This charge if found guilty carries a lengthy prison sentence, more than what most paedophiles and rapists receive, and all for writing words of truth about the barbarity that is living in the midst of our children, which threatens the very future of our Country.
The cultural weapon in the hands of the modern Jihad within Great Britain, silencing the opposition using our own laws against us - The Dumb Filthy Kaffir's as the Moslem would say to his children behind closed doors.
What has become of my homeland, the land my forefathers fought and died for on the battlefields of the world when one of their children is forced into the position of facing years in prison for standing up for what is right and just within British society.
At least my words of truth have obviously now reached people's eyes and ears, with the powers that be now intent on silencing me - Third World Tyranny in a supposed 21st Century democracy!
I wonder if the Moslem peer Lord Ahmed was one of the people behind trying to silence me, I did wonder about why he crashed his car and nearly killed himself over Christmas, let that be a lesson to you - 1 Chronicles 16:22 Saying, “Do not touch My anointed ones, And do My prophets no harm.”
How dare any Moslem try and silence the truth from being told by an Englishman about the Islamic enemy in our midst within the British homeland.
Who have I killed, who have I threatened to kill? No one, all I have done is written about my reality on a computer screen, and now I face going to prison in my own country for standing up for myself and others.
What has happened to those who threatened my life or who have killed my friends - NOTHING - This is British justice in the 21st Century - Shove your British Labour justice because it is worthless to the Englishman whose country this is, whose country you have destroyed.
Who blew up trains and buses on 7/7, who tried blowing up cars in London and Glasgow, who is seeking to detonate a dirty bomb upon the streets of Great Britain and who believes that non-Islamic territory is to be viewed as 'the house of war and must be converted at all costs', I dont think you will find it is me, but I have no problem with educating others to the threat, the threat that this 'Loony Labour Government' is pretending is not real - The former Home Secretary knew what he was talking about.
How dare those power hungry fools seek to silence me or anyone else like me from speaking the truth for the sake of our children, grandchildren and the future of our homeland, who do they think they are, they are nothing more than mere men like the rest of us, just in positions of power over us that they totally abuse against us, look at the treason that has happened within Brussels by Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, handing over the Sovereignty of our Nation into foreign hands - Treason is the only word for it yet no one is arresting them, no they are arresting me for writing a few words of truth on a blog.
You cannot hide from you actions within the Catholic Church.
Traitors to the British people are those who pass this judgment and enforce it against their fellow countrymen when all they are doing is standing up for themselves, their children and their neighbours now that we are all surrounded by the armies of Islam who are camped deep within our land conducting Holy War on a daily basis against us and the innocent and the vulnerable in our society - The facts speak for themselves!
Is it not time for the British people to wake up and see this horror within their daily lives that threatens their children's existence, or is the next devastating Islamic terrorist attack going to be so horrific like a dirty bomb that this will force them out of their sleep because of so many lives lost and the aftermath.
This arrest and potential imprisonment is what now awaits me at the start of 2008, and this is what now awaits every other blogger in Great Britain who writes the truth about the modern war that is now unfolding against us, our children and the British homeland by the State (Labour government) sanctioned and protected enemy that is living in our midst - The Islamic Kingdom
Read Melanie Philips book Londonistan if you want a real insight into what the British Elite who are in power have allowed to be born and grow within your midst, the Islamic beast that now lives and breaths upon English soil for nothing more than Holy War against the infidel - Me, you and ever other innocent non-Moslem within Great Britain.
The Moslems cry we are peace and you believe it, when their brothers declare war and murder, a different side of the same coin, a different branch of the same tree with the murder and war of Mohamed and the Koran as their root.
Ask yourself what does the future hold for your children and grandchildren now we have the Islamic Kingdom with its murderous, suppressive ways now growing and advancing upon our homeland - There comes a point when enough is enough and the survival instinct of the Nation kicks in.
I have placed my head above the parapet ready to be shot off because of threats against my life by Pakistani Moslems, how dare these enemies to the State threaten my life, me an Englishman living in my own country surrounded by my own country folk?
Yet my own country folk are now my enemy for standing up for them, their children and their grandchildren and all because their pay masters do not like me speaking the truth - What does that make you?
Today its is me, but tomorrow it is you - No truer words to be said about the present age within British society that we are living in.
I could go on and on about this situation but enough for now as I will use my time to now tell everyone how I have ended up in this position, with the British police now arresting me on suspicion of stirring up Racial Hatred.
I did not wake up one morning and think I hate Moslems and start my blog, I do not have a racist disposition as this blog is not a race issue it is a Religious issue, I had my life threatened and this blog is the result.
I know that there are many people around the World who view my blog, that there are many bloggers and site owners who are also fighting the online Jihad to raise awareness of this global Islamic Holy War that has been declared against us that our governments are trying to pretend is not happening, and I ask for your help to raise awareness of my personal plight.
I do not want to go to prison for many years for standing up for my children and other childrens futures, it is an injustice within what is supposed to be a civilized democratic society and people need to know what is happening, that my government is now seeking to silence me from speaking the truth about the war that has been declared against us all.
Today it is me and my blog and tomorrow it is you and your blog.
Please help me get this message out there by raising the awareness of this injustice, then my State Sanctioned arrest will not be in vain.
Please keep coming back because this is all I will now be posting on - My life and my freedom now hangs in the balance after all.
In service of the King - Jesus - The Lion of the tribe of Judah
Futher reading: The Heart & Soul of Great Britain
Update: American support
Update: My British Legal representative

Hi Lionheart,
I'd dearly like to know what they plan to use as evidence; you are far more moderate than I am for example.
Keep your pecker up.
Robert the Biker
And they were made fishers of men.
I will stand witness to this, that I have read most of your words, and I have not been raised to hatred against any religion and certainly not against Islam.
I find many Moslems decent human beings and extend to them friendly relations and respect.
Their religious belief is theirs to enjoy as is yours or mine, in this United Kingdom of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11.
What is unconscionable, is conspiracy to usurp power, conspiracy to bomb and terrorise, conspiracy to import and deal the living death of hard-drugs to finance terror, and the use of the cloak of religion to hide nefarious dealings, and to amass wealth for the purposes of traitorous acts.
I know that there is an undercurrent afoot in the affairs of this world and that many Muslims seek to take the words of the Holy Quran as literal commands. (Most scholars say they must.)
Some may see this as a mistake, but a study of the matter shows that this can be considered the true impulse of Islam, to convert the whole world.
This cannot be tolerated in a free and democratic society, such as we purport to be.
The facts speak for theselves, and no amount of obfuscation can cloud them forever.
This is a clash of civlisations and we are obliged by our Patriotic inheritance, to fight against anything that seeks to dilute the British rule of law.
This government can try to pervert ancient Natural Law, by introducing new Statutes for it's own purposes, but, it is the Jury of the People that makes final decisions on Justice, backed by the independence of the Judges.
Are Gordon's croies about to cook up yet another omelet to splatter the Labour public-image? They had better make the call wisely!
Let it be so, you are more than a match for any overpaid barrister, you speak from the heart, not the pocket.
Could we see such a combat, QC Cherie Blair versus Lionheart?
Oh what a scrap that would be.
Are they going to try to prove that the truth can be found guilty?
The words of Lionheart have not induced in me any religious hatred, but the hatred of political violence masked as religious belief.
You are a beacon of light in a darkening world.
Does Saint George in his battle with the mythical dragon, lie down to be consumed by the beast, or does he raise his lance to slay it?
God Bless Great Britain, God Bless our noble Queen.
I hated islam long before I discovered your blog. You might want to consider not coming back, this country has been turned into a craphole by our evil commie leaders. On the other hand, if there is such a thing as British Justice, how is it possible to be guilty of a crime if all you do is tell the truth?
Good Luck and God Bless
Fight it. There is nothing 'racist' or hateful about your site. Islam is an ideology, not a faith. The Koran incites violence, your blog does not. Get a good lawyer and fight it. If possible ask loyal readers to help you with the legal costs. You would win the case - it is fatuous and designed to shut down free speech.
What the hell has happened to England? Is your nation of Churchill and Wellington, now just a collection of multi-cult loving goons and politically correct morons? It is disgusting that any police officer would waste one second of his 'valuable' time even listening to Muslims rave against your posts.
England is finished.
Craig Read, Canada.
It was only a question of time before the British Government found someone to attack to quiet the rest of us.
I mentioned this threat of arrest at Vanishing American, on an earlier post she posted these words from Theodore Dalrymple:
"When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.''
You are a very brave person, but I would advise that unless you want to make a stand for freedom expression which will be costly and risky to your person do not return to the UK.
Do you have any ideas over what you said that they are using to charge you?
What you should do is immediately fly to the USA or another civilised country and apply for POLITICAL ASYLUM. (you might want to check with a lawyer first) I wonder how that would look - on the world stage - with a British citizen seeking asylum for their political views & fear of persecution???
What can you say about a society that is more interested in how a scarecrow looks than stopping the hideous beast intent on destruction of "green and growning things"?
Idiots simply idiots. If you are arrested then it is absolutly true - Islam rules Britain and Europe for that matter and there isn't a single courageous individual left to stand up for the right.
Death to Islam!
Everyone, everywhere in the US - complain here: http://www.britainusa.com/functions/feedback/enquiry.asp
IMHO - if you are arrested then the UK has become an enemy of the free world and all diplomatic and economic ties should be severed.
If I were president I would push for this. Talk about hypocrisy - a British teacher is absolved by British officials because a student named a teddy bear Mohammed and it is an international incident, you speak the truth about islam and you are threatened with arrest.
Isn't it time for Europeans to feel the need to protect themselves? At least in the US we are allowed to protect ourselves at the citizen level. It appears though that Europe is just going to roll over in bed and let the bugger punch another hole.
Here is one of the most remarkable things in the ongoing takeover of Britain by leftist tyranny as represented in the "anti-hate" laws. It is that, at least to my knowledge, there has not been the slightest effort by anyone on the right to repeal these laws. I'm not aware of a single conservative writer or politician in Britain who has ever called for their repeal. I've seen conservatives cluck their tongues when some ridiculous hate-charge is made, but the same people never say, "Under these laws we are no longer a free country, these laws must be removed." And so the anti-hate laws remain in place, unchallenged, and all that's left for the British to do is cluck their tongues at the next outrageous persecution of a person for saying something critical of Islam, and the next outrageous persecution, and the next outrageous persecution.
So now the next stage has arrived: a blogger has been charged under the anti-hate laws for what he has written at his blog, clearly an effort to suppress any written criticism of Islam.
However, it's hard to know how to react to this situation or how to come to your defense, since you haven't given us any of the facts in the case, including the statements for which you are being charged. Also, if you have been charged, you must be charged by name, and presumably the story will be reported in the papers using your real name, so perhaps it's time for you to use your real name at your blog.
I'll be getting this information out as soon as I can.
What an outrage that the government is trying to silence a truth-teller!
Go to Aus Lionheart at least they have some understanding of the problems that we face. They are also more willing to call Islam what it really is. I agree with the earlier poster a British Subject having to apply for political assylum.
This will only get worse. The EU and the UK are in need of a revolution. Stalinism has taken over.
The Koran is a hate document. Arrest every single Muslim in Europe.
From San Francisco here, I'm spreading the word as I can about your situation. Consider maybe opening a bank account for contributions for your legal cost maybe, in the last case, claim asylum status somewhere, but keep fighting!
What exactly are you being charged with? And how were you informed of your impending arrest? Is there any specific statement which was considered criminal?
Lionheart I will support you in your battle in any way I can. I will repost everything you have ever posted and they can come for me also.
Deus vult!
It seems to me that the same laws being used to persecute you, if applied to the koran would make islam illegal in the UK. You need a lawyer.
Please give details of the charge, so far as you are able.
For instance, could you link to the post(s) on your blog which have caused "offence"...
Yes, come to the US. What news this will make and you will be safe here ... at least until the United States goes the way of England. I pray this does not happen.
I am praying for you, I am spreading the word, and yes ... we will keep the fight and your words alive.
This us unbelievable, horrible, and should not be happening.
Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth
Hi lionheart old friend!
This disgusting news is being sent around the UK to all the bloggers.
This marxist regime now in power just may have gone too far!
Your one of our own and this will not go unchallenged.
Westminter has become a pit of cowards and dhimmis whose plans we see right through.
They can stuff their EU/ARAB agreements where the sun don't shine, England is not for sale unlike every other part of the country these traitors have sold off.
Have the British taken leave of their senses? Instead of reading this great Blog and finding it to be a fountain of truth, they want to criminalize you? To gag you? To throw you to the dogs?
What has happened to British Fairness? Freedom of Thought (now we have the Thought Police of
"1984" instead)? Freedom of Expression (now 'freedom of expression'is reserved Only for those who hate Britain & other democracies seeking to destroy us to rule over us cruelly & intolerantly).
Even Hyde Park Corner has been taken over by speakers who are invariably our mutual enemies. Only they can express 'freely' their hatred of us. Only they can get away with constant incitements to kill us, the infidels!
Shame on the police, shame on those who brought forth this 'charge'. There is little doubt in my mind that it will be exposed as utterly ridiculous and based on spite, racism and fanaticism (& maybe worse) once the police & defense legistators actually get around to reading this Blog... Then I wouldn't be at all surprised if there will be some very red faces at Scotland Yard!
After which, it may very well happen that Lionheart (with us behind him) will turn the tables
& be able to sue those who brought this 'charge' out in the first place.
We stand with you, Lionheart. Don't be discouraged. Try and find an honest, unbiased legal representative familiar with Human Rights to take your case - that is, if it ever comes up!
Hopefully, though, someone will wake up over there at that police station (or Scotland Yard or the Houses of Parliament)and cancel this petty and ridiculous charge once they realize that it is based on nothing at all.
Please continue from wherever you are. You will be vindicated in the end. And those persecutors will be put to shame.
Be-Ezrat Ha-Shem (With God's Help)
Anonymous Lady.
You sent me an e-mail over the boxer remember?
If you require help in any way let me know!
I shall do whatever i can.
You will be in my prayers and thoughts.
Take Care!
You only wrote what millions believe and think no amount of government oppresion can change that!
I think it's terrible, I hope you get off with it and I waiting to hear what happens because this is a new low that the government has reached.
Take care x
P.s I have closed my site for now until I know what is going on or excactly what the law is so if you want to visit then please email me
The hate laws in the UK were introduced not by Muslims but by Jews, who are also working hard to destroy free speech in the US through organizations like the Anti-Defamation League. Muslims are not the real problem: Jews are. They hate Christianity, blaming it for the Holocaust, and have been working for decades to destroy it. That's why Muslims are in the UK. The majority never wanted them here, but that didn't matter. The UK is not run for the benefit of the majority but for the benefit of Jews, who have been buying British politicians for decades. Lord Levy and David Abrahams are only the latest examples.
Anyone who is disagrees with the above is asked to produce a Jewish organization in the UK, US or Europe campaigning against Muslim immigration and for free speech. If Lionheart gets in touch with the Jewish Board of Deputies and asks them for help, he will soon see whose side they are on.
Antisemitism is unchristian.
Haversine, only a Muslim could come out with crap like that...
Hope you will go to jail and be fucked up in the ass by some negas and raged muslims.
Go to hell bastard !
"If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." Wnston Churchill
we have not started fighting yet. we are still trying to identify and analise why we need to fight.
You hear about the covinent with the army being broken, do you realise the covinent with the people has been flushed down the toilet.
Is there a political or legal solution left?
Just sent you an email. Your fight is our fight. Like my friend Deb Hamilton said -- Come here friend. We'll be happy to have you. And, as she sai -- What a message that would send your leftist government! To come to the US fo political sanctuary!
We are going to be following your case closely and writing about it wneever and wherever we can.
Have courage friend. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
Roger G.
Meanwhile in the UK muslims are free to print and distribute books and materials that contain hate and disdain towards non muslims.
Muslims caught preaching hatred,violence and paedophilia In UK mosques are not brought to book and continue to do as they wish.
The next time "islam" or "sharia law" is before a UK jury please, please ,please lift reporting restrictions,let the British Press report proceedings...
Oh and by the way, mohammad had sex with a child he was a pervert,islam was spread by the sword and muslims drank camal urine.
Like or not, the last time you lost 12 - 0 before a British Jury and you will lose again.
Why the swipe at the Roman Catholic church. I assume you aren't an Anglican, but the Right Reverend Rowan Williams has been leading his followers to dhimmitude faster than any mainstream 'Christian' leader I can think of.
The Catholic church doesn't seme like it has much, if anything to do with Labour's embrace of Islamic voters and Islamic values.
THE head of the worldwide Anglican Church, the archbishop of Canterbury, will reportedly mark the third anniversary of the September 11 attacks by praising Islam in an address from the pulpit of an Egyptian mosque.
Rowan Williams had accepted an invitation to speak at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, considered by many to be the Muslim world's most important centre of learning, Britain's Sunday Times said today.
He would speak of the common ground between Christianity and Islam with their shared inheritance as "children of Abraham", the report said.
Link to Dhimmi-Watch
Haversine is right. The Jews didn't just pressure for these 'Race Hate' laws, they actually wrote them. John chapter 8, verse 44, Jesus speaking of the Jews:
'Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.'
One get arrested for his free speach against islam ... but other rise up their voice everyhere in Europe against The Grean Pest = Islam = ideology of hate
Free Christian Vox Europa
Um, you do know that Jesus himself, his apostles, St. Paul, his family, were, um, Jewish?
AFRHC above:
Jesus wasn't speaking of all "the Jews" in general -- he was speaking of the Pharisees who were misleading the people. If you were a real Christian, you would know this.
Never forget that Jesus Christ our Saviour, the Son of God, was a Jew himself. Our Saviour could only come from God's Holy People.
You and Haversine need to go back to Sunday school and do a bit of studying this time, and you need to repent of the hatred in your hearts.
Mary, Los Angeles, CA, USA
If only you would have kept your eyes down and averted your gaze you would have been happy with dhimmi status.
I'm pulling for you,
I hope this gets enough links to scare the thought police away, Mine shows up,
Like Orwell said "the only real crime is thought crime", it's ludicrous.
They want to destroy the UK and don't want you in the way. You are undermining all that work done by the BBC.
Since I saw a slap in the post at the Catholic church, and we're now being visited by antisemites...
(who, btw, if they look at the front page would see that Lion Heart appears to be a philosemite), I'd just like to point out that while the New Year's Day Holy Day of Obligation has been renamed 'The Feast of the Solemnity of Mary', January 1st used to be called 'The Feast of the Circumcision'.
Yup. Jesus was 100% Jewish.
Do not be disheartened, YHWH always watches over His children.
Aside from a few comments which contain the usual seeds of hatred against you and Jews in general, by far most comments show that people care not just about this development, but also about what happens to you, so you are not alone in this.
I will keep you in my prayers.
If Jesus was 'a good Jew' (which some dispute) what did the other Jews do to him? In any event, that doesn't change the fact that these iniquitous and completely un-British laws can be firmly placed at the door of Jews. See the link.
Antisemitism is unchristian.
That's debatable. What's not debatable is that anti-Christism is not unjewish.
Haversine, only a Muslim could come out with crap like that...
Here are instructions on how to address what I said, rather than ad hom: I'm not a Muslim and don't dispute that Jesus, St Paul et al were Jewish, I simply ask for someone to produce a Jewish organization in the UK, US or Europe campaigning against Muslim immigration and for free speech. I also ask for someone to show that the laws under which Lionheart faces arrest were introduced to Britain by Muslims rather than by Jews.
If you don't meet those simple challenges (and you won't), you will have lost the argument, so I advise you to continue with the ad homs and evasion. And if anyone wants to contact the Jewish Board of Deputies and ask for their help in fighting this outrageous assault on free speech, here are their contact details:
Please let everyone know how you get on.
Also facing 'Race Hate' charges said...
If Jesus was 'a good Jew' (which some dispute) what did the other Jews do to him? In any event, that doesn't change the fact that these iniquitous and completely un-British laws can be firmly placed at the door of Jews. See the link.
Hmmmm, what does Mr. Lion Heart think about this.
Go check the main page.
BTW, Susannah Hoffs is Jewish, and back in the 1980s, when I was single, I'd have taken her to Benihana's and let her order the lobster tails and chateaubriand steak. And paid for the movie.
Jewish World Review is a good web site of pro-American and anti-Jihadi opinion.
A lot of Jews are libs, true, but not all.
Lion Heart,
I've posted on your plight. Getting the word out as fast as I can.
Hello, Lionheart. Have posted your case at my site. I'm going to do my best to get as more publicity as possible of your case in Spanish blogosphere.
Get a good lawyer and fight back! There are a lot of Jihadi bloggers and none of them has been summoned for "racial hatred"...
You have my full support lionheart,
I have only just found out about this.
I shall spread the word as well!
The sons of pigs can come for me as well if they want!
Please don't come back to what is left of our once Proud Nation, stay safe and carry on spreading your Truth!
These Evil people, and the traitors that support them shall rot in the HEll that Mohammed created for them!
Bless you,
All My Love RS
I would like to thank everyone for you words of support and encouragement.
This site and its writer is in no way anti-semetic, i stand shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish population in Israel and around the world.
I am also not anti-Catholic as those who are Catholic will know, i just dont like what tony Blair has done to Great Britain, now running to hide in the arms of the Catholic Church.
"We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender. "
It was the nation and the race dwelling all round the globe that had the lion's heart. I had the luck to be called upon to give the roar."
You need a bill of rights in England, especially with a strong second amendment!
"Anyone who is disagrees with the above is asked to produce a Jewish organization in the UK, US or Europe campaigning against Muslim immigration and for free speech."
Jewish Task Force
Check out:
and the forum:
Who among us began blogging in order to be a legal precedent? Certainly not me, and I'm sure not you -- but you are, Lionheart.
You have selected a fine nom de plume for the battle ahead. Injustice unfortunately requires attacks on the just, and it is up to the just to stand in defiance against these attacks in the name of Justice and Rights.
Fight them! Shame them! Secure our freedoms!
w.churchill said...
"We shall defend our island,
If Churchill was around now they would have locked him up for formenting hatred of Germans,
Think back to the 30's when Hitler was a man of peace and Winston should have just been Quiet. What would the thought police have done?
Locked him up and increased German immigration to the UK.
We'll be praying...keep us posted.
This site and its writer is in no way anti-semetic, i stand shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish population in Israel and around the world.
But do they stand shoulder to shoulder with you, Lionheart? To discover the answer, contact the Board of Deputies and ask for their help.
Anyone who is disagrees with the above is asked to produce a Jewish organization in the UK, US or Europe campaigning against Muslim immigration and for free speech."
Jewish Task Force
Check out:
The tiny JTF believes in violent opposition to Muslims, but you haven't shown it believes in free speech. Did it oppose the jailing of David Irving? Does it support the repeal of Europe's race laws? And it looks a lot like a terrorist organization to me:
This is surreal, Lionheart. Absolutely mindblowing. Beyond insane. I can't believe I am reading this - that something like this could be happening to you.
Stay strong.
Dinah Lord
Lionheart, no matter where you are on the planet at the moment, I think you should apply for political asylum in Denmark.
Seriously. We'd love to have you around, and there are plenty of jobs to be had. But that's secondary to what might happen if you do it, namely that you'll get some real MSM press attention. And possibly even politicians standing for our freedoms without that deceitful 'but' appended.
Have bookmarked your RSS feed in Firefox and will follow your postings from now on. Right now I've posted the Gates of Vienna article at EuropeNews.
Good luck!
Haversine: what's your problem? What is it about people like you who, if a few 'Joos' behave in ways you disagree with, then ALL Joos are to blame?
Many Christians have done many bad things (including to the Jewish people) but does that mean one should hate ALL Christians? That's stupid. Indeed, I don't hate anyone, whether Christians,Moslems or others. but I will fight those who have harmed, or wish to harm, me and my people.
As for some Jewish groups who campaigned for open borders, maybe they did that because when Jews needed safe havens, nearly every border was closed to them.
America sent most Jewish refugees back to Nazi Germany when she could perhaps have prevented the Holocaust by letting in even only 300- or 400,000 of them. Instead, she let in only about 37,000 refugees from Nazi Germany(not all of them Jewish) between 1933 and 1945.
Roosevelt's bigotted, racist policy coupled with that of the British Mandatory government's refusal to allow Jewish refugees into Judea-Israel ('palestine')gave Hitler all he needed to go ahead with the Jewish genocide. He actually gloated over the 'fact' that as no one 'wanted' Jews he had carte blanche to go ahead with his murderous plans.
Now America is being swamped by tens of millions of illegal immigrants mainly from Mexico but also from the Moslem world. You can blame it on the Joos if you wish but in my opinion Roosevelt's anti-immigration policy on Jewish refugees is to blame and has come home to roost.
Anonymous Lady,
Yes at least look into Political Asylum.
And I think the AntiJewish remarks were really meant to be Anti Zionist.
Still if they are arresting Bloggers, then you must be doing something right, IE Getting the information out.
So now we know how much they are being hurt.
So we must redouble our efforts, It's working.
Well, these laws make most of us liable if applied strictly. Clearly, hate laws such as those in the UK and Canada would shut down most of the anti-jihad sites (such as JW, notably) were the operators residing in jurisdiction. Likely, a few good people will have to be arrested, amid the ever-increasing horror of the global jihad, before these laws--themselves affronts to freedom and basic human rights--are scrapped.
If you are truly in this predicament, Lionheart, I wish you the best.
And you have my prayers.
I republished the Gates of Vienna article about your situation here and here.
In both cases, I added prominent links asking people to visit your blog, and also to go to Gates of Vienna to participate in the discussion there.
Lionheart - if you really are facing arrest, simply for expressing your opinions online, then many bloggers, from many different political or religious backgrounds, will rally to your support.
However, it is not clear from your posting that you have actually been threatened with arrest by the Police.
Please confirm or deny this
Can you publish a scan or digital photo of any letter, you or your legal advisers have received from the Police ?
It is arguable that the Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006 (not the Bill which you link to), does not apply to blogs at all.
How have you managed to avoid the defence in Section 29J ?
29J Protection of freedom of expression
Nothing in this Part shall be read or given effect in a way which prohibits or restricts discussion, criticism or expressions of antipathy, dislike, ridicule, insult or abuse of particular religions or the beliefs or practices of their adherents, or of any other belief system or the beliefs or practices of its adherents, or proselytising or urging adherents of a different religion or belief system to cease practising their religion or belief system.
How have you managed not to break the Acceptable Use Policy of blogger.com or your internet service provider ?
Following the Saudi Arabia / BAE corruption investigation scandal, the new Attorney General Baroness Scotland, is pretending not to get involved in anything but the most serious cases. What makes you think that you are important enough to gain her attention ?
29L Procedure and punishment
(1) No proceedings for an offence under this Part may be instituted in England and Wales except by or with the consent of the Attorney General.
Watching them watching us..
I do not have to explain myself, it makes no odds whether you believe me or not like the other dim wits that think i would make something like this up.
Come on!!
My British lawyer has the correspondence i recieved from the police and my 'advocate' had his work place invaded because it was the only way they could find me because i have had moslems wanting to kill me all year.
Read my post on my British lawyer, this is a highly respected British lawyer who has dealt with some high profile cases that has stated the facts for all to see - Are you blind?
You can go into all the different section of the law but that means nothing to me.
I am being arrested on suspicion of stiring racial hatred as part of an investigation into me and my blog.
The police have no way of arresting me so a date that was suitable for both was made.
The investigator of this crime is the one who knows everything about it and is away for 6 weeks on a course so the date for me to attend the police station has been set for February - You work that one out for yourself!
Everyone knows what i have been saying about Islam, Moslems and Luton is right.
As an American I would just like to say:
Fuck Islam
Aaahhh the first amendment is a wonderful thing.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Rise up Englishmen! - the civilized world supports you!
"Incitement to racial hatred," aye?
Since when is iSlam a race? These leftists get dumber by the moment. It is interesting that you mention the sentences of pedophiles and rapists - two qualities possessed by mOhammad, piss be upon him.
Best of luck, Lionheart.
Hi Lionheart,
read on mrs dale about this potential attack on you, and through you, on English people everywhere.
This is a political law enforced by political police.
When liebour are finally out and direct elections of local police commanders are introduced, those attacking you now need to be publically named and dismissed.
Best of luck and all good wishes.
I haven't had time to read your whole blog but depending upon the nature of the 'offending' material that the police are going to charge you with I will consider posting it on a blog and reporting myself to Holden.
Dear Lion Heart,
I just found out about this yesterday, and immediately wrote a post about this (among other issues of concern). I will be praying for you, but I am also going to take action. How much does it cost in stamps to mail a letter to 10 Downing St., London, England?
Oh yes, they will hear from me. I am an American. They treated our colonies with the same disregard as to our rights, so we stood up to them. We did it then, we can do it now. Only this time we can do this together. Just let me know what else I can do. God bless your family and you.
Lionheart, my friend:
YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I'm writing from Spain and I tell you the pest of "political correction" referred to Islam envoys all over my country. Here is no firm position against Islam demands. For example, some Spanish Muslims demand to use Cordoba's Cathedral (a former Mosque) as a Muslim cult place. And you can trace another unfair demands not contested by Spanish Dis-Government. Unfortunately, Spain is a waqf territory... and they want to conquer again? And Europe? Where's Europe? Maybe making fucking business with Arabic Muslim Sheiks?
Well, I apologize for this large speech and repeat: YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Greetings from Spain,
I am watching your case with interest. Keep us informed - and in case you do get detained make sure someone else can up date your blog with details like which force is holding you and whom made the complaint. ( A copy of the complaint would be good to get in the public domain as it could be used as a template for counter claims against other groups to expose the hypocrisy of the situation ).
@ Lionheart
Lionheart said...
Watching them watching us..
I do not have to explain myself, it makes no odds whether you believe me or not like the other dim wits that think i would make something like this up.
Come on!!
You certainly do have to explain the background detail to the mess which you appear to be in, if you want to get widespread support from British bloggers, which might pique the interest of the mainstream media, which might influence the Government spin doctors, who might exert some pressure on the Police to drop their investigation, if you are lucky.
Calling people who are trying to offer friendly advice "dim wits", has already hurt your cause.
Read my post on my British lawyer, this is a highly respected British lawyer who has dealt with some high profile cases that has stated the facts for all to see - Are you blind?
I am not blind, but I am not psychic either.
Since you did not amend this posting with a link, or include a the link in your comment, to your later posting, how do you expect the many visitors who are following links to this particular posting here, to be aware of it ?
Most people will not take the trouble to hunt through all your recent postings to try to find it:
"My British Legal Representative"
"highly respected British lawyer" is not the impression you get after reading Wikipedia article on Tony Bennett which you link to gives - "publicity seeking politician with his own agenda", seems to be closer to the truth.
Tony Bennett's Anorak news comment posting (see comment number 4) - rather an obscure place to put a public statement, rather than on his own website.
The offence that I need to arrest you for is “Stir up Racial Hatred by displaying written material” contrary to sections 18(1) and 27(3) of the Public Order Act 1986.
You will be arrested on SUSPICION of the offence. You would only be charged following a full investigation based on all the relevant facts and CPS consent.
Paul I will see you on the 19/02/08 when I will tell you everything that you need to know. Due to being out of the office for six weeks I will not have access to my email as of tomorrow 04/01/08.
You can go into all the different section of the law but that means nothing to me.
Tough. If Tony Bennett has not already explained it to you, then get another lawyer to do so - ignorance of the law is not a defence.
Public Order Act 2006
Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006
This latter Act replicates the Racial hatred section of the 1986 Act to cover Religious hatred.
Since you are not apparently being investigated under these new sections, it cannot be anything to do with your comments on Islam (the whole point of the 2006 Act).
Both the Racial and Religious hatred sections of the Public Order Act require the Attorney General to decide to prosecute you.
Arguably, neither of them apply to blogs, especially those hosted like your in the USA.
There are exemptions for private dwellings, and there are specific clauses about broadcasting i.e. TV and Radio, and public performances of plays, live music etc., which are all legally very different from the world wide web.
If there is something on your blog which incites Racial hatred, then someone would have to "display" it in public on a computer or mobile phone screen etc. - but they would be the people who had chosen to actively pull a copy (not the same as displaying the original) of your blog web page from the USA and they would be be the people potentially committing an offence, not you.
I am being arrested on suspicion of stiring racial hatred as part of an investigation into me and my blog.
The police have no way of arresting me so a date that was suitable for both was made.
Since the offence carries a potential prison term of up to 7 years, that makes it sufficiently serious to be an Extraditable offence, so, if you miss your appointment with the Police, they do have the power to get the USA authorities to arrest you on their behalf.
They would eventually have to show a US Court some prima facie evidence to do this, unlike the betrayal of UK sovereignty by the Labour Government, which, via the controversial Extradition Act 2003, no longer requires a prima facie case to be made, and the evidence tested in a UK Court, for extraditions to the USA or to the European Union (European Arrest Warrant).
Just because it seems unlikely that the Attorney General would grant permission for a prosecution, does not mean that you will not be humiliated by being arrested, fingerprinted (ten fingers, both palms, if applicable), photographed, DNA sampled (all of which will be retained on the Police intelligence databases until your 100th birthday, or longer), and have your computers and mobile phones seized, and internet and phone communications traffic data logfiles etc. snooped through, even if no charges are ever brought against you,
Suing the police for false arrest, instigating Independent Police Complaints Commission and Police Professional Standards investigations is all very well, but can only happen after the humiliation and damage to your life and privacy has been done.
That is what should be worrying fellow bloggers of all political and religious views.
Lionheart's predicament is a direct consequence of this judgement, given by Judge Grant at Leeds Crown Court in September 2007:
The more the forces of tyranny pressure the truth trying to suppress it, the more force with which it will explode out.
Our Creator endowed us with certain inalienable rights, and among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Attempts to enslave our speech, and by extension our thoughts and our very existence, are doomed to failure. Our Creator long ago so ordained.
This is appalling. What on earth is this country coming to?
If you need funds to help fight a legal case just ask. I will be more than willing to help in some small way.
Make sure someone else can keep your blog updated with the situation.
The only commenter so far that makes any sense is Watching Them, Watching Us, the rest are mainly Muslim baiters and a number of fantasists, self-aggrandisers and conspiracy theorists.
Being new to this particular brouhaha, I've tried to understand what it is exactly that would constitute to “Stir up Racial Hatred by displaying written material” on your blog, but you yourself do not come across as particularly candid to tell us what it might be or why it isn't. You crap on a lot about your right to opine but there are legal limits to free speech (as there should be in my opinion), so it's entirely possible that you've crossed a line.
Although I almost certainly disagree with most of your clearly overblown, jingoistic and Manichean views on Islam, I would definitely defend your right to say whatever you want to say, provided it doesn't indeed constitute stirring up racial hatred. Right now it's impossible for me to ascertain which, according to British police, is the offending material on your blog. If that becomes clearer in the coming days or weeks, I might take up your plight, regardless of whether I agree or disagree with your opinion on British Muslims.
It seems the U.S is right behind Britan in helping and protecting the Islamic terrorists they have invited into the homeland.
I see it as all part of God's judgment and wrath on a backslid people and nation now following darkness which He is set to destroy.
It's always the same ,He makes our leaders idiots before He destroys them.
All the nations with the u.S. at the forefront ahve chosen to side with Islam against Israel and their reward is not long in coming.
We need to remember that we are aliens here in our own lands and citizens of a Kingdom which can never be broken as so whatever may come we should rejoice that our hope is not here with the idiot politician's who self destruct whole nations under thier care and reward evil forces of Islam that will destroy them.
This insanity is God's judgment on wicked nations who have rejected God and embraced lies and evil.
Keep your focus on the Kingdom of God as there is no saving Britan or the U.S. as the Holy One of Israel has raised up this plague to judge them for their evil against Israel and rejecting His righteous laws and righteous ways.
May God Bless you and keep you well. I second Debbie's thoughts. Come on over across the pond. I welcome you!
I will be posting on this also. It is complete utter madness!
Especially considering this b***s**t!
Muslims in the UK support taliban
Wake up UK, sharia is on it's way!
@ gert
Islam/Muslim is NOT a race. I repeat Islam/Muslim is NOT a race!
“If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed.” -Benjamin Franklin
Dear Friends -
Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within
me? hope in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my
countenance, and my God. Is there any defense or shield in this
antichrist war on the saints other than The Lord Jesus Christ? Are we
seeking to give glory to Yeshua or vain glory? Is there any real
encouragement other than the Word of God? We are to PRAY without
ceasing and make the SACRIFICE of PRAISE in this antichrist war on
the Saints.
Do we know how and why God answers prayers? God answers the prayers
that He will hear. Why would God NOT hear our prayer?
We will either fear God rightly or fear everything else. Do we really
trust God? Job said - Though he slay me, yet will I trust in Him.
Does that sound like the level of trust we have? We should know that
God will defend and ultimately save His people no matter how bad may
be the present and short term circumstances and trouble. Is the Glory
of God our top priority?
How often do we consider that God is mindful of ever deed, word, and
thought we have? Do we dare to see what we know God sees that should
be changed in our heart? Looking at our circumstances and our short
term future, do we know God preserve us and even honor and glorify us
IN Messiah? Do we know that past tense, done deal, He has made us
kings and priests unto Him? Will we declare the excellent name of
Jesus, Yeshua, THE Only Messiah, in all the earth?
Does it seem as though the Lord has forgotten us, and hidden His face
from us? It is only our sin, or the iniquity that we regard in our
heart that could cause that to be a reality. Repent, and turn
yourselves from all your transgressions; so iniquity shall not be
your ruin. The Lord knoweth them that are His. And, Let every one
that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. And ye shall
seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with ALL your
heart. God looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see
if there were any that did understand, that did seek God. O God, thou
art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my
flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;
Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise
thee. Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in
thy name. My mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips: When I
remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches.
Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings
will I rejoice. But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall
rejoice in thy salvation. My soul followeth hard after thee: thy
right hand upholdeth me. But those that seek my soul, to destroy it,
shall go into the lower parts of the earth.
The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my
strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my
salvation, and my high tower. I will call upon the LORD, who is
worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies. The
sorrows of death compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men made me
afraid. The sorrows of hell compassed me about: the snares of death
prevented me. In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto
my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before
him, even into his ears. Then the earth shook and trembled; the
foundations also of the hills moved and were shaken, because he was
The LORD also thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave his
voice; hail stones and coals of fire. Yea, he sent out his arrows,
and scattered them; and he shot out lightnings, and discomfited them.
He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me:
for they were too strong for me. The LORD rewarded me according to my
righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands hath he
recompensed me. For I have kept the ways of the LORD, and have not
wickedly departed from my God. For all his judgments were before me,
and I did not put away his statutes from me. I was also upright
before him, and I kept myself from mine iniquity.
With the merciful thou wilt show thyself merciful; with an upright
man thou wilt show thyself upright; With the pure thou wilt show
thyself pure; and with the froward thou wilt show thyself froward.
For thou wilt save the afflicted people; but wilt bring down high
For by thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped
over a wall. As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is
tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him. For who is God
save the LORD? or who is a rock save our God? It is God that girdeth
me with strength, and maketh my way perfect. He maketh my feet like
hinds' feet, and setteth me upon my high places. Thou hast also given
me the shield of thy salvation: and thy right hand hath holden me up,
and thy gentleness hath made me great. Thou hast enlarged my steps
under me, that my feet did not slip. For thou hast girded me with
strength unto the battle: thou hast subdued under me those that rose
up against me.
The LORD liveth; and blessed be my rock; and let the God of my
salvation be exalted. It is God that avengeth me. He delivereth me
from mine enemies: yea, thou liftest me up above those that rise up
against me: thou hast delivered me from the violent man. Therefore
will I give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the heathen, and sing
praises unto thy name.
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down
in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He
restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for
his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow
of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy
staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the
presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup
runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days
of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. Pray Psalm 83 every day. Only be
very strong and of good courage. Stay IN the Word.
From Chittim, Isa 23:1
Shalom & Simcha,
Jim Searcy
Great Joy in Great Tribulation Radio
Great Joy in Great Tribulation web sites:
Good luck, if we lose the right to express our selves and our views in this one of the last arenas to allow freedom of expression then we really have reached Orwels 1984.
Anonymous Lady, Israel, asks:
Haversine: what's your problem? What is it about people like you who, if a few 'Joos' behave in ways you disagree with, then ALL Joos are to blame?
No, no, no! In order to comprehensively smash the arguments of bigots like me, you have to spell it 'Joooooooz'. Every additional 'o' improves the chances of success, particularly in conjunction with a final 'z'.
Now, read this is through as many times as it takes to sink in:
I do not blame all Jews for bad behaviour by some Jews any more than I blame all Muslims for bad behaviour by some Muslims. Nevertheless, it is absolutely clear that Jews as a group, like Muslims as a group, are causing severe problems in the UK, US and Europe. Among many other things, Jewish organizations sponsored and oversaw the enactment of the race-hate laws in the UK. Not all Jews supported them, but they are in place because of Jews and they will not be repealed while Jews like Lord Levy continue to run the UK for the benefit, as they see it, of Jews and Israel.
As for some Jewish groups who campaigned for open borders, maybe they did that because when Jews needed safe havens, nearly every border was closed to them.
Yes, Jews have been unpopular throughout history because of their selfish and destructive behaviour. They don't want open borders now because they feel sympathy for immigrants, but because they want to weaken the white majority. You are a typical example of that Jewish selfishness, which always judges by "What's best for Jews?" while trying to deny the same principle to whites.
My husband is from London and we went over this summer for the first time in years to visit the family. He was blown away by the changes.
Good luck.
I can see trouble ahead.
Does the government and immigrants think we are going to let this carry on forever?
This is still an 89% English country so believe me when I say, for every one of "them" that wants to start it, there will be 20 of us ready to destroy them.
PLEASE give us an excuse soon...
you can claim political asylum, and harrassment from the police in your own country for your political veiws. So stay in America LIONHEART.
This is a bloody disgrace.
Lionheart, I don't care what anyone's views are as long as the freedom exists to express them. If I disagree, I should be able to say so too.
I have posted a link to Cranmer's story about this, which links to yours.
Emails to national newspapers would be a good idea -- I've already made a start on that.
Best of luck Lionheart.
Just a thought. You have created a back up haven't you? Better safe than sorry. It would be a shame to lose such brilliant content.
BTW Along with posting your story on my site, I have submitted this article to GOP Hub.
Which is a site along the lines of Digg, but for conservatives.
Take care,
- VH
Haversine, shouldn't you be getting back to Storm Front?
BTW, I totally support Israel and its security, not because of some belief in some end times scenario, but because they are an island of civilization in a sea of barbarians.
BTW, after being targetted for elimination completely because of their ethnicity, I can sort of undertand why some Jews support race hate laws, even though I believe such laws are counter-productive. Better to let idiots like David Irving spout off to like minded idiots than make him a martyr.
BTW, you don't really believe Jews sit around and conspire on ways to dilute the pure Northern European blood of Americans, do you?
Anyway, Storm Front misses you. Hurry home.
Truth is not hate.
thankyou Lionheart for all that you do...thinking of you.
God Bless
Is there an equivalent to the US Supreme Court that a travesty like this could be appealed to?
If not, live in America. The weather is nicer, especially South of 35ºN
Hello, Lionheart. Please hang in there and fight these false charges.
The state apparati of all Free World nations have been infiltrated by the wrong people who've created an environment wherein law-abiding people can be prosecuted even after obeying the law, by creating phony "hate crimes" laws that ludicrously attempt to criminalize an emotion that cannot be proven anyway.
Speaking the truth is suddenly deemed by the Far Left as "hatred" and this emotion, "hatred", which could be considered one of the faults of humanity, criminalized. Why is it that the other faults of humanity can be legal and protected but "hatred" is criminalized?
If Muslims hate us and are caught preaching hatred of us, how come they aren't prosecuted for "stirring up racial hatred", too?
Something's wrong with that.
I have done a post linking to yours:
Stay strong and fight the honorable fight, my friend.
Lionheart, return to your home, face your accusers, shame them with the truth and trust in the Lord.
"Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me."
Matthew 5:9-11
We'll be praying for you.
God bless.
God bless you Lionheart, stay safe. Stay away from Britain for now, the more you stay away the more publicity for this will grow. This will serve to wake more people up to the evils of Sharia and dhimmidiot government behavior.
Will Gordon Brown admit that there is really NO FREE SPEECH in Britain? Never!
Your blog is great and I and so many have learned so much from it, please hang in there.
This 'Racial & Religious Hatred Act' is a load of crap. Hopefully it will be scrapped someday when the lawyers start being pressured to use it against Islam's obvious and much more virulent hate speech.
This planned arrest is terrible news for you, Britain and the world.
Probably the Luton Pakistani Muslim Heroin and crack gangs pressured the dhimmi pigs to arrest you.
Too many in the dhimmidiot government in Britain are pathetic and corrupt.
The EU is showing itself to be very evil in practice as well as most misguided and extremely stupid and ignorant of reality.
This suppression of free speech will actually cause more violence and hatred of course.
This case will also serve to educate the masses even more about the evils of Sharia and the importance of standing up to Islam.
This must be made very public, we should all tell all our friends about this. Spread the word! God bless you Lionheart, I believe you will prevail.
The lawyers MUST start fighting more.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
outlaw most bloggers
license all the rest
monitor their writing
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
eliminate FREE speech
the truth may not be spoken
if criminals are exposed
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
outlaw self-defense
exposing violent crimes
shall be deemed hate speech
absurd thought -
God of the Universe loves
corrupt politicians
offer immigrants welfare
get their votes to keep your jobs
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
be traitorous garbage
just destroy your country
screw your great-granddaughter
Sheik yer'mami supports you, brother!
My prayers and thoughts are with you, brother. Don't stop fighting the good fight. Hopefully there will be a public outcry in your favor and these ridiculous charges will be dropped and perhaps ultimately cause such ridiculous laws to be repealed.
It would seem that that their case depends on Islam being defined as a race.
Fritz Martin Gelowicz and Daniel Martin Schneider are both converts to Islam. Did they also change their race? Of course not. You can not change your race.
If Islam is not a race, which it is not, then they have no case.
The word about your impending arrest is spreading like a wildfire, this is going to be a high profile case. Don't worry, you're going to be fine. They can't prosecute you for "racial hatred" because they can't prove that Islam is a race. Besides, all you've been doing is simply telling the truth and you've never called for harming of the followers of the Religion of Peace™.
Not only is Islam not a race, it's not a religion either. Islam is a political agenda. The persecution of Lionheart is proof enough of that.
I sit here in disbelief that it could have come to this in my homeland. Only this week, it came to my attention that a Saudi blogger had been arrested. That was bad enough. But this! This would be unbelievable were it not for the fact that we have been ruled by NuLabour for more than ten years. We all know what Blair et al have done to our once wonderful country, and in such a short time.
To be part of the indigenous population in the United Kingdom today is tantamount to being disadvantaged. This is a tragedy, as is the tragedy of the erosion of free speech and free expression in our once free country.
We all know why this has come about. Muslims have perpetrated the crimes, but as our leaders have no courage, they curtail our freedoms instead.
Like many on this forum have already stated: You are NOT alone! My thoughts are with you at this very difficult time. May God bless you and your family! And may common sense prevail!
Stay the course, LionHeart! You're in some distinguished company.
When the year of Jesus' holy promises came (Matt 24:14, Luke 21:24, Matt 24:15) and the 2,300-year prophecy ended in the year that The Gospel was taken to every nation for a witness in the same year that the Jews were allowed to repatriate the Holy Land, a Holy Messenger came down from Heaven, with a body that every eye could see (like Jesus had) and speaking with a voice every ear could hear ( as Jesus did).
May 23, 1844 He was recognized by an ordinary, God-fearing human as The Promised One, Who would prepare the way for the Glory of God, the Lord of Hosts; Whose being with humankind from 1853 to 1892 (Micah 7:15) let others learn of Christ's New Name (Rev 2:17, 3:12).
The clergy and government tried to kill the Forerunner using Christian Armenian soldiers, but 750 bullets at point-blank range "somehow missed", and they were forced to use a Muslim regiment to kill Him.
And yet today, His rest is glorified and His mortal remains are interred beneath the golden-domed shrine atop Mount Carmel.
He died for humankind, and the Glory of God LIVED 40 years of suffering, in exile and imprisonment, to free humankind from our injustice and ignorance.
You're in good company. Turn with all your heart, with all your soul, with eyes to see and ears to hear, to Him Whom the Christ sent, May 23, 1844.
You are so much calmer than I in your writings. I get downright nasty and call the islamists out.
I will be linking your blog to mine and following as things progress. Please, consider emigrating your family out of Britain--your voice cannot be silenced for telling the truth. It's too important to be silenced.
I sent a letter to the British site and here is what I wrote:
Have some guts for God's sake. Otherwise, may god have mercy on your collective souls. Free Lionheart.
We'll be praying for you and your family here.
Miss Beth
Oops, the whole letter didn't paste; here is the entire letter I wrote:
Why are you planning on arresting and prosecuting someone, Lionheart, for telling the truth about the murderous islamic menace that has invaded your shores and taken over your country? Are you that terrified of the truth or that interested in appeasement of barbarism that you have to suppress someone who tells the truth, arrest and prosecute them for telling it the way it is instead of the way you wish it were?
What happened to the great British Empire? Have you become completely irrelevant while presenting your necks for the chopping block? Have you become so complacent to being taken over by a barbaric, 7th century zealot force? Have you become so lazy you can't be bothered to defend your country and instead have to prosecute those who stand up for your country and what it once was?
Shame on you for your cowardice in the face of these blood thirsty barbarians. Shame on you for not defending those who stand up to them and show them for what they truly are. Shame on you for taking the coward's way of appeasement at the expense of your countryman's freedom.
Have some guts--like you used to. Show us what the British Empire once stood for--instead of the limp piece of pasta you now are, cringing in fear at the altar of political correctness. Stand behind Lionheart in ridding your country of this cancer instead of giving in to the cancer.
If you don't you deserve what you will receive--a country that looks like the Middle East--ravaged, destitute, destroyed and terrified with no way to defend yourself because you chose to give up your freedoms and imprison those strong enough to speak out before it was too late.
Have some guts for God's sake. Otherwise, may God have mercy on your collective souls. Free Lionheart.
Miss Beth
I have contacted the following personalities through the WABC contact page.
WABC.com Contact personalities page
1. Rush
2. Laura Ingraham
3. Sean Hannity
4. Mark Levin
I also have sent an e-mail to:
I attempted to send one to Rush but neither e-mail went through. Shrug
I am not going to pay 60 some odd dollars to get in. If any out there are a member of Rush’s site feel free.
I contacted Megyn Kelly of America’s Newsroom - Fox News last night.
Fox News Contact Us - Choose a show/anchor/reporter
Let's bombard them!
To 'ed mahmoud'- I thank you from he bottom of my for your kind defence on my behalf to that Jew-hating Sinner, havesine...
Anonymous Lady
Haversinner: Jews have been more sinned against than sinning throughout the ages, and you jolly well know it.
Yet we don't go around blowing up innocent people (not even not-so-innocent Germans or haversines) on buses,in tube-stations, places of worship (of any religion), cafes,
restaurants, discos, schools, kindergartens, marketplaces, etc. like those others who I could, but don't need to, mention.
You are obviously a faithful follower of the Holocaust Denial Cult & the Mel Gibson Doctrine:
"Blame the Joooooooz For Every-thing Under the Sun, Including Poisoning Wells, Taking Over the World, their Own Persecutions and last, but not least, Starting All the World's Wars since 666,000,000,
000 BC".
Mel the Gibbonsson inferred during a 'sober' moment, that the Joooooz (including the Jew Yeshua/Jesus?)are to blame for all wars such as: Thermopylae, Peloponnesian Wars; The Gallic & Punic Wars, Rome's Invasions of Britain, Boudica v. Rome war; Egypt v Nubia & 'Sea People' wars; the Chou & T'ang Dynastic wars; Aztec/Maya/Mixtec/
Inca wars; Spain's Christian v Moslem wars; Ghengis Khan & his Mongol Onslaughts; Ancient Britons v Anglo-Saxon Wars, the Vikings, Battle of Hastings, Agincourt, Bannockburn, Wars of the Roses, English v Irish Wars, Cavalier v Roundhead Civil War, Trafalgar & Waterloo, American Revolution, Crimean & Boer wars,Indian Mutiny, Tyrannosaurus v Allosaurus wars, etc. etc.
I'm sure you could hallucinate millions more Joo-created wars if you try really really hard.
Have a nasty day,
Anonymous Lady
Velvet Hammer: Keep up the good work. Perhaps you should also send this to Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity at FoxNews probably the ONLY Fair & Balanced News Network in the entire world. If you don't have their emails, I do.
Anonymous Lady
Lionheart: From my post on Moonbattery.com (great site!) here in the U.S.A., regarding your current situation (which is beyond incredible, and achieving absurd):
We love you, Coeur de Lion, and hope you'll be okay. Didn't see where you might be "hiding out," that is, at least you're not in British territory right now (good thing!), but stay safe and keep blogging!
Great Britain may be gone (or soon will be), but we need all the help we can get over here, across the pond, with morons like Usama bin Obama-Winfrey, the Hildabeast and Scumbag Lawyer Edwards trying to gain control of this nation and turn it over to the Jihadists, lock, stock and barrel.
Even worse than that, about 80% of the Republicans, including the current president, seem to want to do anything they can to help them along in this pursuit (unthinkable just a few years ago, but such is the state of the party thanks to political correctness and "multi-culturalism," two hideous cancers eating away at us 'een as we speak).
No need for another 9/11 or another 7/7 -- we're handing the Islamofascists the world on a silver platter, as it were, with everything our politicians do on a daily basis. Soon enough, it will be a crime to be anything BUT a Muslim; try worshipping as a Jew or a Christian, and the FBI or Scotland Yard will be smashing down your door to take you away to one of several hundred Muslim Re-Education Camps.
Sounds farfetched? Yeah, just wait and see . . .
SC in Tennessee, USA
Who's LIONHEART?????????????????????
That's why this guy is away "on a course" and says he can't be contacted.
He can't handle all the emails and the questions from the Press.
What a waste of public money. what a joke.
I can see the headlines already,
"Beds Police Chief Tackles ""Pen is mightier than the sword""Blogger"
While the drug dealers run free.
And the gang bosses never get arrested. Wonder why?
Got a lot of explaining to do there sunshine.
Just how many will they have to be arrested? He's reading this of course. Hope he's proud of his bravery.
There are plenty of supporters in Germany that keep writing letters to the british ambassador to complain about the measures that the british gov. is taking against free speech.
Keep up the faith.
@ Anonymous Lady Thanks
As a matter of fact I have contacted Sean Hannity. And I have some positive news to report. I have just now received an e-mail reply from someone connected to him. No promises, but they bit. I sent the e-mail yesterday morn Sat 5 07. That is a quick reply from a show that surely is loaded down with e-mails.
The first and only reply I have received.
Here it is short and sweet.
"WIll look it over, censorship PC galls Sean."
[fingers crossed]
Here's a bit of research that may help.
Ian Holden is shown on the Bedfordshire police website as running its "Hate Crimes" Unit". See:
But it's possible some of our Jihadi chums used his identity to forge this email, hoping to scare you.
A second point is that, as far as I can see, the cops can't arrest you without a warrant, and that needs to be issued by a magistrate after examination of the facts and you. (There are some offences that don't need a warrant, but they're ones where getting a warrant is impractical, such as when breaking up a street fight). This whole area is covered in the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, here:
It's possible New Labour added "Hate Crime" to the list of "warrantless" arrests, but if so they've hidden it very well.
So my advice is to first send a letter (recorded delivery to their HQ as shown on their website) to the chief constable of Bedfordshire enclosing Holden's emails and asking him to confirm it is genuine. Say that if it is genuine, you're lawyer needs a Bedfordshire police contact available immediately, not when Holden returns from his leave next month.
If the email is fake, you can publish its routing data and we can track the originator down.
If the chief constable confirms the email is not fake, you need to get a lawyer with "Hate Crime", European Human Rights, and Press experience. In that case tell us and I, and I'm sure many others, will help fund that.
Keep us informed and know that we are praying for you. Keep the faith!
God Bless!
Eh Mahmoud --
Haversine, shouldn't you be getting back to Storm Front?
No, I never post there. Shouldn't you try arguing instead of ad-homming?
BTW, I totally support Israel and its security, not because of some belief in some end times scenario, but because they are an island of civilization in a sea of barbarians.
No, you support Israel because you're a half-wit. Those "barbarians" would be no danger to the West if it weren't for the mass immigration fervently supported by Jews for Europe and the US but fervently opposed by Jews for Israel itself, a parasitic state used as an asylum for Jewish criminals of all kinds.
BTW, after being targetted for elimination completely because of their ethnicity, I can sort of undertand why some Jews support race hate laws, even though I believe such laws are counter-productive. Better to let idiots like David Irving spout off to like minded idiots than make him a martyr.
No, it wasn't because of their ethnicity, it was because of their selfish behaviour and their murderous role in communism.
BTW, you don't really believe Jews sit around and conspire on ways to dilute the pure Northern European blood of Americans, do you?
No, half-wit, I don't. I believe what is the truth: that Jews try to do "What's best for Jews", which includes supporting the invasion of the west by non-whites and the hate laws that stop whites protesting against the invasion.
Anyway, Storm Front misses you. Hurry home.
As I said, you're a half-wit unable to think for yourself or even come up with original ad-homs.
Anonymous lady --
Haversinner: Jews have been more sinned against than sinning throughout the ages, and you jolly well know it.
No, I don't, because they haven't. They've been hated with good reason by everyone they come into contact with because of their selfish behaviour.
Yet we don't go around blowing up innocent people (not even not-so-innocent Germans or haversines) on buses,in tube-stations, places of worship (of any religion), cafes,
restaurants, discos, schools, kindergartens, marketplaces, etc. like those others who I could, but don't need to, mention.
Jews have used terrorism extensively in the past and would be happily do so again if it suited their purposes.
You are obviously a faithful follower of the Holocaust Denial Cult & the Mel Gibson Doctrine:
No, I don't deny the holocaust, but I do say, with Norman Finkelstein, that it's been exploited for financial and political blackmail by unscrupulous Jews with no concern for its genuine victims.
"Blame the Joooooooz For Every-thing Under the Sun, Including Poisoning Wells, Taking Over the World, their Own Persecutions and last, but not least, Starting All the World's Wars since 666,000,000,
000 BC".
I asked you to read something above through as many times as it took to sink in. You obviously didn't. I'll try again:
I do not blame all Jews for bad behaviour by some Jews any more than I blame all Muslims for bad behaviour by some Muslims. Nevertheless, it is absolutely clear that Jews as a group, like Muslims as a group, are causing severe problems in the UK, US and Europe. Among many other things, Jewish organizations sponsored and oversaw the enactment of the race-hate laws in the UK. Not all Jews supported them, but they are in place because of Jews and they will not be repealed while Jews like Lord Levy continue to run the UK for the benefit, as they see it, of Jews and Israel.
Think of Abe. You can fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time.
Too many are still asleep. You woke up a few, others do the same elsewhere. The few will eventually become the many. Good luck with the plod and the judge. I hope not all of them are in the grip of political correctness.
Best wishes.
Michiel Mans
Moronic self-deluders, all of you.
Hurry up and kill each other and leave our planet in peace for the rest of us who grew out of having imaginary playmates when we shed our milk teeth.
I want to express my solidarity with you. Many protest letters and emails to British embassies and your Gouvernment have been written from here.
There is no democracy without free speech and who tries to undermine free speech also tries to undermine democracy. We have similar problems in our country with parts of our muslim immigrants and we have similar politicians who try to forbid the citizens even to realize that there might be a huge problem coming up to us. I appreciate your courageous blog and I wonder why they want to arrest you, while those guys from the Religion of Peace we have seen on TV with slogans like "Prepare for the real Holocaust" and "UK you will pay" are free and not in charge of anything.
Greetings from Germany
I feel your pain.
God Bless you and don't let them silence you!
They are criminalizing our thoughts here in the US as well.
I realize that your country has set the stage for where we are headed.
Cheeses wept,
And all the others (luckily very few) who have made moronic comments on this blog, GROW UP OR SHUT UP!
This issue is vital to the survival of the Freedoms that most of us hold very dear.
Islam is not a religion it is a politically motivated Evil and debased 7th Century memeplex, invented by a perverted mad-man!
I have emailed the Cheif Constable, and given her a peice of my mind!
No doubt she has been innundated with petitions on your behalf!
The Truth will prevail,
Blessings to you.
Who's being intoleRANT now? Thank you for proving my point so speedily. What about my freedom not to believe in any irrational, fictional sky-fairy?
Such blatant violation of Lionheart's rights cannot happen.
"Moronic self-deluders, all of you.
Hurry up and kill each other and leave our planet in peace for the rest of us who grew out of having imaginary playmates when we shed our milk teeth."
"Who's being intoleRANT now? Thank you for proving my point so speedily. What about my freedom not to believe in any irrational, fictional sky-fairy?"
Cheeseswept, no one is saying you have to believe anything; however, you don't have to be insulting and disrespectful to those of us who do believe and both of these comments are inflammatory, disrespectful and insulting.
I thought the point of this post was the policing of free speech, not what you do or don't believe on a personal level as far as a deity. I don't think any thinking, rational person would welcome their thoughts, words or writings to be policed or censored, particularly in a so-called free country and that's what it appears to be coming to in Britain, and by default, under the same guise, the US.
@ Gandalf
A second point is that, as far as I can see, the cops can't arrest you without a warrant, and that needs to be issued by a magistrate after examination of the facts and you.
It's possible New Labour added "Hate Crime" to the list of "warrantless" arrests, but if so they've hidden it very well.
Errr... that is not so.
Public Order Act 1986 Section 18 Use of words or behaviour or display of written material, subsection (3):
"(3) A constable may arrest without warrant anyone he reasonably suspects is committing an offence under this section."
This Racial Hatred section is what Lionheart appears to be under the threat of, and it has been on the Statute book since 1986 i.e. during Margaret Thatcher's second term as Conservative Prime Minister.
Exactly the same form of wording was copied for the new Religious hatred section 29B Use of words or behaviour or display of written material, subsection (3), which came in via amendments through the Schedule in the Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006, under the current Labour regime.
However, the The Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006 (Commencement No.1) Order 2007 (No. 2490 (C. 93)), specifically excluded the new section 29B (3) from coming into force on 1st October 2007 !
So, currently, you can be arrested without a warrant for Racial Hatred, but not for Religious Hatred.
Please, what is this, a joke? The UK was lost to Islam long ago, as was the rest of Europe. Those who have emigrated, have resettled by now and are happy in the last bastion of the west, the USA. Those who have not should make plans to do so soon. We welcome our UK brothers with open arms (the non muslim ones of course). We feel for you and your experience will help us keep the same thing from befalling us here in the US.
"For the public record, here is a full copy of the e-mail sent by Ian Holden of Bedfordshire Police to ‘Llionheart’ yesterday, Thursday 3 January 2008:"
Are you honestly expecting the sane amongst us to believe that British police use e-mail to warn one of their impending arrest?
What a bunch of gullible prats!!!!
Keep the British end up, mate!
A religion is not a race. This fact is repeated ad nauseum yet nothing changes.
What is it about the law and human liberty that your legislators do not understand?
As somebody who knows US immigration law, you'd make it. If you have reasonable/credible fear of persecution including political opinions, you can claim, and receive asylum. I suggest choosing your venue carefully, however. If you ask for asylum in California, expect to get a lesson in intolerance and be told you should be punished for "hate speech". If you come through Texas or anywhere in the Old South, you should be safe. If you have to fly to Mexico and walk across and ask for asylum, you'll still be safe (I'm not joking about that, either).
I wish the British Lion was still standing with us against tyranny. Maybe it'll roar again.
Not to detract from the seriousness of this but:
21.12.1192: Richard Lionheart Arrested
King of England, Richard the Lion-Heart was arrested on his return from the third crusade on 21 December 1192. During the crusade a quarrel had arisen between Richard and the Austrian Duke, Leopold V. Richard had attempted to travel incognito through Leopold’s territories, but Leopold had Richard the Lion-Heart imprisoned in Dürnstein castle near Vienna, and later handed him over to Emperor Heinrich VI. Heinrich VI demanded a ransom for Richard and then released him.
Lionheart, I hope they give up on this ridiculous case.
Have you ever thought of circulating your blog peer to peer? That way they can arrest half the country for distributing it.
Lionheart, will you be sharing a cell with a Shi'a or Sunni?
Again it's really only Watching Them, Watching Us who makes any real sense here.
Velvet Hammer, you're being extremely naive in my opinion. None of the people you've contacted will be willing to put their hand in the fire for a blogger that hasn't even been arrested yet, let alone charged or convicted. Even less so when they learn LH is a BNP supporter (LFG has gotten wind of that), although Horn Shammity might not mind that too much...
As regards Megyn Kelly, to her this whole matter will be no more than an internal British affair, in accordance with the laws of this land, no business of hers at all. I'll eat my hat if I'm proved to be wrong on this.
For what it's worth, here's my take on l'affaire Lionheart.
Quick, some one dig up and tell George Orwell he was wrong in England Your England.
Radical Islam is like the inner party in 1984. To see the future imagine a boot stomping the face of humanity… Forever!!!
I feeling Orwellian today I guess.
Wake up England!
While England slept, the Fabian society was successful in bringing socialism to England without firing a shot.
While England slept, You have forsaken the faith of you fathers for what made you feel good.
While England slept, you let in people who would deny your RIGHT to live in peace.
While England Slept, you ignored the lesson of your American Children, The power to govern the people comes from the consent of the people to be governed.
The View From Out Here
Islamic supremacy is not a race. It is a behavioral choice just like Nazism was a behavioral choice. In fact, Islamic supremacy is even less racial than Nazism because Jews, Black people, and Slavs were hardly welcome in the Nazi party. The Islamic supremacist movement will welcome anyone who is willing to betray his country, batter women to bloody pulps, cut the throats of people like Theo van Gogh or, even better, strap on a bomb and commit mass murder. The perpetrators of 9/11 and 7/7 were not chanting "Shma Yisrael," "Jesus saves," or "Hare Krishna."
Islamic supremacy is to Islam what white supremacy is to Caucasian skin color. The real Muslims know who they are, and so do the Islamic supremacists. In the latter case, if the shoe fits, they will just have to wear it.
Furthermore, anyone who defends Islamic supremacy, e.g. by trying to silence bloggers like Lionheart, is a useful idiot for his/her country's enemies if not something a lot worse.
Wow - this is unbelievable. You can be arrested for making a website that *tells the truth* about Islam? As an American, I suppose I should be more grateful for the First Amendment, which (I believe) protects people from this kind of nonsense. I guess freedom of speech is not quite free in the UK. Disgusting.
While on one hand I'd like to join others above in encouraging you to immigrate here, I fear that just advances the Islamists' cause in the UK. European Christians need to take a stand and say they've had enough. Don't surrender your homeland!
You know, this amounts to being persecuted for your religious or political beliefs. That is a special category for admission/ asylum to these United States. You ought to apply and carry on the good fight from here instead of behind enemy lines.
Lionheart; This case by our spiteful, spineless government against anyone whom has the audacity to challenge Islam, truly is a new low - even for them!!!.
I wondered, how could they come to this. So without further ado, I did a little research and, "hey presto", Here are just some of the beliefs and aquaintances our serving Labour government have in their "Illustrious" pasts!!!.
Democracy Labour Style !!!.
And what makes them tick ---
Gordon Brown; PM;
Editor of the leftist Red Paper
John Reid; Former Home Secretary;
Secretary of the communist league.
Jack Straw; Justice Minister;
University President of the Communist Society.
Ruth Kelly; Transport Minister;
Granddaughter of Philip Murphy: Quatermaster of the West Fermanagh Irish Republican Army Battalion.
Alan Johnson; Health Minister;
Branch Official of the Communist Party of Great Britain.
David Miliband; Foreign Affairs;
Son of the Marxist Theoretician Ralph Miliband.
Ed Miliband; Minister for the cabinet.
Son of the Marxist Theoretician Ralph Miliband.
Peter Hain; Works & Pensions;
Anti Apartheid Action incorperating The Armed Resistance Movement.
Harriet Harmen: Leader of the house:
National Council for civil liberties.
Hilary Benn; Environment;
Son of the Left Wing Radical Tony Benn.
Looks to me, as after the fall of Communism in Europe this lot fell silent about their Marxist Utopia and instead decided to "Masquerade" themselves as believers in Democracy!!!.
Lionheart, is this scam bringing in enough through the donations button to get you a few pints of Sam Smith at the local pub or are the Muslim hordes shutting down the tap?
Ignore Duck, the leftist dissenter from my web site. He's forever skeptical, particularly with regard to issues not leftist. Those he swallows--hook, line, and sinker.
I want to express my solidarity with you.
What We are Fighting Against
Larry Houle
Muthuswamy cites research on the Koran, conducted by the Center for Political Islam, which illustrates the Islamic focus on conformist behavior and beliefs. According to the Center's analysis of the Koran, the Sira, and the Hadith, only 17% of the Islamic trilogy deals with the words of Allah. The remaining 83% refers to the words and deeds of Mohammed. Of all of the references to "hell" in the trilogy, 6% are for moral failings, while 94% are for the transgression of disagreeing with Mohammed. Statistical analysis of the trilogy revealed that 97% of references to "jihad" relate to war and a mere 3% to the concept of "inner struggle."
About 67% of the Koran of Mecca deals with punishing unbelievers for merely disagreeing with Mohammed. Over 50% of the Koran of Medina deals with hypocrites and jihad against unbelievers. Nearly 75% of the Sira deals with jihad. About 20% of the Hadith by Bukhari is about jihad. The majority of the doctrine is political and it is all violent.
In 4% of the cases, women were superior, in 91% of the cases they were inferior and in 5% they were equal. But there is a big catch. The only way that women are equal is after death on Judgment day, when men and women will be judged on how well they followed the Koran and the Sunna. And guess what? The only way to follow the Koran and the Sunna is to obey men. Equality means obeying men
Woman are superior by being a mother, who must obey her husband. So the perfect woman on Judgment day will be a mother, who obeyed all the men in her life. So really, the women are subordinate to men in 100% of all of the Koran, Hadith and the Sira.
When are you returning home, Lionheart.
I hope you don't intend to illegally overstay your visa.
Ducky's here,
Well we all have boring morons like you to put up with on our blogs occasionally.
What has caused me to even write this is your comment about Lionheart "overstaying his Visa", How Dare you!!
The reason you dirty little red scum troll around is because you actually WANT your Marxist Dystopia, or rather you don't want to end up on traitors gate like your mate Livingstone do you?
Unfortunately for you the Islamists don't really care who's head they sever, and with a name like 'Ducky' you could be one of the first! lol.
Lionheart is a Noble man, with more guts than you, or any of your mates like UAF could ever muster!
Ducky's here,
Well we all have boring morons like you to put up with on our blogs occasionally.
What has caused me to even write this is your comment about Lionheart "overstaying his Visa", How Dare you!!
The reason you dirty little red scum troll around is because you actually WANT your Marxist Dystopia, or rather you don't want to end up on traitors gate like your mate Livingstone do you?
Unfortunately for you the Islamists don't really care who's head they sever, and with a name like 'Ducky' you could be one of the first! lol.
Lionheart is a Noble man, with more guts than you, or any of your mates like UAF could ever muster!
Hey, brother. American bloggers are behind you all the way: http://www.soldiersperspective.us/2008/01/21/british-blogger-to-be-punished/
Good luck!!
Greetings from Norway Lionheart.
I'm quite surprised by what you tell us about. Is it really possible that you'll face criminal charges for writing about religion and politics? Isn't this what most people do, both on the internet and in traditional newspapers? I've seen many disturbing signals from the UK lately, and I fear that this country faces major trouble in the near future. I'm also quite pessimistic on behalf on most of modern Europe in fact. At least the Western part. Things are not as bad in Norway yet, but if we ever get into the EU (which I hope we won't) I guess it will get even worse here as well.
I'll consider writing a letter of appeal (protest) to British officials here as well as to Norwegian polticians in order to stop this madness.
The best,
Why do you have to abuse Jesus Christ to get your dirty message of hatred through? You are no better than Bin Laden and the lot.
The negative sides of Islam cannot be adressed and corrected by agression. It will only give extremists more popularity.
By the way, why didn't you choose a more British thing as your nick, rather than lion_ heart? The lion is not British at all, it is from the native countries of the muslims.
The negative sides of Islam cannot be adressed and corrected by agression. It will only give extremists more popularity.
Too bad the followers of the pedophile Prophet interpret any attempt at understanding or concession as weakness.
Islam is an aggressive political ideology bent on world domination disguised as a religion. Islam only accepts conversion, death or dhimmitude. If one doesn't want to die or live as a slave to the barbarians, aggression is the only strategy that works
"If by the instrument of governmental power, a people is led towards its destruction, then rebellion is not only the right of such people, it is its duty." -Great statesman
lionhear for PM
go ahead lionheart
(from italy)
If we want to see who is on what side try wearing a mask and display a poster that says "Islamic hate preachers go to hell"
In the same format as that shown by masked Muslims in the picture of Muslim protest shown opposite "Defender" Jan 4th above!
I will give you a maximum of 5 minutes on the street and a lot more inside!GOOD LUCK.
Lionheart, I dont know how often you read the blog, but did you know 4 others in Great Britain have been arrested under section 29c Religious & Racial Hatred Act 2006. They are currently on bail pending further enquires???
No i didnt anonymous, thanks for telling me.
Do you know who?
Any details?
God bless you
This is very strange Mr Anonymous?
I have heard nothing about this. I think that it is your duty to inform us who they are, unless you are yet another troll of course.
Belarusians express solidarity with you! Stop islamic expansion!
It's sad for me to see the land I currently live, Belgium (and our close neighbours; The Netherlands, France and Germany) and many other western countries fed upon from the inside out due to our pathetic laws and the lack of strong politicians daring to face facts as a large part of the public does. It's hard to imagine the situation is even worse in my motherland, the UK.
I'm scared of revisiting home only to discover it's been handed over by a bunch of cowards to a barbarian horde of cowardly, weakminded fools that hasn't evolved in centuries. Our forfathers would turn in their graves (assuming they havn't been dug up to make way for mosques..) if they saw how foreign invaders with no interest in our culture, history or progress were welcomed so freely into our homes and invited to leech of us. It makes me sad when I see the once so great Britain circling the drain, and the rest of Europe along side it. All due to some fools who think we still live in the middle ages.
The worst thing about it is that we can't publicly say a word without being portrayed as a racist and end up hunted down on our own lands.
I believe a multicultural society can work with people from many lands, but we have to face the fact that the Islam is a threat to everything we've built. It's followers don't bother questioning their beliefs or don't dare in fear of death, for it's forbidden to leave the Islam behind. The Islam hopes to relive old days, for those are all they have.
I fear ignoring this fact will only open the gates to world war three, in which it's likely many innocent Muslims will suffer due to their indifference towards the extremists amongst themselves.
Western citizens will not continue to endure forver.. at some point enough will be enough.
It pleases me to see people who share my thoughts on the matter, and hope a time will come when we can act upon them.
I hope you maintain your freedom and continue your blog.
Greetings from a brother in Belgium.
Just remember our forfathers were once foreigners on this land.
By the way, you seem to be dodging the real problem here and that's religion in general. Not just picking and choosing specific religions but all religions.
I dream of a world where there is no god, no killing in the name of an invisible being, no hopes of heaven or hell, no fear of abstaining from the wonderfull things life has to offer us
To think that the United Kingdom has sunk to such a level is sad. The apeasers of Islam within your halls of power need to be routed and dispatched with all speed.This is a sad sad day for England and the commonwealth.
Calling Labour "commies"?
You, are not all there pal. The cheese has almost certainly slid off your cracker.
Fucking imbecile
To anony commie above.
You obviously don't know your Labour Party as well as we do.
Further back in this comment file you would have seen a list of some of the COMMIE influenced LABOUR traitors to Britain, in case you are too lazy to scroll back up, here they are again.
The Labour Scam is finished. Time up.
""Democracy Labour Style !!!.
And what makes them tick ---
Gordon Brown; PM;
Editor of the leftist Red Paper
John Reid; Former Home Secretary;
Secretary of the communist league.
Jack Straw; Justice Minister;
University President of the Communist Society.
Ruth Kelly; Transport Minister;
Granddaughter of Philip Murphy: Quatermaster of the West Fermanagh Irish Republican Army Battalion.
Alan Johnson; Health Minister;
Branch Official of the Communist Party of Great Britain.
David Miliband; Foreign Affairs;
Son of the Marxist Theoretician Ralph Miliband.
Ed Miliband; Minister for the cabinet.
Son of the Marxist Theoretician Ralph Miliband.
Peter Hain; Works & Pensions;
Anti Apartheid Action incorporating The Armed Resistance Movement.
Harriet Harmen: Leader of the house:
National Council for civil liberties.
Hilary Benn; Environment;
Son of the Left Wing Radical Tony Benn.
Looks to me, as after the fall of Communism in Europe this lot fell silent about their Marxist Utopia and instead decided to "Masquerade" themselves as believers in Democracy!!!. ""
Just remember our forfathers were once foreigners on this land.
Errr? Yours may have been.
Study some history chap.
To right-wing annon above.
Im not a communist, my friend. I am a socialist. There is a huge difference. Let me explain, because it seems you do not want to understand. You seem like an intelligent person but it seems to me that you have been suckered into believeing this "commie" crap by right-wing TV and newspapers.
I live in a Socialist country, it means free healthcare and free University for all, especially the poor.
Look at the US, a prime example of a country with no "commies" in government. 50 million people with no access to healthcare(if they get sick they die in agony at home), $100,000 for a lowend college diploma. i could go on...
To believe all this "commie" stuff you have to be either, very rich, or very stupid. You dont seem be be stupid, so im guessing you are rich. How else could you belive this nonsense. "OooH, the commies are coming to take my away money/freedom "
The Socialist country I live in, is Ireland.I was born into a poor family, but I went to University and I have a mid position at Esso (ExxonMobil) as a Chemical Engineer.
Im not in the habit of replying to strangers on the internet, but
yours is an exception.
Good day.
T anon above.
you say "I have a mid position at Esso (ExxonMobil) as a Chemical Engineer. "
This shows the irony of it all.
You say you are a "Socialist" but you are a wage slave for one of the most dangerous and Capitalistic U.S./global companies whose Directors are high Masons and Globalist Bilderburgers.
I should laugh, but your confusion is a display of how wannabe Communists are guilty of playing at being Socialists.
As an ex-Communist Party member, I think I know what I am saying.(ah my foolish youth as I stood alongside Tariq Ali (Marxist and Jihadi apologist) and present day Labour Party Cabinet members as we tried to smash a way through the police lines with a telegraph pole, to the American Embassy in Grovesnor Square, with the intention to "light up an Embassy"
As gender of an Irish family, I think I have an insight into Irish history.
My great grandfather was a tenant of an English Baron and eventually lost his farms through both the IRA under Michael Collins, and the British Black and Tans, robbing him at gun-point and terrorising the family.
The Government of Freestate Eire then had the Baillifs take his livestock, whereupon the entire family walked to UK and worked in war-factories or joined the British Forces.
They had no f***** choice as they were young and had no money to go to USA.
I once saw Communism/Socialism as the answer to Man's problems until I saw first hand the embittered leadership fighting among themselves.
Ireland is not a Socialist country, it is a Republic with a specific Constitution, that is why the majority rejected the European imposed Constitution which is illegal for Ireland to accept.
Look at your Capitalist Prime Ministers as they lined their pockets with land deals and bribes, one after another, (Haughy, Aherne (Blair's bum-chum)and the rest.)
Did you not notice how the Marxist IRA leadership sold themselves out to Britain?
Marxism was buried by the Army Council, and now they see their future in top Euro-bureaucrats jobs, lining up for the cash handouts they will boost by complying with the globalist Euro- Fascists in waiting who pose as Liberals/Socialists.
Don't forget that Marx was apprised of his vision for Global Communism by the same man who founded the National Socialist Party that became Hitler's vehicle for his failed vision of Global Fascism!
Two side of the same coin.
You have the wool before your eyes and the Capitalist cock up your arse, but you don't want to see how far it's gone, so far, you should build a penthouse there with the proceeds of your slave-shilling from Exxon.
From a poor Paddy.
You cant see my point, I pointed out my postition at Exxon because I got there with financial assistance from the government, and whether you like it or not, Cowan is the head of a socialist party. No poor person in the US could have acheieved the same feat, well most of them.
If you dont rebel by 17, your lost. If you dont conform by 30, your an idiot. Someone has to work for Exxon, it might as well be me.
You vulgar use of words leads me to believe that you have yet to mature, and to compare yourself with Tariq Ali, makes me laugh.
He is a most learned man, I doubt he would be hanging around with someone who used the phrase "capatist cock up your ass"
Your confrontational attitude is why the left has lost. So many from the left are like you, mouthy and loud with no real direction.
To put down the IRA for wanting peace, you should be ashamed. I grew up right on the border, its a relief to go home without Brits sticking their rifles in the car window. Sinn Fein take the average industrial wage from their political earnings and give the rest to the party.
To say that Marx was apprised by the Nazi's? Im sure he had many fans. After all he was a brlliant mind, arrogant but brilliant.
Capitalism does not work on its own, just as communism does not work on its own. There needs to be a balance struck between the two.
" to compare yourself with Tariq Ali, makes me laugh.
He is a most learned man, I doubt he would be hanging around with someone who used the phrase "capatist cock up your ass""
Well sorry to upset your belief that Tariq Ali is such a wonderful person, I was referring to the Anti-Vietnam protest called "Light up an Embassy" (as in cigarette, another thing you can't do in public any more.)
I stood beside this failed Marxist who is an apologist for radical Islam and the jihad against everything you believe in.
I watched and listened and soaked it all up as he yelled,
"Kill the f....g fuzz!" (cops) and much worse. In this respect he was no different to his fellow countrymen who call today for the Queen to be beheaded or for us non-believers to await the next (European) 9/11.
Perhaps you used to cheer at home in front of the telly as you saw some more British soldiers getting blown up on the border, a bit like the Muslims cheer when they see them blown up in Afghanistan.
He was personally directing the charges against the police lines using telephone poles as battering rams, as large groups of violent agitators tried to break through to burn down the American Embassy in London.
You may excuse him then as a young hot-head, but his fellow travellers were some of the Ministers now in Government.
I think that proves how Socialism in Britain was birthed from Marxism as taught by a (then) small number of Marxist lecturers many at the L.S.E.
If you believe the stuff about Sinn Fein giving their money to the Party, then you obviously know little about the goings on that provide a far more lucrative source of income.
I would bet you that Adams will get a plumb Euro job one day, when, under the New Constitution of Europe, this gives Ireland the status of a regional entity in the EUSSR.
I suppose you voted for the Lisbon treaty if you bothered to vote at all. If so you have little respect for the work of Collins that created the Free State and then D'Valera and the others, that led to the Republic, those that struggled for an independent Ireland. Now you will toss that away for a handful of grants as they trick the Irish into another vote to cement the EU constitution that will enfeeble beyond recognition, what Ireland's valiant sons and daughters died for.
Your Socialist leader was put there to divert from the scandals that his predecessor was involved in. Do you think this one is different? Perhaps you used to cheer at home in front of the telly as you saw some more British soldiers getting blown up on the border, a bit like the Muslims cheer when they see them blown up in Afghanistan.
And by saying that you may as well work for Exxon, because someone's got to do it, well extend that a bit further and place yourself back to when the Nazis where recruiting for guards at Belsen and you see why they had no trouble filling the jobs.
I am sorry (not really) if my coarse language upset your sensibilities, you obviously have never worked with fellow Paddies on a building site.
One day they may ban vulgarity in words, but it is one small thing that the PC idiots have yet to consider for elimination.
So I say fuck 'em.
You know full well how Ireland is being handed over to rampant immigration, as Britain has been, and there are plenty of discussions of the reasons why the Socialists need immigration to cement their schemes. No doubt they will replace the statues of the past, with the statues to their magnificence and magnanimity that they will have erected when there is no way back.
European integration has been described as a "ratchet action" one step at a time and never going back from the great project.
Well happy times there at Exxon, but don't expect a discount on your gas.
As far as claiming asylum in the US, Canada, Australia etc. goes I wouldn't bother. They will make the decision that Britain is a "safe country" and you will be on the next flight home. You may be better off having your day in court.
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