1 Corinthians 3:7-9 So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor. For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building.
brill video Lionhert I have forwarded this on to about 50 people. I dont know if you know but the Moslems in Aberdeen are pushing for a 5000 capoacity mosque in our city dominating our open beach front.Keep up the fight people are now not scared to speak up. I will go to jail if I havce too they will never keep me quiet.Aberdeen Patriot.
Paul, the only political solution is to join the BNP. Call me Dave will not change a thing,Urban11
OK Paul.Your video begs a question doesn't it .... exactly WHAT are you expecting people to do ? They WILL sit in front of their TV's watching the tripe that now passes for 'entertainment' and they WILL adopt the 'I'm all right Jack - leave it to the Police' attitude - the ultimate cop-out ( pun intended ).You cannot fight it alone - the establishment will pick you off, either by use of the Race Laws or by ridiculing you as a looney tune with mental problems. So, back to the issue - WHAT EXACTLY do you expect people to do ? Have you thought it through ?Do you have a tactic ? A plan ?If not, you are wasting your time, because you have to have an answer when people ask you ' What do you want ME to do ?'Acting alone ,one method of course is to 'martyr' yourself on the establishments altar and let them take you to court - if they are stupid enough to do so. The reason of course that they haven't as yet, is because they know what the backlash from the 'silent majority' will be, and since they didn't get a conviction in the Griffin / Collett case , he CPS know they won't get a conviction for you either. So they will keep you hanging with the Sword of Damocles over your head.They know full well no jury will convict on this issue, but they might try it on again anyway.I hope they do - it's the best free publicity you will ever get.However, back to the main point - what exactly do you expect people to do ? Be careful how you answer of course - remember the incitement laws.Why not stand as a prospective MP in the next election ?
UKtruthseeker:Who am i to tell you what to do, you are your own person.Sit in doors and watch TV whilst your Country burns or work out your place within society and your sphere of influence and work to bring change.You can get up and do something how little small or big or you can sit back and do nothing but it will be your children and grandchildren who will face the consequences of that path.The military wing of the Islamic World is at War with our Civilisation, seeking to take us into a 7th Century dark age, there is enough proof out there that corroborates that claim.I am just doing what i can within my sphere of influence, with the tools that are in my hands.What would the future say if i didnt?Our forefathers fought and died for this Country so why should we sit back and allow its destruction and take over in our generation?We are reaping the cowardice, appeasement and surrender of the last generation, and if we do not do anything then what will the next generation face.Atleast i have done what i can, what about you?I serve the Living God so let whoever wants to come for me come for me, my trust and faith are in His hands nobody elses.Deus Vult
by the way UKtruthseeker, i am sure that there are many who have gone before who have been called a loony tune for speaking the truth that threatens the status quo so it doesnt really bother me because i know the truth, those who are watching know the truth, and i have alot of support all around the world who know the truth because it is their truth too just happening in a different part of the world.How can any sane minded person looking at the facts and evidence i have produced on my blog tell me i am wrong, i would have to say they are loony tunes based upon the facts.Ignorance is bliss until it kicks down your front door!!!Or takes your country over!!!
uktrustseeker, I my openion you have to support a political party which you think is going to serve your purpuse and play an active role in the party, I do know that still lot of English, Scots, Welsh, and N Irish people are naive, for that matter also majority of ethnic non muslims of this country are also naive about Islam and the motives of Muslims. I think we have to awaken the ones who are still asleep and not knowing what is happening to this country at the hands of Muslims. I am not a muslim but I do know their intensions are not good towards this country. I personally support BNP although I am not English, but I believe in their cause. Without orgnazing ourselves there is not going to be any victory, to learn more about Evils of Islam log on www.faithfreedom.org www.rhereligionofpeace.com www.jihad-watch.org www.islam-watch.org www.danielpipes.org ssk
Try googling UKTruthSeeker and see what you come up with.And I said to you - if you don't have a clue what people should do , why are you bothering ?Whingeing endless away is totally useless unless you have a strategy of some sort.And if you set yourself up as an beacon of righteousness and defender of democracy, then people will expect a suggested solution, not a 'the ball is in your own court' response.You need to sit down and take a long THINK about the way forward - the response ' Who am i to tell you what to do, you are your own person ' is a total waste of time and it sends your credibility into the negative. Also, you will not win any battles, never mind the war, treating people of like mind in an antagonist fashion.
UKtruthseeker:As if i really care one iota about your self righteous opinion.You spouted off first so i responded in like manner.You know absolutely nothing about me!!!I have no need to whinge because actions speak louder than words, and from where i am sitting you are nothing but a man of words sitting back criticising.The ball is in your court was my response to you 'Why should i tell you what to do?'Your obviously your own man!!!And how stupid do you think i am to share my deepest thoughts with you over a computer screen, come on dumbo!!And you try putting yourself up on some self righteous pedastall, i think you will find that you are the one who will not win any battles let alone a war.You say people of like mind?Your not of like mind to me they way you speak to me so who are you to say "you will not win any battles, never mind the war, treating people of like mind in an antagonist fashion." I never opened the door and asked your advice on anything, you jumped through the window shouting your mouth off.I think you need to take a step back and think long and hard about things and the way forward.I have set myself up as nothing, i had my life threatend by Pakistani Moslems and this is a progressive response.You obviously have a very high opinion of yourself UKtruthseeker so please jump back out of that window and dont come back because your attitude is not welcome here.Lionheart
Urban11 i kept your BNP statement up because it is you but i will remove anymore because this is not a platform for any political party, a war to destroy our Civilisation crosses all political boundaries so i personally am neutral in that arena and support those who have the interests of the future of our country at heart like David Davis of the Conservatives, and even John Reid of Labour.The Conservative where i live is a good man and does a good job for the community.Politics is a persons individual choice, and for others to present that case.My blog is about the dire threat Islam poses not just to our Country but to the civilised World.People can work out for themselves who is going defend them and their birthright as British citizens in the political realm.
And by the way UKtruthseeker if you did not know already i am currently on bail on 'suspicion of stirring up racial hatred' through my blog so i am already on the Establishment alter of appeasement and surrender to the Islamic Kingdom of Great Britain, its just whether or not they want to put the rope around my neck and try and hang me.
Yes, I see your dilemma: people get bored by your repetitive ranting which merely repeats that something should be done without specifying what it is, and you can't actually say what you would like your readers to do because this would certainly get you locked up, and rightly so.But you really shouldn't worry about persecution: I gather that you are regarded by the authorities as a fairly harmless young man and, so long as you are careful and carry on just talking vaguely about terrible dangers without making any accusations which are actionable, it is unlikely that any harm will come to you.After all, you've been going on like this for a long time now and haven't suffered anything worse than a rap on the knuckles. Just be careful, that's all. In particular, you should watch what comments from readers you publish: some of those which have appeared, particularly the illiterate ones, could be construed as hate speech or incitement to violence and might get you shut down.
Notinuniform:You say my 'repetitive ranting', but i think you will find that this is the first video i have ever made on the subject and unlike you not everyone in this world can read or write or have the time to sit down and read the 18 months worth of writings that are on my blog.This video message has just compressed a small part of it in 11 minutes.You might have been here a while reading but i am sure many havent, so this is just taking old news and re-packaging it for a wider audience.You say i cannot say what i want my readers to do because it would get me locked up, when in reality i have said several times that they should help the police, this is one way of tackilng the threat isnt it?Or in today's Orwellian society will that get us locked up too?There are many ways to skin a cat dont you agree?I am still on police bail so hopefully that will end with a wrap on the knuckles.My comments are now moderated too.
Paul, I am sure that notinuniform is an agent provocature and only wants to provoke you to say more violent things so that there is reason to lock you up. Dont take anything he says seriously, just go on talking as he says vagely so that noone can say that you are a violent person which I am sure you are not and tell people to help the police is the very best thing which it is.And it is good that you do not allow comments about the BNP or say that you support them because most people dispise them they are really bad and anti-Christian.
What we all need to do is open people's eyes to what is going on. Once enough of us know then we'll see change. But this has to happen fast.
One day, maybe too late, maybe not, the British People will wake up.They will wake up to find a large enough minority of Muslims, who will get up to the voting booths under the instruction of their religious leaders, and they will use the electoral process to vote in a huge swathe of M.P.'s from the urban areas , enough perhaps to give the Islamic Political/Religious war-machine enough power in Parliament to strip our Democracy of it's tatty clothing and flagellate it until it is pushed beneath the Sharia boot-heels of the New Model army of the European Islamic "Ummah."Sound far fetched?So did the rise of Hitler until he became Chancellor and sealed the fate of the millions of Jews, Europeans and Allies that died attempting to wrest Freedom from the bloody hands of Nazism.A single warning voice emerged from the gathering storm, Sir Winston Churchill, and the pathetic cowards of Westminster laughed into their brandies as they chortled, "it can't happen here!"Well, it bloody well did.And it bloody well will. Again, this time at the point of the Sword of Islam.Then we may see the British sleeping fools wake from their gluttonous slumber.Gorged on materialism and Mc Donalds.How the Muslim civil-war warriors will love to grind down those that resist.Every day, thousands of mostly Muslim-country born invaders, fly into Britain, or in the backs of lorries, or trunks of cars, they are the advanced guard.And who is it that lets this happen?The Liberal Socialist pack of hyenas, that shout at Russia from under the broken wing of American backed NATO, telling Russia that they cannot annexe the Russian speaking regions of Georgia, whilst previously having handed the Christian Serbian lands of Kosovo to the Muslim Albanian "government" that shelters the Mudjahadeen terrorist fighters that organise much of the heroin trade into Europe.They will all have Euro-passports soon, and then we shall rue the day we stepped into Afghanistan.Things will have to be much worse, until the lazy arsed British stand up for their freedom.They leave it to this lack-lustre pocket-lining bunch of pretend-Communist has-beens to run their lives for them.What?A herd of sheep led by a gaggle of clowns?No wonder the Polish are going home.They will not let their country be invaded so easily. The British are becoming a fat and lazy bunch of prattling fools, I am sorry to say.This does not mean there are not many who maintain the best things of British society, but it does mean the majority are lost in a dream of faked up property prices, foreign holidays, and credit-card debts.And just who will clean up when the house prices reach bottom?Who will own the larger part of British property?The Jews, all 250.000 of them?Don't think so. Work it out.Which countries own vast swathes of Britain already?Clue; they fly into their investments in private airliners, with their rattling cash-boxes,and their wives behind them, and the price of oil is irrelevant to them.Who do you see doing as they please on the streets of Luton and the like?Who dare the Law not touch?Who do you see in their Mercs and 4x4's?Does it have to be spelled out?Who do you see tearing around in different cars delivering things every night?Are they all pizza-boys?Or are they supplying the grubby trade in death and prostitution, theft and violence that the drug-trade brings?The Luton police are turn the other way as they go by. Look at the family gangs that run these trades.What a poor show.Lions led by whimpering high-ups who have been told what the big plan is.Q; Why is George Galloway M.P. hated by the establishment?Could it be he dares to expose the facts that this government is already in the hands of the rising Islamic tide?He has himself crossed the line, and cuddled up to the side he thinks will win the game.And for any sucker in the USA reading this, if you vote in Barach Obama on his tide of spurious flag waving bull-shit, which you almost certainly will, you will live to see the tough heart of America, battered and bled of all it's spunk until you have the same Socialist inspired leeched out shell of Society that Europe is becoming.If you don't believe it, then why is the Islamist in waiting, George Galloway, doing the rounds of the British media, spouting his love of and admiration of Obama as the Saviour of the World, who will see-off nasty old Bushy-wushy, and pull the Allies out of Iraq and then Afghanistan, whatever that leaves behind, and then usher in the next stage of the annexation of the Free-World to the ravenous Islamic World Super-State; the Khalifate they have lusted after since their expulsion from Spain and Eastern Europe many Centuries ago.Laugh if you like, but the last laugh will not be yours.Keep telling as it is Lionheart.Your warnings cannot be erased, they are engraved on too many hearts.Events are moving ever quicker, and the wicker-fences of Europe are crumbling.
First, the traitorous politicians must be removed from office through the ballot. We still have a chance to do this. But if we wait much longer, civil war will ensue. At some point the Englishman will awake.
great video, sorry i've deleted my facebook account etc, nothing serious but trying to fund certain channels legitimately. this video is great paul.willow
But they've got a long way to go: at the last election there were 48 Muslim candidates but only four were elected. It will be a very long time indeed before Muslim representation in Parliament comes anywhere near equalling that of the other religious or ethnic minorities. One of these days you may get a Muslim MP in Luton, of course. You probably won't like that much.
LH why cant u take truths critisism. he merely suggested the limitations one has by making a video, blog or writing about it. Turth is correct if your going to advocate people might look to u. At this stage you should have a plan or else ur just talking alot and saying nothing. Now u can't beat the bubble walls down. I would suggest u beat them from within. As in run for elective office and then use that office's position to further the cause. That is all truth was trying to articulate.
impartialobserver,Although many Muslims have been selected by positive discrimination (ha, ha!), very few Muslims bother to vote.This is because Democracy is irrelevant to them.I think what is referred to, is that at some point in the future, you will see the religious leaders order,(yes they can do that) their brothers in jihad out to take part in a significant tactical election that because of the usual casual "can't be bothered" attitude of the British electorate, could result in a surprise input of some scores of Muslim candidates into urban wards where, the swing vote may only be a few thousand.Labour has tried for some time to curry favour with them, but without much success except for the appointment of some Muslim Lords.The Tories are following suit, so what does that say?It says that politicians are awake to the power of the Islamic vote should it ever materialise.The bigger question is this, is it wise to wait until it is a real possibility?How few soldiers had to be inside the Trojan Horse, for the Greeks to win their battle with Troy?!This story which every school-kid is taught, seems to fall on deaf ears.
Okay, I'll give you something to do - get out and organize a protest, and then organize another protest. Rally people of same mind, quit participating in the politically correct group who limit what you say and do through terror, and if you don't want to organize or help organize a protest, then organize or help organize people in large numbers to refrain from going to work on a particular day. The British are all thinking the same thing, whether they be colored or white, religious or not; people do not want a particular group of people - followers of Islam, to be treated like owners of England and the British to be treated as foot-wipe. Now is the time to do something to save England. Europe needs someone to start the way and the other countries will follow. Britain has always been a leader - her name is 'Great Britain' and God Bless Her.
lh talks the talk but cant walk the walk......what is your suggestion lh?How do we fix this?
You should think before you speak anonymous it really lets you down.Read my blog.
The answers shout from between the lines, just as the shout went out from between the lines at every battle the British have had to fight.But for Britain, with the later help of our Allies, Europe would be very different today, and whole communities of people would have been wiped from the Earth.Time to stand up for Britain and all decent British, born or adopted.When Europe lurches towards a very different path, which we should expect, we shall witness that law of physics which prescribes that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.When Europe turns right at the crossroads, as the enormity of the task of survival smacks us down, it must be Britain that leads the charge.Repatriation of oil-Sheik owned companies, freezing of the assets of all terror related criminal activities, expulsion or internment of all enemies of the people.These times shall come.It may seem far-fetched now, but as the cards fall to the ground and the fate of Europe turns on the final hand, the new order must be led by British reason and not Teutonic fascism.A new world order will arise, and it will not be that of the capitalist neo-cons, for America will turn away inward to lick her wounds, nor the predatory wishes of the Islamic Caliphate in waiting, it will be that of the survivors of the cataclysmic events that are beginning to unfold upon us now.Europe will be ripped from top to bottom by civil-strife and Governments shall fall, and kings shall become paupers.Britons shall awake to their Destiny once again.The traitors and Quislings whose action shave led us into the blind alley shall cringe and cower before their fate.It seems unbelievable nonsense does it not?So have the times during which preceded every major conflict of the last Century.How much reminding do we need?
Good presentation but why the need to desecrate the flag of England with that of Israel. Israel doesnt give a damn about England and the English, Israelis only care about their own survival and thats fine but put England first not Israel.
"Desecrate" I am showing my support for Israel the apple of Gods eye and its Jewish people.The Islamic World is calling for another Holocaust and for me personally and those English people who stand with me, we will not let that happen in our life times.We will not sit back like our forefathers did during the Nazis reign of terror, and only act when forced too.The flag is my solidarity from my heart.And if you didnt know there are Jewish people who are forming a coalition to stand with us throughout Europe to defeat todays Global Jihad.http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/127488
@English and Proud: Israel does and always has cared about Britain, but that is besides the point. Paul, Your video is great and the point you make, and the fact that you back it up with "evidence" is brilliant. Cheers, Victoria
Hi Paul,I really support you, but I don't think it's good to put an Israeli flag inside the English flag. Surely putting the two flags side by side would be as effective in expressing your beliefs without suggesting any sort of interference in national sovereignty.Just a suggestion.The content of the video is very good. I wish more people would realize that this is a WAR.
I understand and appreciate your intention with the flag, but surely this sort of arrangement would achieve the same result without possibly alienating English patriots who simply don't like the idea of something else superimposed upon the St George flag:http://www.uscg.mil/D1/response/jrt/Images/CANUS_crossed_flags.jpgAnyway, keep up the good work.
you may find this interesting and very relevant to the topic: http://www.thehindu.com/holnus/001200905021711.htmfor your info, 'the hindu' is one of the, or the, most respected and responsible newspapers in india.
check this: http://www.thehindu.com/holnus/001200905021711.htmwelcome to the future
UKTruthSeeker asks "... exactly WHAT are you expecting people to do?" History tells us time and time again that the only way (short of war) to defeat the kind of threat we are currently facing is to get organized politically. In other words, join the British National Party. Individuals and small groups are easy for the establishment to pick off and silence, but well organized political parties are much more difficult for them to deal with. Also, such parties give strength to those of us who are not so bold, but who want to do something anyway.In crises like these, natural leaders emerge from threatened communities to warn us of the danger and to encourage us to take action. Lionheart is one such. I believe that everything he says about the potential future threat to this country is correct, but unfortunately it will probably take some catastrophic event to make the nation sit up and take notice (evidently the London bombings weren't enough to rouse the population).
why has your rhetoric been toned down?How come you no longer put up nonsensequal links with muoslems and terror and drugs.why have you dumbed down the incitement.I loved ALL that ethnic and moslem bashing?you have rallied us together like you did on the "march for Englans" and inspired us for so long and told us the truth about these migrant moslems but I fear you ar enow back tracking.Call yourself Lionheart but are you scared?Look how distant yourself from that great day when we on your say so rallied up and marched for england through the streets of england like crusaders.Look how we were so close to Saladin's den (Bury Park) to be stopped by the police... when we were only marching for England.Why have you distant yourself fromt he rest of us, you inspired us and made us do ALL this and now you walk away from us.
You will read my view point and why i reluctantly distanced myself from the EDL yesterday.www.edlchronicles.comThe EDL i helped form was hijacked by someone, then supported by nobodies and the crowd then went along with it.Respect to the Luton division who chose to make their position clear and bring their group under the EDL banner like i petitioned for people to do after the split from Casuals United and then reluctantly EDL.Just because you do not go along with the crowd does not mean you are wrong!!!I am still here to fight another day!Read my stuff and you will understand my view point, and then you determine in your own mind whether i am scared?My blog has served its purpose if you ahd not noticed. I was under arrest for 18 months over it, with it now standing as a testimony for free speech.Before you criticise me, ask yourself; what have i dont for my country?We are at war, and there are many fronts to this war, and we must work out who is who and what is what to win because what will happen if we lose?"Deus Vult"
following a bunch of pirates is not going to help save our country is it.I would rather stand alone than follow a crowd that is led by them, which is what i have shown.
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brill video Lionhert I have forwarded this on to about 50 people. I dont know if you know but the Moslems in Aberdeen are pushing for a 5000 capoacity mosque in our city dominating our open beach front.
Keep up the fight people are now not scared to speak up. I will go to jail if I havce too they will never keep me quiet.
Aberdeen Patriot.
Paul, the only political solution is to join the BNP. Call me Dave will not change a thing,
OK Paul.
Your video begs a question doesn't it .... exactly WHAT are you expecting people to do ? They WILL sit in front of their TV's watching the tripe that now passes for 'entertainment' and they WILL adopt the 'I'm all right Jack - leave it to the Police' attitude - the ultimate cop-out ( pun intended ).
You cannot fight it alone - the establishment will pick you off, either by use of the Race Laws or by ridiculing you as a looney tune with mental problems.
So, back to the issue - WHAT EXACTLY do you expect people to do ? Have you thought it through ?
Do you have a tactic ? A plan ?
If not, you are wasting your time, because you have to have an answer when people ask you ' What do you want ME to do ?'
Acting alone ,one method of course is to 'martyr' yourself on the establishments altar and let them take you to court - if they are stupid enough to do so. The reason of course that they haven't as yet, is because they know what the backlash from the 'silent majority' will be, and since they didn't get a conviction in the Griffin / Collett case , he CPS know they won't get a conviction for you either. So they will keep you hanging with the Sword of Damocles over your head.
They know full well no jury will convict on this issue, but they might try it on again anyway.
I hope they do - it's the best free publicity you will ever get.
However, back to the main point - what exactly do you expect people to do ? Be careful how you answer of course - remember the incitement laws.
Why not stand as a prospective MP in the next election ?
Who am i to tell you what to do, you are your own person.
Sit in doors and watch TV whilst your Country burns or work out your place within society and your sphere of influence and work to bring change.
You can get up and do something how little small or big or you can sit back and do nothing but it will be your children and grandchildren who will face the consequences of that path.
The military wing of the Islamic World is at War with our Civilisation, seeking to take us into a 7th Century dark age, there is enough proof out there that corroborates that claim.
I am just doing what i can within my sphere of influence, with the tools that are in my hands.
What would the future say if i didnt?
Our forefathers fought and died for this Country so why should we sit back and allow its destruction and take over in our generation?
We are reaping the cowardice, appeasement and surrender of the last generation, and if we do not do anything then what will the next generation face.
Atleast i have done what i can, what about you?
I serve the Living God so let whoever wants to come for me come for me, my trust and faith are in His hands nobody elses.
Deus Vult
by the way UKtruthseeker, i am sure that there are many who have gone before who have been called a loony tune for speaking the truth that threatens the status quo so it doesnt really bother me because i know the truth, those who are watching know the truth, and i have alot of support all around the world who know the truth because it is their truth too just happening in a different part of the world.
How can any sane minded person looking at the facts and evidence i have produced on my blog tell me i am wrong, i would have to say they are loony tunes based upon the facts.
Ignorance is bliss until it kicks down your front door!!!
Or takes your country over!!!
uktrustseeker, I my openion you have to support a political party which you think is going to serve your purpuse and play an active role in the party, I do know that still lot of English, Scots, Welsh, and N Irish people are naive, for that matter also majority of ethnic non muslims of this country are also naive about Islam and the motives of Muslims. I think we have to awaken the ones who are still asleep and not knowing what is happening to this country at the hands of Muslims. I am not a muslim but I do know their intensions are not good towards this country. I personally support BNP although I am not English, but I believe in their cause. Without orgnazing ourselves there is not going to be any victory, to learn more about Evils of Islam log on www.faithfreedom.org www.rhereligionofpeace.com www.jihad-watch.org www.islam-watch.org www.danielpipes.org ssk
Try googling UKTruthSeeker and see what you come up with.
And I said to you - if you don't have a clue what people should do , why are you bothering ?
Whingeing endless away is totally useless unless you have a strategy of some sort.
And if you set yourself up as an beacon of righteousness and defender of democracy, then people will expect a suggested solution, not a 'the ball is in your own court' response.
You need to sit down and take a long THINK about the way forward - the response ' Who am i to tell you what to do, you are your own person ' is a total waste of time and it sends your credibility into the negative.
Also, you will not win any battles, never mind the war, treating people of like mind in an antagonist fashion.
As if i really care one iota about your self righteous opinion.
You spouted off first so i responded in like manner.
You know absolutely nothing about me!!!
I have no need to whinge because actions speak louder than words, and from where i am sitting you are nothing but a man of words sitting back criticising.
The ball is in your court was my response to you 'Why should i tell you what to do?'
Your obviously your own man!!!
And how stupid do you think i am to share my deepest thoughts with you over a computer screen, come on dumbo!!
And you try putting yourself up on some self righteous pedastall, i think you will find that you are the one who will not win any battles let alone a war.
You say people of like mind?
Your not of like mind to me they way you speak to me so who are you to say "you will not win any battles, never mind the war, treating people of like mind in an antagonist fashion."
I never opened the door and asked your advice on anything, you jumped through the window shouting your mouth off.
I think you need to take a step back and think long and hard about things and the way forward.
I have set myself up as nothing, i had my life threatend by Pakistani Moslems and this is a progressive response.
You obviously have a very high opinion of yourself UKtruthseeker so please jump back out of that window and dont come back because your attitude is not welcome here.
Urban11 i kept your BNP statement up because it is you but i will remove anymore because this is not a platform for any political party, a war to destroy our Civilisation crosses all political boundaries so i personally am neutral in that arena and support those who have the interests of the future of our country at heart like David Davis of the Conservatives, and even John Reid of Labour.
The Conservative where i live is a good man and does a good job for the community.
Politics is a persons individual choice, and for others to present that case.
My blog is about the dire threat Islam poses not just to our Country but to the civilised World.
People can work out for themselves who is going defend them and their birthright as British citizens in the political realm.
And by the way UKtruthseeker if you did not know already i am currently on bail on 'suspicion of stirring up racial hatred' through my blog so i am already on the Establishment alter of appeasement and surrender to the Islamic Kingdom of Great Britain, its just whether or not they want to put the rope around my neck and try and hang me.
Yes, I see your dilemma: people get bored by your repetitive ranting which merely repeats that something should be done without specifying what it is, and you can't actually say what you would like your readers to do because this would certainly get you locked up, and rightly so.
But you really shouldn't worry about persecution: I gather that you are regarded by the authorities as a fairly harmless young man and, so long as you are careful and carry on just talking vaguely about terrible dangers without making any accusations which are actionable, it is unlikely that any harm will come to you.
After all, you've been going on like this for a long time now and haven't suffered anything worse than a rap on the knuckles. Just be careful, that's all. In particular, you should watch what comments from readers you publish: some of those which have appeared, particularly the illiterate ones, could be construed as hate speech or incitement to violence and might get you shut down.
You say my 'repetitive ranting', but i think you will find that this is the first video i have ever made on the subject and unlike you not everyone in this world can read or write or have the time to sit down and read the 18 months worth of writings that are on my blog.
This video message has just compressed a small part of it in 11 minutes.
You might have been here a while reading but i am sure many havent, so this is just taking old news and re-packaging it for a wider audience.
You say i cannot say what i want my readers to do because it would get me locked up, when in reality i have said several times that they should help the police, this is one way of tackilng the threat isnt it?
Or in today's Orwellian society will that get us locked up too?
There are many ways to skin a cat dont you agree?
I am still on police bail so hopefully that will end with a wrap on the knuckles.
My comments are now moderated too.
Paul, I am sure that notinuniform is an agent provocature and only wants to provoke you to say more violent things so that there is reason to lock you up. Dont take anything he says seriously, just go on talking as he says vagely so that noone can say that you are a violent person which I am sure you are not and tell people to help the police is the very best thing which it is.
And it is good that you do not allow comments about the BNP or say that you support them because most people dispise them they are really bad and anti-Christian.
What we all need to do is open people's eyes to what is going on. Once enough of us know then we'll see change. But this has to happen fast.
One day, maybe too late, maybe not, the British People will wake up.
They will wake up to find a large enough minority of Muslims, who will get up to the voting booths under the instruction of their religious leaders, and they will use the electoral process to vote in a huge swathe of M.P.'s from the urban areas , enough perhaps to give the Islamic Political/Religious war-machine enough power in Parliament to strip our Democracy of it's tatty clothing and flagellate it until it is pushed beneath the Sharia boot-heels of the New Model army of the European Islamic "Ummah."
Sound far fetched?
So did the rise of Hitler until he became Chancellor and sealed the fate of the millions of Jews, Europeans and Allies that died attempting to wrest Freedom from the bloody hands of Nazism.
A single warning voice emerged from the gathering storm, Sir Winston Churchill, and the pathetic cowards of Westminster laughed into their brandies as they chortled, "it can't happen here!"
Well, it bloody well did.
And it bloody well will. Again, this time at the point of the Sword of Islam.
Then we may see the British sleeping fools wake from their gluttonous slumber.
Gorged on materialism and Mc Donalds.
How the Muslim civil-war warriors will love to grind down those that resist.
Every day, thousands of mostly Muslim-country born invaders, fly into Britain, or in the backs of lorries, or trunks of cars, they are the advanced guard.
And who is it that lets this happen?
The Liberal Socialist pack of hyenas, that shout at Russia from under the broken wing of American backed NATO, telling Russia that they cannot annexe the Russian speaking regions of Georgia, whilst previously having handed the Christian Serbian lands of Kosovo to the Muslim Albanian "government" that shelters the Mudjahadeen terrorist fighters that organise much of the heroin trade into Europe.
They will all have Euro-passports soon, and then we shall rue the day we stepped into Afghanistan.
Things will have to be much worse, until the lazy arsed British stand up for their freedom.
They leave it to this lack-lustre pocket-lining bunch of pretend-Communist has-beens to run their lives for them.
A herd of sheep led by a gaggle of clowns?
No wonder the Polish are going home.
They will not let their country be invaded so easily.
The British are becoming a fat and lazy bunch of prattling fools, I am sorry to say.
This does not mean there are not many who maintain the best things of British society, but it does mean the majority are lost in a dream of faked up property prices, foreign holidays, and credit-card debts.
And just who will clean up when the house prices reach bottom?
Who will own the larger part of British property?
The Jews, all 250.000 of them?
Don't think so. Work it out.
Which countries own vast swathes of Britain already?
Clue; they fly into their investments in private airliners, with their rattling cash-boxes,and their wives behind them, and the price of oil is irrelevant to them.
Who do you see doing as they please on the streets of Luton and the like?
Who dare the Law not touch?
Who do you see in their Mercs and 4x4's?
Does it have to be spelled out?
Who do you see tearing around in different cars delivering things every night?
Are they all pizza-boys?
Or are they supplying the grubby trade in death and prostitution, theft and violence that the drug-trade brings?
The Luton police are turn the other way as they go by. Look at the family gangs that run these trades.
What a poor show.
Lions led by whimpering high-ups who have been told what the big plan is.
Q; Why is George Galloway M.P. hated by the establishment?
Could it be he dares to expose the facts that this government is already in the hands of the rising Islamic tide?
He has himself crossed the line, and cuddled up to the side he thinks will win the game.
And for any sucker in the USA reading this, if you vote in Barach Obama on his tide of spurious flag waving bull-shit, which you almost certainly will, you will live to see the tough heart of America, battered and bled of all it's spunk until you have the same Socialist inspired leeched out shell of Society that Europe is becoming.
If you don't believe it, then why is the Islamist in waiting, George Galloway, doing the rounds of the British media, spouting his love of and admiration of Obama as the Saviour of the World, who will see-off nasty old Bushy-wushy, and pull the Allies out of Iraq and then Afghanistan, whatever that leaves behind, and then usher in the next stage of the annexation of the Free-World to the ravenous Islamic World Super-State; the Khalifate they have lusted after since their expulsion from Spain and Eastern Europe many Centuries ago.
Laugh if you like, but the last laugh will not be yours.
Keep telling as it is Lionheart.
Your warnings cannot be erased, they are engraved on too many hearts.
Events are moving ever quicker, and the wicker-fences of Europe are crumbling.
First, the traitorous politicians must be removed from office through the ballot. We still have a chance to do this. But if we wait much longer, civil war will ensue. At some point the Englishman will awake.
great video, sorry i've deleted my facebook account etc, nothing serious but trying to fund certain channels legitimately. this video is great paul.
But they've got a long way to go: at the last election there were 48 Muslim candidates but only four were elected. It will be a very long time indeed before Muslim representation in Parliament comes anywhere near equalling that of the other religious or ethnic minorities. One of these days you may get a Muslim MP in Luton, of course. You probably won't like that much.
LH why cant u take truths critisism. he merely suggested the limitations one has by making a video, blog or writing about it. Turth is correct if your going to advocate people might look to u. At this stage you should have a plan or else ur just talking alot and saying nothing. Now u can't beat the bubble walls down. I would suggest u beat them from within. As in run for elective office and then use that office's position to further the cause. That is all truth was trying to articulate.
Although many Muslims have been selected by positive discrimination (ha, ha!), very few Muslims bother to vote.
This is because Democracy is irrelevant to them.
I think what is referred to, is that at some point in the future, you will see the religious leaders order,(yes they can do that) their brothers in jihad out to take part in a significant tactical election that because of the usual casual "can't be bothered" attitude of the British electorate, could result in a surprise input of some scores of Muslim candidates into urban wards where, the swing vote may only be a few thousand.
Labour has tried for some time to curry favour with them, but without much success except for the appointment of some Muslim Lords.
The Tories are following suit, so what does that say?
It says that politicians are awake to the power of the Islamic vote should it ever materialise.
The bigger question is this, is it wise to wait until it is a real possibility?
How few soldiers had to be inside the Trojan Horse, for the Greeks to win their battle with Troy?!
This story which every school-kid is taught, seems to fall on deaf ears.
Okay, I'll give you something to do - get out and organize a protest, and then organize another protest. Rally people of same mind, quit participating in the politically correct group who limit what you say and do through terror, and if you don't want to organize or help organize a protest, then organize or help organize people in large numbers to refrain from going to work on a particular day. The British are all thinking the same thing, whether they be colored or white, religious or not; people do not want a particular group of people - followers of Islam, to be treated like owners of England and the British to be treated as foot-wipe. Now is the time to do something to save England. Europe needs someone to start the way and the other countries will follow. Britain has always been a leader - her name is 'Great Britain' and God Bless Her.
lh talks the talk but cant walk the walk......what is your suggestion lh?
How do we fix this?
You should think before you speak anonymous it really lets you down.
Read my blog.
The answers shout from between the lines, just as the shout went out from between the lines at every battle the British have had to fight.
But for Britain, with the later help of our Allies, Europe would be very different today, and whole communities of people would have been wiped from the Earth.
Time to stand up for Britain and all decent British, born or adopted.
When Europe lurches towards a very different path, which we should expect, we shall witness that law of physics which prescribes that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
When Europe turns right at the crossroads, as the enormity of the task of survival smacks us down, it must be Britain that leads the charge.
Repatriation of oil-Sheik owned companies, freezing of the assets of all terror related criminal activities, expulsion or internment of all enemies of the people.
These times shall come.
It may seem far-fetched now, but as the cards fall to the ground and the fate of Europe turns on the final hand, the new order must be led by British reason and not Teutonic fascism.
A new world order will arise, and it will not be that of the capitalist neo-cons, for America will turn away inward to lick her wounds, nor the predatory wishes of the Islamic Caliphate in waiting, it will be that of the survivors of the cataclysmic events that are beginning to unfold upon us now.
Europe will be ripped from top to bottom by civil-strife and Governments shall fall, and kings shall become paupers.
Britons shall awake to their Destiny once again.
The traitors and Quislings whose action shave led us into the blind alley shall cringe and cower before their fate.
It seems unbelievable nonsense does it not?
So have the times during which preceded every major conflict of the last Century.
How much reminding do we need?
Good presentation but why the need to desecrate the flag of England with that of Israel. Israel doesnt give a damn about England and the English, Israelis only care about their own survival and thats fine but put England first not Israel.
"Desecrate" I am showing my support for Israel the apple of Gods eye and its Jewish people.
The Islamic World is calling for another Holocaust and for me personally and those English people who stand with me, we will not let that happen in our life times.
We will not sit back like our forefathers did during the Nazis reign of terror, and only act when forced too.
The flag is my solidarity from my heart.
And if you didnt know there are Jewish people who are forming a coalition to stand with us throughout Europe to defeat todays Global Jihad.
@English and Proud: Israel does and always has cared about Britain, but that is besides the point. Paul, Your video is great and the point you make, and the fact that you back it up with "evidence" is brilliant.
Hi Paul,
I really support you, but I don't think it's good to put an Israeli flag inside the English flag. Surely putting the two flags side by side would be as effective in expressing your beliefs without suggesting any sort of interference in national sovereignty.
Just a suggestion.
The content of the video is very good.
I wish more people would realize that this is a WAR.
I understand and appreciate your intention with the flag, but surely this sort of arrangement would achieve the same result without possibly alienating English patriots who simply don't like the idea of something else superimposed upon the St George flag:
Anyway, keep up the good work.
you may find this interesting and very relevant to the topic:
for your info, 'the hindu' is one of the, or the, most respected and responsible newspapers in india.
check this:
welcome to the future
UKTruthSeeker asks "... exactly WHAT are you expecting people to do?"
History tells us time and time again that the only way (short of war) to defeat the kind of threat we are currently facing is to get organized politically. In other words, join the British National Party. Individuals and small groups are easy for the establishment to pick off and silence, but well organized political parties are much more difficult for them to deal with. Also, such parties give strength to those of us who are not so bold, but who want to do something anyway.
In crises like these, natural leaders emerge from threatened communities to warn us of the danger and to encourage us to take action. Lionheart is one such. I believe that everything he says about the potential future threat to this country is correct, but unfortunately it will probably take some catastrophic event to make the nation sit up and take notice (evidently the London bombings weren't enough to rouse the population).
why has your rhetoric been toned down?
How come you no longer put up nonsensequal links with muoslems and terror and drugs.
why have you dumbed down the incitement.
I loved ALL that ethnic and moslem bashing?
you have rallied us together like you did on the "march for Englans" and inspired us for so long and told us the truth about these migrant moslems but I fear you ar enow back tracking.
Call yourself Lionheart but are you scared?
Look how distant yourself from that great day when we on your say so rallied up and marched for england through the streets of england like crusaders.
Look how we were so close to Saladin's den (Bury Park) to be stopped by the police... when we were only marching for England.
Why have you distant yourself fromt he rest of us, you inspired us and made us do ALL this and now you walk away from us.
You will read my view point and why i reluctantly distanced myself from the EDL yesterday.
The EDL i helped form was hijacked by someone, then supported by nobodies and the crowd then went along with it.
Respect to the Luton division who chose to make their position clear and bring their group under the EDL banner like i petitioned for people to do after the split from Casuals United and then reluctantly EDL.
Just because you do not go along with the crowd does not mean you are wrong!!!
I am still here to fight another day!
Read my stuff and you will understand my view point, and then you determine in your own mind whether i am scared?
My blog has served its purpose if you ahd not noticed. I was under arrest for 18 months over it, with it now standing as a testimony for free speech.
Before you criticise me, ask yourself; what have i dont for my country?
We are at war, and there are many fronts to this war, and we must work out who is who and what is what to win because what will happen if we lose?
"Deus Vult"
following a bunch of pirates is not going to help save our country is it.
I would rather stand alone than follow a crowd that is led by them, which is what i have shown.
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