Our Prime Minister's Labour think tank that creates National policy has publicly stated that Great Britain is no longer a Christian Nation and that Christmas must now be down graded in favour of other religions - namely Islam - for the sake of community cohesion.
Submission to Islam the Islamic mind views this lunacy as!
At least Conservatives Sayeeda Warsi is on the same page as the people of Great Britain, she has publicly stated that Gordon Brown's think tank has lost the plot "Well said"; can you arrange to stop the funding of these lunatics now before its too late then?
Does Gordon Brown's think tank think the people of Britain whose children love Christmas will just sit back and accept this destruction of one of their most special times of the year?
At every turn our society is being forced to submit to Islam with our loony left wing leaders serving the Islamic Kingdom's interests from a position of Dhimmitude, if this act of betrayal regarding Christmas was not proof enough then take a read of what some weak pathetic school teachers had to do under the banner multicultural diversity - Submission
I hope that there will now be some strong Christian leaders who arise in condemnation of Gordon Brown and his loony left wing think tank.
Together we can make a difference and change this madness for the sake of the future.
Daily Mail: Christmas should be downgraded
The Sun: Teachers dress up as Moslems
You could not dream this stuff up!