This is a must see for anyone not yet sure about the threat of Islam now in our midst.
This is the reason behind the birth and rise of the English Defence League
Geert Wilders on Europe Part 2
29 September 2009
English Defence League speaks to the media
Not Nazi's as you can see they have burnt a swastika sign, black brothers amongst the ranks which shows they are not racists, and the balaclavas which some might see as threatening are because we live in the reality of what happens if you show your face in opposition to Islamic extremism in today's Britain.
Further reading: Death threats against my life
If one of those EDL brothers was your son, husband, brother or uncle, would you want them to show their faces?
The Islamic community wear the burka, which prevents anybody from seeing who they are, so the balaclava is no dfferent.
Further reading: Death threats against my life
If one of those EDL brothers was your son, husband, brother or uncle, would you want them to show their faces?
The Islamic community wear the burka, which prevents anybody from seeing who they are, so the balaclava is no dfferent.
27 September 2009
22 September 2009
18 September 2009
15 September 2009
13 September 2009
The third Jihad
From the makers of 'Obsession'
Watch the full video: The third Jihad
The Third Jihad exposes the war the media is not telling you about.
Watch the full video: The third Jihad
The Third Jihad exposes the war the media is not telling you about.
12 September 2009
11 September 2009
In memory of the fallen - Never to be forgotten
The birth of the English Defence League & the St George division
9 September 2009
Moslem threats against my life
Update: Bilal's Threats to Kill EDL members
Info courtesy of Brussels journal writer

Info courtesy of Brussels journal writer

Foreword: There have been direct threats against my life made by an administrator on the forum Islamic Revolution, who is also a representative of the militant group Islam4uk which is run by Anjem Choudry and Sayful Islam.
Full thread: Islamic Revolution threats
Before I respond to these threats on here, I would just like to point out to people reading this who do not already know, I was issued with an Osman warning by British detectives last month after they received intelligence relating to a direct threat against my safety.
I asked them “by who” and they said they did not know because it was another force dealing with it. I said “its Moslems”, “oooohhhh you cant say that” they said to me, “well who is it” I said, “we don’t know”,” well its obviously the Moslems” “oooohhhh you cant say that” they said.
So they issue me with a warning about a threat against my life but would not tell me from where the threat it is coming from, so as to be able to watch my back and protect myself properly.
Is that anyway the police should be treating innocent members of the public who have had direct threats made against their life?
How would you feel if it was you?
This is modern policing in the 21st Century if you are under threat from Moslems who do not like the opinions you hold.
Due to political correctness and not wanting to offend Moslems, they can threaten your life, and the police will not tell you. Well they will tell you there is a threat; they are just to scared to say the word ‘Moslem’.
Today it is me and tomorrow it is you - If you decide to voice your opinions about Moslems and Islam within Britain.
That is the reality we now face.
I was under arrest for 18 months with a full and thorough investigation of my blog writings by the Crown Prosecution Service. The Department of Public Prosecutions deemed that my blog was within the guidelines of the law. Which means I have some very valid and legally justifiable points written on the pages of my blog, and that it is in no way racist.
After 2 ½ years of constant writing, if I was a racist or stirring up hatred then I am pretty sure that it would have shown through and I would have stood in the dock charged with offences that break British law, and I would quite possibly be sitting in a prison cell now.
Considering I was arrested for ‘hurting’ Moslems feelings through my words, I think that it is only fair and just in our democratic society that those Moslems who hurt my feelings and threaten my life are arrested by the same police and then held to account by that same British law of which I myself was held to account for 18 months.
For this reason I would ask all readers of this blog here in Britain and around the world to send a letter of complaint to Bedfordshire police asking them to take action against the person who has issued this threat against my safety.
It cannot be one rule for us and another for Moslems in this country, or are things really that bad now that, that is the case?
This is a test of modern British justice and it will be interesting to see the final outcome.
The instigator of the threats standing in the dock in other words, or sadly what we in Britain have become accustomed to when it concerns Moslems, and no action taken against him because he is a Moslem.
So they can threaten and terrorise people and the law will not act, and those in America wonder why nobody wants to show their faces on film.
As outsiders, look how far England has fallen.
Please send your request for a full investigation of the threats against me life and a complaint concerning the differences of justice meted out by the police, to Ian Holden of the Bedfordshire police hate crime unit.
Email: Beds police hate crime unit
Islamic Revolution: The threats
There is a fraud out there that is going around forums and blogs posting in the same name as I use as my nom-de-plume ‘Lionheartuk’. This person is obviously not man enough himself to put his own name to his words so is stirring things up with Moslems and using my name so that I take the flack.
I have my suspicions and I would ask all Patriots and ideological anti-Jihad fighters around the world to help me track down this person through the location of his i.p address so that I know who it is stirring things up for me and endangering my life. I have a list of culprits so just an area of the country they are posting from will narrow down that list.
The lowest of the low!
I never post on forums or blogs other than those where I know the owner due to safety reasons. Whenever you visit a site or make comments your i.p address which is your exact location is logged with the owner of the site. So any comments left anywhere in ‘Lionheart’ or ‘Lionheartuk’ over the last month are not me.
Do you really think I would be stupid enough to leave comments on a forum called Islamic Revolution?
The Moslems on there obviously think I am, and one of the administrators just could not hide his glee thinking it was me, with him sharing what is on their hearts towards me, the actions they have taken against me, the actions other Moslems should take (stirring up hatred), and what he hopes for me.
Here is my rebuttal of the threats made by Bilal.
Well well well... if it isn't Paul Ray himself.
This shows the stupidity of the forum administrator who obviously thinks I am as stupid as him, and that it is me posting.
This filthy kaafir is the spokesman/ex-spokesman of the "English Defence League" (he was recently crying about his divorce with Chris Renton).
I find the term filthy kaafir completely derogatory and completely racist from a religious stand point due to what it actually means. This is one point to be held up against the new religious and racist laws in any future court case.
I pulled out of any active involvement or participation of the EDL protests in Birmingham for my own reasons.
I still work closely with Tommy Robinson and support him, and those around him 100%
You do realise we've been spreading your photo around.
Just send people a link to my blog, its far easier than sending photos around that have traces on them for the intelligence services who can trace exactly where each photo was sent. So right now, every militant Moslem in Britain who has my photo that you sent will be flagged by the intelligence services.
Good work Bilal and you did it free of charge.
You do realise we know you live in Luton and used to have a shop in Dunstable, Bedfordshire.
You don’t say?
It is written all over my blog so anyone with half a brain and 5 minutes spare would be able to find those facts out, but thank you for letting me know where I live and where my shop was.
You do realise your days are literally numbered.
What do you mean?
Is that a direct threat against my safety.
You do realise this is not a threat, it's a promise.
Re-assuring me that the above was not just a threat but a promise.
Signed and sealed threat against my life from Bilal, for British detectives to investigate. I wonder what threats and ideas they are going to find once they start searching through your email accounts (deleting them wont help either).
A lot worse then on here that I am sure of.
You do realise I now have your IP address logged.
Not my i.p but I wouldn’t mind knowing what part of the country it originates from me old mucka.
You do realise that whenever you've shown your dirty pig-skin faces to us, (be it Birmingham when Shaun became Muslim, Green street and now Birmingham again) you've been thrashed left, right and centre.
A racist comment about the colour of my skin.
If I was to say anything like this about people like Bilal with brown skin on my blog then I would be hauled before a court as a racist, so why should it be any different for him.
Cannot be one rule for those with brown skin and another for those with white skin can it?
I thought the British way was all about fair play and justice?
You made it clear on TalkSport that you want war with Islaam itself. In a country full of neo-"terrorists", you are the perfect target.
I never once said I wanted war with Islam, I was pointing out the objective of Islam in Britain which is at war with the non-believers based upon its teachings. My position throughout has been one of defence and not offence.
And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allâh) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allâh Alone [in the whole of the world]. [Al-Anfal 8:39]
He even writes a scripture from his book that proves my point.
Has anyone ever told you what a poof you sound like, by the way?
Yeah they have by the way, people like you who do not have anything constructive to say so they resort to childish insults that they think will have an effect. I am comfortable in my sexuality in as much as I know who I am, unlike you Moslems who are all homophobes and are that scared of homosexuality that you want to throw all gays from buildings, and string them from lampposts to justify your own manhood.
That’s what will happen to homosexuals in Britain when living under sharia law, unless we stop its growth in our land. So all homosexuals reading this, please know that the English Defence League is standing up for your rights within Britain.
Wouldn’t surprise me if you’re a closet Bilal that’s why you have thrown that out there to deflect it from yourself and those homosexual thoughts you have, I’m sure you will find out soon enough if you serve any jail time over your threats, and they pad you up with a nice big lifer *smiles*. Just don’t bend over in the showers to pick up your soap, some lifers like fresh meat and I am sure they will like you.
I heard you on TalkSport. I couldn't stop laughing for 2 reasons:
I am glad you took the time to listen.
1) You sounded like a homosexual pansy and a toff (which, of course, you are).
What I am what I sound are two completely different things.
Toff ha,ha im not sure whether to take that as an insult or a compliment.
2) You couldn't string your points together. You sounded like a whining child who had no substance as to why "he" was whining.
I think I did well enough to have the woman Salma Yaqoob come out defending you all.
Your Koran gives me enough substance for my ‘whining’ Bilal.
Keep up the good work.
Yes I will thanks for the encouragment.
You are reeling in droves of fresh extremist faces ready to engage in Islamist militancy every time your crying gets publicity.
If I was wrong in what I say about Moslems and Islam in Britain then there would be no Moslems willing to turn to Islamic militancy, but here Bilal proves my point. That all it takes is someone sharing their opinion that differs from their own and then bingo the trip switch is broken and the next thing they are Moslem terrorists wanting to take up arms against the British people.
The irony is, you will be the catalyst to your own downfall.
The irony is not lost on you Bilal after these threats you have made on a public forum that you are an administrator of, and on-behalf of Islam4uk which you represent.
You have hung yourself with your own rope, nice work, and I don’t even know you.
England belongs to the Muslims. Get out of our country.
That statement is the exact reason my blog exists. Moslems in Britain actually believe this, as they work daily to convert our Nation into an Islamic State ruled by sharia law.
N.B. To the Muslims:
(IMG: : image
Im glad you sent them that picture Bilal, it shows exactly what you face, so let them come.
I made a direct challenge several years ago to your militants in London but as yet they have not been able to show there worth. Most of you are all wannabees filling your minds with youtube videos of the real thing, who always get caught by the Security Services trying to obtain your lie of 72 virgins.
You forget that you’re living in our backyard, cut off from the rest of the world with your communities across the country encircled on all sides by the British people.
People like you are the ones pushing the English people for a response and should be removed from our society for the sake of ‘peace and security’.
This is who this ugly filthy piece of sub-vermin is. If you see him (most likely around Luton or Dunstable, Bedfordshire); you know what to do.
Your too kind with your description Bilal, but that is how you Moslems view non-Moslems anyway so I wont take offence because I know it is all you have been taught in your local Mosques and Madras’s.
Ive been through Bury Park a couple of times in broad daylight on a single decker bus, it was like doing an id parade and not one of your brothers noticed me. I’ve also been through a couple of times with several American Christian documentary makers filming your community.
Shows just how vulnerable all you militants are!
And I am always walking about, but your brothers alone in their taxis or on the street are not man enough on their own to say anything.
As for the rest of the Muslims reading this; do as we're doing, and spread this photo around to militant Muslims in the UK as we are.
Yes please do, then you will all know who stands in opposition to you within Britain and the Christian beliefs I hold. The Security Services can log all of you on their database then as well.
You live in Christian England, and not Islamic Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, and the English people are uniting under the blood red Cross of Christ.
Also, keep an eye on the news. Allaah knows, you might see a repeat of what happened to Theodoor van Gogh at the hands of our beloved brother Mohammed Bouyeri in Amsterdam on 2 November 2004.
Your hoping aren’t you?
Do you really think one of you on your own is going to achieve what Mr Mohammed achieved in Amsterdam?
Any of you come for me, the news will be reporting on you make no mistake about that, take Bobby Khan as your example and I never even met him.
Don’t be surprised if the news is reporting on you or Anjem Choudry very shortly.
For those who do not know, Theodoor van Gogh was a relative of the late great Vincent Van Goth, who was shot and murdered in the street for making a film about the submission of women in Islam. The murderer shot him, and then stuck a note to his chest with a knife stating Ayan Hirsi Ali was next (I believe). Miss Ali now lives under 24 hour protection in the U.S with death threats against her life for the making of submission.
Theodoors murder has painted a picture within the fabric of modern life that we can all learn something from in relation to the religion Islam in Europe if we take the time to look and understand the event that has been etched on a living canvass.
Murdered for his opinions on Islam.
This post has been edited by Bilal ( Aug 16 2009, 11:25 PM
Here is the proof that the writer Bilal is a part of the extremist group Islam4uk that is headed by Anjem Chourdy. He has edited his post now on the forum and removed the link to the group, but not before several people took screen shots that can be viewed here: image
Full thread: Islamic Revolution threats
Before I respond to these threats on here, I would just like to point out to people reading this who do not already know, I was issued with an Osman warning by British detectives last month after they received intelligence relating to a direct threat against my safety.
I asked them “by who” and they said they did not know because it was another force dealing with it. I said “its Moslems”, “oooohhhh you cant say that” they said to me, “well who is it” I said, “we don’t know”,” well its obviously the Moslems” “oooohhhh you cant say that” they said.
So they issue me with a warning about a threat against my life but would not tell me from where the threat it is coming from, so as to be able to watch my back and protect myself properly.
Is that anyway the police should be treating innocent members of the public who have had direct threats made against their life?
How would you feel if it was you?
This is modern policing in the 21st Century if you are under threat from Moslems who do not like the opinions you hold.
Due to political correctness and not wanting to offend Moslems, they can threaten your life, and the police will not tell you. Well they will tell you there is a threat; they are just to scared to say the word ‘Moslem’.
Today it is me and tomorrow it is you - If you decide to voice your opinions about Moslems and Islam within Britain.
That is the reality we now face.
I was under arrest for 18 months with a full and thorough investigation of my blog writings by the Crown Prosecution Service. The Department of Public Prosecutions deemed that my blog was within the guidelines of the law. Which means I have some very valid and legally justifiable points written on the pages of my blog, and that it is in no way racist.
After 2 ½ years of constant writing, if I was a racist or stirring up hatred then I am pretty sure that it would have shown through and I would have stood in the dock charged with offences that break British law, and I would quite possibly be sitting in a prison cell now.
Considering I was arrested for ‘hurting’ Moslems feelings through my words, I think that it is only fair and just in our democratic society that those Moslems who hurt my feelings and threaten my life are arrested by the same police and then held to account by that same British law of which I myself was held to account for 18 months.
For this reason I would ask all readers of this blog here in Britain and around the world to send a letter of complaint to Bedfordshire police asking them to take action against the person who has issued this threat against my safety.
It cannot be one rule for us and another for Moslems in this country, or are things really that bad now that, that is the case?
This is a test of modern British justice and it will be interesting to see the final outcome.
The instigator of the threats standing in the dock in other words, or sadly what we in Britain have become accustomed to when it concerns Moslems, and no action taken against him because he is a Moslem.
So they can threaten and terrorise people and the law will not act, and those in America wonder why nobody wants to show their faces on film.
As outsiders, look how far England has fallen.
Please send your request for a full investigation of the threats against me life and a complaint concerning the differences of justice meted out by the police, to Ian Holden of the Bedfordshire police hate crime unit.
Email: Beds police hate crime unit
Islamic Revolution: The threats
There is a fraud out there that is going around forums and blogs posting in the same name as I use as my nom-de-plume ‘Lionheartuk’. This person is obviously not man enough himself to put his own name to his words so is stirring things up with Moslems and using my name so that I take the flack.
I have my suspicions and I would ask all Patriots and ideological anti-Jihad fighters around the world to help me track down this person through the location of his i.p address so that I know who it is stirring things up for me and endangering my life. I have a list of culprits so just an area of the country they are posting from will narrow down that list.
The lowest of the low!
I never post on forums or blogs other than those where I know the owner due to safety reasons. Whenever you visit a site or make comments your i.p address which is your exact location is logged with the owner of the site. So any comments left anywhere in ‘Lionheart’ or ‘Lionheartuk’ over the last month are not me.
Do you really think I would be stupid enough to leave comments on a forum called Islamic Revolution?
The Moslems on there obviously think I am, and one of the administrators just could not hide his glee thinking it was me, with him sharing what is on their hearts towards me, the actions they have taken against me, the actions other Moslems should take (stirring up hatred), and what he hopes for me.
Here is my rebuttal of the threats made by Bilal.
Well well well... if it isn't Paul Ray himself.
This shows the stupidity of the forum administrator who obviously thinks I am as stupid as him, and that it is me posting.
This filthy kaafir is the spokesman/ex-spokesman of the "English Defence League" (he was recently crying about his divorce with Chris Renton).
I find the term filthy kaafir completely derogatory and completely racist from a religious stand point due to what it actually means. This is one point to be held up against the new religious and racist laws in any future court case.
I pulled out of any active involvement or participation of the EDL protests in Birmingham for my own reasons.
I still work closely with Tommy Robinson and support him, and those around him 100%
You do realise we've been spreading your photo around.
Just send people a link to my blog, its far easier than sending photos around that have traces on them for the intelligence services who can trace exactly where each photo was sent. So right now, every militant Moslem in Britain who has my photo that you sent will be flagged by the intelligence services.
Good work Bilal and you did it free of charge.
You do realise we know you live in Luton and used to have a shop in Dunstable, Bedfordshire.
You don’t say?
It is written all over my blog so anyone with half a brain and 5 minutes spare would be able to find those facts out, but thank you for letting me know where I live and where my shop was.
You do realise your days are literally numbered.
What do you mean?
Is that a direct threat against my safety.
You do realise this is not a threat, it's a promise.
Re-assuring me that the above was not just a threat but a promise.
Signed and sealed threat against my life from Bilal, for British detectives to investigate. I wonder what threats and ideas they are going to find once they start searching through your email accounts (deleting them wont help either).
A lot worse then on here that I am sure of.
You do realise I now have your IP address logged.
Not my i.p but I wouldn’t mind knowing what part of the country it originates from me old mucka.
You do realise that whenever you've shown your dirty pig-skin faces to us, (be it Birmingham when Shaun became Muslim, Green street and now Birmingham again) you've been thrashed left, right and centre.
A racist comment about the colour of my skin.
If I was to say anything like this about people like Bilal with brown skin on my blog then I would be hauled before a court as a racist, so why should it be any different for him.
Cannot be one rule for those with brown skin and another for those with white skin can it?
I thought the British way was all about fair play and justice?
You made it clear on TalkSport that you want war with Islaam itself. In a country full of neo-"terrorists", you are the perfect target.
I never once said I wanted war with Islam, I was pointing out the objective of Islam in Britain which is at war with the non-believers based upon its teachings. My position throughout has been one of defence and not offence.
And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allâh) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allâh Alone [in the whole of the world]. [Al-Anfal 8:39]
He even writes a scripture from his book that proves my point.
Has anyone ever told you what a poof you sound like, by the way?
Yeah they have by the way, people like you who do not have anything constructive to say so they resort to childish insults that they think will have an effect. I am comfortable in my sexuality in as much as I know who I am, unlike you Moslems who are all homophobes and are that scared of homosexuality that you want to throw all gays from buildings, and string them from lampposts to justify your own manhood.
That’s what will happen to homosexuals in Britain when living under sharia law, unless we stop its growth in our land. So all homosexuals reading this, please know that the English Defence League is standing up for your rights within Britain.
Wouldn’t surprise me if you’re a closet Bilal that’s why you have thrown that out there to deflect it from yourself and those homosexual thoughts you have, I’m sure you will find out soon enough if you serve any jail time over your threats, and they pad you up with a nice big lifer *smiles*. Just don’t bend over in the showers to pick up your soap, some lifers like fresh meat and I am sure they will like you.
I heard you on TalkSport. I couldn't stop laughing for 2 reasons:
I am glad you took the time to listen.
1) You sounded like a homosexual pansy and a toff (which, of course, you are).
What I am what I sound are two completely different things.
Toff ha,ha im not sure whether to take that as an insult or a compliment.
2) You couldn't string your points together. You sounded like a whining child who had no substance as to why "he" was whining.
I think I did well enough to have the woman Salma Yaqoob come out defending you all.
Your Koran gives me enough substance for my ‘whining’ Bilal.
Keep up the good work.
Yes I will thanks for the encouragment.
You are reeling in droves of fresh extremist faces ready to engage in Islamist militancy every time your crying gets publicity.
If I was wrong in what I say about Moslems and Islam in Britain then there would be no Moslems willing to turn to Islamic militancy, but here Bilal proves my point. That all it takes is someone sharing their opinion that differs from their own and then bingo the trip switch is broken and the next thing they are Moslem terrorists wanting to take up arms against the British people.
The irony is, you will be the catalyst to your own downfall.
The irony is not lost on you Bilal after these threats you have made on a public forum that you are an administrator of, and on-behalf of Islam4uk which you represent.
You have hung yourself with your own rope, nice work, and I don’t even know you.
England belongs to the Muslims. Get out of our country.
That statement is the exact reason my blog exists. Moslems in Britain actually believe this, as they work daily to convert our Nation into an Islamic State ruled by sharia law.
N.B. To the Muslims:
(IMG: : image
Im glad you sent them that picture Bilal, it shows exactly what you face, so let them come.
I made a direct challenge several years ago to your militants in London but as yet they have not been able to show there worth. Most of you are all wannabees filling your minds with youtube videos of the real thing, who always get caught by the Security Services trying to obtain your lie of 72 virgins.
You forget that you’re living in our backyard, cut off from the rest of the world with your communities across the country encircled on all sides by the British people.
People like you are the ones pushing the English people for a response and should be removed from our society for the sake of ‘peace and security’.
This is who this ugly filthy piece of sub-vermin is. If you see him (most likely around Luton or Dunstable, Bedfordshire); you know what to do.
Your too kind with your description Bilal, but that is how you Moslems view non-Moslems anyway so I wont take offence because I know it is all you have been taught in your local Mosques and Madras’s.
Ive been through Bury Park a couple of times in broad daylight on a single decker bus, it was like doing an id parade and not one of your brothers noticed me. I’ve also been through a couple of times with several American Christian documentary makers filming your community.
Shows just how vulnerable all you militants are!
And I am always walking about, but your brothers alone in their taxis or on the street are not man enough on their own to say anything.
As for the rest of the Muslims reading this; do as we're doing, and spread this photo around to militant Muslims in the UK as we are.
Yes please do, then you will all know who stands in opposition to you within Britain and the Christian beliefs I hold. The Security Services can log all of you on their database then as well.
You live in Christian England, and not Islamic Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, and the English people are uniting under the blood red Cross of Christ.
Also, keep an eye on the news. Allaah knows, you might see a repeat of what happened to Theodoor van Gogh at the hands of our beloved brother Mohammed Bouyeri in Amsterdam on 2 November 2004.
Your hoping aren’t you?
Do you really think one of you on your own is going to achieve what Mr Mohammed achieved in Amsterdam?
Any of you come for me, the news will be reporting on you make no mistake about that, take Bobby Khan as your example and I never even met him.
Don’t be surprised if the news is reporting on you or Anjem Choudry very shortly.
For those who do not know, Theodoor van Gogh was a relative of the late great Vincent Van Goth, who was shot and murdered in the street for making a film about the submission of women in Islam. The murderer shot him, and then stuck a note to his chest with a knife stating Ayan Hirsi Ali was next (I believe). Miss Ali now lives under 24 hour protection in the U.S with death threats against her life for the making of submission.
Theodoors murder has painted a picture within the fabric of modern life that we can all learn something from in relation to the religion Islam in Europe if we take the time to look and understand the event that has been etched on a living canvass.
Murdered for his opinions on Islam.
This post has been edited by Bilal ( Aug 16 2009, 11:25 PM
Here is the proof that the writer Bilal is a part of the extremist group Islam4uk that is headed by Anjem Chourdy. He has edited his post now on the forum and removed the link to the group, but not before several people took screen shots that can be viewed here: image
anjem choudry,
death threats,
islamic revolution forum,
Enemies of the State freed by the State
40 Islamic militants freed from jail
FORTY convicted Islamic terrorists are back on the streets after being released from jail, a Sun investigation has revealed.
And another 50 plotters, including al-Qaeda trained Sohail Qureshi, will be free soon.
Security experts said Britain's justice system was lax compared to the US, where jailed terrorists often never get out.
East London dental assistant Qureshi - seized while trying to travel to Afghanistan to attack British troops - is one of 25 Islamic fanatics due to be freed within 12 months.
A further 25 will be out within three years. And 40 more are already free men, The Sun can reveal.
At least five of those are still classified as "high risk" and have to be closely monitored by cops and intelligence agents.
Qureshi, 31, who dreamed of being a martyr, was held in October 2006 with night-vision goggles, £9,000 in cash and military kit.
He was given a 4½-year prison term. But under Britain's justice system, in which jail sentences are frequently lenient and routinely cut, he will be out in a few weeks.
The disturbing figures emerged from a special Sun investigation into 120 people convicted of Islamic terrorist offences since 1999.
Our probe followed the conviction on Monday of three al-Qaeda terrorists who plotted to blow up seven airliners with bottle bombs.
Continue reading: Islamic militants freed into our society

And another 50 plotters, including al-Qaeda trained Sohail Qureshi, will be free soon.
Security experts said Britain's justice system was lax compared to the US, where jailed terrorists often never get out.
East London dental assistant Qureshi - seized while trying to travel to Afghanistan to attack British troops - is one of 25 Islamic fanatics due to be freed within 12 months.
A further 25 will be out within three years. And 40 more are already free men, The Sun can reveal.
At least five of those are still classified as "high risk" and have to be closely monitored by cops and intelligence agents.
Qureshi, 31, who dreamed of being a martyr, was held in October 2006 with night-vision goggles, £9,000 in cash and military kit.
He was given a 4½-year prison term. But under Britain's justice system, in which jail sentences are frequently lenient and routinely cut, he will be out in a few weeks.
The disturbing figures emerged from a special Sun investigation into 120 people convicted of Islamic terrorist offences since 1999.
Our probe followed the conviction on Monday of three al-Qaeda terrorists who plotted to blow up seven airliners with bottle bombs.
Continue reading: Islamic militants freed into our society
8 September 2009
7 September 2009
Response to Birmingham's UAF Salma Yaqoob
Update below
Thank you Kinana for this comment sent to me.
In an Islamic state, protests and demonstrations are also banned. Just look at Iran and any Muslim-majority country. That is what Salma Yaqoob wants to bring to this country.
She is a smooth and polished speaker but her content is shallow. She hurls the word racist around and does not bring up any evidence. She speaks of incitement to hatred, racism, violence, fascism and is blind to those same forces in the religion of Islam.
She speaks of ‘racist intent’ but provides no evidence of intent. She is inciting racism by accusing the EDL of racism when they and you, Lionheart, only speak of Islam and ‘devout Muslims’ and ‘extremist Muslims.’ She should be challenged about the sloppiness of her language. What race is Islam, what race are Muslims? She and her colleagues are afraid to take on and debate with EDL and Lionheart on the grounds of Islam and the dangers of Islam so she shifts the ground to race; she changes the subject to anything else but Islam and Sharia.
One slight suggestion Lionheart. It was good of you to get some coverage on Talk Sport but the interviewer changed a few words of what you said and you did not catch the change. (Yes I did notice this, thats why I placed what I actually said into the video. The interviewer knew exactly what he was saying I just never picked up on it in the heat of the moment.) You said (in part) ‘their religion teaches them to convert our country to an Islamic state.’ I agree with that completely. But the radio man changed that to: ‘You are saying that every devout Muslim is under instructions from their religion to convert people to Islam in this country’. This is not what you said and is not what Islam teaches, as you know. I do not think the interviewer was malicious in this mistake but it does change the meaning and makes you look less knowledgeable than you are; and also leaves the listener thinking that that is what you really said, or at least, meant. No great damage done, but it is just something to watch out for next time.
Thanks. All the best.
Thank you Kinana for this comment sent to me.
In an Islamic state, protests and demonstrations are also banned. Just look at Iran and any Muslim-majority country. That is what Salma Yaqoob wants to bring to this country.
She is a smooth and polished speaker but her content is shallow. She hurls the word racist around and does not bring up any evidence. She speaks of incitement to hatred, racism, violence, fascism and is blind to those same forces in the religion of Islam.
She speaks of ‘racist intent’ but provides no evidence of intent. She is inciting racism by accusing the EDL of racism when they and you, Lionheart, only speak of Islam and ‘devout Muslims’ and ‘extremist Muslims.’ She should be challenged about the sloppiness of her language. What race is Islam, what race are Muslims? She and her colleagues are afraid to take on and debate with EDL and Lionheart on the grounds of Islam and the dangers of Islam so she shifts the ground to race; she changes the subject to anything else but Islam and Sharia.
One slight suggestion Lionheart. It was good of you to get some coverage on Talk Sport but the interviewer changed a few words of what you said and you did not catch the change. (Yes I did notice this, thats why I placed what I actually said into the video. The interviewer knew exactly what he was saying I just never picked up on it in the heat of the moment.) You said (in part) ‘their religion teaches them to convert our country to an Islamic state.’ I agree with that completely. But the radio man changed that to: ‘You are saying that every devout Muslim is under instructions from their religion to convert people to Islam in this country’. This is not what you said and is not what Islam teaches, as you know. I do not think the interviewer was malicious in this mistake but it does change the meaning and makes you look less knowledgeable than you are; and also leaves the listener thinking that that is what you really said, or at least, meant. No great damage done, but it is just something to watch out for next time.
Thanks. All the best.
6 September 2009
Birmingham Moslems told to confront peaceful protest against extremists
Update below

Thank you Anonymous Lady for sending me this comment.
Very interesting article about a very stimulating event with great pictures of the demonstration, especially(for me) the photo of some English Defence League protesters holding up the flag of Israel...not to burn it or trample on it as we have seen at anti-Israel demonstrations by Islamists and their collaborators the so-called'anti-fascists' (who, in fact are the real Fascists those intolerant Leftwing Extremists & Islamic Jihadists now taking over the West)but to show for a change, solidarity with Israel for its own existential problems
with its neo-Nazi Islamic Imperialist neighbours
Has the normally good-natured,slow to anger English (proverbial) 'worm' turned at last to face its enemies and give them a taste of their own medicine?
But one can also ask: Did the police arrest only English Defence League protesters, or also some of the so-called 'anti-fascists' and Moslems who were rioting and have been terrorizing ordinary non-Moslem Brits for years...even clashing violently with police during their regular, very aggressive,very anti-British,
anti-Christian, anti-Western democracy and last but not least, anti-Israel demonstrations?
That, ladies and gentlemen, is the question...!
I just hope that the League grows and grows until it has the numbers and strength to influence government policies on the grim Militant Islamic-Extremism Question threatening not only the UK & Israel but the entire free 'infidel' world.
Let's hope so. Amen.
Anonymous Lady

Foreword: The English Defence League liaised with West Midlands police to conduct a peaceful protest against Islamic extremism within Birmingham City centre. Instead they ended up having to fight for their lives after being confronted by several hundred Moslems with bats and bricks.
It has now emerged that the reason for this was that Moslems in Birmingham were urged by their leaders to take to the streets against the planned peaceful EDL protest.
Lets see if the mainstream media now paint the real picture over the events of Saturday and not the lies they usually print apportioning blame on the English community.
Quote: Birmingham’s top Muslim leader urged his followers to “vent their feelings” against anti-Islamic protesters during a weekend rally that ended in violence and dozens of arrests, The Times can reveal.
Muslims were encouraged by the Birmingham Central Mosque to counter-demonstrate during Saturday’s protest in the city, which was organised by the right-wing English Defence League (EDL). It is understood that Muslims were encouraged to confront the protest against the advice given by the West Midlands Police to community leaders to stop their followers from attending.
This proves that the Islamic community of Birmingham cannot be trusted.
Full article: Moslems urged to confront protest
It has now emerged that the reason for this was that Moslems in Birmingham were urged by their leaders to take to the streets against the planned peaceful EDL protest.
Lets see if the mainstream media now paint the real picture over the events of Saturday and not the lies they usually print apportioning blame on the English community.
Quote: Birmingham’s top Muslim leader urged his followers to “vent their feelings” against anti-Islamic protesters during a weekend rally that ended in violence and dozens of arrests, The Times can reveal.
Muslims were encouraged by the Birmingham Central Mosque to counter-demonstrate during Saturday’s protest in the city, which was organised by the right-wing English Defence League (EDL). It is understood that Muslims were encouraged to confront the protest against the advice given by the West Midlands Police to community leaders to stop their followers from attending.
This proves that the Islamic community of Birmingham cannot be trusted.
Full article: Moslems urged to confront protest
Thank you Anonymous Lady for sending me this comment.
Very interesting article about a very stimulating event with great pictures of the demonstration, especially(for me) the photo of some English Defence League protesters holding up the flag of Israel...not to burn it or trample on it as we have seen at anti-Israel demonstrations by Islamists and their collaborators the so-called'anti-fascists' (who, in fact are the real Fascists those intolerant Leftwing Extremists & Islamic Jihadists now taking over the West)but to show for a change, solidarity with Israel for its own existential problems
with its neo-Nazi Islamic Imperialist neighbours
Has the normally good-natured,slow to anger English (proverbial) 'worm' turned at last to face its enemies and give them a taste of their own medicine?
But one can also ask: Did the police arrest only English Defence League protesters, or also some of the so-called 'anti-fascists' and Moslems who were rioting and have been terrorizing ordinary non-Moslem Brits for years...even clashing violently with police during their regular, very aggressive,very anti-British,
anti-Christian, anti-Western democracy and last but not least, anti-Israel demonstrations?
That, ladies and gentlemen, is the question...!
I just hope that the League grows and grows until it has the numbers and strength to influence government policies on the grim Militant Islamic-Extremism Question threatening not only the UK & Israel but the entire free 'infidel' world.
Let's hope so. Amen.
Anonymous Lady
5 September 2009
2 September 2009
1 September 2009
200 Moslems riot in Luton
Update below video
Video below
Article: 200 Moslems riot in Bury Park
No media frenzy over this incident because it was not white people involved who can be savaged by the left wing media and held up as sacrifices on the alter of appeasement for the Moslem block vote.
The government controlled mainstream media were 'hush hush' yet again on Moslem aggression in Luton!
United people of Luton, along with the main protest group the English Defence League led by Tommy Robinson, accompanied by Casuals United, all showed their respects for the rule of law within Great Britain over the weekend and did not turn out in Luton as had been originally planned for the bank holiday weekend after the Home Office banned any gatherings in the town through fear of trouble.
It had been re-sheduled for September 19th anyway, even before the Home Office ban came into effect.
This is the difference between 'us and them', it is our country so those who are now fighting for it on the streets of Britian across the country, are fighting to uphold our 'way of life' which includes the rule of law, where as those Moslems who are seeking to take the country over have a complete disregard for it and want to destroy it from within so that their sharia law can be implemented.
Truth and Reality!
Any reaction now to this current violence on the streets of Luton, that is aimed at the wider non-Moslem community so as to to enforce their dominance over the local population through fear, is once again exactly that, a reaction.
People forget that Al Qaeda declared war on the people of Great Britain from here on the morning of 7/7, with the Ministry of Defence stating that it is an Al Qaeda stronghold. Not an Al Qaeda stronghold in Iraq or Afghanistan, but a stronghold here in England, in somebodies back yard.
The leaders of UPL who are the spearhead of the English Defence League know better than anyone else the reasons and justification behind the current uprising on the streets of Britain because it started in their community. They are the ones who have lived with this emerging religious force over the years.
30 years of militant Islam building a paramilitary force on the streets of Luton funded by Al Qaeda's Afghani heroin, is something that those on the streets of cannot deny.
Where will it end, and what does the future hold is the reality that people now face and is the reason why the English community is uniting. That means all those who live in England and want to uphold, defend and preserve the English way of life no matter what the colour of their skin.
Choose your own name for those who do not, and want to sit back and do nothing!
Thank you for sending me this email:
On your Blog I read the following comment:
"Choose your own name for those who do not, and want to sit back and do nothing!"
This does not come across well, as it suggest's that people who are not currently helping the cause are not worthy.
I would suggest that you delete this statement.
Kind regards
Fidelis Miles Militis Pro Terra
That statement was not concerning whether or not people are worthy of fighting the cause, it was meant that there are now many people from many Nations living in England. If England falls it falls for one and all, and Birmingham showed that many young black men of non-religious persuasion joined with the Islamic militants against peaceful English protesters that included black men within its ranks.
I know that the leadership quartet of the English Defence League are as apposed to Nazis and racists as non-religious ethnic minorities living in Britain and the proof is well documented for those who are looking.
People must decide where they stand on this important issue, whether black white of brown, it does concern all of our future way of lives living upon these isles after all.
Those who are actively angaged in converting our Nation into an Islamic State are enemies of the people of Britain, and that includes those who are aiding and abetting them with their tacit support and their left wing propoganda.
Thats how I see it anyway.
That question I posed was for others to make up their own minds.
God bless you
Video below
Article: 200 Moslems riot in Bury Park
No media frenzy over this incident because it was not white people involved who can be savaged by the left wing media and held up as sacrifices on the alter of appeasement for the Moslem block vote.
The government controlled mainstream media were 'hush hush' yet again on Moslem aggression in Luton!
United people of Luton, along with the main protest group the English Defence League led by Tommy Robinson, accompanied by Casuals United, all showed their respects for the rule of law within Great Britain over the weekend and did not turn out in Luton as had been originally planned for the bank holiday weekend after the Home Office banned any gatherings in the town through fear of trouble.
It had been re-sheduled for September 19th anyway, even before the Home Office ban came into effect.
This is the difference between 'us and them', it is our country so those who are now fighting for it on the streets of Britian across the country, are fighting to uphold our 'way of life' which includes the rule of law, where as those Moslems who are seeking to take the country over have a complete disregard for it and want to destroy it from within so that their sharia law can be implemented.
Truth and Reality!
Any reaction now to this current violence on the streets of Luton, that is aimed at the wider non-Moslem community so as to to enforce their dominance over the local population through fear, is once again exactly that, a reaction.
People forget that Al Qaeda declared war on the people of Great Britain from here on the morning of 7/7, with the Ministry of Defence stating that it is an Al Qaeda stronghold. Not an Al Qaeda stronghold in Iraq or Afghanistan, but a stronghold here in England, in somebodies back yard.
The leaders of UPL who are the spearhead of the English Defence League know better than anyone else the reasons and justification behind the current uprising on the streets of Britain because it started in their community. They are the ones who have lived with this emerging religious force over the years.
30 years of militant Islam building a paramilitary force on the streets of Luton funded by Al Qaeda's Afghani heroin, is something that those on the streets of cannot deny.
Where will it end, and what does the future hold is the reality that people now face and is the reason why the English community is uniting. That means all those who live in England and want to uphold, defend and preserve the English way of life no matter what the colour of their skin.
Choose your own name for those who do not, and want to sit back and do nothing!
Thank you for sending me this email:
On your Blog I read the following comment:
"Choose your own name for those who do not, and want to sit back and do nothing!"
This does not come across well, as it suggest's that people who are not currently helping the cause are not worthy.
I would suggest that you delete this statement.
Kind regards
Fidelis Miles Militis Pro Terra
That statement was not concerning whether or not people are worthy of fighting the cause, it was meant that there are now many people from many Nations living in England. If England falls it falls for one and all, and Birmingham showed that many young black men of non-religious persuasion joined with the Islamic militants against peaceful English protesters that included black men within its ranks.
I know that the leadership quartet of the English Defence League are as apposed to Nazis and racists as non-religious ethnic minorities living in Britain and the proof is well documented for those who are looking.
People must decide where they stand on this important issue, whether black white of brown, it does concern all of our future way of lives living upon these isles after all.
Those who are actively angaged in converting our Nation into an Islamic State are enemies of the people of Britain, and that includes those who are aiding and abetting them with their tacit support and their left wing propoganda.
Thats how I see it anyway.
That question I posed was for others to make up their own minds.
God bless you
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