What we have to look forward to from our so called peaceful neighbours!
The British Home secretary has publicly stated that there is the real possibility of a dirty bomb upon the streets of the UK this Christmas after a quantity of enriched uranium was seized in Slovakia.
Daily Mail:
Britain faces an increased threat of a "dirty bomb" attack over the Christmas period, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith warned today.
She said the security forces were taking "very seriously" the risk of a possible terrorist attack using radioactive or chemical agents.
Her warning came as police in Slovakia arrested three people this week for trying to sell enriched uranium.
The Slovak authorities said the material was sufficiently enriched to be used in a "dirty bomb" terrorist attack.
Continue reading: Dirty bomb for Christmas
Further reading: The Simplicity of a "Dirty bomb"
Further reading: The Coming Dirty bomb upon UK streets
Further reading: Shopping Centre Threat
Further reading: British born Suicide bombers ready to attack
Further reading: Parts 1 & 2 - The Enemy We Face
Further reading: London Terror Alert - Know your surroundings
30 November 2007
David Miliband not fit for office
David Miliband the British Foreign secretary is not fit for his position to serve the people of Great Britain in this role, it is his responsibility to govern our Foreign affairs yet this man has allowed a British citizen to be forced to endure 15 days in a rat infested flea pit in the Sudan for allowing her school children to call a teddy bear Mohamed - You tell me if a British citizen should have to go through this scary madness?
How barbaric, savage and inhumane is what Gillian Gibbons is now having to go through.
David Miliband should have stood up for this poor innocent British lady and expelled the Sudanese ambassador if Sudan did not release this lady from this lunacy - He did not.
He was quick to expel Russian diplomats and cause problems with the Russians yet he allowed the Sudanese to escape any British justice now they have forced an innocent British subject to be terrorised abroad by Islamic savages who now want to kill her.
You tell me if you want this man as head of our foreign affairs - today its Gillian and tomorrow it could be you - do you want your life in this mans hands?
Now Gillian is being forced to be locked up for 15 days and not only that there are now angry mobs of Sudanese Jihadi's marching through the streets with machete's and bats calling for her execution for such a trivial matter.
More proof of the barbarity of Islam and the civility of our Western Judeo Christian society.
And guess what David Miliband and Jack Straw both say it is a good think to open up the front door of Great Britain to 70 million Moslem Turks and give them unrestricted access to our homeland.
If the Islamic scholars who are the leaders of the Islamic Kingdom within our country had their own way they would be dishing out this kind of punishment to all of us no-Moslems within our own country.
Do you want to give 70 million Moslems unrestricted access to your country?
If you watch this video you will hear an Islamic preacher already talking about introducing religious police into Great Britain - Shame on the British Government
And this man openly preaches this type of action to his British Moslem audience against his innocent non-Moslem neighbours - me and you - Enemy combatant - watch his words on the video
Gillian Gibbons - 15 day sentance in hell
UPDATE - Excellent comment from IH
Take note every Loony Liberal Left winger who arrives at my site, what IH has written is something you should contemplate on as you look upon the modern world through your rose tinted glasses - Let Mrs Gibbons plight be a warning to you about the future.
That being said an innocent British lady is now languishing in a rat infested hell hole for allowing children to call a teddy bear Mohamed as part of a school project and the Foreign secretary has not secured her release.
Just remember that your 'Loony Labour' government are helping build the Islamic Kingdom upon British soil where this lunacy is the norm.
These are some quotes from the British Press about the arrest and charge in Sudan of Gillian Gibbons, the teacher who went to the Sudan and named a teddy bear Mohammed:-
“She is the most gentle soul you could meet. She would never want to cause offence to anyone."
“She has never been in trouble in her life and will not be coping well with being locked in a cell.”
Gillian’s close friend Peter Sorensen, 64, said: “It’s outrageous. She’d never do anything to insult Islam."
What did Gibbons and her friends expect?
First off and most blindingly obvious, why on earth the Sudan?
Had Gibbons, an educated woman, not heard of Darfur?
Of the Janjaweed?
Had she not researched Sudan at all? Did she not know of the deep connections between Sudan and Usama Bin Laden?
But more worryingly, it's said that after her recent divorce Gibbons wanted to travel to see the world and experience different cultures.
That's the grand liberal dream. Unfortunately, most liberals see culture far too narrowly: usually as art, literature, food and music. It's those things that make liberals feel cultured and even more so if they can experience some of those things abroad, in some exotic far flung place.
Liberals often assume that all cultures have an underlying good natured-ness, that every culture is relatively good and benign, and that is often heard in the phrase "people are people wherever you go".
In a liberal's mind tolerance and kindness are innate to us all.
Tolerance is not something that was forged on the battlefields of the Somme; in the American War of Independence; in the struggle for suffrage; and in the American civil rights movement.
To a liberal tolerance is just there, like light, power and running water.
In some countries, however, light, power and running water are luxuries; just as is being cultured and tolerant.
In some cultures art, literature and all that good stuff take a back seat to the lashing of the victims of gang rape; genital mutilation; honour killings; ritualised wife beating; and the endemic and absolute hatred of other religions.
Some cultures are not that good. Most Islamic states don't have cultures they have nothing but the Mosque. I have asked myself many times "what if the men of Iraq got off their rear ends and worked hard to support their families instead of killing each other, would their lives be better".
Often in those cultures it is women that carry the greatest burden and make the greatest sacrifices. Did Gibbons an educated woman think nothing of the plight of women in the Sudan? Did she have no sense of sisterhood?
I have no sympathy for Gibbons, she has achieved her aim: she is fully participating in another culture.
And before you get comfortable, you might not be in the Sudan, but there's some people who want you to live like the Sudanese.
The Sun, a British tabloid reported the views of a - no doubt self appointed - leader of the Muslim community in Gibbons' home town:-
"Mohammed Akbar Ali, leader of Liverpool’s Muslim community, was shocked at the charges. He said: “This has been blown out of proportion. It’s just an innocent mistake from a respectable woman.”"
That view was echoed by the Muslim Council of Britain:-
"Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain, said he was “appalled” at yesterday’s decision, which he added “defied common sense”. “There was clearly no intention on the part of the teacher to deliberately insult the Islamic faith,""
In Akbar and Bari's world calling a teddy Mohammed is an insult to Islam, and they feel no need to hide their views from the Western culture they are immersed in. One day they and others like them will - I have no doubt - seek to impose their cultural preferences on the West. In the meantime the Gibbons-Liberal at home in the West recklessly assume that all is good with these other cultures. For shame.
How barbaric, savage and inhumane is what Gillian Gibbons is now having to go through.
David Miliband should have stood up for this poor innocent British lady and expelled the Sudanese ambassador if Sudan did not release this lady from this lunacy - He did not.
He was quick to expel Russian diplomats and cause problems with the Russians yet he allowed the Sudanese to escape any British justice now they have forced an innocent British subject to be terrorised abroad by Islamic savages who now want to kill her.
You tell me if you want this man as head of our foreign affairs - today its Gillian and tomorrow it could be you - do you want your life in this mans hands?
Now Gillian is being forced to be locked up for 15 days and not only that there are now angry mobs of Sudanese Jihadi's marching through the streets with machete's and bats calling for her execution for such a trivial matter.

And guess what David Miliband and Jack Straw both say it is a good think to open up the front door of Great Britain to 70 million Moslem Turks and give them unrestricted access to our homeland.
If the Islamic scholars who are the leaders of the Islamic Kingdom within our country had their own way they would be dishing out this kind of punishment to all of us no-Moslems within our own country.
Do you want to give 70 million Moslems unrestricted access to your country?
If you watch this video you will hear an Islamic preacher already talking about introducing religious police into Great Britain - Shame on the British Government
And this man openly preaches this type of action to his British Moslem audience against his innocent non-Moslem neighbours - me and you - Enemy combatant - watch his words on the video
Gillian Gibbons - 15 day sentance in hell
UPDATE - Excellent comment from IH
Take note every Loony Liberal Left winger who arrives at my site, what IH has written is something you should contemplate on as you look upon the modern world through your rose tinted glasses - Let Mrs Gibbons plight be a warning to you about the future.
That being said an innocent British lady is now languishing in a rat infested hell hole for allowing children to call a teddy bear Mohamed as part of a school project and the Foreign secretary has not secured her release.
Just remember that your 'Loony Labour' government are helping build the Islamic Kingdom upon British soil where this lunacy is the norm.
These are some quotes from the British Press about the arrest and charge in Sudan of Gillian Gibbons, the teacher who went to the Sudan and named a teddy bear Mohammed:-
“She is the most gentle soul you could meet. She would never want to cause offence to anyone."
“She has never been in trouble in her life and will not be coping well with being locked in a cell.”
Gillian’s close friend Peter Sorensen, 64, said: “It’s outrageous. She’d never do anything to insult Islam."
What did Gibbons and her friends expect?
First off and most blindingly obvious, why on earth the Sudan?
Had Gibbons, an educated woman, not heard of Darfur?
Of the Janjaweed?
Had she not researched Sudan at all? Did she not know of the deep connections between Sudan and Usama Bin Laden?
But more worryingly, it's said that after her recent divorce Gibbons wanted to travel to see the world and experience different cultures.
That's the grand liberal dream. Unfortunately, most liberals see culture far too narrowly: usually as art, literature, food and music. It's those things that make liberals feel cultured and even more so if they can experience some of those things abroad, in some exotic far flung place.
Liberals often assume that all cultures have an underlying good natured-ness, that every culture is relatively good and benign, and that is often heard in the phrase "people are people wherever you go".
In a liberal's mind tolerance and kindness are innate to us all.
Tolerance is not something that was forged on the battlefields of the Somme; in the American War of Independence; in the struggle for suffrage; and in the American civil rights movement.
To a liberal tolerance is just there, like light, power and running water.
In some countries, however, light, power and running water are luxuries; just as is being cultured and tolerant.
In some cultures art, literature and all that good stuff take a back seat to the lashing of the victims of gang rape; genital mutilation; honour killings; ritualised wife beating; and the endemic and absolute hatred of other religions.
Some cultures are not that good. Most Islamic states don't have cultures they have nothing but the Mosque. I have asked myself many times "what if the men of Iraq got off their rear ends and worked hard to support their families instead of killing each other, would their lives be better".
Often in those cultures it is women that carry the greatest burden and make the greatest sacrifices. Did Gibbons an educated woman think nothing of the plight of women in the Sudan? Did she have no sense of sisterhood?
I have no sympathy for Gibbons, she has achieved her aim: she is fully participating in another culture.
And before you get comfortable, you might not be in the Sudan, but there's some people who want you to live like the Sudanese.
The Sun, a British tabloid reported the views of a - no doubt self appointed - leader of the Muslim community in Gibbons' home town:-
"Mohammed Akbar Ali, leader of Liverpool’s Muslim community, was shocked at the charges. He said: “This has been blown out of proportion. It’s just an innocent mistake from a respectable woman.”"
That view was echoed by the Muslim Council of Britain:-
"Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain, said he was “appalled” at yesterday’s decision, which he added “defied common sense”. “There was clearly no intention on the part of the teacher to deliberately insult the Islamic faith,""
In Akbar and Bari's world calling a teddy Mohammed is an insult to Islam, and they feel no need to hide their views from the Western culture they are immersed in. One day they and others like them will - I have no doubt - seek to impose their cultural preferences on the West. In the meantime the Gibbons-Liberal at home in the West recklessly assume that all is good with these other cultures. For shame.
No evidence against Murat's girlfriend
Portuguese police have said that their is no evidence against Robert Murat's girlfriend over the abduction of Madeline McCann.
They have handed back her computer and diary stating that there is nothing in them linking her to Madeline's abduction.
"Come on" as if she is going to of run home and have emailed all her family to tell them the good news that she has just kidnapped Madeline McCann or to put a for sale sign up on ebay for the world to see.
Who is stupid enough to have written anything about Madeline's abduction on their computer if they were involved?
Oh yes, is it true that Murat's computer had mention of an English girl on it?
Also they have returned her diary because this contained nothing, again who would be stupid enough to write in their diary - Today I kidnapped Madeline.
Are we meant to believe this rubbish from the Portuguese police?
Is there not a bit more detective work needed to rule her out completely other than her computer and diary, considering there is alot of circumstantial evidence pointing her way?
Daily Mail:
Police have handed Michaela Walczuch her diary and computers back after finding nothing in them linking her to Madeleine McCann's disappearance.
Detectives had seized the items from the German girlfriend of official suspect Robert Murat after interviewing her as a witness.
But last night it was reported they had returned them all, giving her further ammunition to claim she has been the victim of a dirty tricks campaign.
Continue reading: Computer & Diary - No evidence
They have handed back her computer and diary stating that there is nothing in them linking her to Madeline's abduction.
"Come on" as if she is going to of run home and have emailed all her family to tell them the good news that she has just kidnapped Madeline McCann or to put a for sale sign up on ebay for the world to see.
Who is stupid enough to have written anything about Madeline's abduction on their computer if they were involved?
Oh yes, is it true that Murat's computer had mention of an English girl on it?
Also they have returned her diary because this contained nothing, again who would be stupid enough to write in their diary - Today I kidnapped Madeline.
Are we meant to believe this rubbish from the Portuguese police?
Is there not a bit more detective work needed to rule her out completely other than her computer and diary, considering there is alot of circumstantial evidence pointing her way?
Daily Mail:
Police have handed Michaela Walczuch her diary and computers back after finding nothing in them linking her to Madeleine McCann's disappearance.
Detectives had seized the items from the German girlfriend of official suspect Robert Murat after interviewing her as a witness.
But last night it was reported they had returned them all, giving her further ammunition to claim she has been the victim of a dirty tricks campaign.
Continue reading: Computer & Diary - No evidence
29 November 2007
Dirty bomb material seized in Slovakia

I wonder which country was its ultimate destination?
The Police have said it was in the most dangerous form - Powder
If you think about it, ton's and ton's of heroin & cocaine is smuggled all around the World each year, how hard would it be to smuggle a few grams of highly enriched Uranium into a specific country?
The hardest thing is finding this stuff at source to buy - Let us hope and pray that we have friends and not enemies out there in the International community where this stuff is taken from.
The British people do not agree with 'Loony Labours' stance towards Russia - Especially David Miliband - They are traitors to the British people who give murderous Chechen Islamic extremists sanctuary in our country.
Daily Mail:
Radioactive material seized in Slovakia was enriched uranium that could be used for a 'dirty bomb', police said on today.
Police said they seized 481.4 grams (17 ounces) of the material and arrested two Hungarians and one Ukrainian on Wednesday in a raid along the border with Hungary, near to the frontier with Ukraine.
A dirty bomb is an explosive device that spreads radioactivity but the explosion itself is secured by non-nuclear material.
Continue reading: Uranium seized
Further reading: Simplicity of a dirty bomb
Further reading: The Coming Dirty Bomb upon UK streets
Dumb, Dumber & Off the scale Dumb
Continued from: Dumb & Dumber
Murat's lawyer: 'McCanns should be cursed for leaving Madeleine alone'
If that statement does not reveal the stupidness of Murat's lawyer then I must be the stupid one.
If having your child abducted for making the 'biggest' mistake of your life by leaving them home alone while you sat a hundred yards away on holiday with friends is not a curse, then what more does Murat's lawyer want?
I cannot think of anything worse then the possibility of living for the rest of your life without one of your children that you gave birth too because of your mistake.
Potentially a life long curse don't you think?
What about the rest of the Tapas 9 who also left their children 'home alone' but never paid the ultimate price?
Should they be cursed too or just Mr & Mrs McCann because you are acting on behalf of the chief suspect Mr. Murat?
We all make mistakes, and Mr & Mrs McCann are not the first to have left their children while they dined in what they thought was a safe environment and they will not be the last.
As Christians we take comfort in the fact that Almighty God forgives us of our mistakes.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
He also calls Metodo 3 mercenaries, mercenaries because they are thorough in their job at getting to the bottom of this tragic case because an innocent little child was stolen from her bed and in the process what are they uncovering - Potentially your clients guilt.
You might be a very fitting lawyer for this pair Mr Pagarete if it is found out that they are guilty of this crime - I would start thinking about another career if I was you, but then again it seems you might be very fitting for the Portuguese police and the judiciary now we all know how you operate in that part of the World!
Dumb, Dumber and even Dumber!
Daily Mail:
Kate and Gerry McCann "deserve to be cursed" for leaving their children alone, Robert Murat's lawyer said yesterday.
And Francisco Pagarete described the couple's private detectives as mercenaries who had persecuted his client.
Mr Murat, 34, was the first official suspect in the police investigation into Madeleine McCann's disappearance.
Continue reading: McCann's should be cursed
Murat's lawyer: 'McCanns should be cursed for leaving Madeleine alone'
If that statement does not reveal the stupidness of Murat's lawyer then I must be the stupid one.
If having your child abducted for making the 'biggest' mistake of your life by leaving them home alone while you sat a hundred yards away on holiday with friends is not a curse, then what more does Murat's lawyer want?
I cannot think of anything worse then the possibility of living for the rest of your life without one of your children that you gave birth too because of your mistake.
Potentially a life long curse don't you think?
What about the rest of the Tapas 9 who also left their children 'home alone' but never paid the ultimate price?
Should they be cursed too or just Mr & Mrs McCann because you are acting on behalf of the chief suspect Mr. Murat?
We all make mistakes, and Mr & Mrs McCann are not the first to have left their children while they dined in what they thought was a safe environment and they will not be the last.
As Christians we take comfort in the fact that Almighty God forgives us of our mistakes.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
He also calls Metodo 3 mercenaries, mercenaries because they are thorough in their job at getting to the bottom of this tragic case because an innocent little child was stolen from her bed and in the process what are they uncovering - Potentially your clients guilt.
You might be a very fitting lawyer for this pair Mr Pagarete if it is found out that they are guilty of this crime - I would start thinking about another career if I was you, but then again it seems you might be very fitting for the Portuguese police and the judiciary now we all know how you operate in that part of the World!
Dumb, Dumber and even Dumber!
Daily Mail:
Kate and Gerry McCann "deserve to be cursed" for leaving their children alone, Robert Murat's lawyer said yesterday.
And Francisco Pagarete described the couple's private detectives as mercenaries who had persecuted his client.
Mr Murat, 34, was the first official suspect in the police investigation into Madeleine McCann's disappearance.
Continue reading: McCann's should be cursed
francisco pagarete,
madeline mccann,
metodo 3,
robert murat
Madeline McCann - Portuguese police

A source told the Portuguese newspaper 24 Horas: "None of the reports indicating sightings of the McCanns' daughter have been confirmed.
"Somebody is trying to draw attention away from what really happened that night. There are those who want to bring down an investigation that has been carried out honestly and rigorously."
Police have faced criticism that they have not investigated sightings all over the world, including in Bosnia, Morocco, Belgium and Malta.
Continue reading: D-Day for the McCann's
Paulo Rebelo who is head of the investigation into missing Madeline has stated that the series of reported sightings that have emerged recently are part of a deliberate campaign to bring down his investigation and draw attention away from what really happened on the night Madeline was abducted.
Would Paulo Rebelo like to tell us what did really happen then on the night Madeline was abducted because at the moment there are 3 arguido's and numerous Portuguese police accounts coming from the top echelons of the Portuguese police as to what did happen.
Lets face it, they have not got a clue as to what happened that night because they have not looked at the facts properly other than inconclusive DNA that was transferred from the McCann family when moving Madeline's belongings, and it is easier to blame the parents, say Madeline is dead, close the case and then go home, back to their 3 hour wine lunches without the worlds media watching them.
Sound like a similar case?
He says that none of the sights of Madeline McCann have been confirmed; whys that dim wit?
Maybe because your officers are so incompetent that they have not got off of their fat butts to go and check them out and the reliability of them, no they would prefer to sit having 3 hour wine lunches accusing Mr & Mrs McCann.
If they did do their jobs properly then a different picture might emerge.
Did this witness catch a potential intruder in Madeline's apartment 6 months prior to Madeline going missing and was it logged with the holiday complex and the Portuguese police? I doubt the Portuguese police logged it to be honest but you never know 'miracles' do happen.
Did Jane Tanner see someone walking off down the road with a little child in their arms or is she lying to help cover up the death of Madeline and perverting the course of justice which carries a hefty prison sentence in a Portuguese hell hole?
Is this witness a reliable witness and did someone fitting Murat's German girlfriend's description enter the holiday complex and knock on her door preaching her Jehovah's witness faith accompanied by a man?
If you answer yes to each of the above then you have to seriously look into the other sightings and in which direction does the light then shine.
Oh yes; your chief arguido Robert Murat and his German girlfriend!
This information has only come into the public domain because the Portuguese police have totally ignored it, the McCann family have publicly stated that they are very careful about what gets released into the public domain because they are not stupid, they know any mistake could endanger Madeline's life, but if the Portuguese police who are heading up this investigation are not going to look into these witnesses and their statements then who is? No one because it is against Portuguese law, so the innocent defenceless 4 year old child Madeline McCann is at the mercy of the Portuguese police who will not do their jobs properly.
Either I am right about what is written here or I am wrong - You be the judge of that.
Lionheart SAOTK
P.S One more question; Has anyone checked Portuguese police records to see how many more unsolved missing children there has been over the last 1 - 2 years in the Algarve?
Could be very telling.
28 November 2007
Nato & Youtube
Nato have finally seen the light and realised that the 'world wide web' is as important in the hands of the global Jihadi's as their AK47's
Take a look at this short video clip which includes a short interview with Mr Glen Jenvey who has been working for many years now at the forefront of the War on the Web.
Video: CNN - Nato & The Web
Glen Jenvey, Jonathan Galt and others successfully used the internet to ensnare Abu Hamza, Omar Bakri, Abu Izzadeen and many other international Jihadi's who are intent on all out Holy War against our societies.
Video's on Al Qaeda's No1 recruiter and radicaliser - Anjem Choudry - that Glen Jenvey has obtained to come soon.
You can read all about Glen Jenvey's intelligence work through the internet in his book - War of the Web
God bless you Mr Jenvey
Lionheart of England
Take a look at this short video clip which includes a short interview with Mr Glen Jenvey who has been working for many years now at the forefront of the War on the Web.
Video: CNN - Nato & The Web

Video's on Al Qaeda's No1 recruiter and radicaliser - Anjem Choudry - that Glen Jenvey has obtained to come soon.
You can read all about Glen Jenvey's intelligence work through the internet in his book - War of the Web
God bless you Mr Jenvey
Lionheart of England
Madeline McCann - Speculation
Ive only just started to see the amount of speculation on the internet about what happened to Madeline McCann the night she vanished from her bed.
There is alot of people who believe Mr & Mrs McCann killed their daughter and then covered up her murder and if you read their speculation you could be persuaded to believe that they are guilty even though there is no evidence to say that they are.
If there was DNA evidence then would they not have been arrested and charged by now?
I expect that now the Portuguese police are in the U.K their arguido status will be lifted or they will be charged with murder - Arguido status lifted I personally believe.
If we base our speculation and then pass judgment on Mr & Mrs McCann based on the reports in the media then you could come up with any conclusion because the stories change each day as to what happened that night and the evidence.
The most compelling evidence to base the conclusion that Madeline was abducted is from the witness Jane Tanner who was part of the Tapas 9, people have discredited her by saying her witness statement has changed during the course of investigation and that she could have made it up as a cover story for the McCann's - Would you help cover up the death of a 4 year old girl and risk your life?
Either this is the fact based evidence that Madeline was abducted or Jane Tanner is perverting the course of justice and risks going to prison for a very long time for being complicit in the death and cover up of Madeline McCann.
It has now come to light that 6 months prior to Madeline's abduction a nanny in the holiday complex caught a man trying to gain entry into the exact same apartment that Madeline went missing from. This nanny reported it to the holiday complex management who then reported the incident to the Portuguese police. If this nanny is telling the truth and the holiday complex and Portuguese police did their jobs properly then this incident will be logged within incident books with dates, so proves beyond doubt that there was someone in the area targeting the most vulnerable apartment on the holiday complex, which is the one Madeline went missing from.
If the Portuguese police did their jobs properly then they could verify this incident and if it is true then it proves Madeline was abducted.
Or it is an amazing coincidence that Mr & Mrs McCann killed their baby in the exact same apartment that a nanny had chased off an intruder from who was trying to gain access from the most vulnerable point, the point in which it is claimed Madeline was taken from.
Corroborating this nannies story has got to be 'Top Priority' because it supports the theory of Madeline being abducted with facts - Jane Tanner and the nanny.
Or they are both lying.
Then there is another witness who has come forward who herself has a young blond haired blue eyed girl claiming that when she was on holiday in this exact same holiday complex a woman fitting Miss Walczuch description had entered the complex, knocked on her door with a man and talked about her Jehovah's witness faith - Does this sound plausible considering the facts known about Miss Walczuch?
Is this woman lying or is she a reliable witness source?
Have the Portuguese police checked?
If she is reliable and to be believed then this puts Miss Walczuch in the frame again.
What do criminals do before stealing someones property, they case their intended target, looking at how to get in and out, how to get away and all other information so as to not get caught.
You have to seriously ask the question; was this what Miss Walczuch was doing if this witness is to be believed.
Several independent witnesses have now placed Miss Walczuch clearly in the frame, is each one lying or did Miss Walczuch have something to do with Madeline's disappearance.
Are these the mistakes that link Miss Walczuch to this crime?
Have the Portuguese police interrogated each of these witnesses to corroborate their stories?
If they haven't what does this say to you?
There is alot of people who believe Mr & Mrs McCann killed their daughter and then covered up her murder and if you read their speculation you could be persuaded to believe that they are guilty even though there is no evidence to say that they are.
If there was DNA evidence then would they not have been arrested and charged by now?
I expect that now the Portuguese police are in the U.K their arguido status will be lifted or they will be charged with murder - Arguido status lifted I personally believe.
If we base our speculation and then pass judgment on Mr & Mrs McCann based on the reports in the media then you could come up with any conclusion because the stories change each day as to what happened that night and the evidence.
The most compelling evidence to base the conclusion that Madeline was abducted is from the witness Jane Tanner who was part of the Tapas 9, people have discredited her by saying her witness statement has changed during the course of investigation and that she could have made it up as a cover story for the McCann's - Would you help cover up the death of a 4 year old girl and risk your life?
Either this is the fact based evidence that Madeline was abducted or Jane Tanner is perverting the course of justice and risks going to prison for a very long time for being complicit in the death and cover up of Madeline McCann.
It has now come to light that 6 months prior to Madeline's abduction a nanny in the holiday complex caught a man trying to gain entry into the exact same apartment that Madeline went missing from. This nanny reported it to the holiday complex management who then reported the incident to the Portuguese police. If this nanny is telling the truth and the holiday complex and Portuguese police did their jobs properly then this incident will be logged within incident books with dates, so proves beyond doubt that there was someone in the area targeting the most vulnerable apartment on the holiday complex, which is the one Madeline went missing from.
If the Portuguese police did their jobs properly then they could verify this incident and if it is true then it proves Madeline was abducted.
Or it is an amazing coincidence that Mr & Mrs McCann killed their baby in the exact same apartment that a nanny had chased off an intruder from who was trying to gain access from the most vulnerable point, the point in which it is claimed Madeline was taken from.
Corroborating this nannies story has got to be 'Top Priority' because it supports the theory of Madeline being abducted with facts - Jane Tanner and the nanny.
Or they are both lying.
Then there is another witness who has come forward who herself has a young blond haired blue eyed girl claiming that when she was on holiday in this exact same holiday complex a woman fitting Miss Walczuch description had entered the complex, knocked on her door with a man and talked about her Jehovah's witness faith - Does this sound plausible considering the facts known about Miss Walczuch?
Is this woman lying or is she a reliable witness source?
Have the Portuguese police checked?
If she is reliable and to be believed then this puts Miss Walczuch in the frame again.
What do criminals do before stealing someones property, they case their intended target, looking at how to get in and out, how to get away and all other information so as to not get caught.
You have to seriously ask the question; was this what Miss Walczuch was doing if this witness is to be believed.
Several independent witnesses have now placed Miss Walczuch clearly in the frame, is each one lying or did Miss Walczuch have something to do with Madeline's disappearance.
Are these the mistakes that link Miss Walczuch to this crime?
Have the Portuguese police interrogated each of these witnesses to corroborate their stories?
If they haven't what does this say to you?
Madeline McCann - Speculation
Ive only just started to see the amount of speculation on the internet about what happened to Madeline McCann the night she vanished from her bed.
There is alot of people who believe Mr & Mrs McCann killed their daughter and then covered up her murder and if you read their speculation you could be persuaded to believe that they are guilty even though there is no evidence to say that they are.
If there was DNA evidence then would they not have been arrested and charged by now?
I expect that now the Portuguese police are in the U.K their arguido status will be lifted or they will be charged with murder - Arguido status lifted I personally believe.
If we base our speculation and then pass judgment on Mr & Mrs McCann based on the reports in the media then you could come up with any conclusion because the stories change each day as to what happened that night and the evidence.
The most compelling evidence to base the conclusion that Madeline was abducted is from the witness Jane Tanner who was part of the Tapas 9, people have discredited her by saying her witness statement has changed during the course of investigation and that she could have made it up as a cover story for the McCann's - Would you help cover up the death of a 4 year old girl and risk your life?
Either this is the fact based evidence that Madeline was abducted or Jane Tanner is perverting the course of justice and risks going to prison for a very long time for being complicit in the death and cover up of Madeline McCann.
It has now come to light that 6 months prior to Madeline's abduction a nanny in the holiday complex caught a man trying to gain entry into the exact same apartment that Madeline went missing from. This nanny reported it to the holiday complex management who then reported the incident to the Portuguese police. If this nanny is telling the truth and the holiday complex and Portuguese police did their jobs properly then this incident will be logged within incident books with dates, so proves beyond doubt that there was someone in the area targeting the most vulnerable apartment on the holiday complex, which is the one Madeline went missing from.
If the Portuguese police did their jobs properly then they could verify this incident and if it is true then it proves Madeline was abducted.
Or it is an amazing coincidence that Mr & Mrs McCann killed their baby in the exact same apartment that a nanny had chased off an intruder from who was trying to gain access from the most vulnerable point, the point in which it is claimed Madeline was taken from.
Corroborating this nannies story has got to be 'Top Priority' because it supports the theory of Madeline being abducted with facts - Jane Tanner and the nanny.
Or they are both lying.
Then there is another witness who has come forward who herself has a young blond haired blue eyed girl claiming that when she was on holiday in this exact same holiday complex a woman fitting Miss Walczuch description had entered the complex, knocked on her door with a man and talked about her Jehovah's witness faith - Does this sound plausible considering the facts known about Miss Walczuch?
Is this woman lying or is she a reliable witness source?
Have the Portuguese police checked?
If she is reliable and to be believed then this puts Miss Walczuch in the frame again.
What do criminals do before stealing someones property, they case their intended target, looking at how to get in and out, how to get away and all other information so as to not get caught.
You have to seriously ask the question; was this what Miss Walczuch was doing if this witness is to be believed.
Several independent witnesses have now placed Miss Walczuch clearly in the frame, is each one lying or did Miss Walczuch have something to do with Madeline's disappearance.
Are these the mistakes that link Miss Walczuch to this crime?
Have the Portuguese police interrogated each of these witnesses to corroborate their stories?
If they haven't what does this say to you?
There is alot of people who believe Mr & Mrs McCann killed their daughter and then covered up her murder and if you read their speculation you could be persuaded to believe that they are guilty even though there is no evidence to say that they are.
If there was DNA evidence then would they not have been arrested and charged by now?
I expect that now the Portuguese police are in the U.K their arguido status will be lifted or they will be charged with murder - Arguido status lifted I personally believe.
If we base our speculation and then pass judgment on Mr & Mrs McCann based on the reports in the media then you could come up with any conclusion because the stories change each day as to what happened that night and the evidence.
The most compelling evidence to base the conclusion that Madeline was abducted is from the witness Jane Tanner who was part of the Tapas 9, people have discredited her by saying her witness statement has changed during the course of investigation and that she could have made it up as a cover story for the McCann's - Would you help cover up the death of a 4 year old girl and risk your life?
Either this is the fact based evidence that Madeline was abducted or Jane Tanner is perverting the course of justice and risks going to prison for a very long time for being complicit in the death and cover up of Madeline McCann.
It has now come to light that 6 months prior to Madeline's abduction a nanny in the holiday complex caught a man trying to gain entry into the exact same apartment that Madeline went missing from. This nanny reported it to the holiday complex management who then reported the incident to the Portuguese police. If this nanny is telling the truth and the holiday complex and Portuguese police did their jobs properly then this incident will be logged within incident books with dates, so proves beyond doubt that there was someone in the area targeting the most vulnerable apartment on the holiday complex, which is the one Madeline went missing from.
If the Portuguese police did their jobs properly then they could verify this incident and if it is true then it proves Madeline was abducted.
Or it is an amazing coincidence that Mr & Mrs McCann killed their baby in the exact same apartment that a nanny had chased off an intruder from who was trying to gain access from the most vulnerable point, the point in which it is claimed Madeline was taken from.
Corroborating this nannies story has got to be 'Top Priority' because it supports the theory of Madeline being abducted with facts - Jane Tanner and the nanny.
Or they are both lying.
Then there is another witness who has come forward who herself has a young blond haired blue eyed girl claiming that when she was on holiday in this exact same holiday complex a woman fitting Miss Walczuch description had entered the complex, knocked on her door with a man and talked about her Jehovah's witness faith - Does this sound plausible considering the facts known about Miss Walczuch?
Is this woman lying or is she a reliable witness source?
Have the Portuguese police checked?
If she is reliable and to be believed then this puts Miss Walczuch in the frame again.
What do criminals do before stealing someones property, they case their intended target, looking at how to get in and out, how to get away and all other information so as to not get caught.
You have to seriously ask the question; was this what Miss Walczuch was doing if this witness is to be believed.
Several independent witnesses have now placed Miss Walczuch clearly in the frame, is each one lying or did Miss Walczuch have something to do with Madeline's disappearance.
Are these the mistakes that link Miss Walczuch to this crime?
Have the Portuguese police interrogated each of these witnesses to corroborate their stories?
If they haven't what does this say to you?
Madeline McCann - Another witness
Another witness has emerged who saw a child who looked remarkably like Madeline McCann being dragged towards the Marina in Lagos Portugal 8 hours after Madeline was abducted from her bed.
The Portuguese police have only now 6 months on, looked at this as a possible witness sighting.
Shows the incompetence of those leading the investigation into her disappearance.
Its easier to blame the parents and then lock them away for a crime they did not commit, rather than admit that child kidnapping gangs are plying their trade on the Algarve who they have no way of catching or stopping.
The Portugues police in the Algarve know whether this is happening or not because its on their patch, but do you think thay are going to admit it and scare away international tourism?
You have to ask how this sighting fits in with the other sightings though because if she was shipped off to Morocco straight away then she could not have been seen being transferred in Portugal 2 days after, unless she was hidden in a boat in the Marina, but then why not just sail across the few miles immediately to Morocco.
Atleast real leads that have always been there are coming to life that can be investigated and how anyone can criticise Metodo 3 I dont know, they are doing a thorough job of bringing to life real possible leads that were dead because the Portuguese police chose to ignore them. They are being paid to search for Madeline with funds that were raised to find Madeline, exactly the reason why people gave money in the first place, would people rather everyone sit back and do nothing and admire the 1.1 million that was raised and ignore the plight of the innocent defenceless little child Madeline McCann?
Every last penny of that 1.1 million should go into finding Madeline and the search for her should not be given up until she is found.
It is only exhausting the leads will Madeline be found or the trail to her discoevered because the truth is there with the sightings and mistakes leading to the truth.
The picture of truth is there because it happened its just that we cannot see it because we were not involved in it, we are looking into the 'unknown and the darkness', Madeline is missing and people were involved so it is obvious that the truth is there somewhere, with each sighting a possible mistake that can lead those who are looking to Madeline, and I pray that Almighty God will reveal that picture of truth to those who are looking - Metodo 3, seen as though the Portuguese police don't know what they are doing, they prefer to sit around having 3 hour lunches drinking wine throwing wild accusations at Mr & Mrs McCann rather than pursuing real witness leads.
Daily Mail:
A British businessman has come forward and claimed that he saw Madeleine McCann only eight hours after she went missing as she was dragged towards a Portuguese port by a "suspicious-looking" man and woman.
The British expat, George Burke said he saw a girl who looked "remarkably like Madeleine" being dragged along a road leading to Lagos marina at 6am on May 4th.
Although Burke reported the sighting to Portuguese police at the time, it has taken until now for his account to be taken seriously, according to the McCanns' private detectives, Metodo 3.
Continue reading: 'I saw Madeleine being dragged towards the marina'
The Portuguese police have only now 6 months on, looked at this as a possible witness sighting.
Shows the incompetence of those leading the investigation into her disappearance.
Its easier to blame the parents and then lock them away for a crime they did not commit, rather than admit that child kidnapping gangs are plying their trade on the Algarve who they have no way of catching or stopping.
The Portugues police in the Algarve know whether this is happening or not because its on their patch, but do you think thay are going to admit it and scare away international tourism?
You have to ask how this sighting fits in with the other sightings though because if she was shipped off to Morocco straight away then she could not have been seen being transferred in Portugal 2 days after, unless she was hidden in a boat in the Marina, but then why not just sail across the few miles immediately to Morocco.
Atleast real leads that have always been there are coming to life that can be investigated and how anyone can criticise Metodo 3 I dont know, they are doing a thorough job of bringing to life real possible leads that were dead because the Portuguese police chose to ignore them. They are being paid to search for Madeline with funds that were raised to find Madeline, exactly the reason why people gave money in the first place, would people rather everyone sit back and do nothing and admire the 1.1 million that was raised and ignore the plight of the innocent defenceless little child Madeline McCann?
Every last penny of that 1.1 million should go into finding Madeline and the search for her should not be given up until she is found.
It is only exhausting the leads will Madeline be found or the trail to her discoevered because the truth is there with the sightings and mistakes leading to the truth.
The picture of truth is there because it happened its just that we cannot see it because we were not involved in it, we are looking into the 'unknown and the darkness', Madeline is missing and people were involved so it is obvious that the truth is there somewhere, with each sighting a possible mistake that can lead those who are looking to Madeline, and I pray that Almighty God will reveal that picture of truth to those who are looking - Metodo 3, seen as though the Portuguese police don't know what they are doing, they prefer to sit around having 3 hour lunches drinking wine throwing wild accusations at Mr & Mrs McCann rather than pursuing real witness leads.
Daily Mail:
A British businessman has come forward and claimed that he saw Madeleine McCann only eight hours after she went missing as she was dragged towards a Portuguese port by a "suspicious-looking" man and woman.
The British expat, George Burke said he saw a girl who looked "remarkably like Madeleine" being dragged along a road leading to Lagos marina at 6am on May 4th.
Although Burke reported the sighting to Portuguese police at the time, it has taken until now for his account to be taken seriously, according to the McCanns' private detectives, Metodo 3.
Continue reading: 'I saw Madeleine being dragged towards the marina'
ex pat,
george burke,
lagos marina,
madeline mccann
27 November 2007
Madeline McCann - My supposition
Continued from: Madeline McCann - At the mercy of the Portuguese police
1 Corinthians 13 The Greatest Gift - written by 'Paul the Apostle' to the Church that he founded in Corinth.
1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, it profits me nothing.
4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.
11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.
13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
"We look into the unknown and the darkness for Madeline McCann, by faith, with hope and in Love".
This is my own supposition of the case of Madeline McCann based on my own thoughts, views, opinions and Metodo 3's information.
I personally look into the unknown and the darkness by faith, with hope and in Love, with the greatest of these 3 being Love because without it I wouldn't be looking or writing this, and most importantly God is Love, so He gives us the eyes to see in the darkness.
It would be easy to believe that Madeline McCann is dead, we could close this chapter in our minds and move on, exactly like what the Portuguese police want the world to do, that is why they will not budge from saying that Madeline is dead, they can then close the chapter on this unsolved case and move on.
That does not help the poor innocent defenceless little 4 year old child Madeline McCann though does it, if everyone resines themselves to the fact that she is dead, everyone will then give up looking and she will never see the light of day again.
Thankfully her parents have not given up hope by faith through Love in being re-united with their baby daughter again, keeping her and the search for her alive.
Take a look at this picture of the little innocent defenceless person that is Madeline McCann, how can people give up on her, this picture says to me and I hope you - help me, come and get me.
It is easy for the Portuguese police to say Madeline is dead because they do not want to find her because they know what finding her would mean!
Children being kidnapped in Portugal for paedophile gangs in Portugal.
They say she was killed in Portugal by her abductor, whether in the apartment or later on due to the media coverage - Easy way out.
If this was a lone Portuguese paedophile that took her then yes she would have been murdered shortly after her abduction and her body would have been found by now, like what happens in England when a child is kidnapped by a paedophile. They kill them soon after and then dispose of the body because the time span between them having the child and the police tracing them is usually very short so they need to do whatever they do and then discard of the evidence as quickly as possible just in case the police come knocking on their door looking.
I don't believe Madeline was abducted by a lone paedophile, I believe she was abducted by a gang of child kidnappers on behalf of another gang for profit, so the quick murder of the child scenario does not come into the equation because its a whole different ball game.
I believe that she was abducted by a gang of child kidnappers for profit, without planning on the unexpected, that her parents were doctors with influential friends, that in an instant the worlds media had turned up on the doorstep and that Madeline had one of the most distinctive eyes any child could have which made her untouchable to whoever she was destined for.
Whoever initially wanted her would not go anywhere near her once the spotlight shone on the situation, they could not have planned for what was to happen next.
The initial child kidnappers were then lumbered with this child they had just stolen to order and they had to get rid of her somehow and quickly.
I don't believe the initial kidnappers killed her because stealing a child is a bit different from murdering a child and I don't think the initial kidnappers are child killers. I think they could rationalise stealing a child because it is like stealing someones property, murdering a child especially if they have children themselves is a whole different ball game, but they would have still had to get rid of her quick, so gave her or sold her onto another contact.
Madeline was way too hot for anyone in Portugal to touch or go near.
Was this the first mistake that has come to light when someone fitting Miss Walczuch description was spotted transferring a child to an unknown man in Portugal 2 days after Madeline was stolen?
Madeline then became the property and responsibility of another gang, and from the information Metodo 3 have gathered it seems 100% certain that the new owners of the stolen property 'Madeline McCann' were North African and took her into Morocco, sounds right seen as though Morocco is renowned for this type of criminal trade.
If children and people trafficking is your business and has been for many years, you already have the system and network in place to hide your new property away from anyone who might be looking.
You will know they are there but you will never find them because they are so well hidden within the vast lawless continent of Africa, its not hard if you think about it, to hide someone from ever being found in such inhospitable terrain.
The question now is; who exactly has Madeline and where is she?
Those looking for her have to ask themselves the question; do they want to catch the people who now have her or do they just want Madeline back?
If they want to catch the people who now own Madeline (because that's how they view it), then Madeline will never be found because it would be easier for these people to kill her and dispose of her body rather than risk getting caught under any circumstances.
Or if they just want Madeline back then it is a matter of working out how to safely trade her back for the 1.5 million reward money.
Those who now have Madeline were not the ones who stole this innocent poor child while she slept in her bed - Those human monsters are still free!
Madeline McCann became a highly prized asset once the 1.5 million reward was offered which I believe saved her life and saved her from any harm.
If you are a farmer why kill or injure your prized bull when you can sell him for 1.5 million?
If Madeline was forgotten about by everyone then she becomes nothing more than another little child ready to be trafficked to 'God' knows where to 'God' knows who, but because she is still in the media eye and there are still people looking for her, the people who have her still have the option of trading her back somehow.
This is the 'unknown and the darkness' that no one knows, unless Metodo 3 have made contact with the new owners of Madeline McCann.
In the middle of being compelled to write several posts on this tragic story, God revealed a stone to me in the middle of the 'unknown and the darkness', so when I look out into that unknown and darkness I see this glaring stone.
The question is; can those who are looking also see that stone and are they willing to look under it for the sake of Madeline?
It was given for some reason!
"leaving no stone un-turned"
My daily prayer to God is that we will wake up one day and there will be breaking news that Madeline McCann has been found left at a Catholic church somewhere in the world, the miracle return of this innocent and scared little child, if that is not God's plan or purpose to bring her back then I pray that whoever has her will provide evidence that she is alive, then people will know where they stand and the 1.5 million investors can work out how the money is going to be transferred.
I don't know whether the last bag of clothes was a proof of life because you cannot believe alot of things in the media, and this only had a 3 on the scale of 8 link anyway which is not proof. Everyone needs to know if they don't know already, that Madeline is alive, then the game can change.
Father I pray that you will compel those who have Madeline to provide proof that she is alive somewhere in this world, so that people know where they stand, and so as to give her parents peace about their daughter, and I pray that you will continue leading those working for Metodo 3, that you will reveal the things that are hidden, giving them the clear picture of truth, you are all truth and know the whole truth to this situation, so I pray that you will reveal it for the sake of Madeline, and I pray that the innocent Portuguese huband and wife who are languishing in a Portuguese prison will now get the help that they need to be freed from their living hell enforced upon them by corrupt Portuguese police officers who were also involved in Madeline's case.
In Jesus name - Amen
Lionheart SAOTK
1 Corinthians 13 The Greatest Gift - written by 'Paul the Apostle' to the Church that he founded in Corinth.
1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, it profits me nothing.
4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.
11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.
13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
"We look into the unknown and the darkness for Madeline McCann, by faith, with hope and in Love".
This is my own supposition of the case of Madeline McCann based on my own thoughts, views, opinions and Metodo 3's information.
I personally look into the unknown and the darkness by faith, with hope and in Love, with the greatest of these 3 being Love because without it I wouldn't be looking or writing this, and most importantly God is Love, so He gives us the eyes to see in the darkness.
It would be easy to believe that Madeline McCann is dead, we could close this chapter in our minds and move on, exactly like what the Portuguese police want the world to do, that is why they will not budge from saying that Madeline is dead, they can then close the chapter on this unsolved case and move on.
That does not help the poor innocent defenceless little 4 year old child Madeline McCann though does it, if everyone resines themselves to the fact that she is dead, everyone will then give up looking and she will never see the light of day again.
Thankfully her parents have not given up hope by faith through Love in being re-united with their baby daughter again, keeping her and the search for her alive.
Take a look at this picture of the little innocent defenceless person that is Madeline McCann, how can people give up on her, this picture says to me and I hope you - help me, come and get me.

Children being kidnapped in Portugal for paedophile gangs in Portugal.
They say she was killed in Portugal by her abductor, whether in the apartment or later on due to the media coverage - Easy way out.
If this was a lone Portuguese paedophile that took her then yes she would have been murdered shortly after her abduction and her body would have been found by now, like what happens in England when a child is kidnapped by a paedophile. They kill them soon after and then dispose of the body because the time span between them having the child and the police tracing them is usually very short so they need to do whatever they do and then discard of the evidence as quickly as possible just in case the police come knocking on their door looking.
I don't believe Madeline was abducted by a lone paedophile, I believe she was abducted by a gang of child kidnappers on behalf of another gang for profit, so the quick murder of the child scenario does not come into the equation because its a whole different ball game.
I believe that she was abducted by a gang of child kidnappers for profit, without planning on the unexpected, that her parents were doctors with influential friends, that in an instant the worlds media had turned up on the doorstep and that Madeline had one of the most distinctive eyes any child could have which made her untouchable to whoever she was destined for.
Whoever initially wanted her would not go anywhere near her once the spotlight shone on the situation, they could not have planned for what was to happen next.
The initial child kidnappers were then lumbered with this child they had just stolen to order and they had to get rid of her somehow and quickly.
I don't believe the initial kidnappers killed her because stealing a child is a bit different from murdering a child and I don't think the initial kidnappers are child killers. I think they could rationalise stealing a child because it is like stealing someones property, murdering a child especially if they have children themselves is a whole different ball game, but they would have still had to get rid of her quick, so gave her or sold her onto another contact.
Madeline was way too hot for anyone in Portugal to touch or go near.
Was this the first mistake that has come to light when someone fitting Miss Walczuch description was spotted transferring a child to an unknown man in Portugal 2 days after Madeline was stolen?
Madeline then became the property and responsibility of another gang, and from the information Metodo 3 have gathered it seems 100% certain that the new owners of the stolen property 'Madeline McCann' were North African and took her into Morocco, sounds right seen as though Morocco is renowned for this type of criminal trade.
If children and people trafficking is your business and has been for many years, you already have the system and network in place to hide your new property away from anyone who might be looking.
You will know they are there but you will never find them because they are so well hidden within the vast lawless continent of Africa, its not hard if you think about it, to hide someone from ever being found in such inhospitable terrain.
The question now is; who exactly has Madeline and where is she?
Those looking for her have to ask themselves the question; do they want to catch the people who now have her or do they just want Madeline back?
If they want to catch the people who now own Madeline (because that's how they view it), then Madeline will never be found because it would be easier for these people to kill her and dispose of her body rather than risk getting caught under any circumstances.
Or if they just want Madeline back then it is a matter of working out how to safely trade her back for the 1.5 million reward money.
Those who now have Madeline were not the ones who stole this innocent poor child while she slept in her bed - Those human monsters are still free!
Madeline McCann became a highly prized asset once the 1.5 million reward was offered which I believe saved her life and saved her from any harm.
If you are a farmer why kill or injure your prized bull when you can sell him for 1.5 million?
If Madeline was forgotten about by everyone then she becomes nothing more than another little child ready to be trafficked to 'God' knows where to 'God' knows who, but because she is still in the media eye and there are still people looking for her, the people who have her still have the option of trading her back somehow.
This is the 'unknown and the darkness' that no one knows, unless Metodo 3 have made contact with the new owners of Madeline McCann.
In the middle of being compelled to write several posts on this tragic story, God revealed a stone to me in the middle of the 'unknown and the darkness', so when I look out into that unknown and darkness I see this glaring stone.
The question is; can those who are looking also see that stone and are they willing to look under it for the sake of Madeline?
It was given for some reason!
"leaving no stone un-turned"
My daily prayer to God is that we will wake up one day and there will be breaking news that Madeline McCann has been found left at a Catholic church somewhere in the world, the miracle return of this innocent and scared little child, if that is not God's plan or purpose to bring her back then I pray that whoever has her will provide evidence that she is alive, then people will know where they stand and the 1.5 million investors can work out how the money is going to be transferred.
I don't know whether the last bag of clothes was a proof of life because you cannot believe alot of things in the media, and this only had a 3 on the scale of 8 link anyway which is not proof. Everyone needs to know if they don't know already, that Madeline is alive, then the game can change.
Father I pray that you will compel those who have Madeline to provide proof that she is alive somewhere in this world, so that people know where they stand, and so as to give her parents peace about their daughter, and I pray that you will continue leading those working for Metodo 3, that you will reveal the things that are hidden, giving them the clear picture of truth, you are all truth and know the whole truth to this situation, so I pray that you will reveal it for the sake of Madeline, and I pray that the innocent Portuguese huband and wife who are languishing in a Portuguese prison will now get the help that they need to be freed from their living hell enforced upon them by corrupt Portuguese police officers who were also involved in Madeline's case.
In Jesus name - Amen
Lionheart SAOTK
madeline mccann,
metodo 3,
north africa
The Sharks are circling their prey...
President Bush has baited the water with the blood of the Jews, with the Islamic sharks now circling their prey, waiting to each bite their piece from the body 'Israel' - God's gift to the Jews as their inheritance in the last days.
Watch what the 'Lord God of Israel's' response will be to this forced feeding frenzy on the apple of His eye.
Annapolis - More to follow...
Watch what the 'Lord God of Israel's' response will be to this forced feeding frenzy on the apple of His eye.
Annapolis - More to follow...
25 November 2007
Madeline McCann - At the mercy of the Portuguese police

They would prefer that she not be found and the blame for her disappearance be left at the parents feet, like the other poor Portuguese woman who is serving 16 years for murdering her daughter who vanished in exactly the same scenario and with no body discovered. The lead investigator of the Portuguese woman's missing child was the lead investigator of Madeline McCann too, who is now being prosecuted himself for beating and terrorising a confession out of the poor Portuguese lady.
I wouldn't like to be at the mercy of him or his officers would you? Yet the McCann family and poor Madeline have had no choice but too leave it in this man's hands, that was until another investigator took over, but you have to ask the question why is he not now following up on the leads that have come to light? I wonder what factors could prevent him from turning his attention somewhere else other than at the parents, who knows what goes on within the workings of power in Portugal.
Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.
If the Portuguese police cannot and will not do the job properly then who is going too? They will not allow anyone else too under Portuguese law and have threatened Metodo 3 who are searching in the right places with prosecution.
The question you have to ask is why will they not investigate this case properly and why are they trying to scare off those who are, to the point of threatening legal action and now undermining Metodo 3's suitability to investigate?
Metodo 3 have done a better job investigating this case in 1 1/2 months than what the Portuguese police have done in 6 months - Are the Portuguese police really this bad or is something more sinister at play?
I wonder where the domino effect ends, from those at the bottom who were paid to kidnap Madeline, to the middle men who set it up for those at the top, through to the ones who wanted her or a child like her - The chain gang!
There is not one shred of evidence to say that Mr & Mrs McCann killed their baby, not one, with each accusation now being factually proven wrong, yet the Portuguese police will not give up trying to pin the blame on them, to the point that they have wasted the last few months trying when they could have been searching for the truth, and they are now willing to close the case and go home even though evidence is now starting to come to light.
Who does not want the truth to be found out?
I hope your reading this - God knows exactly who you are - Look at what Judas eventually did to himself because of what he had done.
I wonder who Mr Murat and Michaela Walczuch would point the finger at if cornered, then I wonder who they would point the finger at, and then I wonder how far up into Portugal's Elite of Society the finger pointing will go - Portuguese high society cannot afford another paedophile scandal like the last, so how far will those at the top go to prevent such an outcome.
I wonder how many job promotions have been offered to hush this up, silence the media and paint a different picture for the world to see blaming Mr & Mrs McCann and the rest of the Tapas 9?
The case against Mr & Mrs McCann
There is not one piece of forensic evidence to say that Mr & Mrs McCann killed their baby because if there was they would have been charged by now, yet they are accused and official suspects in Madeline's disappearance.
The Portuguese police's hunch which they have not let up on is that Madeline died in the apartment, her body disposed of and the Tapas 9 covered it up - This is the Portuguese police's picture for the World's media for the consumption of the masses around the world who are following this sad case of an innocent child abducted from her bed.
The Portuguese police have based their assumption on the belief that Mr & Mrs McCann sedated their children so they could go off partying, and over sedated Madeline, killed her, and then had to dispose of her body because of their actions.
It has now been forensically proven that Mrs McCann and her children have not had any medication in their bodies over the last 8 months so proves beyond doubt that this theory is wrong.

This theory does not hold up either.
Would Mr & Mrs McCann have sold their daughter on the black market?
Cant see that one can you?
If your child had an accident, slipped over and banged their head and killed themselves, would you not call an ambulance and then go through the process or detailing the accident and subsequent death of your child rather than acting as if it was your fault, hiding the body, having to then dispose of the body with the prospect of being caught and getting other people involved with the prospect of prison for everyone, all over the accidental death of your child - This theory doesn't hold up either
What other scenarios are there that could implicate Madeline's parents in her disappearance because I cant think of any?
Based on the Portuguese police facts and their line of enquiry, saying that the McCann family are involved in Madeline's disappearance just does not add up or hold up as being believable, yet they are still accusing the McCann family of Madeline's disappearance and claiming the remainder of the Tapas 9 helped cover it up.
This is the human picture for the worlds media for mass human consumption with the blame not at the door of paedophiles paradise - Portugal - so that the biggest business in the Algarve will not be scared away because of what could happen to your children if you travel to Portugal on holiday, but the blame being on the innocent parents, a little like the woman languishing in a Portuguese prison cell with a 16 year prison sentence wrapped around her for a crime she did not commit - She probably prays every day for God to help her.
Those who took Madeline are the ones who have created this for the people of Portugal and the Algarve, not the McCann family, they just want their 4 year old daughter back who was abducted while she slept innocently in her bed.
Portugal's Elite should take note of what has happened in their back garden, make sure Madeline is returned unharmed and work to stamp this evil out for the sake of the future, otherwise Madeline will not be the last little child to be abducted and subjugated to unimaginable horror in Portugal, shes not the first as the facts clearly state but you can make sure she is the last by making sure her abductors are caught, then they will not be able to dirty up your back garden, making your land carry the label 'Paedophiles Paradise'.

Is this now the Portuguese police story for the worlds media for mass human consumption to try and stop any real investigation and close the case before things get messy for those who are at the top of the chain gang?
If you had just smothered a child and killed her would you really climb out of the apartment window with the dead body and then run off down the road with the dead weight in your arms and risk being seen, caught and then spending the rest of your life in prison for a child murder?
Would it not be easier and safer considering this persons life now depended on them getting away, to leave the dead body behind rather than run off down the road with what would feel like a big bag of potatoes in their arms, imagine how scared the person would have been if they had just killed this little girl, their only thought would be to get out of that apartment and away as fast as possible, they wouldn't risk climbing out of the window and running down the road with a dead body in their arms would they?
It is like breaking into a house, smashing the T.V in with a hammer that your about to steal and then running of with the broken T.V in your arms for the whole world to possibly see, not very realistic is it unless you are completely stupid?
Yet it silences alot of people and takes the blame away from the McCann family which is causing the Portuguese police the biggest problems.
Anyway this scenario does not add up with the proven facts to this case that need investigating.
Why wont the Portuguese police investigate the leads that have come to light?
I wonder if threats of finger pointing by those who are now in the frame is helping to steer this investigation away from themselves?
The domino effect - Once the bottom one falls they all fall.
This story of events is the best possible plausible story the Portuguese police could have come up with about the events of that night except for its blatant flaw, but most people wouldn't give it a second thought, they would believe that's what happened and then forget about the innocent defenceless little child Madeline McCann.
Doesn't help Madeline McCann does it?
If the Portuguese police can get everyone to believe that Madeline McCann is dead then they can close this case and the whole story will go away with things then going back to normal on the Algarve - Portuguese policing at its best! Like beating and terrorising a confession out of an innocent woman who is now in jail serving 16 years for a crime she did not commit!
I forgot to add; There is absolutely 'no evidence' to prove the new Portuguese police scenario - Its pie in the sky like every other scenario they have come up with over the last 6 months.
Is it just me or does something smell fishy here?
The Facts to Madeline's abduction
The most important fact to Madeline's abduction that disproves the Portuguese Police's initial 6 month accusation of Mr & Mrs McCann being involved in their babies disappearance is that Jane Tanner one of the Tapas 9 saw someone carrying a child down the road outside of the holiday complex who was wearing the same colour bed clothes as Madeline at the same location and at the same time that Madeline was abducted - Yet it has taken the Portuguese police 6 months to acknowledge this evidence and now they say that the person carrying Madeline had killed her and ran off with her dead body - Again - where do they get their evidence for this scenario from?
Its an easy way for them to explain away the evidence!
It has also now come to light that 6 months prior to Madeline's abduction, a nanny working in the holiday complex caught someone trying to get into the same apartment through the shutters that Madeline went missing from, her description of the man is of Robert Murat the chief suspect in Madeline's disappearance. The nanny reported this attempted break in at the apartment to her managers at the hotel who we hope would have logged the incident, who then reported it to the Portuguese police - This proves that a child kidnapper was waiting for his moment to snatch a child from the holiday complex that Madeline vanished from and can be verified with hotel and police logs.
Two fact based witnesses of a child kidnapper in the holiday complex that Madeline went missing from, yet the Portuguese police rejected the evidence for some reason and pursued Mr & Mrs McCann - Why?
Robert Murat the chief suspect lives a stones throw from where Madeline was abducted from and I would expect walks past the exact location of Madeline's room most days.
He also works with the Portuguese police as a translator.
When he was arrested as the chief suspect in Madeline's disappearance he gave the police an alibi that he later changed. When he was arrested he said he was with his German girlfriend on the night Madeline was abducted, then after he was released magically he changed his account of that night and then gave the Portuguese police a 'text book' water tight alibi of where he was on the night Madeline disappeared - With his 71 year old mother all night talking in the kitchen.

Whether he likes it or not Robert Murat is the chief suspect for good reason, the only thing the Portuguese police do not have is forensic evidence on him, unless the English girl comment on his computer is true? apart from that they have witnesses to say he was in the area the night Madeline disappeared, they have evidence to suggest that he attempted to break into Madeline's apartment 6 months prior to her disappearance, he walks past the holiday complex everyday because he lives a stones throw away from it and he changed his initial alibi which then became a water tight 'text book' alibi.
If you was the investigating officer what would you think about Mr Murat?
OK they arrested him as the chief suspect, probably because they had no other choice but too based on all the information on him but why have they not pursued him and those around him like his Russian friend, his girlfriend and her husband?
Did Mr Murat's finger pointing come into play?
Robert Murat's German girlfriend Miss Walczuch has also now been positively identified by two witnesses as being in the presence of a young blond child resembling Madeline McCann, once by a lorry driver who saw a woman who looks identical to her handing over a little blond girl to a man somewhere in Portugal, and the other sighting of her has been in Morocco, again with a little blond girl resembling Madeline McCann.

Miss Walczuch has said that her car was in for servicing the day she was said to be in Morocco so it couldn't have been her.
Have the Portuguese police bothered to check Miss Walczuch alibi's on both of these days? NO
Another witness has also come forward stating that a woman looking identical to Miss Walczuch entered the same holiday complex that Madeline was abducted from and knocked on her door professing to be a Jehova's witness. This woman has a little blond haired blue eyed duaghter the same as Madeline.
The Portuguese police have not investigated any other lines of enquiry over the last 6 months other than blaming the parents even though several witnesses have come forward putting Mr Murat and his German girlfriend Miss Walczuch both in the frame for Madeline's abduction.
The question has got to be; Why have they not looked at these fact based lines of enquiry in the search for those who abducted Madeline?
The Portuguese police have hounded Mr & Mrs McCann based on no evidence, yet refuse to pursue Mr Murat & Miss Walczuch based on witness evidence.
What does this say?
What picture emerges for you when you look at all of the facts?
The question you have to wonder is; if Mr Murat & Miss Walczuch were involved in Madeline's abduction then who would they point the finger at and would that finger pointing be a factor in the steering of this investigation?
Rather than the Portuguese police pursue these fact based lines of enquiry, they want everyone to now believe that the abducter killed Madeline in the apartment and then took her away to dispose of her body, this is after 6 months of blaming the parents based on no evidence.
Pulled out of the hat like a rabbit!
This story is so that they can close the case, say Madeline is dead and everyone can then go home and life in the Algarve can go back to normal.
Think about this one; If the Portuguese police had their way based on the facts that we know of over the last 6 months then Mr & Mrs McCann would both be charged with Madelines murder even though there is no evidence, with fact based evidence actually to the contrary, and they would both be languishing in a Portuguese prison for a crime they did not commit - Does that sound like a similar case to you?

Thankfully cases like this are very rare in Britain.
To continue....
Turkey - Al Qaeda's backdoor into Europe
What was that Jack Straw said about opening the frontdoor of Great Britain up and letting 70 million Moslems have unrestricted access to our Country?
Oh yes; "The West & Islam can live together"
Take a read of this excellent and thorough article courtesy of Glen Jenvey.
The Timesonline:
IN a small windowless cell lit by a single light bulb, Louai al-Sakka sits isolated from the world and fellow inmates for 24 hours a day.
His concrete box is in the bowels of Kandira, a high-security F-type prison 60 miles east of Istanbul, which was built to house Turkey’s most dangerous criminals.
The prison has been criticised by human rights groups such as Amnesty International. The guards control everything, including the cell’s light switch.
Sakka’s only visitor is Osman Karahan, a lawyer who shares his fervent support for militant Islamic jihad.
Since being convicted as an Al-Qaeda bomb plotter last year, Sakka has decided to reveal his alleged role in some of the key plots of recent years, providing a potential insight into the unanswered questions surrounding them. His story is also one of a globetrotting terrorist in an organisation that is truly multinational.
He is an enigma and, despite his involvement in three terrorist outrages involving British citizens, he is virtually unknown in this country.
By his own account he is a senior Al-Qaeda operative who was at the forefront of the insurgency in Iraq, took part in the beheading of Briton Kenneth Bigley and helped train the 9/11 bombers. He has been jailed in connection with the bombing of the British consulate in Istanbul.
Certainly, the intelligence services have shown a keen interest in the 34-year-old Syrian who says he was in Iraq alongside Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the notorious insurgent who was killed last year in a United States air-strike.
But, as with many things in the world of Al-Qaeda, there might be smoke and mirrors. Some experts believe that Sakka could be overstating his importance to the group, possibly to lay a false track for western agencies investigating his terrorist colleagues.
Continue reading: Al-Qaeda kingpin in Turkey
Oh yes; "The West & Islam can live together"
Take a read of this excellent and thorough article courtesy of Glen Jenvey.
The Timesonline:
IN a small windowless cell lit by a single light bulb, Louai al-Sakka sits isolated from the world and fellow inmates for 24 hours a day.
His concrete box is in the bowels of Kandira, a high-security F-type prison 60 miles east of Istanbul, which was built to house Turkey’s most dangerous criminals.
The prison has been criticised by human rights groups such as Amnesty International. The guards control everything, including the cell’s light switch.
Sakka’s only visitor is Osman Karahan, a lawyer who shares his fervent support for militant Islamic jihad.
Since being convicted as an Al-Qaeda bomb plotter last year, Sakka has decided to reveal his alleged role in some of the key plots of recent years, providing a potential insight into the unanswered questions surrounding them. His story is also one of a globetrotting terrorist in an organisation that is truly multinational.
He is an enigma and, despite his involvement in three terrorist outrages involving British citizens, he is virtually unknown in this country.
By his own account he is a senior Al-Qaeda operative who was at the forefront of the insurgency in Iraq, took part in the beheading of Briton Kenneth Bigley and helped train the 9/11 bombers. He has been jailed in connection with the bombing of the British consulate in Istanbul.
Certainly, the intelligence services have shown a keen interest in the 34-year-old Syrian who says he was in Iraq alongside Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the notorious insurgent who was killed last year in a United States air-strike.
But, as with many things in the world of Al-Qaeda, there might be smoke and mirrors. Some experts believe that Sakka could be overstating his importance to the group, possibly to lay a false track for western agencies investigating his terrorist colleagues.
Continue reading: Al-Qaeda kingpin in Turkey
Heroin: The Golden Sword of Jihad
90% of the Heroin on the streets of Great Britain comes from Afghanistan through Pakistan and ends up on our streets, it is then distributed by the Pakistani Moslem community living here. It is controlled in Afghanistan by the Taliban and Al Qaeda and funds their global Holy War against us the non-Moslems.
This extremely deadly and destructive commodity is being used as a weapon of war against our society by British born Moslems, Al Qaeda's British General Diren Barot who is now serving 30 years for his part in planned bombing campaigns against mainland Britain outlined the armies of Jihad to use street drugs as a 'weapon of war' under the banner 'chemical warfare'.
Heroin: The Golden Sword of Jihad
Take a read of this shocking article below with accompanying picture of the consequences of the epidemic of Heroin upon our streets and then watch the short video.
If you have a young son or daughter growing up in today's society then this is one of the biggest threats facing their future because of our so called peaceful neighbours.
But we cannot say anything through fear of arrest and imprisonment because of 'Loony Labours' community cohesion policy - STUFF YOUR POLICY!!!
Sunday Mail .co.uk:
Exclusive Heroin's Child: Shock Images Of A Lost Innocence
A COMATOSE heroin addict sprawls in a school doorway with a needle by his side - as his toddler daughter cuddles him in a pitiful bid to stay warm.
Just 10ft away, the man's six month-old baby daughter cries hysterically with no cover on her pram.
The shocking pictures illustrate the grim reality behind damning statistics that show 120,000 children are living with addict parents.
Children's charities last night described the images as "appalling and frightening".
And Justice Minister Kenny MacAskill said: "This shows the extent of the problem that drugs cause in our communities. When a wee toddler is discovered in circumstances like that, it is just so shocking.
Continue reading: Heroin Hell Of 120,000 Children
Video: Heroin - The inside story
This extremely deadly and destructive commodity is being used as a weapon of war against our society by British born Moslems, Al Qaeda's British General Diren Barot who is now serving 30 years for his part in planned bombing campaigns against mainland Britain outlined the armies of Jihad to use street drugs as a 'weapon of war' under the banner 'chemical warfare'.
Heroin: The Golden Sword of Jihad
Take a read of this shocking article below with accompanying picture of the consequences of the epidemic of Heroin upon our streets and then watch the short video.
If you have a young son or daughter growing up in today's society then this is one of the biggest threats facing their future because of our so called peaceful neighbours.
But we cannot say anything through fear of arrest and imprisonment because of 'Loony Labours' community cohesion policy - STUFF YOUR POLICY!!!
Sunday Mail .co.uk:
Exclusive Heroin's Child: Shock Images Of A Lost Innocence
A COMATOSE heroin addict sprawls in a school doorway with a needle by his side - as his toddler daughter cuddles him in a pitiful bid to stay warm.
Just 10ft away, the man's six month-old baby daughter cries hysterically with no cover on her pram.
The shocking pictures illustrate the grim reality behind damning statistics that show 120,000 children are living with addict parents.
Children's charities last night described the images as "appalling and frightening".
And Justice Minister Kenny MacAskill said: "This shows the extent of the problem that drugs cause in our communities. When a wee toddler is discovered in circumstances like that, it is just so shocking.
Continue reading: Heroin Hell Of 120,000 Children
Video: Heroin - The inside story
chemical warfare,
street drugs
Moslems in Luton where I live
Please take a read of these few short articles regarding Pakistani Moslems in Luton where I live, that I have been writing about for almost a year and who have threatened my life.
Article 1: Manslaughter quartet jailed
Article 2: Guard faces rape retrial
Article 3: Cannabis accused
Article 4: Identity theft from the dead
Further reading: Holy War - Al Qaeda's Luton & Dunstable War Front
Further reading: Documentary Makers - Where are you?
And Jack Straw says that allowing 70 million more of Turkish origin to have unrestricted access is a good thing, go read about what Dar -al Harb and Dar al-Islam means within Islamic teaching and the Moslem psyche towards us and our country that this creates.
Further reading: The Agenda of Islam
But we all must be silent for the sake of 'Loony Labour's' community cohesion policy.
If anyone has a link with a good exposition of this please can you leave in my comments section for those who want to know the truth.
Article 1: Manslaughter quartet jailed
Article 2: Guard faces rape retrial
Article 3: Cannabis accused
Article 4: Identity theft from the dead
Further reading: Holy War - Al Qaeda's Luton & Dunstable War Front
Further reading: Documentary Makers - Where are you?
And Jack Straw says that allowing 70 million more of Turkish origin to have unrestricted access is a good thing, go read about what Dar -al Harb and Dar al-Islam means within Islamic teaching and the Moslem psyche towards us and our country that this creates.
Further reading: The Agenda of Islam
But we all must be silent for the sake of 'Loony Labour's' community cohesion policy.
If anyone has a link with a good exposition of this please can you leave in my comments section for those who want to know the truth.
24 November 2007
Dumb and Dumber

I wonder how old Mr Murat's mother is because most elderly people I have ever known go to bed earlier than most and get up earlier than most, so was there a window of opportunity.
Or is his mother sticking to her story believing his innocence, she couldn't really change it now could she?
Is it true that Mr Murat's alibi conflicted with his mothers to start with until they both agreed on the kitchen story?
Mr Murat's girlfriend Michaela Walczuch has now been placed in the frame of being involved in the abduction too, 6 months on a witness has come forward to say that he saw Mrs. Walczuch in a hire car handing a small child over to a man in a van.
Mrs Walczuch said that she was at a Jehovah's witness prayer meeting on the night of the abduction but it seems that her text book alibi of where she was on the night of Madeline's abduction has fallen apart because the congregation at the Jehovah's witness church say she was no longer a member of their congregation so she could not have been there on the night when she said she was.
Did Mrs Walczuch panic and make up her alibi without thinking on the sper of the moment like what many criminals do, only for their alibi's to fall apart when investigated.
There is never a perfect crime, mistakes are always made its just how big are those mistakes and can those who are looking see the mistakes to piece together the truth.
Let us hope and pray that more mistakes are made or that the ones already made come to light so that those looking can piece together the truth.
There are many many links to the chain of Madeline's abduction and all it takes is one of those links to break and come forward for the good of themselves, for Madeline and the McCann family.
Full article: Alibi of Murat's girlfriend falls apart
23 November 2007
The Threat to Our Future - Jack Straw
Jack Straw - "The West & Islam can live together"
This has not been the case since the 7th Century when Mohamed birthed the Religion upon the Earth so whats changed now?
The only way The West and Islam can live side by side is if we take second class citizen status under Islamic dominance and until that happens the Islamic Kingdom must conduct Jihad to achieve that ultimate goal no matter how long it takes, why do you think we have Moslem terrorists amongst us training for Holy War and blowing up trains and buses?
It is an abomination within Islam for Moslem's to be ruled over by non-Moslems, so why does Jack Straw think it is a good thing to open up the front door of the United Kingdom to the Islamic guerrilla army of Turkey?
Oh yes 'Loony Labour' think they can create a 'British Islamic religion'.
Do you think they can?
Do you want to risk your children's future's on that question because once this man and his protege the mentally unstable David Miliband get their own way there will be no turning back, the irreversible damage will have been done and it will be the next generation of British citizens, our children who will face the consequences of this mans actions.
But hey, he and his fellow 'Loony Labour' politicians are in power over the running of our Nation so what can we do to change the decisions and actions he and his co-horts make on our behalf?
"One of the most significant threats faced today by civilised nations comes from the barbarism of international terrorism, from a violent and misguided ideology that seeks to drive a wedge between Western and Islamic cultures, and to resurrect a bloody past long since buried.
Jack Straw the religious authority on Islam and Jihad - 'misguided ideology' - obviously he does not watch the news from around the Islamic world or read the fatwa's issued by Islamic religious scholars aimed at the infidels, you and me the non-Moslem's. Yet we poor British peasants have to listen to his words as if he knows what he is talking about and if we disagree with the gospel according to Jack Straw we are racist and Islamaphobic.
The most recent European Commission assessment, published earlier this month, said Turkey's failure to end torture, improve minority rights or guarantee freedom of expression were significant stumbling blocks to EU membership.
"Cases of torture and ill-treatment are still being reported, especially during arrest and outside detention centres," the report added.
Obviously Jack Straw never read what the EU commission had to say about Turkey. We gave up torture and barbarism over 100 years ago and now this man says its a good thing to have it bred back into our society for our children to have to deal with.
Seems to me that he is backing the other 'Loony Labour' traitor David Miliband, he probably set the ball in motion and his protege is helping fulfil their 'Loony Labour' aims.
I wonder what rewards these traitors are getting for letting Turkey have a front door key to our Nation?
Full article: Welcome in 70 million Moslem Turks
On another note look at what is in the news with regards to the Christian minority in Turkey which is a Moslem majority country.
BBC News: 3 Christians killed in Turkey
Ask yourself; how many Islamic terror attacks have there been inside Turkey against British targets?
Yet 'Loony Labour' think having these people living amongst us is a good thing.
Atleast we know where Jack Straw stands for when what they have created hits the fan.
This has not been the case since the 7th Century when Mohamed birthed the Religion upon the Earth so whats changed now?
The only way The West and Islam can live side by side is if we take second class citizen status under Islamic dominance and until that happens the Islamic Kingdom must conduct Jihad to achieve that ultimate goal no matter how long it takes, why do you think we have Moslem terrorists amongst us training for Holy War and blowing up trains and buses?
It is an abomination within Islam for Moslem's to be ruled over by non-Moslems, so why does Jack Straw think it is a good thing to open up the front door of the United Kingdom to the Islamic guerrilla army of Turkey?
Oh yes 'Loony Labour' think they can create a 'British Islamic religion'.
Do you think they can?
Do you want to risk your children's future's on that question because once this man and his protege the mentally unstable David Miliband get their own way there will be no turning back, the irreversible damage will have been done and it will be the next generation of British citizens, our children who will face the consequences of this mans actions.
But hey, he and his fellow 'Loony Labour' politicians are in power over the running of our Nation so what can we do to change the decisions and actions he and his co-horts make on our behalf?

Jack Straw the religious authority on Islam and Jihad - 'misguided ideology' - obviously he does not watch the news from around the Islamic world or read the fatwa's issued by Islamic religious scholars aimed at the infidels, you and me the non-Moslem's. Yet we poor British peasants have to listen to his words as if he knows what he is talking about and if we disagree with the gospel according to Jack Straw we are racist and Islamaphobic.
The most recent European Commission assessment, published earlier this month, said Turkey's failure to end torture, improve minority rights or guarantee freedom of expression were significant stumbling blocks to EU membership.
"Cases of torture and ill-treatment are still being reported, especially during arrest and outside detention centres," the report added.
Obviously Jack Straw never read what the EU commission had to say about Turkey. We gave up torture and barbarism over 100 years ago and now this man says its a good thing to have it bred back into our society for our children to have to deal with.
Seems to me that he is backing the other 'Loony Labour' traitor David Miliband, he probably set the ball in motion and his protege is helping fulfil their 'Loony Labour' aims.
I wonder what rewards these traitors are getting for letting Turkey have a front door key to our Nation?
Full article: Welcome in 70 million Moslem Turks
On another note look at what is in the news with regards to the Christian minority in Turkey which is a Moslem majority country.
BBC News: 3 Christians killed in Turkey
Ask yourself; how many Islamic terror attacks have there been inside Turkey against British targets?
Yet 'Loony Labour' think having these people living amongst us is a good thing.
Atleast we know where Jack Straw stands for when what they have created hits the fan.
70 million muslims,
jack straw,
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