11 May 2008

Radical Islam Over Runs London Streets

And the British police have arrested me for this blog which is a personal response to this exact conduct of British Moslems on British streets.

Omar Bakri and Abu Hamza were left to freely to openly recruit, radicalise and train these Moslems for Jihad upon British streets who are pictured in this exact video for 15 - 20 years before eventually being arrested and deported.

It took me 12 months for an arrest warrant for my words, and then a further 3 months before I handed myself in for arrest, imprisonment and then interrogation over my words because they might hurt someones feeling along with something to bolster the case against me.

You tell me if that's right?

The Moslems run the streets now wherever they have a large community exactly as I have been saying about what is happening on the ground in Luton & Dunstable where I am from which is the opening frontline in Al Qaeda and the military wing of the Islamic Kingdom of Great Britain's War against the UK. This video courtesy of Glen Jenvey just adds more credence to my words.

I have seen this type of scenario against Luton Police officers on the streets of Bury Park Luton with my own eyes.

If this is what happens to the Police who are the upholders of the law within British society you can only imagine what it is like for the everyday man in the street.

It doesn't fair well for the future of our society does it?

P.S Take a look at my profile picture

Comment from my comments section:

Did you hear individuals in the crowd saying 'how dare they to the police'

I mean bloody hell....first of all the police were cap-in-hand and not just polite - they were soppish and kow-towing to them, they were deferential to them. When the bloody hell are the police ever like that to the indigenous people of these islands.

Then for their dhimmitude they were told...how dare they by the muzzies......ha hah haah, i'm laughing in depressed befuzzlement and outragous incredwilderment (obviously at the sheer manicness and hysterical irrationality of these muslim savages and the ignorance and succour afforded by the police.The coppers weren't expecting - just look at the surprise on them)

Of course knowing as we know what islam is about - it is no surprise to us. But it is a surprise to many people, those police being a few.

Liberals and a lot of others besides haven't a bloody clue what they are dealing with. they think that oh its just a few radicals and extremists and the violence is mainly perpetrated by a few young disconsolate angry young men. (so why were the guys who tried to do glasgow airport doctors from the NHS)

They think that islam is undergoing a struggle at the moment between these 'extremists' and the 'good', 'normal' 'everyday, peaceful' types. NOT SO.

Islam and its adherents is a conscious malevolent dormant volcano waiting for the best time to strike when the inhabitants of the island are least prepared so it can consume them all. The inhabitants will happily live under its shadow for centuries if they think it just gives trouble now and again but that in the main it is a volcano on the way to extinction and as such -the island is safe.

Little do they realise THEY are on the way to extinction, it is only a matter of time. The same is with islam -it is only a matter of time. With islam (because what you saw in the vid IS islam) it is about numbers, and the numbers are growing therefore the clock is ticking and what you see in this video will increase. It is only a matter of time.

Personally i believe it'll be so that we all will face this in the street, I have already in my town and faced it when visiting abroad in muzzie countries(i stood my ground and defended my woman- i'm not takin any shite from this lot.) Those of you who dont do much walking around or who go from point to point by car most of the time or who stay away from less desireable areas or predominantly muslim areas will not have experienced the reality of the street- well what you see here is coming to a street near you.

Prepare yourselves. Start preparing your - mind, body and soul and set up networks of like-minded people - because what you saw in this vid, if you haven't already, because you're from a nicer part of town or smug leafy suburb, this is what you're going to have to deal with. Its what some have dealt with already.

Islamic oppression- coming to a street near you

Be prepared.



  1. How about arresting the lot of them. Starting with the leader for inciting a riot. You could add disturbing the peace for the microphone. Throw in a charge of Treason for remarks about Her Majesty. American cops would be very creative on that.

    I pity England. A once proud, great land.

  2. I say to these primitive, racist hate-mongers and inciters to murder and mayhem, that hatred & incitement are not a one-way street.

    I never in my life hated anyone - not Jamaicans, Africans, even Arabs. Not Christians or Moslems, Hindus or Buddhists, agnostics or aethiests. I only loathed those who hated me and my people and tried to destroy us (some are still trying...).

    So gentlemen of the religion of peace and tolerance, love and charity - your hatred is being reciprocated every day more and more by people like me and one day soon, the 'worm' will turn.

    Then we'll see who runs and hides behind a tree which will call to us, 'Hey, non-Muslims, there is a Muslim hiding behind me, shaking in his little cotton socks. Come and get him and give him a piece of his own bitter medicine..."

    Got it, you mad, destructive, fanatic, violent, pinhead Islamic Settlers in England's green and pleasant land - & other 'infidel' countries where the infidels are beginning to wake up and - when they get really very, very fed-up -will show you the door?

    Remember my words when the Day of Judgement comes and your pleas for mercy fall on deaf ears.

    Anonymous Lady

  3. Well done Lionheart for ringing this to our attention. It is scandalous how these people are allowed to infringe our laws at will. It must stop and we must stop it. We can all do our part by insisting that our laws are applied to ALL people in our land, including Muslims.

    The Infidel

  4. No worries Lionheart, muslims are far too stupid to rule the world. They are inferior to us and that is why there is this rage against the West. Islam is a system for losers, now more than ever. Soon we will reach a boiling point. Shit will hit the fan. The followers of the big fat pedophile will get what they're asking for, islam will be totally destroyed this time.
    Bosey Cyranow (from Brussels)

  5. did you hear individuals in the crowd saying 'how dare they to the police'

    i mean bloody hell....first of all the police were cap-in-hand and not just polite - they were soppish and kow-towing to them, they were deferential to them. When the bloody hell are the police ever like that to the indigenous people of these islands.

    then for their dhimmitude they were told...how dare they by the muzzies......ha hah haah, i'm laughing in depressed befuzzlement and outragous incredwilderment (obviously at the sheer manicness and hysterical irrationality of these muslim savages and the ignorance and succour afforded by the police.The coppers weren't expecting - just look at the surprise on them)

    of course knowing as we know what islam is about - it is no surprise to us. But it is a surprise to many people, those police being a few.

    Liberals and a lot of others besides haven't a bloody clue what they are dealing with. they think that oh its just a few radicals and extremists and the violence is mainly perpetrated by a few young disconsolate angry young men. (so why were the guys who tried to do glasgow airport doctors from the NHS)

    they think that islam is undergoing a struggle at the moment between these 'extremists' and the 'good', 'normal' 'everyday, peaceful' types. NOT SO.

    Islam and its adherents is a conscious malevolent dormant volcano waiting for the best time to strike when the inhabitants of the island are least prepared so it can consume them all. The inhabitants will happily live under its shadow for centuries if they think it just gives trouble now and again but that in the main it is a volcano on the way to extinction and as such -the island is safe.

    Little do they realise THEY are on the way to extinction, it is only a matter of time. The same is with islam -it is only a matter of time. With islam (because what you saw in the vid IS islam) it is about numbers, and the numbers are growing therefore the clock is ticking and what you see in this video will increase. It is only a matter of time.

    Personally i believe it'll be so that we all will face this in the street, I have already in my town and faced it when visiting abroad in muzzie countries(i stood my ground and defended my woman- i'm not takin any shite from this lot.) Those of you who dont do much walking around or who go from point to point by car most of the time or who stay away from less desireable areas or predominantly muslim areas will not have experienced the reality of the street- well what you see here is coming to a street near you.

    Prepare yourselves. Start preparing your - mind, body and soul and set up networks of like-minded people - because what you saw in this vid, if you haven't already, because you're from a nicer part of town or smug leafy suburb, this is what you're going to have to deal with. Its what some have dealt with already.

    islamic oppression- coming to a street near you

    Be prepared.


  6. troops with flame throwers should have been deployed against these vermin.That would have saved a small fortune in dole payments.

  7. Europe Wack up !

    Couage ! Police Men ...

    Shout all this NAZLims-Aliens

    Europe Wack up !

  8. I'm furious and outraged. I only wish the true British could have poured onto the streets to support the police officers, but I would imagine Muslims were in the homes in this district - not sure.

    How dare they?

  9. Muslims/Islam believe that the numbers count, i.e. the more of them, then they will be able to dominate. Well, these muslims idiots aren't too bright. History has reflected that having higher numbers in your group or organization means shit. When it comes down to. An organization/group of people who are more intelligent and smarter have "always" surcome and prevailed. Not use in having more people but unable to apply those numbers in an intelligent manner. Even in modern times, we can see that when a group of people who are smarter but the minority have always come out on top.

    Muslims are still living several hundred years...even thounsand of years in the past. They refuse to conform and mover forward with an advancing society and due to this, this will be their downfall. Now when you add in being arrogant and believing you're stronger than you actually are. This is a perfect mixture to bring on failure at all levels.

    Will we adapt, overcome and win against islam?...I absolutely believe so 100%. Will it be an easy task...no, but we will prevail and overcome what's ahead for us when it comes to islam and their ultimate agenda. Finally people are beginning to wake up and see what islam and muslims truly represent. We need to stay this course and wake up these stupid liberals. And the liberals will only wake up when something affects them directly.

    Islam is simply a politicial ideology disguised as a religion and hiding behind its so called religion to achieve it's objective. I'm a proud America who sincerely loves the true British people. And I believe the brits will be forced to do something about the muslim situation they are presented with currently. Islam is backing all western nations into a corner. And when you force something into a corner it has no choice but to come out fighting. And this is what's going to happen to in our great nations.

    Not one country in the course of our known history has ever just given over their sovereignty to another group peacefully. They have always fought for what they wanted and to keep. Now we are faced with this problem again. Islam has no chance of beating us. It's why the muslims are forced to fight us via using terroristic tactics. Because they know they are unable to fight us in a conventional manner.

    I ask ALL the true and sincere Brits to maintain your course of action and even esculate it. And to never ever give up. You always know america will help you if need be, as americans know the british people would always help us if needed. This is a time in our present history that we need to Stand Together and not become divided.

    I sincerely believe that all out war is immeninet and it will be sooner rather than later. And this writer is more than willing to fight and even lose my life. To ensure that our way of life remains the same. I do this for my children, the children of others and for our great nations future. I much rather die a free man or fighting for our freedoms. Rather than live and be a slave or seen as second class citizen or inferior.

    Muslims are so angry with the west because they know deep down inside they're inferior to us in all ways of life. They are jealous of not just what we have, but what we have achieve and accomplished in life. Which has benefitted all of humanity. Whereas, muslims have not contributed anything that has benefitted all of humanity. When the human body has a disease or illness we do something to remove it so we can remain healthy. Well, islam is a disease and cancer. It's our moral obligation to remove this disease of society and humanity. So we can become and remain healthy. Muslims will never understand this precious gift of living and appreicate what living is all about. Instead, they (muslims) welcome death, violence, destruction and everything that's evil. Lets stay the course and have our resolve to defeat this cancer we all know it as islam. God Bless all the GOOD people of the world and screw the muslims who want to destroy our beautiful planet and way of life.

  10. While this rabble run around shouting, "moderate Islam" waits passively in the wings until they win the numbers game.
    Then Democracy will hand them power on a plate.
    They are having a "charm offensive" in Luton right now.
    Smile at the white man.
    Young lads wave from their flashy cars when you look at them.
    The immans have given the orders to turn up the Taquiya
    One, they sense the rising anger within many non-Muslims.
    Two,they know they must hold fast untill they have a large enough minority interest to go politcal and usurp the Governance of Britain.
    Then it's just a short step to partial Shariaisation of the Law.
    Then will come the breakdown of local control of Muslim areas, as they establish virtual independence, aided and abetted by the Common Purpose Europhiles, who seek a bulwark against the rise of Right wing politics.
    The first step was to get their young people into Town Hall jobs and other positions of influence.
    Then after 9/11 came the enforcement of Islamic submission of their women, as they universally take up the hood and the burkha, now a common sight throughout UK.
    In Nazi Germany, the Jews were herded into ghettos and their shops marked with the Star of David.
    Muslims naturally live in ghettos and mark out their own shops with the arabic sign for "halal."
    They are in a weak position and that is why the Socialist Nu labour party, who are all lining up for their Euro-jobs, starting from Tony Blair's bid for the Euro President, down to the little toadies who, when defeated at the next election, will get promoted sideways into Euro Beaurocrat jobs, as a pay-off for their complicity in the foundation of the new European Socialist Peoples Republic.
    So realising that there is a gap in the next few years, where the multi-culti Socialist concept will be vulnerable following a large Islamic terrorist attack, the moderate Muslims are on the back foot and exposed.
    They are marked out by everything they do.
    They cannot condemn their Muslim brothers and sisters who seek to blow up the Infidels, because their religion states that only Muslims are innocent.
    As confirmed by Mr Choudry and his chums.
    The next few short years are the telling time for the Sharia project to Establish the Islamic Kingdom throughout Europe.
    That is why they fear individuals such as Lionheart, who exposes the problems from within his own experience, which guides the reader to seek a clearer perspective.
    This is why Nu Labour political pressure is being placed on the police to act as the State's enforcers of conformity.
    Without Nu Labour and the wimps of the Liberal alliance, the Sharia Project is doomed to self-inflicted failure.
    Attack at the ground-roots of the Socialist experiment is a far stronger tactic than rubbishing an un-reformable Islam, which is like squeezing a jelly into a plastic bag.

  11. Celtic Crusader, did you see the results of a few thousand football supporters in Manchester the other day?
    Every police person was out on the streets, the whole force.
    They could not cope with a few thousand drunken soccer fans.
    How will they cope with an organised uprising?
    Do they think the Muslim civil-war planners have not realised this?


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