The Mumbai Massacre is just one more act of 21st Century Warfare being conducted against us by the military wing of the Islamic Religion.
India has an Islamic community but it is not an Islamic Nation that is why it is a justifiable target in the sights of all the Islamic States surrounding it and their personal networks of Islamic terrorists, and especially because of the conflict over the Kashmir region with Islamic Pakistan.
Two Nuclear Nations at enmity with one another and both bordering each other, you can rest assured that both sides have their fingers very firmly on their Nuclear triggers as you are reading this, and every 24 hours after reading this.
Will they, wont they? You decide.
Atleast we have our Trident though.
India is an ally of the West and the rabid devils from the pit of hell want to harm and destroy it and its people just like those of us in the West because it’s what their death manual commands them to do as a religious obligation to further their religion upon the Earth.
At one end of the Islamic Religion you have the moderates who wouldn’t say boo to a goose who proclaim ‘Islam means Peace’ because they have not got the stomach to pick up the sword so they stick to preaching the word, and on the other end you have the religious psychopaths who are more than willing to pick up the sword and carry out acts of indiscriminant mass murder against anyone who is not a Moslem and have no problem telling you ‘Islam means submission’ (I’m a racist and Islamaphobe for saying that though and there are enough Moslems controlling Britain to force peoples hands to silence such talk, but I know whom I serve as an English subject).
This time in India their intended targets were anyone who was white and or American and British.
How can anyone with a sane mind believe that Islam means peace and it’s a small minority of Moslems bringing the whole religion into disrepute when these events are like a dripping tap on our World and aimed at us?
Mohamed himself has commanded Moslems to inflict terror and bloodshed on the unbelievers, you only have to look at his life and his inhumane exploits on all levels to see that, so either the so called moderates do not know their own religion or they are lying to everyone.
Answer that one yourself!
But don’t forget that in Islam Moslems are actually allowed to lie, their so called god tells them that it is ok for them to lie to the infidel (you and me), to further Islam’s Jihad. This is called Taqiyya – Lying to the infidel
Hard to believe but its true, so how can we ever believe a Moslem about anything when their god tells them it’s a good thing to lie to non-Moslems.
The liberal left wing and their army of Moslem sympathizers and doo gooders obviously do not know the truth about those they nurture and protect against the so called right wing, those who have obviously woken up to the truth that there is an enormous man eating elephant sitting in their front room with them, and have had enough of the savagery and barbarity that comes with it.
We in England the same as in America and all over the World are just sitting back waiting for our own attacks by these rabid devils. Yesterday it was India, today it would have been somewhere else in the World and tomorrow it could be our turn, and in the U.K we have a pool of up to 6 million of them. Moslems and their Dhimmi non-Moslems in positions of power proclaim ‘it’s only a small minority’; whats a small minority of up to 6 million?
We know the statistics say that up to 40% want Sharia Law and the same amount believe the 7/7 attacks were justified. Whats 40% of 6 million? Almost 3 million. Or take a conservative estimate of say 3 million the official figure, which works out at 1.2 million. A 21st Century army almost as big as Chinas living upon our shores.
It only took 19 to attack America, 4 to hit Britain, 10 this time in India, so it doesn’t take the majority to carry out these attacks, but its is the majority who harbour the minority.
21st Century Warfare – Guerilla War
Small cells of Moslem terrorists to cause as much murder and mayhem as possible so as to be able to influence Western politics; and who are the ones left behind to influence the politics? The so called moderates who have harboured the so called minority, and all to get Islam a better deal within our society until eventually it becomes the dominant force ruling the land with us all living under submission to it.
Sound familiar?
Islam means submission.
You either submit, become a Moslem, a Dhimmi (second class citizen), or Moslems should cleans Allahs Earth of you. Not a very nice thought for your children and grandchildren when you think into the future is it.
Most peoples minds are too shut to see the truth and the bearing it has on our futures because of todays ruling powers politically correct social engineering project. They have their private army of extremely high paid Civil servants and newly constructed departments in place to enforce their will upon society. The power of the State and the money of the State to enforce the Labour parties will upon the people - The Multi-cultural society, and Gordon Browns father was a Christian preacher God bless his soul.
Short film: 700 Club
Hand in Hand the Moslems march together as they march forward on and into our civilization just like they have been doing for the last 1400 years, with the one aim in mind ‘fulfilling their religion’ which is to destroy all other social orders on Earth so that Islam’s Sharia Law which they believe is gods law will rule the Earth.
And guess what? We already have it here in Britain now
Not one single Church in Saudi Arabia, and here in the UK we have them going up like a conquered land because of Saudi oil money and their UK Dhimmis who thirst for a piece of the money pie even at the cost of our Nation and its future.
Why would any civilized person want to uphold a religion that sanctions and condones such savagery and barbarity against innocent people, even under Sharia law where they stone the adulterer and chop off the hands of thieves?
We as a people in the Judeo/Christian West grew out of that conduct Centuries ago.
Mohamed married a child when she was 6 and raped her when she was 9, conducted untold wars of conquest, and amongst other things personally chopped the heads off of between 6 – 700 men in a day, then him and his companions raped their women and children and took them into slavery. And this is their example of how they should live their lives.
Could you imagine Jesus doing such things?
Fear maybe one reason why so many good people from different ethnic backgrounds still proclaim the title Moslem over their lives because imagine being from an Islamic background, living in an Islamic community, being surrounded by Moslems and knowing that if you rejected the title Islam and Moslem from your life your neighbour is religiously ordered to kill you for being an apostate. The thought of being chopped up and buried in a suitcase in a garden somewhere must come into innocent peoples minds when they think of the consequences, people who just want to live and enjoy life the way God intended it.
A death sentence from all those neighbours who live around you.
Thank God for the internet though because the neighbours cant see what goes on behind closed doors where we now have a window on the World and the knowledge and truth it contains.
Islam sanctions murder for those who no longer believe in the darkness that at the core Islam contains, Moslems see the light and then some rabid devil wants to stamp it out.
I personally look forward to those high profile Apostates from TV emerging so as to be ‘beacons of light’ to their ethnic communities, and I don’t think it will be the one from the dragons den because he has already show the World where he stands.
’Evil prevails when good men/women do nothing’
Those Moslems who have converted to Christianity will agree with what I have stated, and they personally know that the death and fear that Islam keeps its people bound and suppressed in no longer has a hold over their lives anymore because the eternal light which is beyond human understanding that comes from knowing the true Creator has shone into their mortal bodies, touched their eternal souls and revealed the truth to them.
Jesus was crucified on a cross for mankind, and His life and teachings are our example. Nobody can ever be perfect but the truth sets you free from your imperfections, you just have to know and believe the truth.
There is only one way to Heaven and it is definitely not the Islamic way which is a place for perverts who abuse children, and think that for murdering innocent people god will give them 72 virgins, groups of small boys and grant passage for 70 of their relatives to languish in this place with them for ever.
Come on how dark must your Moslem mind be to believe such evil.
Hell awaits those who believe such things because it is against humanity, its pure evil and pure lies.
God is a God of Love, not a god who rewards human beings with selfish pleasures for murdering innocent people.
Islam and Christianity cannot both be right because they are both completely different.
Light and Dark.
Are you a child of the Light or a child of the Dark because heaven and hell awaits each of us in our eternal death.
What awaits those Moslem gunmen in Mumbai who murdered innocent people and were then killed themselves?
What would a loving God think when He looks down upon the situation?
The initial reports of the attack said that there were Pakistanis Moslems born in Britain who were involved in the attack which has now been removed from the media spotlight.
What would it do to this British government if there were Pakistanis born in Britain who took part in this attack? A little unsettling don’t you think, considering what everybody who cares about Britain already knows about the Islamic enemy now living amongst us.
Pakistanis born in Britain and International Islamic terrorism is the new threat to our Western World and its living right beside some of us right now. Take a read of the two posts under this one to see that dimension and thank God for the Americans who are fighting this War and not restricted by a bunch of bleeding heart liberals ‘YET’.
Not a nice thought but a real thought, and a reality of life in 21st Century Britain, but what do you care? What are you doing about it and your children’s futures?
What does the future hold based upon the present facts? Think about it because this isn’t a dream, its not a Hollywood movie its real life and its upon us.
Further reading: Why the militant Moslem love Britain
Further reading: The UK exporting Islamic terror
UPDATE: The planned British Mumbai
30 November 2008
22 November 2008
Al Qaeda's British born Pakistani Octopus eleminated
Foreword: One of the most dangerous threats to Great Britain has been eliminated by U.S forces in Afghanistan.
Rashid Rauf was born in Britain and was connected to all high profile Al Qaeda leaders and terrorists living in Britain which includes the Moslem monster Abu Hamza who is currently caged in Belmarsh prison awaiting extradition to America.
Rauf had an on the ground operational insight into the landscape of Islamic extremism and Jihad within Great Britain and he was also believed to be the mastermind behind the failed transatlantic bombings.
He was arrested in Pakistan as part of the arrests into the planned transatlantic bombing campaign and subsequently escaped from custody in Pakistan where he then fled to Afghanistan.
He had influential family contacts in Pakistan who where obviously the ones who helped him with his escape from custody.
Due to him being a Pakistani National born in Britain with influential family contacts back home, and being a part of the operational running of Al Qaedas international terrorist network in Pakistan he would have had an indepth on the ground insight into the landscape of Islamic extremism and Jihad in Pakistan/Afghanistan.
The archetypal 21st Century Al Qaeda mastermind, bridging the gap between East & West.
You dread to think of the real picture of the threat we now face because of Pakistani Moslems born in Britain.
Rashid Ruaf had tentacles that reached from Britain to Pakistan/Afghanistan and then back agan, he was an important link man between Western born Islamic extremists and their religious fanatical family roots in Pakistan/Afghanistan and the global Jihad that is emanating from this part of the World.
To have removed Rashid Ruaf is a complete success, with a high level middle man who is connected between East & West now removed from one Al Qaeda network that spanned the globe.
That is what happens to Al Qaeda masterminds they are hunted down and eliminated, and once again we have to thank the Americans for hunting down our enemies.
What has he left behind though and how many people has he influenced?
I wonder when Omar Bakri is going to be eliminated in Lebanon so that we can have some peace from his Islamic rantings, and the threat posed by him and his band of British Moslem brothers removed for our safety and security.
Im sure the cards must be on the table by now...
The suspected British mastermind behind the 2006 suspected al Qaeda plot to blow up 10 trans-Atlantic passenger jets with liquid explosives has been killed in a US missile strike, according to reports in Pakistan.
Had it succeeded, the plot could have killed on the scale of the September 11 attacks, and it resulted in tighter controls on hand luggage carried by passengers worldwide.
Rashid Rauf, originally from Birmingham, is believed to have been killed along with at least four other militants with links to al Qaeda by an unmanned US drone plane before dawn in the North Waziristan region of Pakistan.
Intelligence officers in northwest Pakistan, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Rauf had been killed, though there was no official confirmation.
Continue reading: The dead Moslem Octopus
Rashid Rauf was born in Britain and was connected to all high profile Al Qaeda leaders and terrorists living in Britain which includes the Moslem monster Abu Hamza who is currently caged in Belmarsh prison awaiting extradition to America.
Rauf had an on the ground operational insight into the landscape of Islamic extremism and Jihad within Great Britain and he was also believed to be the mastermind behind the failed transatlantic bombings.
He was arrested in Pakistan as part of the arrests into the planned transatlantic bombing campaign and subsequently escaped from custody in Pakistan where he then fled to Afghanistan.
He had influential family contacts in Pakistan who where obviously the ones who helped him with his escape from custody.
Due to him being a Pakistani National born in Britain with influential family contacts back home, and being a part of the operational running of Al Qaedas international terrorist network in Pakistan he would have had an indepth on the ground insight into the landscape of Islamic extremism and Jihad in Pakistan/Afghanistan.
The archetypal 21st Century Al Qaeda mastermind, bridging the gap between East & West.
You dread to think of the real picture of the threat we now face because of Pakistani Moslems born in Britain.
Rashid Ruaf had tentacles that reached from Britain to Pakistan/Afghanistan and then back agan, he was an important link man between Western born Islamic extremists and their religious fanatical family roots in Pakistan/Afghanistan and the global Jihad that is emanating from this part of the World.
To have removed Rashid Ruaf is a complete success, with a high level middle man who is connected between East & West now removed from one Al Qaeda network that spanned the globe.
That is what happens to Al Qaeda masterminds they are hunted down and eliminated, and once again we have to thank the Americans for hunting down our enemies.
What has he left behind though and how many people has he influenced?
I wonder when Omar Bakri is going to be eliminated in Lebanon so that we can have some peace from his Islamic rantings, and the threat posed by him and his band of British Moslem brothers removed for our safety and security.
Im sure the cards must be on the table by now...

The suspected British mastermind behind the 2006 suspected al Qaeda plot to blow up 10 trans-Atlantic passenger jets with liquid explosives has been killed in a US missile strike, according to reports in Pakistan.
Had it succeeded, the plot could have killed on the scale of the September 11 attacks, and it resulted in tighter controls on hand luggage carried by passengers worldwide.
Rashid Rauf, originally from Birmingham, is believed to have been killed along with at least four other militants with links to al Qaeda by an unmanned US drone plane before dawn in the North Waziristan region of Pakistan.
Intelligence officers in northwest Pakistan, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Rauf had been killed, though there was no official confirmation.
Continue reading: The dead Moslem Octopus
19 November 2008
US Military: Operation Lionheart

Foreword: I wanted to post this because one of the U.S militaries operations in Afghanistan has been named ‘Lionheart’ which is obviously the nom de plume name I took for my writings so I wanted to share what American forces are doing under the same name here on this blog.
There is a lot in a name, and all those soldiers who are fighting out in that hostile dangerous environment in the lawless mountain regions between Pakistan/Afghanistan against the Taliban and Al Qaeda all have hearts of Lions that’s why they go fearlessly into battle on foreign fields on our behalf, for the sake of us, our children and our grandchildren who are born or yet to be born.
Defending and protecting our future ‘way of life’ and the Civilisation in which we live.
All Islamic terrorist acts that have been inflicted upon our societies by Moslems on behalf of Al Qaeda as they wage holy war in the greatest Jihad in history, the Global Jihad, originate in these exact areas of Afghanistan/Pakistan where American and Coalition troops are fighting.
These places in Afghanistan harbour international Moslem terrorists who can travel freely around the World on Western passports, they are places of terror training for Western born Moslem who have traveled there to join their Moslem brothers and take part in Jihad against the infidels which is a fundamental obligation on all Moslems as laid down in the Koran. There are Western born Moslems fighting Coalition troops on the ground there and being prepared to return back home to their host Countries trained and equipped to bring the Jihad back to our shores to continue their holy war in our Western societies seeking to destroy it from within, and they are also places where the international trade in Taliban/Al Qaeda Heroin originates as it passes through to Pakistan and then onto the World market.
The 7/7 bombers were linked to these types of areas where they received their terror training and Islamic indoctrination before returning back to England and blowing themselves up and killing and wounding many innocent people. We have an untold amount of Moslems who are now living amongst us who have traveled to these areas and fought Coalition troops there before returning back to Britain, with the British security services now flying drones over Great Britain with ‘state of the art’ listening equipment on board trying to pick up voice recognition from Moslems who speak English who have been recorded speaking over the airwaves in Afghanistan, and as government statistics state, 95% of the Heroin on the streets of Britain arrives from Afghanistan, and is controlled there by the Taliban and Al Qaeda. This is why the War in Afghanistan is so important, it is the base for almost all international Islamic terror that is now aimed in our direction.
How long before a message to conduct a terrorist attack against our societies that originates in one of these locations is dispatched?
Moslems born in Britain fighting alongside their Taliban and Al Qaeda brothers under the command of a specific leader are given the order to return home and prepare to conduct terrorist operations upon our soil against innocent civilians so as to inflict terror upon our populations.
This is all a part of 21st Century Warfare now that we are fighting an enemy that has tentacles all around the World, is joined sometimes by nothing more than religious ideology and the internet, and who ultimately has no humanity due to the fact that they follow the example set, and the teachings of, a 7th Century child molesting warmongering false prophet called Mohamed who has specifically outlined for them to use terror as a weapon against the infidel (you and me) so as to subdue us through fear, so that they can then take a dominant position over us.
War is War and whether people want to face it or not, it has been declared against our Western Judeo/Christian Civilisation. We are now under attack from within and outside with the future very much hanging in the balance. It has been declared against us by the military wing of the Islamic religion under the leadership of Osama Bin Laden, the inspirational figure head for all religious Moslems throughout the world to follow. His War is religiously motivated and justified through the Koran so many many Moslems are willing to sacrifice their lives on his behalf, and in the process kill as many innocent people as they can as they seek to win their War.
Look at 7/7, 9/11, Madrid, Bali and all the other daily atrocities carried out by Moslems around the World.
There can only be one winner at the end!
The great war of the 21st Century is upon us. Out there in foreign fields where Coalition troops are now physically fighting international Islamic terrorists, and back home where we now have Islamic terrorists living amongst who are here to further the agenda of the global Jihad which is to destroy the way our societies are run from within so that they can ultimately take over rule and implement Sharia law.
This is a War that has been going on for 1400 years since the time Islam was first birthed upon the Earth by the devil and his willing human subject, the cave dwelling Arab sand man Mohamed who justified his actions by killing anyone who opposed him, and satisfied his sexual desires in later life by marrying a 6 year old child and then raping her when she was 9.
Not the type of example I would want to follow in life, I don’t know about you! So remember that the next time you see a Moslem who holds Mohamed up as their prophet and you try and defend them. They try and deny it and justify it but you cannot deny the truth.
May Almighty God look down upon those conducting operation ‘Lionheart’ and protect each and every one of them as they aim to destroy the camp of the Islamic devil worshipping enemy so they can all return home safely to their families, may He release His warring Angles from heaven to go forth on His behalf to carry our His will amidst the horror of War, and let operation ‘Lionheart’ be a resounding success, blessed by an open heaven.
Thank God that the American military have Generals leading the troops like General Boykin, a man who has been divinely appointed for his mission and role upon the Earth, and confirmed by signs so that he has no doubt in the one whom he serves.
Excerpt: One example is Operation Lionheart, which began recently. This is a complementary operation with the Pakistani military and the frontier corps. All entities share intelligence to prevent the enemy from transiting the border, as operations continue to defeat the insurgents in Bajaur tribal agency in Pakistan, the colonel said.
Article: Operation Lionheart
UPDATE: Gordon Brown - Afghanistan's Islamic terror trail back to Britain
Glen Jenvey & British Reporters threatened with beheading
Posted 09/01/09
Additional reading: is a front for Al Qaeda
Targeted with threats of beheading for reporting on the drawing up of a list of high profile British Jews for assassination over Israel's War with Hamas in Gaza on a British Moslem forum.
Taken from hard copy downloaded from forum:
Islam & The Big Fat Lie
Our Western leaders publicly state Islam is a ‘religion of peace’, the media stick to the same politically correct line which creates a perception in non-Moslem minds that Islam is a 'religion of peace' and that Islamic terror is anti-Islamic activity conducted by a small minority Moslems who have a distorted view of their religion that has no place in their religion even though it is all carried out in the name of Islam.
If it has no place in their religion then how comes millions of Moslems around the World base their Jihad (Holy War) and quest to destroy our Judeo/Christian Civilisation on the fundamental teachings and example of Mohamed that are contained in the Koran which is at the core of their religion?
Either there is justification for Islamic terror in the Koran or there is not, if there is then Islam is not a ‘religion of peace’ it is a ‘religion of war’.
Watch this film and decide: What the West needs to know
So if Islam is not a ‘religion of peace’ then all non-Moslems are being lied to on a daily basis by everyone who states that line, Moslem and non-Moslem alike.
Jihad comes in many forms, from an individual Moslems personal struggle within him/herself, to the corporate struggle of the Ummah to force people and lands to submit to Islamic rule under Sharia law.
Forcing lands and people by any means to submit to Islam is Holy War!
War is fought on many fronts, from active military campaigns on the battlefield, through to the propaganda front needed for support and public opinion.
If everyone perceived Islam to be a religion of War then Islam would never achieve its ultimate end goal because all non-Moslems would be aware of its benign intentions just like our forefathers where with the Nazis and they would then crush Islam before it had time to take a foot hold. So Islam has to walk a certain line with those it seeks to ultimately subdue by leading them into a false sense of security by creating the perception and belief in peoples minds that it is a ‘religion of peace’, then the uninformed masses are unaware of its true intentions while it grows in strength within their midst.
This is a military tactic of subversion through propaganda from within by a military force.
Propaganda is a War front for any military force, and within the Islamic religion Moslems are allowed to lie and deceive the infidels (you and me) while they conduct Jihad against us, thus creating a false reality and perception in our minds about them, their religion, and its intentions towards us. This religious justification to lie and deceive the infidel is called ‘Taqiyya’ which is nothing more than blatant propaganda in their Holy War.
Lead your enemy into a false sense of security until you are strong enough to take over.
If you look at all of the messages and information we receive about Islam through the media you will see there are the murderous terrorists on one end of the scale, and the moderates on the other. Both can justify their approach on the teachings in the Koran, both are brothers and sisters in the Ummah and both have the same agenda at the heart of their belief system which is Jihad and converting lands and people over to Islamic rule.
Who is right or wrong? Or are they both right and working together, lying and deceiving the infidels?
The Islamic religion is an expansionist ideology that calls its followers to force its ways upon all people across the World, and its followers (Moslems) are viewed as a religious spiritual military force for Allah called the Ummah, carrying out his will on Earth which is the mandate of the religion laid down in the Koran.
The only way Islam can grow in our midst because it is a minority grouping compared to the majority is by deceiving non-Moslems and creating the image and perception in their minds that it is a ‘religion of peace’ and that Islamic terrorists are a small minority that have nothing to do with their religion.
Have you ever heard of Christians basing terrorist acts on their religion, or having to defend themselves in the public arena from their brothers/sisters terrorist acts? It is all the art of deception.
The call for the Global Jihad (Holy War) against our Judeo/Christian Civilisation that is based upon the fundamentals of Islam has gone out, and Moslems from all around the World are arising answering that call, so is Islam a ‘religion of peace’ or a ‘religion of war’?
If it is a ‘religion of war’ then what does that mean to us individually and to our futures?
Watch this video and listen to their intentions towards us, how they view us and the way they lie about every thing they have said, to see the deception of the infidels at work.
Video: Undercover Mosque
I received a phone call late last night (7th) from my good friend Glen Jenvey who has been forced into a secret location for his safety because he and several reporters had run a story about credible threats aimed at high profile British Jews. An indirect threat of beheading, or encouragement to behead was posted by a Moslem aimed at them after the intelligence was gathered from one of the largest Moslem forums and then the story taken to print which made the front page of the Sun. Moslems on the forum were blatantly drawing up a list of high profile Jews living in Britain for attack over Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza.
It seems Sir Alan Sugar tops the list.
Here is the article: High profile British Jews targeted
The Islamic forum where the intelligence was gathered is called and is the biggest of its kind for Moslems in Britain. Last year members of the forum took a vote to see how many Moslems agreed with the 7/7 bombings with the results showing that 1 in 4 believed they were justifiable. Moslems on this forum are now getting wise to the threat posed by intelligence gathering so are being a lot more careful in what they are saying, but if you know what you are looking at you can always read between the lines and see the real meaning behind what is being said, and sometime because of Moslem anger like this over Israel’s war against Hamas they just cannot hide their true selves and end up drawing a list of targets for potential assassination amongst themselves or. All members also know the concept of Taqiyya, the art of deception which is promoted on the site but with underlying meanings that only Moslems can understand and interpret amongst themselves.
This same forum was also one of the main organisers behind the riots in London aimed at the Israeli Embassy last week where several police officers were injured after having bricks etc thrown at them as the Islamic terrorist supporters sought to reach the Embassy.
Does this sound like a ‘religion of peace’?
Those high profile Jews like Sir Alan Sugar, Lord Levy and Mark Ronson to name a few or anyone else under fear of threat should take the threats against their lives very seriously because there are many many Moslems out there, and many many Al Qaeda trained ones who would find no greater ‘pleasure and purpose’ in this life than to murder someone, especially a Jew who they believe is an enemy of Allah as an act to show the world Britain’s Moslem populations support of the Islamist movement of Hamas in Gaza.
The Islamic world would perceive this murderer to be a hero just like the shoe thrower against President Bush.
In their reasoning they are pleasing Allah and there is nothing better for Moslems than to please Allah by murdering someone they perceive to be his enemy. They also know in the back of their mind that they are only going to end up with probably about 14 years in prison for it and will be out in 10 so there isn’t that much apprehension for Moslems to murder someone in modern Britain. The punishment for their murder is bearable, living amongst their brothers in a 5 star prison with bed, board, TV, and computer games, and when they are eventually released from prison and allowed to stay in our Country under Human Rights laws they will then be given all the benefits possible from the State.
Not much of a deterrent there for some murderous psychopathic Moslem who is in our Country on a mission from his god conducting Jihad (Holy War) and believes his rewards are in heaven is there?
Welcome to the 21st Century Islamic guerilla soldier on the streets of Britain that we now face!
In November 2004 the relative of the great painter Vincent Van Goth, Theo Van Goth was shot in broad daylight on the streets of Amsterdam with a note stabbed into his chest for making a film about the suppression of women in Islam. His co producer of the film Ayaan Hirsi Ali is now living in hiding under 24 hour protection with death threats against her life for the same film.
This is the reality of the hatred that we now have to face from Moslems who are living amongst us, and is the reason why nobody wants to say anything about Islam or Moslems because they fear the reprisals and now just being Jewish in Britain will put you on a list for murder at the hands of Moslems.
People find reality hard to believe; that this type of reality is not real out there in our society until one day the Country is awoken to a horrific act and someone is murdered never to return. Just like Theo Van Goth for example in Amsterdam. If you are a potential target for the Islamic militants and their supporters for whatever reason, then whose to say that it will not be your murder that the Country awakens too?
Think about it!
For the militants to find their target is not too difficult considering they have Moslem brothers and sisters working on the inside of many institutions that go towards the running of our Country. There was a case recently of Moslems in Britain aligned to Al Qaeda arrested with detailed information for targeting members of the Royal family, so if they can trace them they can trace you, and For Sir Alan Sugar he has had Moslems working for him who know some of his day to day business movements so his security is already breached, and for anyone else who is a potential target will have to look around them to see if their security is also breached. It might not be politically correct to think and say such things but isn’t it better to be safe than sorry?
Where is a Moslems loyalty, the infidel or the Ummah?
Could Moslems in Britain target a high profile person and murder them?
It hasn’t happened yet but that does not mean it cannot happen or will not happen. A group of militant Moslems were arrested recently for targeting the publisher of a book about Mohamed’s child bride so the examples and intent are there for us to learn from.
The IRA targeted and murdered Lord Mountbatten on his boat in Northern Ireland and it doesn’t get much higher profile than that, so never say that Al Qaeda will never carry out such a high profile assassination, it just hasn’t happened yet.
What is this World coming too? And what is our Country coming too with this (Islam) now in our midst?
This is the reality that many now face within Great Britain, from those high profile members of society like members of the Royal family who have found themselves on a Moslem hit list for assassination, down to us peasants now having to live our day to day lives around an Al Qaeda enclave in Britain.
This is reality although nobody seems to want to face it and do anything about it. Large scale terrorist attacks are not the only threat to our Nation, there is targeted murder's of the enemies of Islam and Moslems that do not get reported in the media, and there is the day to day street Jihad (military campaign) growing under the surface of reality, out of sight and mind, with all aspects of the Islamic Kingdom growing in strength and threatening and intimidating those around it.
Quote from the Koran: "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth [i.e. Islam] (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued" (9:29).
Only one Kingdom will survive into the future now upon these Isles, the Queens Kingdom to which we and or children belong or the Islamic kingdom where all Moslems belong.
When will people wake up and realise that Islam is not a ‘religion of peace’ it is a ‘religion of war’ which is now 3 – 6 million strong in our Country and the perception that the uninformed masses are being given about Islam is nothing but a big fat lie.
So what does the future hold? Think about it!
This inadvertent call for the beheading of Glen Jenvey and the newspaper reporters who ran the story of high profile British Jews was aimed at the leader of the Ummah in Britain, who they call the Emir.
This is the Emir of the 7/7 bombings in London, who it is believed set up the attack and recruited Mohammed Siddque Khan the lead bomber. He is also believed to by the Emir of the ‘Fertiliser plot’ that was stopped under ‘Operation Crevice’ which was the largest anti-terror operation at that point in British history.
This is around the area where I live and this is my reality.
The Emir’s of the military wing of Islam are out there in our Country now, they are the leaders of the Islamic guerilla armies upon our streets who are linked to Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan/Pakistan.
Glen Jenvey on Newsnight Part 1 of 2
Glen Jenvey on Newsnight Part 2 of 2
Additional reading: is a front for Al Qaeda
Targeted with threats of beheading for reporting on the drawing up of a list of high profile British Jews for assassination over Israel's War with Hamas in Gaza on a British Moslem forum.
Taken from hard copy downloaded from forum:
I am 110% behind may the the **** spook mason who has infiltrated this forum answer to the Rub, the Exalted, Wise, Knower, Magificent, Most High, Most Merciful on the Day of Judgement - where will his *fkng* article be then?
Oh Allaah where is the Ameer of the Ummah, his head would have been removed in the Islamic State, and they call us terrorists - liars like this, they portray liars in TV and Newspapers 24/7
The Holy Quran says "Those who reject the signs of Allaah are liars"
__________________Oh Allaah where is the Ameer of the Ummah, his head would have been removed in the Islamic State, and they call us terrorists - liars like this, they portray liars in TV and Newspapers 24/7
The Holy Quran says "Those who reject the signs of Allaah are liars"
How should ye not fight for the cause of Allah and of the feeble among men and of the women and the children who are crying: Our Lord! Bring us forth from out this town of which the people are oppressors! Oh, give us from thy presence some protecting friend! Oh, give us from Thy presence some defender! 4:75

Our Western leaders publicly state Islam is a ‘religion of peace’, the media stick to the same politically correct line which creates a perception in non-Moslem minds that Islam is a 'religion of peace' and that Islamic terror is anti-Islamic activity conducted by a small minority Moslems who have a distorted view of their religion that has no place in their religion even though it is all carried out in the name of Islam.
If it has no place in their religion then how comes millions of Moslems around the World base their Jihad (Holy War) and quest to destroy our Judeo/Christian Civilisation on the fundamental teachings and example of Mohamed that are contained in the Koran which is at the core of their religion?
Either there is justification for Islamic terror in the Koran or there is not, if there is then Islam is not a ‘religion of peace’ it is a ‘religion of war’.
Watch this film and decide: What the West needs to know
So if Islam is not a ‘religion of peace’ then all non-Moslems are being lied to on a daily basis by everyone who states that line, Moslem and non-Moslem alike.
Jihad comes in many forms, from an individual Moslems personal struggle within him/herself, to the corporate struggle of the Ummah to force people and lands to submit to Islamic rule under Sharia law.
Forcing lands and people by any means to submit to Islam is Holy War!
War is fought on many fronts, from active military campaigns on the battlefield, through to the propaganda front needed for support and public opinion.
If everyone perceived Islam to be a religion of War then Islam would never achieve its ultimate end goal because all non-Moslems would be aware of its benign intentions just like our forefathers where with the Nazis and they would then crush Islam before it had time to take a foot hold. So Islam has to walk a certain line with those it seeks to ultimately subdue by leading them into a false sense of security by creating the perception and belief in peoples minds that it is a ‘religion of peace’, then the uninformed masses are unaware of its true intentions while it grows in strength within their midst.
This is a military tactic of subversion through propaganda from within by a military force.
Propaganda is a War front for any military force, and within the Islamic religion Moslems are allowed to lie and deceive the infidels (you and me) while they conduct Jihad against us, thus creating a false reality and perception in our minds about them, their religion, and its intentions towards us. This religious justification to lie and deceive the infidel is called ‘Taqiyya’ which is nothing more than blatant propaganda in their Holy War.
Lead your enemy into a false sense of security until you are strong enough to take over.
If you look at all of the messages and information we receive about Islam through the media you will see there are the murderous terrorists on one end of the scale, and the moderates on the other. Both can justify their approach on the teachings in the Koran, both are brothers and sisters in the Ummah and both have the same agenda at the heart of their belief system which is Jihad and converting lands and people over to Islamic rule.
Who is right or wrong? Or are they both right and working together, lying and deceiving the infidels?
The Islamic religion is an expansionist ideology that calls its followers to force its ways upon all people across the World, and its followers (Moslems) are viewed as a religious spiritual military force for Allah called the Ummah, carrying out his will on Earth which is the mandate of the religion laid down in the Koran.
The only way Islam can grow in our midst because it is a minority grouping compared to the majority is by deceiving non-Moslems and creating the image and perception in their minds that it is a ‘religion of peace’ and that Islamic terrorists are a small minority that have nothing to do with their religion.
Have you ever heard of Christians basing terrorist acts on their religion, or having to defend themselves in the public arena from their brothers/sisters terrorist acts? It is all the art of deception.
The call for the Global Jihad (Holy War) against our Judeo/Christian Civilisation that is based upon the fundamentals of Islam has gone out, and Moslems from all around the World are arising answering that call, so is Islam a ‘religion of peace’ or a ‘religion of war’?
If it is a ‘religion of war’ then what does that mean to us individually and to our futures?
Watch this video and listen to their intentions towards us, how they view us and the way they lie about every thing they have said, to see the deception of the infidels at work.
Video: Undercover Mosque
I received a phone call late last night (7th) from my good friend Glen Jenvey who has been forced into a secret location for his safety because he and several reporters had run a story about credible threats aimed at high profile British Jews. An indirect threat of beheading, or encouragement to behead was posted by a Moslem aimed at them after the intelligence was gathered from one of the largest Moslem forums and then the story taken to print which made the front page of the Sun. Moslems on the forum were blatantly drawing up a list of high profile Jews living in Britain for attack over Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza.
It seems Sir Alan Sugar tops the list.
Here is the article: High profile British Jews targeted
The Islamic forum where the intelligence was gathered is called and is the biggest of its kind for Moslems in Britain. Last year members of the forum took a vote to see how many Moslems agreed with the 7/7 bombings with the results showing that 1 in 4 believed they were justifiable. Moslems on this forum are now getting wise to the threat posed by intelligence gathering so are being a lot more careful in what they are saying, but if you know what you are looking at you can always read between the lines and see the real meaning behind what is being said, and sometime because of Moslem anger like this over Israel’s war against Hamas they just cannot hide their true selves and end up drawing a list of targets for potential assassination amongst themselves or. All members also know the concept of Taqiyya, the art of deception which is promoted on the site but with underlying meanings that only Moslems can understand and interpret amongst themselves.
This same forum was also one of the main organisers behind the riots in London aimed at the Israeli Embassy last week where several police officers were injured after having bricks etc thrown at them as the Islamic terrorist supporters sought to reach the Embassy.
Does this sound like a ‘religion of peace’?
Those high profile Jews like Sir Alan Sugar, Lord Levy and Mark Ronson to name a few or anyone else under fear of threat should take the threats against their lives very seriously because there are many many Moslems out there, and many many Al Qaeda trained ones who would find no greater ‘pleasure and purpose’ in this life than to murder someone, especially a Jew who they believe is an enemy of Allah as an act to show the world Britain’s Moslem populations support of the Islamist movement of Hamas in Gaza.
The Islamic world would perceive this murderer to be a hero just like the shoe thrower against President Bush.
In their reasoning they are pleasing Allah and there is nothing better for Moslems than to please Allah by murdering someone they perceive to be his enemy. They also know in the back of their mind that they are only going to end up with probably about 14 years in prison for it and will be out in 10 so there isn’t that much apprehension for Moslems to murder someone in modern Britain. The punishment for their murder is bearable, living amongst their brothers in a 5 star prison with bed, board, TV, and computer games, and when they are eventually released from prison and allowed to stay in our Country under Human Rights laws they will then be given all the benefits possible from the State.
Not much of a deterrent there for some murderous psychopathic Moslem who is in our Country on a mission from his god conducting Jihad (Holy War) and believes his rewards are in heaven is there?
Welcome to the 21st Century Islamic guerilla soldier on the streets of Britain that we now face!
In November 2004 the relative of the great painter Vincent Van Goth, Theo Van Goth was shot in broad daylight on the streets of Amsterdam with a note stabbed into his chest for making a film about the suppression of women in Islam. His co producer of the film Ayaan Hirsi Ali is now living in hiding under 24 hour protection with death threats against her life for the same film.
This is the reality of the hatred that we now have to face from Moslems who are living amongst us, and is the reason why nobody wants to say anything about Islam or Moslems because they fear the reprisals and now just being Jewish in Britain will put you on a list for murder at the hands of Moslems.
People find reality hard to believe; that this type of reality is not real out there in our society until one day the Country is awoken to a horrific act and someone is murdered never to return. Just like Theo Van Goth for example in Amsterdam. If you are a potential target for the Islamic militants and their supporters for whatever reason, then whose to say that it will not be your murder that the Country awakens too?
Think about it!
For the militants to find their target is not too difficult considering they have Moslem brothers and sisters working on the inside of many institutions that go towards the running of our Country. There was a case recently of Moslems in Britain aligned to Al Qaeda arrested with detailed information for targeting members of the Royal family, so if they can trace them they can trace you, and For Sir Alan Sugar he has had Moslems working for him who know some of his day to day business movements so his security is already breached, and for anyone else who is a potential target will have to look around them to see if their security is also breached. It might not be politically correct to think and say such things but isn’t it better to be safe than sorry?
Where is a Moslems loyalty, the infidel or the Ummah?
Could Moslems in Britain target a high profile person and murder them?
It hasn’t happened yet but that does not mean it cannot happen or will not happen. A group of militant Moslems were arrested recently for targeting the publisher of a book about Mohamed’s child bride so the examples and intent are there for us to learn from.
The IRA targeted and murdered Lord Mountbatten on his boat in Northern Ireland and it doesn’t get much higher profile than that, so never say that Al Qaeda will never carry out such a high profile assassination, it just hasn’t happened yet.
What is this World coming too? And what is our Country coming too with this (Islam) now in our midst?
This is the reality that many now face within Great Britain, from those high profile members of society like members of the Royal family who have found themselves on a Moslem hit list for assassination, down to us peasants now having to live our day to day lives around an Al Qaeda enclave in Britain.
This is reality although nobody seems to want to face it and do anything about it. Large scale terrorist attacks are not the only threat to our Nation, there is targeted murder's of the enemies of Islam and Moslems that do not get reported in the media, and there is the day to day street Jihad (military campaign) growing under the surface of reality, out of sight and mind, with all aspects of the Islamic Kingdom growing in strength and threatening and intimidating those around it.
Quote from the Koran: "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth [i.e. Islam] (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued" (9:29).
Only one Kingdom will survive into the future now upon these Isles, the Queens Kingdom to which we and or children belong or the Islamic kingdom where all Moslems belong.
When will people wake up and realise that Islam is not a ‘religion of peace’ it is a ‘religion of war’ which is now 3 – 6 million strong in our Country and the perception that the uninformed masses are being given about Islam is nothing but a big fat lie.
So what does the future hold? Think about it!
This inadvertent call for the beheading of Glen Jenvey and the newspaper reporters who ran the story of high profile British Jews was aimed at the leader of the Ummah in Britain, who they call the Emir.
This is the Emir of the 7/7 bombings in London, who it is believed set up the attack and recruited Mohammed Siddque Khan the lead bomber. He is also believed to by the Emir of the ‘Fertiliser plot’ that was stopped under ‘Operation Crevice’ which was the largest anti-terror operation at that point in British history.
This is around the area where I live and this is my reality.
The Emir’s of the military wing of Islam are out there in our Country now, they are the leaders of the Islamic guerilla armies upon our streets who are linked to Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan/Pakistan.
Glen Jenvey on Newsnight Part 1 of 2
Glen Jenvey on Newsnight Part 2 of 2
glen jenvey,
islam base,
london protests,
lord levey,
mark ronson,
sir alan sugar,
18 November 2008
Sad News
I wanted to cross post this from Radarsite and ask any Christians that arrive here to say a short prayer for my friend Roger Gardner who runs that blog.
Roger has been a great help to me with my posts and has placed many of my articles regarding my personal case and what is happening in Britain posted on a number of international sites which include Reuters, Jewish blog network, Real Clear Politics and Stop the UCLA, thus being able to reach a much wider audience, giving others from around the world an on the ground perspective of life in 21st Century Britain.
Roger has just been diagnosed with Leukemia so I would ask that you say a short prayer for him, that the Almighty will heal him or prolong his life.
We all stare down the tunnel of death it is just some are more conscious of it than others
1 John 5:14 - 15 Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.

Dear loyal Radarsite readers --
This is a strange message for me to be writing. But it must be done. But how? What can I say? I think I'll just say it up front. Two days ago I got diagnosed with acute leukemia. It is considered "lethal". I have been told that it could come to an end in as short a time as 2 weeks. I have been allowed to come home for one night before I go into the hospital tomorrow for chemo. If I survive the first week, things could get better, if I survive four weeks thing could really get better. However, as of now the first prognosis does seem the most likely. I think we all wonder how we might react to news like this. At this point I can tell you that I am in a good mood, and I have accepted it and I have nothing but gratitude that I have been allowed to live this long, and to have found such a fulfilling mission this late in life.
I am so grateful to have made so many good friends and to have found so many worthy patriots who love this great country of ours as much as I do, not despite what we have done but because of what we have done.
This may be my last article and of course I would like it to be my best. I would like to fill it with everything I have learned or felt. I would like to say something really profound and meaningful, but I just can't. I'm getting too tired right now to go much further.
I can only say thank you for all I have learned from you and for your steadfast loyalty. My fondest hope of course would be that I would come back home all cured and find this article to be an embarrassment to me. lol But of course that's not up to me.
Please, all of you, all of you who are my fellow warriors, all of you who have commented here, and all of you who have been quiet readers, keep up the good fight, and I hope that you have enjoyed me as much as I have enjoyed you.
With great respect,
Roger W. Gardner
Roger has been a great help to me with my posts and has placed many of my articles regarding my personal case and what is happening in Britain posted on a number of international sites which include Reuters, Jewish blog network, Real Clear Politics and Stop the UCLA, thus being able to reach a much wider audience, giving others from around the world an on the ground perspective of life in 21st Century Britain.
Roger has just been diagnosed with Leukemia so I would ask that you say a short prayer for him, that the Almighty will heal him or prolong his life.
We all stare down the tunnel of death it is just some are more conscious of it than others
1 John 5:14 - 15 Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.
Dear loyal Radarsite readers --
This is a strange message for me to be writing. But it must be done. But how? What can I say? I think I'll just say it up front. Two days ago I got diagnosed with acute leukemia. It is considered "lethal". I have been told that it could come to an end in as short a time as 2 weeks. I have been allowed to come home for one night before I go into the hospital tomorrow for chemo. If I survive the first week, things could get better, if I survive four weeks thing could really get better. However, as of now the first prognosis does seem the most likely. I think we all wonder how we might react to news like this. At this point I can tell you that I am in a good mood, and I have accepted it and I have nothing but gratitude that I have been allowed to live this long, and to have found such a fulfilling mission this late in life.
I am so grateful to have made so many good friends and to have found so many worthy patriots who love this great country of ours as much as I do, not despite what we have done but because of what we have done.
This may be my last article and of course I would like it to be my best. I would like to fill it with everything I have learned or felt. I would like to say something really profound and meaningful, but I just can't. I'm getting too tired right now to go much further.
I can only say thank you for all I have learned from you and for your steadfast loyalty. My fondest hope of course would be that I would come back home all cured and find this article to be an embarrassment to me. lol But of course that's not up to me.
Please, all of you, all of you who are my fellow warriors, all of you who have commented here, and all of you who have been quiet readers, keep up the good fight, and I hope that you have enjoyed me as much as I have enjoyed you.
With great respect,
Roger W. Gardner
Defence of the "Promise" Land

Deuteronomy 30:7 "The LORD your God will put all these curses on your enemies who hate and persecute you."
That is the promise the people of Israel have when confronted with the people of the Worlds condemnation for their righteous actions in defending their land from the Islamic militants of Hamas in Gaza whose only goal is the complete removal of the State of Israel from its borders so that the land can once again become a desolate Islamic State.
This is a foundational teaching within Islam that all Moslems know and must adhere too, they believe that once a land has been conquered through Jihad and has become an Islamic Nation ruled by Moslems then that land is eternally Islamic and if at any time another people take over rule of the land then all Moslems everywhere must fight Jihad to reclaim rule.
A non-negotiable religious tenet within Islam.
Beware Spain because the leaders of the Jihad already have their eyes on Andalusia for its re-conquest, and beware all other Nations that the Jihad is seeking to conquer in today’s Global Jihad because once conquered Moslems everywhere must then fight eternally to keep the land which is the legacy we are leaving behind for our children.
Once Islamic eternally Islamic, this is the aim of Jihad (Holy War) and you only have to look at how Islam has spread like the plague across the globe to see that. Spread through Jihad (Holy War) by Mohamed in the 7th Century turning lands and people into dark suppressive Nations. This conquest of lands by Islam has been emulated by all Moslem forces throughout the ages since Mohamed because it is written as a religious obligation on all Moslems into the pages of their holy books through the example that he himself set, with today when we look around us being no different.
Israel is so important and is the number one contention in the Islamic mind for several reasons, (one) It is the land where the Biblical prophets lived their lives, the ones Moslems have stolen to make their religious belief credible who they profess were all Moslem, (two) They believe that Mohamed their false paedophile prophet was taken up to heaven and landed on the Temple Mount where the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque now sit, which is the second most holy place in their religion, (three) After centuries of conflict within the Holy Land it had become an Islamic dominated area so once Islamic always Islamic, so for Jews to now be in control is abhorrent to them so they will fight for eternity to reclaim rule (four) The Jewish people rebuilt their Nation upon the land after 2000 years of exile, so for Jews to now rule the land which houses the second most holy place within Islam is an abomination for the entire Islamic World.
The entire Islamic World wants Jerusalem back under Moslem rule and has the Palestinian people to try and achieve it.
Jerusalem is the most Holy place on Earth that has seen history converge upon its soil throughout the ages through Religion and Holy War just as it is today.
Atheists, Agnostics and all other belief systems cannot change the facts no matter how hard they want too and it doesn’t matter when they blame religion for all wars, because it is how it is that will never be changed.
Today’s contention over there in Israel is one more chapter in the life of the Holy Land that is being played out in our life time. This is the land that God ‘Promised’ to the Jewish people as their inheritance, a place where they were to return after their exile from the four corners of the World. A piece of soil on the Earth to build as their homeland before the End of humanity unfolds and the truth of the story of mankind is revealed.
(Or do you think there is no story to us and our creation, that we all evolved from germs?)
Hamas in Gaza are just one piece of the Islamic Worlds puzzle as they seek to annihilate Israel, the apple of Gods eye. The Palestinian people and Hamas are nothing more than a tool for the entire Islamic World to use as a proxy army against the common enemy the Jewish people.
A universal teaching within Islam states that their ‘End of Times’ will not come until the Earth has been cleansed of all Jews, this is why the Islamic world was aligned with Hitler during the Second World War during the Holocaust?
They believe that in the End even the rocks will cry out ‘hey Moslem there is a Jew behind me come and kill him’.
So what better thing can there be for the Islamic World than to have an extreme Islamist movement in the shape of Hamas living on the ground in Israel’s backyard with which to use to target and attack the Jewish people. Hamas have provoked Israel into this War with them so Israel should destroy them no matter what the cost, or how long it takes, for the sake and safety of their homeland, and then remove all existential threats to their future survival like the Iranian Nuclear project that is looming like a dark storm cloud on the horizon.
If all the Islamic Nations surrounding Israel were that concerned about the plight of those the World now calls Palestinians then why have they not opened up their borders and allowed them to come and live in their lands so that there can be peace in the region?
Its not like there are tens of millions of them that would be hard to integrate into their large Islamic Nations and societies, in comparison we have more Moslems living in Britain now and we are a tiny little Island.
If those Moslem lands around Israel did take in the Palestinian people who are their Arab relatives it would completely defeat the end goal of the global Islamic religion because they would then no longer have a proxy army on the ground in Israel with which to fight the Jews with as they seek to re-conquer the Holy Land and take back Jerusalem.
This is today’s War for the Holy Land.

Of course it is not; the only difference is the age in which we are now living, how the War for control over the land is being fought, and who actually rules the land now.
The Christian pilgrims are still traveling to the spiritual birth place of their religion and it is the Jewish people who are now providing them the security and safety from Moslem aggression and murder, with support from America which is still a beacon of light within Christendom.
Why do you think the Islamic World calls America the Great satan and Israel the little satan. A little like for example, a Bishop on the chess board positioned and supporting the Knight in battle.
Biblical prophecy foretold thousands of years ago is coming to pass in our lifetimes, but if you have never set foot in a Church, never sat under a Christian minister preaching and teaching the Word, and have no concept about the reality and beliefs of Christians that are based upon the Bible then you will never ever see or understand present World events. It doesn’t mean that Christians are wrong in their perceptions of what is unfolding because you do not believe it; it means that you have no concept or understanding so are void of the truth.
The Bible tells us that Israel is called the “Promised Land”; it is the land that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob promised to the Jewish people as their homeland.
Through Gods interaction with the Jewish Nation in the Holy Land and their disobedience towards Him as a people, he banished them from the land to be a people living amongst the Nations with no homeland of their own. The Lord God Almighty being a loving God said that in the ‘End times’, before the final chapter of humanity as we know it would come to a close He would bring them back once again to the land that He had promised to their forefathers. He would gather the Jewish Nation from the four corners of the World back to the Promised Land, which is what has been happening over the last 60 years.
This is exactly what happened after the 2000 year dispersal of the Jewish people on May 14, 1948 when Israel was reborn as the Jewish State.
Now Jewish people from all over the World are making 'Aliya' back to their ancestral homeland, as inheritors of their forefathers promise.
Exodus 6:8 God said to Moses, "And I will bring you to the land I swore with uplifted hand to give to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob. I will give it to you as a possession. I am the LORD."
Isaiah 5:13 "Therefore my people will go into exile for lack of understanding; their men of rank will die of hunger and their masses will be parched with thirst."
Ezekiel 39:28 "Then they will know that I am the LORD their God, for though I sent them into exile among the nations,”
Isaiah 66:8 "Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment?
Ezekiel 36:24 "For I will take you out of the nations; I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back into your own land."
Ezekiel 37:21 "I will take the Israelites out of the nations where they have gone. I will gather them from all around and bring them back into their own land."
The Jewish Nation have a living story being played out with the Lord God Almighty that has spanned thousands of years as documented in the Bible, with prophecies foretold being played out today in our future time frame of history from when they were first written.
As Christians we too are now a part of that living story after Jesus came into the World as the ‘New Covenant’ between man and God, giving us a way into the new Kingdom on Earth that leads to eternal life.
The Bible is Gods revelation to mankind, of past, present and future events that are leading up unto the End of Time, and woven into the Book is His plan of Salvation for mans soul which is a simple message of Love and Acceptance that leads to eternal life.
What is happening in the ‘Promised Land’ is all documented in the Bible, and the more you look and understand, the more you can see because revelation is being played out before our very eyes with Nations aligning themselves against other Nations in the Nuclear age ready for the Great War called Armageddon that is foretold will take place in Israel at a place called Megiddo.
The TV will not tell you this truth about humanities life story taken from the pages of the Bible or educate you on the subject so most people are oblivious to the reality of what is actually unfolding upon the Earth around them. People just see current events as a consequence of different actions, and in the back of their minds hope for the best while leaving the seriousness of reality to others, rather than seeing what is unfolding as a divine plan that has been playing out for thousands of years and then working out what it means to them and their place in that plan before its too late.
Israel and the Jewish State is fulfillment of a 2000 year old promise to the Jewish people and they have turned the land from an inhospitable arid land under Arab Moslem control into a land flowing with milk and honey and made it a safe haven for their people. The only democratic Nation in the middle of vast Islamic lands, and it is their divine right to defend their borders at ‘all costs’ from ‘all’ enemies who would seek to remove them from their promise. This includes Hamas in the south who they are now at War with, Hezbollah in the north who they went to War with in 2006 who have now started to send rockets into Israel, and the Islamic Republic of Iran who is the State sponsor supporting both these Islamist terror groups on Israel’s borders who is itself seeking to build nuclear weapons with the support of Russia to use against Israel so as to remove the Jewish State from the map and usher in the Islamic End times.
This is the President of Iran’s stated goals and beliefs whether you know that or not.
Catastrophe looms but we know how the story ends because it is written into the pages of our Holy Book and it is very clear that the Living Gods hand is upon Israel and its people when the enemies surround her.
Isaiah 41:11-13 "All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish. 12 Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all. 13 For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
Read the Old Testament and see for yourself how Almighty God has revealed Himself to the Jewish people and led them throughout the ages, through the good times and the bad times, as they have experienced joy and suffering from being the people He chose to reveal Himself through.
Ezekial 37:27 - 28 My dwelling place will be with them; I will be their God, and they will be my people. 28 Then the nations will know that I the LORD make Israel holy, when my sanctuary is among them forever.' "
The EU which represents all the Nations that are coming together to make the European Super State is coming out condemning Israel for its righteous actions against Hamas and demanding an immediate cease fire from them.
When Britain and America invaded Iraq and Afghanistan in ‘The War on Terror’ did Israel demand an immediate cease fire?
I think not; so why should Israel listen to our leaders now?
It is Israel’s divine right to secure its borders and make its land a safe place for its people, that is what all peoples from all Nations expect from their leaders so they should be left alone to defeat their enemies no matter what the price or the consequences.
Israel as a Nation is on the front line in Islam’s Holy War against our Judeo/Christian civilization so we should all support them as they take the battle to the Islamist movement of Hamas just like we are doing with Al Qaeda in Iraq and Afghanistan.
We are all in this together even though our leaders seem to be on the side of the Islamists, anything not to upset and inflame the Moslems because everyone knows what happens when they are inflamed; they go into suicide mode!
Europe including Britain is now swamped with the Islamic religion; with thousands of terrorist supporters marching violently on our streets recently against Israel, so how long until things erupt again like on 7/7 and destroying our peace and security in this part of the World?
Here is a short video about the EU’s stance on Israel and the Islamic World.
holy war,
operation cast lead,
Operation Cast Lead: An English view
posted January 09
In memory of Tsafrir Ronen a Jewish Warrior
Info courtesy of Children of Holocaust Survivors

Tsafrir’s Ronens blog
Listen to Tsafrir Ronen: Interview
Video: The Palestinian bluff
Remembering Tsafrir Ronen
Learning of Tsafrir Ronens death has been the catalyst ive needed to write in support of Israel's War with Hamas in Gaza.
My view on ‘Operation Cast Lead’ from England is my small contribution to the media frenzy surrounding Israel’s military operation against Hamas in Gaza. It is in solidarity with the heart and vision of the deceased Tsafrir Ronen and all those Jewish people in Israel and from around the World who carry that same heart and vision for the Nation of Israel and its divine right to exist in the Holy Land.
I personally had dealings with Tsafrir when I was in the Holy Land after spending time with the extreme Left Wing Anarchist group the “International Solidarity Movement”, after a contact I was in communication with at the time from ACT put us in touch.
Tsafrir made arrangements for me to meet with a Jewish reporter who wrote in her own way in a Jewish newspaper about my time with the ISM in the West Bank, and from that article written about my experience in the Holy Land I have made good friends with several Jewish families in Israel, so Tsafrir’s memory will live on long after he has gone, and not just in Israel but around the World.
From what I can see, he was a voice and a builder for the Nation and people, not content with watching the World go by and leaving the work that needs to be done to others, someone who has left a legacy behind, and what he could personally envision about the present and future for the Nation of Israel and the wider World is what many others like myself can see too, and is the reason why the Israeli Government are now fighting a war to the end with Hamas.
We are all in this together!
May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bless the legacy of Tsafrir Ronen and the family and friends he has left behind.
Israel is the canary in the coal mine, on the frontline in the Islamic Worlds Jihad (Holy War) to destroy our Judeo/Christian Civilisation so that the Islamic texts can be fulfilled with Islam stretching from one end of the Earth to the other.
To our Judeo/Christian Civilisation, for the Nation of Israel to fall and be removed from the map which is the aim of all Islamic movements in that part of the World, and the wider global Islamic community would be like pulling the plug from an inflatable ball. Pull the plug and eventually the ball crumples in upon itself, no longer what it once was but a crumpled mess on the floor. The Nation of Israel being that plug.
What happens to the Nation of Israel has a direct bearing upon all Western Nations. The conflicts it faces with its neighbours like Hamas and Hezbollah are the exact same conflicts we now face with our neighbours in the form of the Islamist movements who are living amongst us and calling for our Nations to be turned into Islamic States so that the global Caliphate can be established.
You can deny it but pull back the curtains of reality and look at the facts and you will see the picture staring you in the face as clear as day.
For Israel to fall would be one of the greatest victories against our Judeo/Christian civilization for centuries, and would mark the beginning of the end of Civilisation as we know it, that is why now after 2000 years and its modern re-birth, the Nation of Israel will never fall no matter what the cost, because a future without it isn’t a future worth thinking about.
That’s why the Israeli’s have the Samson effect written into their military code, and they have the staunch backing of America, still the most powerful Nation on Earth, both defenders of our Judeo/Christian civilisation.
It is Hamas today, Hezbollah tomorrow and will be Iran will on the third day.
Operation ‘Cast Lead’ has been a long time coming and God bless the Israeli military as they seek to topple the Hamas government by all means necessary.
For those who do not know, Hamas is one of the world’s most extreme Islamist movements, it states in their charter that their mission is to drive Israel into the sea and remove it from the map. This mission is supported by all Islamist movements around the World and by all Moslems everywhere if they are good Moslems. If they do not agree with this and their perceived brothers/sisters plight in the Israeli occupied territories then they are not Moslem, they are Apostates and should be killed in an Islamic State.
Many reading this will never grasp the depth of reality of what we now face from the Islamic religion because they know absolutely nothing whatsoever about the fundamental teachings of the religion, or its religious purpose and mandate upon the Earth. Without knowing these things you know knowing about the religion or about how Moslems think and view the World around them and what their intent is.
The Islamic religion has its mandate that was written into its pages by a 7th century warmongering paedophile, and all Moslems today are to follow that mandate and example that he set, and they are willing and wanting to die in the process of achieving it, because to die in achieving the ultimate goal for Islam is the highest death a Moslem can achieve in this mortal life.
Ultimately a global army of suicidal religious mass murderers who want to destroy our Judeo/Christian civilization so that their religion can be implemented across the Earth, and Hamas in Gaza who Israel face are part of that army.
Israel, India, America, Britain, Europe, China, Russia, Canada, all major Nations on Earth now have this religious force aimed at their destruction, from within and without.
But the gullible masses are told “Islam is a religion of peace”, and it’s a “small minority”, while all around they are being surrounded by them and their society and way of life being forced to change and fall in line with their Islamic way of life.
Israel as a Nation and its Jewish people have these extreme Islamist movements within their borders and surrounding their borders, movements that are suicidally intent on their complete annihilation and have no problem stating these aims and working towards these aims. Hezbollah in the North and Hamas in the South and both propped up and supported by the Islamic Nation of Iran and other groups like Al Qaeda.
The general public in Britain have absolutely no clue whatsoever about the reality of what the Jewish people living in Israel face on a daily basis. There is an almost complete media blackout concerning the reality of the Islamic religion and its core objectives, and the same goes when reporting on the situation the Jewish people in Israel face. We do not hear about the daily rocket bombardments on Israeli towns, the terror the Jewish people are forced to live in on a daily basis, all we see is the poor Palestinians suppressed by a big bad Israel.
An Islamic Palestinian militant jumps on a bus or walks into a café and kills scores of innocent Jewish men, women and children and our Left Wing media depicts him as a freedom fighter, fighting against big bad Israeli occupation and aggression.
So the Western mind who knows nothing about the Islamic religion or the aims of Islamist movements perceives it to be big bad Israel and poor little Palestinian fighting for a righteous cause, even though he has just murdered and maimed innocent people.
Moslems and their Dhimmi Intellectuals and Left Wing supporters then call for a boycott of Israel and the gullible masses follow because they have been duped to side with the poor Palestinians.
Don’t teach the people the truth about what they face then they will believe everything and anything they are shown.
Israel then builds a wall around its Nation to prevent these suicide bombers from entering its territory and killing its citizens and Israel then becomes an apartheid Nation in Western eyes because of the Left Wing media.
Before the wall there was wave after wave of continuous suicide bombings that killed hundreds of Jewish citizens, and since the wall there has been almost zero.
If you were Jewish living in Israel how would you feel about the wall?
The Lebanese Islamist movement Hezbollah on Israel’s northern border kidnaps and kills Israel soldiers and provokes Israel into a War. Israel uses its military might to crush its Islamic enemy who has provoked it into a War and we are shown on our TV screens an overwhelming force by an Israeli army against an Islamist movement, and the next thing you have marches through the streets of London by Moslems and doogooding Left Wing Liberals stating ‘We are all Hezbollah now’.
Big bad Israel against this small peaceful people the message is given to the gullible masses by Moslems in Britain and their Left Wing supporters. Little do they realise the true reality of who Hezbollah actually are and what they stand for, they just jump on the band wagon against the big bad Israelis.
Islamist movements from around the World using Western/British public opinion against Israel, they are what the text books call useful idiots, but useful idiots who are on the enemies side in this modern global conflict, traitors in fact.
A young Israeli soldier by the name of Gilad Shalit is kidnapped by Hamas gunmen and held without medical care or access to, and communication with the outside world, and has been like this for several years now and the World does nothing to pressure Hamas to release him. Instead the World pressurises Israel to sit down and negotiate with Hamas with no conditions set – And they do.
A Western journalist is kidnapped in Gaza and there is uproar around the World and he is released from his ordeal after a very short space of time.
How would you feel if you were Jewish, living in Israel when these types of situations and the double standards are played out before your very eyes?
Isnt any wonder that Jewish people everywhere support operation ‘Cast Lead’, no matter what international opinion is.
The British government does not care about the plight of Israel and its Jewish citizens, all they are concerned about are the poor Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, Palestinians who have reaped what they have sown from Israel.
Be friendly to the Islamic militants in that part of the World, send them as much unconditional aid money as we can and then Moslems back home might not be too angry towards us and attack our streets.
This propaganda for the Palestinians is reflected in the media because the only side the British people are ever shown is the Palestinian side so a large part of public opinion is against Israel. With ‘Caste Lead’ our TV screens are filled with Israeli bombings and Palestinian deaths and casualties. Before this were our TV screens filled with images of Jewish women and children coming under continual daily rocket fire from Hamas?
We just see big bad Israel with tanks planes and helicopters bombing and killing poor Palestinians, the Left Wing coming out in defence of Hamas this extreme Islamist movement and condemning Israel, with the gullible masses then resenting Israel for its righteous actions.
For those watching who know the threat that we all face; is it any wonder things are so bad in Britain now in relation to the Islamic religion in our midst and the newly established Islamic State upon our isles when the line is not drawn on the right side of the conflict? Who are our friends and who are our enemies?
The Islamists in Britain who are ideologically aligned to Hamas are a law unto themselves now, who the authorities have absolutely no control over - Londonistan.
This current War with Hamas has been a long time coming, and as a supporter of Israel I hope and pray that the military will now crush the Hamas government and terrorist movement for the sake of the safety and security of their Nation and for the protection of its Jewish residents.
Hamas has continually been firing these rockets into Israel killing and injuring Israeli citizens throughout what was claimed to be a cease fire. Hamas declared an end to the cease fire last week and fired 80 rockets into Israel on that same day.
What was Israel’s response?
’Operation Cast Lead’ and all out War with Hamas until the movement has been defeated, and if you were living in Israel what would you expect your government to do?
We are not and our government is supporting Hamas and telling Israel to stop its operation.
Know your friends and enemies!
Hamas have now received everything they wanted from the Israeli government, they provoked them into this War and are now playing the media game for propaganda purposes to garner international support for themselves and to demonise Israel in the worlds eyes.
The Palestinian people democratically elected this terror group into power so are responsible for every bit of terror carried out by them.
Israel as a Nation ‘is’ the canary in the coal mine who knows better than anyone about the threat posed to the entire World by the military wing of the Islamic religion because they face its hatred and murder on a daily basis, it is a reality to them. Isn’t it time they themselves fought back by proxy against the Islamists and their Left Wing supporters, and put across the proper picture of current events.
There is much worse on the horizon for the Nation of Israel, Hamas today, Hezbollah tomorrow and Iran on the third day. Israel must secure her borders before taking on Iran and destroying its Nuclear infrastructure which will bring about an all out war in that part of the world.
Israel is now under siege from all sides with a Nuclear Nation arising in the background that is declaring its coming annihilation.
Operation 'Cast lead' and War in Gaza is the first step in a major War for the preservation of the Nation of Israel.
In War its 'them or us' no middle ground remember that!
May God continue to bless and protect them, the apple of His eye.
At the time of posting this I have read that the British government have vetoed with America for Israel not to stop its military campaign on Hamas in Gaza because Hamas will not agree to stop firing rockets.
A bit of common sense it seems because why should Israel stop bombing Hamas if they do not agree to stop firing rockets into Israel.
President Bush and the incoming President of the EU are the only World leaders up until this point who have supported Israels right to self defence and blamed Hamas for the current War in Gaza.
Maybe the British government are starting to come to their senses and realising the reality of what the whole world now faces in relation to all Islamist movements around the World who are hell bent on destroying Israel, America, Britain and the West.
Yesterday it was Mumbai, Today it is Israel, and Tomorrow it could be anywhere.
In memory of Tsafrir Ronen a Jewish Warrior
Info courtesy of Children of Holocaust Survivors

Like the light that continues to travel from a star that has died -
long after it has gone.
We must continue in this light.
We shall see this through – with a sense of deep loss -
and carry on with the courage that Tsafrir had.
long after it has gone.
We must continue in this light.
We shall see this through – with a sense of deep loss -
and carry on with the courage that Tsafrir had.
Tsafrir’s Ronens blog
Listen to Tsafrir Ronen: Interview
Video: The Palestinian bluff
Remembering Tsafrir Ronen
Learning of Tsafrir Ronens death has been the catalyst ive needed to write in support of Israel's War with Hamas in Gaza.
My view on ‘Operation Cast Lead’ from England is my small contribution to the media frenzy surrounding Israel’s military operation against Hamas in Gaza. It is in solidarity with the heart and vision of the deceased Tsafrir Ronen and all those Jewish people in Israel and from around the World who carry that same heart and vision for the Nation of Israel and its divine right to exist in the Holy Land.
I personally had dealings with Tsafrir when I was in the Holy Land after spending time with the extreme Left Wing Anarchist group the “International Solidarity Movement”, after a contact I was in communication with at the time from ACT put us in touch.
Tsafrir made arrangements for me to meet with a Jewish reporter who wrote in her own way in a Jewish newspaper about my time with the ISM in the West Bank, and from that article written about my experience in the Holy Land I have made good friends with several Jewish families in Israel, so Tsafrir’s memory will live on long after he has gone, and not just in Israel but around the World.
From what I can see, he was a voice and a builder for the Nation and people, not content with watching the World go by and leaving the work that needs to be done to others, someone who has left a legacy behind, and what he could personally envision about the present and future for the Nation of Israel and the wider World is what many others like myself can see too, and is the reason why the Israeli Government are now fighting a war to the end with Hamas.
We are all in this together!
May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bless the legacy of Tsafrir Ronen and the family and friends he has left behind.
Israel is the canary in the coal mine, on the frontline in the Islamic Worlds Jihad (Holy War) to destroy our Judeo/Christian Civilisation so that the Islamic texts can be fulfilled with Islam stretching from one end of the Earth to the other.
To our Judeo/Christian Civilisation, for the Nation of Israel to fall and be removed from the map which is the aim of all Islamic movements in that part of the World, and the wider global Islamic community would be like pulling the plug from an inflatable ball. Pull the plug and eventually the ball crumples in upon itself, no longer what it once was but a crumpled mess on the floor. The Nation of Israel being that plug.
What happens to the Nation of Israel has a direct bearing upon all Western Nations. The conflicts it faces with its neighbours like Hamas and Hezbollah are the exact same conflicts we now face with our neighbours in the form of the Islamist movements who are living amongst us and calling for our Nations to be turned into Islamic States so that the global Caliphate can be established.
You can deny it but pull back the curtains of reality and look at the facts and you will see the picture staring you in the face as clear as day.
For Israel to fall would be one of the greatest victories against our Judeo/Christian civilization for centuries, and would mark the beginning of the end of Civilisation as we know it, that is why now after 2000 years and its modern re-birth, the Nation of Israel will never fall no matter what the cost, because a future without it isn’t a future worth thinking about.
That’s why the Israeli’s have the Samson effect written into their military code, and they have the staunch backing of America, still the most powerful Nation on Earth, both defenders of our Judeo/Christian civilisation.
It is Hamas today, Hezbollah tomorrow and will be Iran will on the third day.
Operation ‘Cast Lead’ has been a long time coming and God bless the Israeli military as they seek to topple the Hamas government by all means necessary.
For those who do not know, Hamas is one of the world’s most extreme Islamist movements, it states in their charter that their mission is to drive Israel into the sea and remove it from the map. This mission is supported by all Islamist movements around the World and by all Moslems everywhere if they are good Moslems. If they do not agree with this and their perceived brothers/sisters plight in the Israeli occupied territories then they are not Moslem, they are Apostates and should be killed in an Islamic State.
Many reading this will never grasp the depth of reality of what we now face from the Islamic religion because they know absolutely nothing whatsoever about the fundamental teachings of the religion, or its religious purpose and mandate upon the Earth. Without knowing these things you know knowing about the religion or about how Moslems think and view the World around them and what their intent is.
The Islamic religion has its mandate that was written into its pages by a 7th century warmongering paedophile, and all Moslems today are to follow that mandate and example that he set, and they are willing and wanting to die in the process of achieving it, because to die in achieving the ultimate goal for Islam is the highest death a Moslem can achieve in this mortal life.
Ultimately a global army of suicidal religious mass murderers who want to destroy our Judeo/Christian civilization so that their religion can be implemented across the Earth, and Hamas in Gaza who Israel face are part of that army.
Israel, India, America, Britain, Europe, China, Russia, Canada, all major Nations on Earth now have this religious force aimed at their destruction, from within and without.
But the gullible masses are told “Islam is a religion of peace”, and it’s a “small minority”, while all around they are being surrounded by them and their society and way of life being forced to change and fall in line with their Islamic way of life.
Israel as a Nation and its Jewish people have these extreme Islamist movements within their borders and surrounding their borders, movements that are suicidally intent on their complete annihilation and have no problem stating these aims and working towards these aims. Hezbollah in the North and Hamas in the South and both propped up and supported by the Islamic Nation of Iran and other groups like Al Qaeda.
The general public in Britain have absolutely no clue whatsoever about the reality of what the Jewish people living in Israel face on a daily basis. There is an almost complete media blackout concerning the reality of the Islamic religion and its core objectives, and the same goes when reporting on the situation the Jewish people in Israel face. We do not hear about the daily rocket bombardments on Israeli towns, the terror the Jewish people are forced to live in on a daily basis, all we see is the poor Palestinians suppressed by a big bad Israel.
An Islamic Palestinian militant jumps on a bus or walks into a café and kills scores of innocent Jewish men, women and children and our Left Wing media depicts him as a freedom fighter, fighting against big bad Israeli occupation and aggression.
So the Western mind who knows nothing about the Islamic religion or the aims of Islamist movements perceives it to be big bad Israel and poor little Palestinian fighting for a righteous cause, even though he has just murdered and maimed innocent people.
Moslems and their Dhimmi Intellectuals and Left Wing supporters then call for a boycott of Israel and the gullible masses follow because they have been duped to side with the poor Palestinians.
Don’t teach the people the truth about what they face then they will believe everything and anything they are shown.
Israel then builds a wall around its Nation to prevent these suicide bombers from entering its territory and killing its citizens and Israel then becomes an apartheid Nation in Western eyes because of the Left Wing media.
Before the wall there was wave after wave of continuous suicide bombings that killed hundreds of Jewish citizens, and since the wall there has been almost zero.
If you were Jewish living in Israel how would you feel about the wall?
The Lebanese Islamist movement Hezbollah on Israel’s northern border kidnaps and kills Israel soldiers and provokes Israel into a War. Israel uses its military might to crush its Islamic enemy who has provoked it into a War and we are shown on our TV screens an overwhelming force by an Israeli army against an Islamist movement, and the next thing you have marches through the streets of London by Moslems and doogooding Left Wing Liberals stating ‘We are all Hezbollah now’.
Big bad Israel against this small peaceful people the message is given to the gullible masses by Moslems in Britain and their Left Wing supporters. Little do they realise the true reality of who Hezbollah actually are and what they stand for, they just jump on the band wagon against the big bad Israelis.
Islamist movements from around the World using Western/British public opinion against Israel, they are what the text books call useful idiots, but useful idiots who are on the enemies side in this modern global conflict, traitors in fact.

A Western journalist is kidnapped in Gaza and there is uproar around the World and he is released from his ordeal after a very short space of time.
How would you feel if you were Jewish, living in Israel when these types of situations and the double standards are played out before your very eyes?
Isnt any wonder that Jewish people everywhere support operation ‘Cast Lead’, no matter what international opinion is.
The British government does not care about the plight of Israel and its Jewish citizens, all they are concerned about are the poor Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, Palestinians who have reaped what they have sown from Israel.
Be friendly to the Islamic militants in that part of the World, send them as much unconditional aid money as we can and then Moslems back home might not be too angry towards us and attack our streets.
This propaganda for the Palestinians is reflected in the media because the only side the British people are ever shown is the Palestinian side so a large part of public opinion is against Israel. With ‘Caste Lead’ our TV screens are filled with Israeli bombings and Palestinian deaths and casualties. Before this were our TV screens filled with images of Jewish women and children coming under continual daily rocket fire from Hamas?
We just see big bad Israel with tanks planes and helicopters bombing and killing poor Palestinians, the Left Wing coming out in defence of Hamas this extreme Islamist movement and condemning Israel, with the gullible masses then resenting Israel for its righteous actions.
For those watching who know the threat that we all face; is it any wonder things are so bad in Britain now in relation to the Islamic religion in our midst and the newly established Islamic State upon our isles when the line is not drawn on the right side of the conflict? Who are our friends and who are our enemies?
The Islamists in Britain who are ideologically aligned to Hamas are a law unto themselves now, who the authorities have absolutely no control over - Londonistan.
This current War with Hamas has been a long time coming, and as a supporter of Israel I hope and pray that the military will now crush the Hamas government and terrorist movement for the sake of the safety and security of their Nation and for the protection of its Jewish residents.
Hamas has continually been firing these rockets into Israel killing and injuring Israeli citizens throughout what was claimed to be a cease fire. Hamas declared an end to the cease fire last week and fired 80 rockets into Israel on that same day.
What was Israel’s response?
’Operation Cast Lead’ and all out War with Hamas until the movement has been defeated, and if you were living in Israel what would you expect your government to do?
We are not and our government is supporting Hamas and telling Israel to stop its operation.
Know your friends and enemies!
Hamas have now received everything they wanted from the Israeli government, they provoked them into this War and are now playing the media game for propaganda purposes to garner international support for themselves and to demonise Israel in the worlds eyes.
The Palestinian people democratically elected this terror group into power so are responsible for every bit of terror carried out by them.
Israel as a Nation ‘is’ the canary in the coal mine who knows better than anyone about the threat posed to the entire World by the military wing of the Islamic religion because they face its hatred and murder on a daily basis, it is a reality to them. Isn’t it time they themselves fought back by proxy against the Islamists and their Left Wing supporters, and put across the proper picture of current events.
There is much worse on the horizon for the Nation of Israel, Hamas today, Hezbollah tomorrow and Iran on the third day. Israel must secure her borders before taking on Iran and destroying its Nuclear infrastructure which will bring about an all out war in that part of the world.
Israel is now under siege from all sides with a Nuclear Nation arising in the background that is declaring its coming annihilation.
Operation 'Cast lead' and War in Gaza is the first step in a major War for the preservation of the Nation of Israel.
In War its 'them or us' no middle ground remember that!
May God continue to bless and protect them, the apple of His eye.
At the time of posting this I have read that the British government have vetoed with America for Israel not to stop its military campaign on Hamas in Gaza because Hamas will not agree to stop firing rockets.
A bit of common sense it seems because why should Israel stop bombing Hamas if they do not agree to stop firing rockets into Israel.
President Bush and the incoming President of the EU are the only World leaders up until this point who have supported Israels right to self defence and blamed Hamas for the current War in Gaza.
Maybe the British government are starting to come to their senses and realising the reality of what the whole world now faces in relation to all Islamist movements around the World who are hell bent on destroying Israel, America, Britain and the West.
Yesterday it was Mumbai, Today it is Israel, and Tomorrow it could be anywhere.
operation cast lead,
tsafrir ronen,
war in gaza
15 November 2008
Why do Moslems wage Jihad?

There is no stronger motivation in life than the belief that you are carrying out Gods will, why do you think Moslems misguidedly commit suicide in the process of killing innocent people.
Please read through all of the information here to gain an insight and understanding of the Islamic religious justification and command to wage Jihad (Holy War) against the infidels (you and me).
Islam has been waging War against the non-Islamic World for 1400 years so why should today be any different, and we have enough examples to show us that it is not.
The only difference today is that it is not happening in some far off foreign Country, its now happening amongst us upon our shores.
What does the future hold?
Why do Moslems wage Jihad?
The reason why jihaad is prescribed
Allaah has enjoined jihad for His sake upon the Muslims, for the great benefits that result from that and because of the harm caused by abandoning jihad, some of which are mentioned in Question no. 34830.
Some of the reasons why jihad for the sake of Allaah is prescribed in Islam are as follows:
1 – The main goal of jihad is to make the people worship Allaah alone and to bring them forth from servitude to people to servitude to the Lord of people. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allaah) and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allaah (Alone). But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zaalimoon (the polytheists, and wrong-doers)”
[al-Baqarah 2:193]
“And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism, i.e. worshipping others besides Allaah), and the religion (worship) will all be for Allaah Alone [in the whole of the world]. But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allaah), then certainly, Allaah is All-Seer of what they do”
[al-Anfaal 8:39]
Ibn Jareer said:
So fight them until there is no more shirk, and none is worshipped except Allaah alone with no partner or associate, and trials and calamities, which are disbelief and polytheism, are lifted from the slaves of Allaah on earth, and religion is all for Allaah alone, and so that obedience and worship will be devoted to Him alone and none else.
Ibn Katheer said: Allaah commands us to fight the kuffaar so that there will be no fitnah, i.e., shirk, and the religion will all be for Allaah alone, i.e., the religion of Allaah will prevail over all other religions.
The Prophet said: “"I have been commanded (by Allaah) to fight the people until they testify that there is no god but Allaah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah, and they establish regular prayer and pay zakaah, then if they do that, then they save their lives and property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning will be with Allaah." Narrated by al-Bukhaari (24), Muslim (33).
And he said: “I have been sent just before the Hour with the sword, so that Allaah will be worshipped alone with no partner or associate.”
Narrated by Ahmad, 4869; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 2831.
This purpose of jihad was present in the minds of the Sahaabah during their battles with the enemies of Allaah. Al-Bukhaari (2925) narrated that Jubayr ibn Hayyah said: ‘Umar sent people to all the regions to fight the mushrikeen… so ‘Umar recruited us and appointed al-Nu’maan ibn Muqarrin to lead us. When we were in the land of the enemy, the representative of Chosroes came out to us with forty thousand troops. An interpreter stood up and said: “Let one of you speak to me.” Al-Mugheerah said: “Ask whatever you want.” He asked, “Who are you?” He (al-Mugheerah) said: “We are some people from among the Arabs. We used to lead a harsh and miserable life, sucking on animal skins and date stones because of hunger, wearing clothes made of camel and goat hair, worshipping trees and rocks. While we were in this state, the Lord of the heavens and the earth, exalted be His name and glorified be His greatness, sent to us a Prophet from amongst ourselves, whose father and mother we know. Our Prophet, the Messenger of our Lord, commanded us to fight you until you worship Allaah alone or pay the jizyah. Our Prophet told us the message from our Lord, that whoever among us is killed will go to Paradise to enjoy delights such as no one has ever seen, and whoever among us is left will become your master.”
This is the truth that the Sahaabah and leaders of the Muslims proclaimed in their military campaigns.
Continue reading: Why do Moslems wage Jihad?
12 November 2008
Free to preach Hatred & War in Britain

Excerpt: "It is our religious obligation to prepare ourselves both physically and mentally and rise up against Muslim oppression and take what is rightfully ours," he said. "Jihad is a duty and a struggle and an obligation that lies upon the shoulders of us all. We will not rest until the flag of Allah and the flag of Islam is raised above 10 Downing Street."
To loud cheers of "Allah Akbar" [God is great], he railed: "There are three types of Muslims, those in prison, those of us that are on our way [to prison] and non-practising Muslims. Brothers and sisters, if you do not fear your home being raided by the Kufar [non-believer] police, you are not enforcing the Sharia."
Later, in front of a huge banner that exhorted "Muslims rise against British oppression", he introduced the star turn, 50-year-old Omar Bakri, who was standing by in Lebanon. A giant screen, six-feet high and six-feet wide, had been set up to project the image of the extremist known as "the Tottenham Ayatollah". He was refused re-entry to the UK in 2005 as "not conducive to the public good" after vowing that Muslims would "give the West a 9/11 day after day after day".
Full article: Hatred & War
Video of conference: Defending the honour of Moslems
9 November 2008
Luton: An Al Qaeda enclave in Britain
Report identifies UK terrorist enclaves
Secret enclaves of al-Qaeda extremists based in London, Birmingham and Luton are planning mass-casualty attacks in Britain, according to a leaked Government intelligence report.
(Picture is of a convicted Pakistani Moslem Heroin & Crack dealer dressed as a suicide bomber at a Moslem demonstration in London. He is from Bedford which is a ten minute drive from Luton. He eventually went on to work for British Rail. The lunacy in modern Britain.)
Foreword: Its official, a report by the 'Ministry of Defence' has named Luton as one of several Al Qaeda enclaves within Great Britain.
Those who live in and around Luton will know that that enclave is called Bury Park which took centre stage on the morning of 7/7 and during the biggest anti-terror operation in British history up until that point which was codenamed 'Operation Crevice'.
The basis of this blog is an on the ground first hand account of my personal experience living around the area of Luton where Al Qaeda and their supporters are operating.
I have been arrested for my writings on this blog, under the charge of 'stirring up racial hatred'.
Opinionated people who think they know what is right from wrong who do not know the facts to this blog will immediately condemn me as if I have done something wrong because of the title of the charge levelled at me, because if I have been arrested for that charge then I must be bad and what I am doing is bad.
I am not like you, I do not sit in doors with the curtains shut and the TV on watching the football or the X Factor pretending I live in a perfect World because the problems are not on my frontdoor. The community I talk about is where I grew up, it is the community where my friends are dying because of what is happening, and the community I am watching being taken over before my eyes so it is my responsibility to say what I am saying (which is the truth) for the sake of the future.
I am just saying what the vast majority of people are thinking, who are too scared to say or do anything through fear, and its not surprising because I have murdering drug dealing Pakistani Moslems wanting to silence me and the British State now wanting to put me on trial, so it no wonder everyone is scared of confronting the truth.
A population forced to accept the murder of their friends and the destruction and take over of their community through fear of violent Pakistani Moslems who are linked to Al Qaeda, and the British State telling them its all a part of multi cultural Britain, the rich diverse enrichment that Moslems bring to our Country and communities and if you disagree we will arrest you.
If you dont agree with the Governments line then you are a racist and an Islamaphobe and they have laws in place to deal with you, so as to silence the dissent.
Well I dont agree and I am not a racist, I am a realist and this is my Country that my forefathers fought and died for, for me their descendant.
On my blog I have not called for violence, I have not condoned violence, or encouraged anyone else to commit violence. All I have said is the truth from my perspective based upon the facts, yet I am under arrest because I have hurt Moslems feelings and breached 'community cohesion'.
Stuff community cohesion if these people are killing my friends, destroying the community and planning to take the Country over.
We want to live in peace but if their is a hostile force taking over what are you meant to do? Just sit back and accept it?
Isnt it time people faced up to reality before its too late?
Naming Luton in this report justifies what I am saying through my blog, and reading through its pages will give you the details of what is actually happening.
In a perfect World none of this would be happening, the threat and future consequences from the Islamic religion would not have to be thought about, but we do not live in a perfect World and this is really happening on the streets of Luton & Dunstable where I live whether you like it or not.
Denial and disbelief is not going to make it go away, thats why in this short video I posted I said that people must tell the police what they know about Pakistani Moslem criminality because this is all a part of Al Qaedas strategy, funding their covert civil military operations and terror training through the trade in Taliban Heroin and all other street drugs that they control, and in the process securing a strong position on the ground with the money earned and the networks they have in place.
The network of Pakistani Moslems who are conducting the street Jihad are over flowing with drug money.
They control the ground at this moment in time, but from a very very weak position.
They have had 30 years of building their base in this area with no opposition thats why it took centre stage on 7/7 when Al Qaeda declared war upon Great Britain.
Either the powers that be accept defeat here and allow the spread of this militancy on the ground with it eventually washing up on the surrounding areas or they tackle it on the ground here, thats the simple fact of the matter, and considering their is wealth of Christian and Royal history here, it will be very telling what their thoughts and decisions are. Sacrifice and surrender or No surrender - 21st Century Warfare
Hemel Hempstead is next because Leighton Buzzard has already been targeted.
Heroin money washes in buying up businesses which then leaves networks of Pakistani Moslems on the streets to pump their drugs into the community, and then they start moving in and taking over with the money earned.
City by City, Town by Town, Village by Village the Jihad is unfolding and the authorities are powerless to act because they deny this aspect of the Jihad. Al Qaeda terror operations is one aspect, but the daily street Jihad that is taking over the Country is left to continue.
What can the Security Services do apart from watch what is happening because the State is powerless to act.
All those Moslems who are a threat to National Security should be rounded up and placed in internment camps for the safety of the British people, and the networks of Heroin suppliers and the barons should be smashed.
While the known terrorists are walking our streets no one is safe and while the Heroin business is allowed to continue they are filling their War chests with the proceeds of Taliban Heroin with which to fight their low level Civil War against us with.
If Moslem terrorists do attack as this report states then that is justification enough to intern all Moslems linked to international Islamic terror, including those who are ideologically joined to them through the internet.
National Security and the protection of the British people has got to be paramount and if Moslems disagree then they should leave the Country because its those from amongst them who have pushed everyone into a corner.
If the Queens Kingdom does not come down hard upon its enemies, then make way until the eventual take over in the future where Britain will become an Islamic State, thats just the basic facts of the matter.
Further reading: The Enemy we face
Daily Telegraph
The document, which was drawn up by the intelligence branch of the Ministry of Defence, MI5 and Special Branch, states that "some thousands" of extremists are active in the UK. They are predominantly UK-born and aged between 18 and 30, and many are believed to have been trained in overseas terrorist camps.
Under the heading "International Terrorism", the report, which is marked "restricted" states: "For the foreseeable future the UK will continue to be a high-priority target for international terrorists aligned with al-Qaeda. It will face a threat from British nationals, including Muslim converts, and UK-based foreign terrorists, as well as terrorists planning attacks from abroad."
The report states that the threat from the Islamist extremist community in the UK is "diverse and widely distributed" but adds that the numbers of terrorist in Britain is "difficult to judge".
The document does state, however, that the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre, which is based in MI5's headquarters at Thames House in London, estimates that there are "some thousands of extremists in the UK committed to supporting Jihadi activities, either in the UK or abroad".
A year ago Jonathan Evans, the director general of MI5, said in a speech that his organisation had identified that there were at least 2,000 individuals who posed a threat to national security and public safety.
Since 2001, over 1,200 terrorist suspect have been arrested, over 140 have been charged and more than 45 have been convicted of terrorism offences, according to Home Office figures. It is also estimated that there are some 200 terrorist networks functioning in Britain today who are involved in at least 30 plots.
But this latest security assessment appears to suggest that the number of individuals who now pose a threat to the UK is even higher.
The report continues: "The majority of extremists are British nationals of south Asian, mainly Pakistani origin but there are also extremists from north and east Africa, Iraq and the Middle East, and a number of converts. The overwhelming majority of extremists are male, typically in the 18-30 age range.
"The main extremist concentrations are in London, Birmingham, with significant extremist networks in the South East, notably Luton. Extremist networks are principally engaged in spreading their extremist message, training, fund raising and procuring non-lethal military equipment to support the Jihads in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq, and sending recruits to the conflicts.
Continue reading: Al Qaeda enclaves
Daily Mail article: Notably Luton
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Secret enclaves of al-Qaeda extremists based in London, Birmingham and Luton are planning mass-casualty attacks in Britain, according to a leaked Government intelligence report.

Foreword: Its official, a report by the 'Ministry of Defence' has named Luton as one of several Al Qaeda enclaves within Great Britain.
Those who live in and around Luton will know that that enclave is called Bury Park which took centre stage on the morning of 7/7 and during the biggest anti-terror operation in British history up until that point which was codenamed 'Operation Crevice'.
The basis of this blog is an on the ground first hand account of my personal experience living around the area of Luton where Al Qaeda and their supporters are operating.
I have been arrested for my writings on this blog, under the charge of 'stirring up racial hatred'.
Opinionated people who think they know what is right from wrong who do not know the facts to this blog will immediately condemn me as if I have done something wrong because of the title of the charge levelled at me, because if I have been arrested for that charge then I must be bad and what I am doing is bad.
I am not like you, I do not sit in doors with the curtains shut and the TV on watching the football or the X Factor pretending I live in a perfect World because the problems are not on my frontdoor. The community I talk about is where I grew up, it is the community where my friends are dying because of what is happening, and the community I am watching being taken over before my eyes so it is my responsibility to say what I am saying (which is the truth) for the sake of the future.
I am just saying what the vast majority of people are thinking, who are too scared to say or do anything through fear, and its not surprising because I have murdering drug dealing Pakistani Moslems wanting to silence me and the British State now wanting to put me on trial, so it no wonder everyone is scared of confronting the truth.
A population forced to accept the murder of their friends and the destruction and take over of their community through fear of violent Pakistani Moslems who are linked to Al Qaeda, and the British State telling them its all a part of multi cultural Britain, the rich diverse enrichment that Moslems bring to our Country and communities and if you disagree we will arrest you.
If you dont agree with the Governments line then you are a racist and an Islamaphobe and they have laws in place to deal with you, so as to silence the dissent.
Well I dont agree and I am not a racist, I am a realist and this is my Country that my forefathers fought and died for, for me their descendant.
On my blog I have not called for violence, I have not condoned violence, or encouraged anyone else to commit violence. All I have said is the truth from my perspective based upon the facts, yet I am under arrest because I have hurt Moslems feelings and breached 'community cohesion'.
Stuff community cohesion if these people are killing my friends, destroying the community and planning to take the Country over.
We want to live in peace but if their is a hostile force taking over what are you meant to do? Just sit back and accept it?
Isnt it time people faced up to reality before its too late?
Naming Luton in this report justifies what I am saying through my blog, and reading through its pages will give you the details of what is actually happening.
In a perfect World none of this would be happening, the threat and future consequences from the Islamic religion would not have to be thought about, but we do not live in a perfect World and this is really happening on the streets of Luton & Dunstable where I live whether you like it or not.
Denial and disbelief is not going to make it go away, thats why in this short video I posted I said that people must tell the police what they know about Pakistani Moslem criminality because this is all a part of Al Qaedas strategy, funding their covert civil military operations and terror training through the trade in Taliban Heroin and all other street drugs that they control, and in the process securing a strong position on the ground with the money earned and the networks they have in place.
The network of Pakistani Moslems who are conducting the street Jihad are over flowing with drug money.
They control the ground at this moment in time, but from a very very weak position.
They have had 30 years of building their base in this area with no opposition thats why it took centre stage on 7/7 when Al Qaeda declared war upon Great Britain.
Either the powers that be accept defeat here and allow the spread of this militancy on the ground with it eventually washing up on the surrounding areas or they tackle it on the ground here, thats the simple fact of the matter, and considering their is wealth of Christian and Royal history here, it will be very telling what their thoughts and decisions are. Sacrifice and surrender or No surrender - 21st Century Warfare
Hemel Hempstead is next because Leighton Buzzard has already been targeted.
Heroin money washes in buying up businesses which then leaves networks of Pakistani Moslems on the streets to pump their drugs into the community, and then they start moving in and taking over with the money earned.
City by City, Town by Town, Village by Village the Jihad is unfolding and the authorities are powerless to act because they deny this aspect of the Jihad. Al Qaeda terror operations is one aspect, but the daily street Jihad that is taking over the Country is left to continue.
What can the Security Services do apart from watch what is happening because the State is powerless to act.
All those Moslems who are a threat to National Security should be rounded up and placed in internment camps for the safety of the British people, and the networks of Heroin suppliers and the barons should be smashed.
While the known terrorists are walking our streets no one is safe and while the Heroin business is allowed to continue they are filling their War chests with the proceeds of Taliban Heroin with which to fight their low level Civil War against us with.
If Moslem terrorists do attack as this report states then that is justification enough to intern all Moslems linked to international Islamic terror, including those who are ideologically joined to them through the internet.
National Security and the protection of the British people has got to be paramount and if Moslems disagree then they should leave the Country because its those from amongst them who have pushed everyone into a corner.
If the Queens Kingdom does not come down hard upon its enemies, then make way until the eventual take over in the future where Britain will become an Islamic State, thats just the basic facts of the matter.
Further reading: The Enemy we face
Daily Telegraph
The document, which was drawn up by the intelligence branch of the Ministry of Defence, MI5 and Special Branch, states that "some thousands" of extremists are active in the UK. They are predominantly UK-born and aged between 18 and 30, and many are believed to have been trained in overseas terrorist camps.
Under the heading "International Terrorism", the report, which is marked "restricted" states: "For the foreseeable future the UK will continue to be a high-priority target for international terrorists aligned with al-Qaeda. It will face a threat from British nationals, including Muslim converts, and UK-based foreign terrorists, as well as terrorists planning attacks from abroad."
The report states that the threat from the Islamist extremist community in the UK is "diverse and widely distributed" but adds that the numbers of terrorist in Britain is "difficult to judge".
The document does state, however, that the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre, which is based in MI5's headquarters at Thames House in London, estimates that there are "some thousands of extremists in the UK committed to supporting Jihadi activities, either in the UK or abroad".
A year ago Jonathan Evans, the director general of MI5, said in a speech that his organisation had identified that there were at least 2,000 individuals who posed a threat to national security and public safety.
Since 2001, over 1,200 terrorist suspect have been arrested, over 140 have been charged and more than 45 have been convicted of terrorism offences, according to Home Office figures. It is also estimated that there are some 200 terrorist networks functioning in Britain today who are involved in at least 30 plots.
But this latest security assessment appears to suggest that the number of individuals who now pose a threat to the UK is even higher.
The report continues: "The majority of extremists are British nationals of south Asian, mainly Pakistani origin but there are also extremists from north and east Africa, Iraq and the Middle East, and a number of converts. The overwhelming majority of extremists are male, typically in the 18-30 age range.
"The main extremist concentrations are in London, Birmingham, with significant extremist networks in the South East, notably Luton. Extremist networks are principally engaged in spreading their extremist message, training, fund raising and procuring non-lethal military equipment to support the Jihads in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq, and sending recruits to the conflicts.
Continue reading: Al Qaeda enclaves
Daily Mail article: Notably Luton
Uploaded by Lionheartuk
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