nothing to do on their hands, but plan attacks on the very soil where they are receiving the handouts. It is bloody ludicrous! Stop the social handouts.
Exactly Joanne, is it any wonder 700 of those tax payers are leaving the country every day.
Why should they pay for the destruction of their country.
hi there,
i'm new in this forum and i speak french but i am a swiss citizen, so forgive me for my spelling mistakes.
As we all know here, everywhere in Europe and in the world, the muslim try to kill us slowly, by changing our politics or by killing here and there some individuals in the streets, raping our womans and threatening those who speak agains them.
Our cowards politicians dont do a thing to protect us.
Worst, they try to silence us by putting us in jail or giving us fines for speaking about it.
We cannot win this war against 1 billions muslims and probably 450 millions fanatics.
We are just a few who understand the danger here.
I dont have any answer on how to win this war, but one thing i know for shure is that i will not wait for them to come in my house and cut my throat, rape my wife and kill my little daugthers.
Since last year, i join a shooting club and i get a gun licence because i have no criminal records, so the police gave me the 'go' for having this privilege.
I am practicing twice a week, shooting many diferent kinds of guns and riffles, from Glock 17, Sig Sauer, beretta, to Kalashnikov and M16 without to forget 'pump guns' and FAS90 the swiss army riffle.
i'm practicing how to load 17 bullets in a magasin in less then 15 sec, or to shoot on a 25 meter target a full magasin in less the 15 sec with all the bullets in the target, and if possible in the head.
All my money, my salary, is going for that.
I dont even try to save money, i just spend the few coins that i have left at the end of the month, to practice, practice to kill.
All that, to tell you, that we are on our own in this one. There is no 'knights army' who will rise and come to save Europe. Nobody will come.
USA is glad to see Europe loosing the battle and loosing so much money on security and social service for our immigration.
If Europe is going down, it's good for America and Asia, and even better for the muslims.
Noone will come and save us.
So we must prepar on our own for our safety and start to understand that the muslims will take control of our society sooner then we expect.
With a good weapons knowledges, i can at list kill as many bastards as possible when the day of the uprising will come.
No mercy !
I will go down the streets and shoot on every muslim that i see, children and women include !
If my way of life is destroyed, if my familly has to die, if i have to get killed, this is the will of God, but at list i die with the honnor of killing as many of those barbarians fashistes with me.
And even on the other side, in Heaven, i will start a coalition that will throw them in Hell and to destroy them again if it is possible...
So Get Ready for this journey.
It's going to be a long, hard and bloody journey, trying to kill as many as possible before leaving this planet.
Take care and Good Luck !
A man that is born for this war....
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